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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Ace Gray

  “Please, look at me.” This time Nicholas’ words were a cracked and quiet plea.

  After everything, his pain still pulled violently at my heartstrings. My body obeyed, and I found myself staring into the saddest, purest, crystal blue eyes I’d ever seen.

  They stunned me. It was a like a wall had dropped and I caught my first real glimpse of Nicholas Bryant. The vulnerability only remained for a second before they clouded.

  “Kate,” he sucked in a sharp breath. “Are you ok? You don’t look well.”

  His sentiment infuriated me and I balled my fists. After all, whatever he saw was his fault.

  “I’m not well.”

  My voice was icy enough to impress even me. He stepped forward and tried to reach for my arm. I automatically took a step back.

  “I understand. I’m not doing so well myself.”

  I wanted to slap him. He ran his hand through his hair and stepped closer again. He’d successfully trapped me and it sent me over the edge.

  “You’re not doing well? You’re hurt?” My voice came out loud and harsh. “Please, tell me who lied to you? Who betrayed you? How dare you even pretend!”

  I was so angry it wasn’t even a conscious decision to drop my coat and shove him. It caught him off guard and he stumbled backwards. I followed him.

  “You tricked me. You made me think there was something between us. You made me look like a fool!”

  I pushed him again. My arms wheeled to shove him a third time but he grabbed both of my wrists mid-swing.

  “Do not push me again.”

  Nicholas’ voice was stern. I tried to wrestle my hands away from him, but his grip simply tightened. My yanking didn’t get me anywhere, it simply twisted my skin with a slight sting, but I refused to let him win.

  “Let go of me!” I shouted.

  I pulled again. Without letting go, or even adjusting his grip, he backed me up against the wall between two box doors. I hit with a thud.

  “No.” His rasp shot between my thighs as he pinned my arms above my head.

  He eyed my heaving chest; my pounding heart made my gold necklace quiver. I wriggled again but being flush against the wall prevented anything more.

  “Knock this shit off,” he ordered.

  My face creased, full of spite, but I stopped struggling; for the moment stewing in self-righteous anger suited me just fine. He kept me pinned and moved closer; electricity charged between us simply because of his proximity.

  He studied every inch of me, watching me flush. When he met my gaze again his eyes were back to that crystalline blue. The inconsolable, soul-shaking, gut-wrenching blue. His heartbeat was just as loud as mine in between soprano notes.

  “Just let me go.”

  I tried for pissed, but it came out pathetic. The lines on his face softened but his grip didn’t.

  “If making a play for Vesper keeps us apart I’ll never forgive myself.” His voice was pleading, and he took the opportunity to run his nose along my jaw. “Nothing in this whole world is worth more to me than you, Kate.”

  My breath caught.

  No. God, please, no. Don’t let him do this.

  “Stop.” Getting my hopes up would be very dangerous for my health.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it to you.”

  I wanted him to say more things like that—and mean them—so I could forgive him. And I wanted to forgive him. I wanted him. He sensed the fight leaving me and moved his lips to hover over mine. I trembled with anticipation of his kiss. I was like a sunbaked field waiting for rain.

  “Are you sleeping with him?” His lips brushed like fire against mine as he spoke.

  “Excuse me?”

  I was completely taken aback by the change of direction. How dare he ask such a thing. The jackass either wanted me back or he didn’t. As far as I was concerned, it shouldn’t matter. We hadn’t been together. His words flared my anger; I started to flail. He tightened his grip.

  “Are. You. Sleeping. With. Him?” He enunciated every word.

  “It’s none of your goddamn business, Bryant!”

  I desperately wished I was free to throw something at him. Or to shove him again.

  “Oh yes, it is. Everything you’ve done since we met has been my business. I’ve made it a priority since day one.”

  His eyes were churning wildly. I narrowed my gaze, still unsure how I should feel.

  “I lay my heart out for you and this is how you react? Fine,” he said sharply. “Tell me you really can’t stand me. Tell me you never want to see me again. But so help me God, you better mean it.”

