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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Ace Gray

  “Sir, Bradford and Wallace are here.”

  Julien’s voice crackled over the intercom. Nick growled and pushed his Windsor knot back into place. My stomach dropped along with my hands. I took a deep breath and returned to my seat. When he spoke again it was composed, his facade back in place.

  “Show them in.”

  His assistant brought the men and a small box in, which he handed straight to Bryant. Nick waved the developers toward the open seats and I stood as he introduced us. I made a point to get down to business immediately and easily fell into pitch mode. I was every bit the CEO. Thankfully, Bryant gave no sideways glances or mischievous smirks.

  Facts poured from my mouth without even trying—long-term and short-term goals, integration prospects, and eventually, roadblocks. They all listened intently and only asked questions for further clarification. I answered everything flawlessly. Before Bryant came along this had been my single-minded obsession.

  Bradford and Wallace seemed intrigued and began discussing amongst themselves how best to design the technology. They forgot Bryant and I were in the room. Nick let them go on for five minutes or so before clearing his throat. That was all it took to snap them back to discussing strategies and partnership. Bryant took the lead discussing costs until 10:30. Bradford and Wallace weren’t able to answer all the financial questions off the cuff so we ended the meeting and scheduled a follow up for Friday.

  There were handshakes all around, and Bryant showed the developers out.

  “I’ve never seen anything so sexy,” Nick purred as he leaned up against his office door. He locked it behind him. “I can’t decide if you in your lingerie this morning or you as CEO just now was a bigger turn on.” He pushed away from the door and sauntered toward his desk. “I’d like to play a little game.” He arched his eyebrow and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I feel like we’ve been playing one all morning.”

  “True.” He winked and I almost died. “I have another gift for you, but you have to earn this one.”

  I bit my lip and was already wet. When he saw me shift nervously and my nipples press against the soft cashmere his smile spread ear to ear.

  “Good girl. Come here.”

  I walked to where he stood by his desk chair. When he sat, he moved me between his legs.

  “Turn around and face the desk.”

  My body moved the second he issued his command. My heart was already hammering in my chest. First there was the sound of a zipper, followed by the whisper of cashmere falling across my skin.

  “Don’t turn around, but do take these off.”

  He ran his hand across my exposed bra and underwear. Shivers rolled down my spine as I peeled the lace away from my body.

  “Damn, Sweets.”

  He lazily stroked his fingers over my back and across the dips in my body. His hands rolled over my hips to cup my backside. His grasp shifted, and in a swift move he lifted and turned me onto his desk. I was naked on his paperwork facing him and the air buzzed around us. His pupils were dilated; his hunger downright palpable. My eyes flew to his face then to his collar where his tie still hung perfectly in place.

  What game are we playing?

  “I want you to kneel, bring your knees as close to the edge as you can.”

  I slowly swept my beautiful new boots under my bare ass. Without him asking, I unwound my hair and let it cascade around my shoulders and breasts. I shook it ever so slightly and was rewarded with a deep rumble in Bryant’s chest.

  His fingers grasped and tangled into my hair as he pulled me to his lips. His kiss was like a single, shimmering firework before he abruptly pushed away. He placed his hands on the inside of my knees and spread them as wide as he could.

  “You’re going to stay like this. You’re going to hold onto those pretty little heels, and you’re not going to let go.” I bit my lip and nodded. “Most importantly, you will not make a sound.”

  His commands were a reflection of the dominating CEO rather than the playful man I went to bed with.


  He sat back in his chair and turned. I gazed at his perfect right profile as he reached toward the phone. I couldn’t help the yelp that escaped my mouth when he paged Julien.

  “Julien, please get our distribution manager for electronics on the line.”

  He glared at me as he spoke, warning me. His grip on my hip would leave small prints again, and I should have smacked him. Instead, I relished his unbridled handling of my body. I tried to suck in deep breaths quietly as Julien connected the call.