  I went to speak but nothing came out. Part of me wanted to tell him to fuck off, that I wanted nothing to do with him, but it would have been the biggest lie I ever told. Especially to myself. Not even a minute ago I was willing to forgive him. If he hadn’t hurt my pride, I would have already melted.

  He shuffled ever so slightly and pressed his entire body against mine. For a single moment I was paralyzed. I couldn’t think of anything beside him. Not even my heartbeat.

  “Kate, I saw Page Six and I won’t ask again. Are you sleeping with him?” His voice was much softer now.


  I barely got the word out before his lips mashed to mine. It was a wild, needy kiss. I answered him move for move. When he was sure I wouldn’t shove or slap him, he let go of my wrists and wrapped his arms around my back. I threw my arms around his neck and played with tufts of his hair. I couldn’t help the groan that escaped my lips when his left mine. His smile played against my skin, and I opened my eyes to see his, delighted and crinkled with happiness.

  He gently cupped my face. “Will you please come home with me? Now?”

  Nicholas was so earnest I nodded without a second thought. He smiled broadly and bent to pick up my coat. The second his touch was gone I missed it, far more than before.


  I sighed. He motioned down the hall and a security guard I didn’t recognize stepped forward.

  “Have Jaime get the car.”

  The unnamed guard touched his ear and spoke to his sleeve. I should have known someone was hovering close enough to see and hear everything. I blushed and tucked behind Nicholas. He turned and smiled sweetly. His hand reached for my cheek before skating down my arm, over the ruffles, to my hand. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed my palm. This gesture was so unexpected, so tender; tears came unbidden to my eyes.

  “No, Sweets. Don’t cry.”

  He pulled me to his chest and bent to kiss the tears away. His strong arms wrapped tightly around me and we stood still for a heartbeat.



  I’d been jolted back to life—love and lust coursed through my veins where desolation had burrowed only hours before. Goosebumps spread across my skin, following the current of electricity that rippled through me. He was back. We were back.

  Without a word, I slid into the plush leather backseat of the waiting Bentley. As soon as Nicholas was beside me, I shifted to straddle him and kissed down his neck to his collar.

  His breathing picked up pace when I pulled his tie from his shirt then reached down to his waistband.

  “Sweets, stop.”

  His eyes were twinkling despite his request. I had to remind myself that was a good sign. I scowled at the interruption anyway.

  “Don’t get me wrong,” he said as his thumb traced my bottom lip. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I met you, and more so now that I haven’t been able to have you. I don’t want to turn you down, but…”

  Nicholas’ voice trailed off. His eyes flitted back and forth as he searched for words.

  “I need to know you’re back with me in a real relationship. And that you’ll forgive me. That this isn’t just about the sex.”

  “I did miss the sex.”

  His eyes shifted infinitesimally. I leaned down to kiss him. My lips were almost on his when he spoke again.

  “Did you maybe, just maybe, miss
more than that?”

  I sat back and looked down at his stormy expression. He was prideful and temperamental, just like me. And just like me, he was searching for reassurance. I pressed my hands gently to his chest and snuggled closer, listening to his calm, deep breathing.

  “Nicholas, I missed absolutely everything.”

  He squeezed me tightly.

  “Sweets, I need you with me. Just you, with me, tonight.” He leaned his head against mine as we pulled up to the curb. “I know I’m suggesting a quiet, simple night, not the sex you’re craving, but will you still come up?”

  “Of course.”

  Fire blazed in my belly, but at the same time the idea of just holding him was gaining serious ground. In all honesty, I was content to be near him. Only a small part of me was concerned about my complete and utter forgiveness. I’d either be eternally grateful or entirely broken because of this second chance.

  He gently shifted me off his lap. I smiled when he didn’t let go of my hand. His fingers flexed harder when we stepped out of the car.

  Once inside the apartment he kissed my palm before walking away to order deli sandwiches.

  Thank God!

  My appetite had returned with a vengeance; I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten.