  As soon as Nick greeted the man, he grabbed my nipple and pulled. Hard. It took everything in me not to cry out. I wildly writhed and twisted to make up for being mute. His right hand continued flicking and pulling at my nipples as he explained the potential partnership with Vesper.

  Even with my business as the topic of conversation I couldn’t listen to more than five words. Bryant’s hands skated everywhere. I let my head roll back; my long hair brushed across my sensitive skin. The slight tickle made my breathing double. I thought I heard an appreciative hum, but it could have just been idle consent.

  Nick said the words “lead time” just before he slid one finger inside of me. I was going to draw blood from where I bit my lip. I wanted to beg him to move faster, to kiss me, something.

  Anything for fuck’s sake!

  He added a second finger, leisurely stroking me as he started discussing departmental contracts. I could have died right there on his desk and he wouldn’t have known. He hadn’t looked up from his notes the entire time.

  Nick let his fingers wander every inch between my thighs. Circling over and over before plunging in. I trembled against him and threw my head back. I started bucking up and down on his fingers, desperate for release. He let me rise and fall for a few seconds before pulling his hand free.

  My head whipped forward to look at him. His face didn’t change in the slightest, he didn’t even turn, but when he was sure I was watching he brought his fingers to his lips. He let them skim back and forth while he spoke. When the voice crackled through the speakerphone he slipped both fingers in his mouth. He bit down slightly as he pondered the numbers the voice had rattled off.


  Arousal dripped from between my thighs.

  He returned his fingers to me. Nick made a point to circle my clitoris with my own wetness, making me crazy. There were shallow and deep thrusts. The metal work on my heels dug into my clenched hands. Once his fingers spun inside of me, he returned to stroking my clitoris. I arched my back and shifted. I was gasping for air and briefly wondered if it was too much noise for the game.

  I didn’t notice Nick threw his legal pad back on the desk and stood in front of me until my eyes fluttered open and brilliant blues were staring straight into mine. He was still speaking into the phone, but I thanked God I finally knew he’d been enjoying himself. His face flushed as he loomed over me. Shivers wracked my body when I saw it.

  The numbness in my limbs and warm honey feeling in my belly told me how close I was. Could I come silently? I faintly heard my salvation coming with the wrap up of the call. That’s when a wicked grin spread across Bryant’s face.


  Whatever he was planning was going to ruin me.

  Goddamn, no!

  Seconds later, he curved his fingers and swept them across my G-spot. I broke.

  As Nick said, “Thanks, and get me those reports.” I cried out only to collect myself in time to hear the phone click and line go dead. He moved away from me and to the windows. There was an ache from my impending orgasm that had me wanting to whimper more, but I bottled it up.

  “Kate,” he tisked. “I said not to make a sound.”

  I couldn’t formulate words to defend myself. I didn’t have a damned defense anyhow.

  “As sexy as you were, no, are, panting on my desk like that…” He rubbed his thumb and forefinger across his chin as his words trailed off. “And as much as I’d love
to fuck you right here, right now, you didn’t play by the rules. That means you don’t get my gift. God only knows what Stephen thinks is going on in here.”

  “Fine,” I gasped. “That’s fine. I don’t care about the gift, just come here and fuck me like you said you wanted.”

  Nick stepped toward me and my pulse picked up again. He grabbed my wrists and I shuddered. He took my hands and placed them innocently on my knees. I kept them stock-still as he inched in close to my ear.

  “Unfortunately, you have to take the box. I’ve thought of another way to punish you.”

  I reached for his tie and held his ear to my lips. “You can spank me. I’ll gladly bend over the desk.” I meant it, too.

  He chuckled and leaned away from me, his hand gently pulling the tie out of my grip.

  “As wonderfully tempting as that sounds,” and I could tell he meant it, “You didn’t earn it. I’m nothing if not true to my word.”

  Denial was my punishment?


  I didn’t want the damn box. I wanted the damn orgasm. I pulled back gracelessly from him.