  Grinning a downright idiotic grin, I untied the bow at my ankle and left my shoes by the couch. A cork popped from over by the bar, and I turned as Nicholas poured two glasses. I leaned against the couch, aimlessly tracing my toe on the carpet and staring. As he sipped champagne, he flashed me a heated look from the breakfast bar. I flushed at the memory of the last time I sat in those seats—his hands roaming every single inch of my body.

  The familiar MMMmmm crossed my lips.

  “Please,” he smirked. “You’re killing me with the mischievous smile, the blushing, the purring…”

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about the last time we were at the breakfast bar.”

  “Imagine having to eat there for the past two weeks.” He shook his head with a small, sad smile.

  “Don’t think I’ve had breakfast in two weeks.” I hadn’t meant to say it out loud.

  “I can tell. I wasn’t lying when I said you didn’t look well. You look ill. When I first saw you tonight, life was missing from your eyes.” He was so forlorn.

  “I felt the way I did when my parents died. All over again.” My voice was quiet, but even across the room he flinched at my words. “Hey, Nicholas, please don’t be upset. That’s not why I said it.”

  I walked across the room, compelled to hold him.

  “I know. But it’s still the truth.”

  He stayed away from me. His face twisted with anguish just before his muscles flexed and he snatched the stem of the champagne flute. Bubbly, blonde liquid spilled in slow motion as he flung the fine crystal. A heartbeat later a loud smash followed by tinkling of tiny glass shards echoed through the apartment. Instinctively, I shot backward and covered my face.


  “I hate that I hurt you!” He bellowed. “You may forgive me but I’ll never forgive myself.” He punched the countertop, and even though it was marble, I half expected it to give. “I hate myself.” His voice cracked.


  It physically hurt to see him upset. I started toward him, despite the slivers that’d shot back around his shoes.

  “Kate, do not come over here. You’re barefoot.”

  “I don’t give a damn, Bryant.”

  I tiptoed through the glass and grabbed his hand. He let me inspect each finger. I gently kissed the two that were scraped.

  “Don’t ever smash your hand like that again,” I warned. “I’ve grown quite fond of them.” I kissed the inside of his palm. “And to what they’re attached.”

  I transformed voice to a sultry purr. “I find it very hard to remember what was important to me before we met.” I smiled, using words he’d spoken before. “I need you, Nicholas. I didn’t realize how badly until you were gone.”

  He let me pull him from the glass spray and back toward the breakfast bar.

  “Kate, I can see the circles under your eyes and they kill me.” He set me up on the counter and inspected my feet. “I need you, but now I know I’ll never deserve you.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  When he bent down, I reached for his tie and used it to pull him to my lips. I kissed him passionately. My hands pulled at his jacket and shoved it off his strong shoulders. I let my fingers work into his hair and my tongue caress his lips.

  He was tentative with me; his hands gripped the counter rather than my body. His lips pressed gently. I undid his vest but nothing more. I could feel the warm skin beneath his shirt and my fingers flexed. But then I pulled back, balling my fists, as his request for a quiet evening popped into my head.

  Just you and me.

  As I pulled away, he stood and slid between my legs. I moaned quietly when his lips founds their way back to mine. His hands drifted up my thighs as he trailed kisses down my neck. He cupped my backside and ran his fingers under the lace of my thong.

  “Screw it,” he said under his breath.

  Nicholas’ hand drifted forward and pushed my underwear to the side; the soft pad of his thumb stroked me. I moaned, desperate with want. His fingers danced between my thighs while the other played with the fabric on my shoulder.

  Pulling ever so gently, my dress fell from my arm and my hard nipple peaked out. He took it in his mouth with an incredibly sexy rasp. I gasped. His fingers below went from stroking to thrusting.

  That’s when the elevator dinged. Bryant swore under his breath. He deftly pulled up my strap and stepped away. His gaze was cold when Jaime walked in. His frosty glower still startled me, but the delectable scent of pastrami distracted me.

  Nicholas snatched the bag out of Jaime’s hand; I smirked at the childish move. If I wasn’t mistaken, Jaime smiled too, knowing exactly what he’d interrupted. When we were alone again, Nicholas caught me chuckling. He softened subtly but still played mad.

  “Is something funny?” He set the bag down on the counter and leaned in close.

  “Yes. You.”

  My smile grew and I chastely kissed his cheek. He dropped his head and brightened. Finally, he was laughing at himself.

  “I vaguely remember wanting to have a quiet evening simply holding you.” He returned his hands to my thighs. “Very vaguely.”

  Hunger swirled in his eyes. I sat as patiently as I could, waiting for him to decide whether it was for me or the food. Without breaking eye contact, I shifted the tiniest bit, hoping to slyly snatch a few fries from the open bag. Nicholas laughed and rolled his eyes.

  “Apparently food is in order whether I like it or not.”

  I laughed before shoving a handful of fries into my mouth. Being both happy and full sounded fantastic.

  “Would you like to get a little more comfortable?”

  “Sure,” I said through a mouthful.

  I went to jump down from the counter but he stopped me. He turned toward the stairs and after a few moments—and another good handful of fries—he returned in relaxed sweats and no shirt.

  Oh good God.

  I’d missed his perfectly sculpted body and the way his sweatpants hung from his hips. I pressed my knees together and tried to shift my sensitive nipples away from chiffon. Those abs had me debating whether or not to scrap dinner altogether.

  Nicholas smirked but shook his head as he held out a t-shirt. I jumped down from the counter and snatched it from him. Without a second thought, I grabbed the hem of my dress and swiftly pulled it up and over my head. I was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath. I walked away from Nicholas at the sound, then threw him a look over my shoulder and smirked, wearing nothing but lace and a smile.

  He took a step towards me, but I stopped him as he had me and pulled on his shirt. He laughed then pressed against me.

  “So beautiful.”

  His words sent shivers up my
spine. He bent and scooped me into his arms. I couldn’t help an unladylike squeal as I laced my arms around his neck.

  “You’ll have to carry the food. My hands are otherwise occupied.”

  I snapped my pickle in half as I scanned through his massive digital movie collection in the theater room, eventually choosing Casablanca. Nicholas rolled his eyes when I put it on, but I didn’t care. I snuggled up to his warm chest and let out a deep breath. How could I be so happy, so attached, after what he’d done? His arms wrapped tighter around me and he kissed the back of my head as the opening credits rolled.

  That’s how.

  Bryant’s gaze flitted down onto my face more than the screen. Here and there he would kiss my hair or stroke my arm. He barely let the screen go dark before breaking the silence.

  “Bogey’s an idiot.”

  “Excuse me?” I twisted in his arms and gaped at him.

  “He had Ilsa then let her go without a second thought. And for what? The cause?”

  “Oh, come on!” I swatted playfully at him. “I can’t believe you! He was tortured by the decision. You mean to tell me you wouldn’t have sent her with Victor?”

  “No. If I’ve learned anything these past couple weeks it’s that I’m a selfish bastard. If I’m lucky enough to get a second chance, I’m taking it. The Victors of the world be damned.”

  He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled my head back. My lips and neck opened to him.

  “I’m never letting you go again. That much I promise.”

  Doubt crept into my mind. I wanted to revel in his sweetness, but it was so contradictory to what had happened.

  “Why did you lie to me?” I whispered.


  He let go of my hair and looked into my face. What he saw that made him continue I’ll never know. I thought for sure he’d fight with me. Instead he sighed.

  “I didn’t mean to. I saw the profile they did on Vesper in Forbes in July. It piqued my interest. I know what I want the moment I see it, and I wanted your company.” He pursed his lips.

  “Nectar Apparel is the kind of company you acquire as cheaply as possible and turn it around with minimal effort. Vesper is the kind of company that could be the cornerstone of a whole new division. If I were able to convince you to sell, thus securing both companies before the end of my fiscal year, I would’ve had major tax write-offs and a guaranteed billion in profit next year. It was rather tempting.”


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