  “Fuck you!” I all but shrieked.

  He chuckled and snatched me from the desk. I twisted in his arms but he set me down gently.

  “I told you I’d like that very much. Just not right now.”

  I tried to push him; he rolled his eyes.

  “Are your knees OK?” He pulled me back to his chest and tenderly kissed my forehead.

  “I don’t give a shit about my knees,” I grumbled as I pushed half-heartedly against his chest again.

  He let me go with a throaty chuckle. I bent and snatched my underwear from the floor. I made a show of storming to where my dress lay. He stayed true to his word though, and I didn’t get so much as a touch.

  I stomped to the bathroom and yanked on my clothes. My jaw clenched tighter as I thought about the whole episode. I finger combed my hair and tied it up tightly. When I stepped back into the office Nick was already on another call. He was looking out the windows, which allowed me to study him. I’d gone from powerful to mewling to infuriated in a matter of minutes. He enjoyed controlling my emotions. Why he had even bigger control issues than me, I didn’t know.


  He turned toward me and smiled. I shook my head as he pushed the box I’d seen Julien bring in towards me. I didn’t want to take it, but I also didn’t want a full-fledged fight. My frustration would definitely get the better of me. In the interest of civility, I popped it open and inside was a rose-gold plated BlackBerry. It was merely a phone, but it was gorgeous. He’d given it a lot of thought like the dress and the shoes.

  Nick wasn’t able to break away from his conversation but circled the desk and kissed my forehead. I rolled my eyes and turned toward the door. The phone was preprogrammed, a clone of my old one. I was already flipping through email when he pinched my ass. I turned and swatted at him with a genuine smile across my lips.


  Later that afternoon I sat with my feet up on my desk, reviewing the information from my meeting with Bryant and his developers. I wanted to focus on the figures, but I kept flashing back to his nonchalant look as he fingered me.


  Or those bright blue eyes devouring me.

  Stop it, Kate!

  I was shouting at the sexy memories in my head.


  What were the ramifications of Bryant manufacturing our chips? How much proprietary information would he need access to? Would he fuck me when we got home?

  Knock it off, Elliott!

  I shook my head. Did I trust him not to turn on me and make a play for Vesper? He could destroy me with Ally’s information. Not that sabotage would do him any good… How did that bitch get all my info in the first place?

  I gave up on figuring any of it out and buzzed Gemma to request a meeting with Brennan. I trusted him despite the shortcomings of the tech department. He’d help me find my bearings and navigate a partnership that had to stay hush-hush for the time being.

  Gemma delivered him only a few minutes later. I was arched over device plans when she ushered him in.

  “Brennan. Thanks for coming up on such short notice.” Anxiety was etched on his face. “I need your help.” His shoulders eased when my lips pulled into a thin smile.

  “Anything, boss.” He sat in the chair across from me and pulled out his tablet.

  “This entire conversation is off the books.”

  “Of course.” He set everything back down and leaned forward. “What’s going on?”

  I explained the facts of the situation, starting with the information Bryant Venture Group had, any why it made me suspicious of employees in Brennan’s department. Slowly his face went white and his jaw slack.

  “I don’t even know what to say. How screwed are we?”

  “At this point we’re not. Bryant’s original plan was to purchase Vesper. He says it’s not on the table anymore. And if he wanted to screw us over and steal the device, or Vesper for that matter, he could’ve kept everything secret, so I’m inclined to believe him. Instead, he’s suggested a partnership of sorts.”

  “Really?” His eyes went wide but he pulled himself together and cocked his head. “What does that entail?”

  “He thinks the product is brilliant and wants to get us the parts. He has the chip and wireless capability we haven’t been able to procure. Not to mention the ability to provide lower manufacturing costs. We’re talking details, prices and drawing up contracts. Until those are in place no one can know. Until we find the leak, no one can know. I need you to continue acting normal, spinning your wheels, getting frustrated, etcetera, until then. Additionally, we’ll need to make sure the casing, design, and functionality is kept secret, but ready to go as soon as possible. January first is still a possibility. It won’t be easy, but…”

  “Whoa.” He sat frozen, stunned, for a moment. “I’m shocked, but of course I’m in. Thanks, Kate. And thanks for trusting me. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know.” And deep in my gut, I did.

  When the staff meeting rolled around the whole team met in Vesper’s gym. I enjoyed the fitness meetings; they reminded us that our products had to be functional and they helped condense my schedule. I rode hard, putting my frustration into the workout, simply listening to the updates being provided around me. Sweating always helped.

  Afterward, I rinsed off quickly and zipped back into my dress. I picked up my phone once I was back at my desk and flipped to a waiting message.

  I’m picking you up in 10 minutes. Be downstairs.

  Still being bossy, are we, Bryant?

  I rolled my eyes. Then I looked at the time stamp and realized he’d be waiting.


  I started sprinting around the office. I was able to grab my tablet, note pad, bag, and phone before a follow up came.

  I don’t like waiting.

  I found my toes curling at the prospect of getting punished. A small ornery part of me wanted to sit and chat with Gemma just to spite him. Then the lace fabric of my thong shifted against my sex and I remembered being deprived earlier. I quickly texted back.

  Just out of meeting - in elevator now

  My heels clicked across the wood floor, and Gemma waved as I plowed past her. I pressed the elevator button repeatedly even though I knew it wouldn’t speed things up. I only rode a few floors before stopping. Todd walked in. Once he saw me he froze and tried to back out.

  “Todd,” I said gruffly and he hesitated long enough for the doors to shut behind him.

  Thank God.

  He’d effectively dodged me since Damien had unearthed the possible sale. I started spewing questions at him. He stuttered but found answers for everything. I narrowed my gaze as the door opened into the lobby.

  “Kate, if this is about the security breach, please know I’m on the lookout.”

  Todd stopped just outside the revolving door to face me. His muddy eyes were shifting between m
e and something behind me. I followed his gaze to see Jaime jogging toward me. Whether it was his solid stature and downturned mouth or something else, he clearly made Todd nervous.

  “I’m here for you, Kate,” Todd added quickly.

  Something about the way he said it turned my stomach, but I couldn’t focus because he leaned in and kissed both my cheeks. A rock-like feeling settled in my gut as he turned and all but ran down the sidewalk.

  “Ms. Elliott, who was that?”

  Jaime huffed next to me and stared after him; I studied Jaime. I couldn’t believe he’d spoken. He did so little of it while I was around. His voice was gruff and more suspicious than even Nick’s. I kept my gaze fixed on his dark black aviators.

  “That’s Todd Marshall,” I involuntarily shivered. “He’s in my tech department. Why?”

  “No reason. Thank you.”

  He nodded as he moved around me, ushered me to the curb and opened the back door. My brow furrowed; I looked into Jaime’s stonewall of a face once more as I slid in. My body felt Bryant before I laid eyes on him.


  “I don’t like waiting.” Nick was angled toward me, his voice frigid. “And I really don’t like you kissing other men. Who was that?”

  “Isn’t that a popular question?” The words were mostly under my breath. “Also, he kissed my cheeks.” My iciness began to fade.

  “Who else asked?”

  “Jaime.” Nick’s face changed when I answered his question. “What’s that look for?” His pinched face was boring through the headrest and into Jaime’s skull.

  “Nothing.” He took a deep breath and his anger faded. “How was your day?”

  “Frustrating.” Something about my look made him laugh out loud.

  “Mine too.”

  Before I knew what was happening he reached his arm around my neck and pulled me to his lips. He took them urgently, adding nips and tongue whenever he pleased. My body quivered against his. He pulled away but kept me in the crook of his elbow to stroke my cheek with his thumb.

  “Don’t let other men kiss you either, OK?” I nodded in response. “Tell me why you’re so frustrated?” He still held me close.


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