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Page 8

by Vera Sparks

  “Yeah, I guess that’d make sense since so many have tried to hit on me,” Rose scowled. “I have a wedding ring on for Christ’s sake!”

  “They don’t care, obviously,” Shane muttered. “Anyway, the scent is strong over near the back side door.”

  “I noticed it there too,” Rose nodded.

  “It goes to the basement,” I sighed. “It’s where I found Percy. Alex said they’re traffickers. I saw drugs and cash down there last time as well, but there were screams too. I’m not sure what else goes on down there,” I murmured.

  “Shit,” Shane dragged his hand through his hair, messing up his short blond locks.

  “Now what?” Rose crossed her arms as she shot a deadly look at a ‘wolf checking her out. He ignored her look and dragged his eyes over her while biting his lip. Not creepy at all.

  Shane shifted closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulder protectively, and the ‘wolf scowled and sulked off. Shane was built like a jock, and I doubted any ‘wolf would want to take him on. Rose gave him a grateful look as she relaxed a bit.

  “I could take one of you down there with me. I’m not sure about two,” I frowned.

  “Rose can go. I don’t want her left alone out here,” Shane said immediately.

  “You sure?” Rose turned to him with a soft smile.

  “Of course, I can handle myself,” he shrugged with a cocky grin.

  “All right, then let’s do this. I can’t wait to try this invisible thing,” Rose clasped her hands together with an excited smile.

  “We’ll go to the ladies' room over there,” I pointed at the toilet signs I’d seen earlier. I hadn’t actually expected there to be any toilets here.

  “Good idea, don’t want to just vanish from sight in front of everyone,” Rose chuckled. “That’d cause quite a stir.”

  Rose led the way and I drifted after her. We sidestepped the lone woman exiting the toilets and headed inside.

  “Not bad, I was expecting it to look atrocious in here,” Rose eyed the rather clean room around us with the three stalls.

  “Guess there aren’t many women coming here,” I said.

  “Well, let’s do this,” Rose readied herself after confirming we were alone.

  I hooked my arm through hers and she shuddered as I let my invisible ability wash over her.

  “Damn,” she murmured as she turned to eye herself in the mirror. No reflection greeted her. “This is crazy,” her jaw dropped. “The things you could get up to,” she said as she turned to me with a mischievous grin.

  “I prefer to use my abilities for work purposes,” I chuckled at her expression.

  “What a waste,” Rose clucked her tongue. “Let’s get it to it then.”

  I led the way out of the toilets, and Rose waved at Shane on the way. He was oblivious to her, but his eyebrows raised when he saw me. Interesting. I was allowing just him to see, but he couldn’t see Rose, apparently.

  I ignored it and continued on, taking care to make sure no one walked through Rose. I wasn’t sure what would happen if she wasn’t a real ghost like me. The image of two merged and malformed people made me shiver. Definitely not going to risk it.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let go of my arm,” I instructed her.

  “Got it,” Rose nodded.

  We reached the back door where the bald-headed bouncer stood guard.

  “We’re coming through,” Rose said in a singsong voice.

  I stepped around him, grouching on Rose when she waved her hand in front of his face.

  “What would happen if I touched him?” Rose turned to me.

  “I’d rather not test that out, let’s just get this done,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Ugh, fine,” Rose pouted but allowed me to pull her through the closed door.

  “Damn, that felt weird,” she said as she shivered.

  “Yeah, I’m still not used to it.”

  We headed down the stairs, the area quiet compared to last time.

  We passed a room where some men were packaging some sort of narcotics and counting money, and then the room where Percy had been chained up. I slowed to look at the chains attached to the wall and the lone dog bowl. Thankfully, the room was empty.

  “This was where they had him?” Rose asked softly.


  “Bastards,” she growled.

  “Can you smell anything yet?” I tried to steer our minds away from Percy’s imprisonment here.

  “Actually, I can’t smell anything,” Rose frowned as she sniffed the air.

  “Damn. Must be something to do with making you like me,” I grumbled. It was risky making her visible down here though. If anyone happened to come out into the hallway right when I made her visible, that was sure to start trouble. Hell, a werewolf or vamp would probably just sense her presence down here.


  “What do we do?” Rose asked as she bounced on the balls of her feet restlessly.

  “How quickly can you check for a scent?”

  “Pretty quick, one sniff or two.”

  “I can make you visible for a few moments and then invisible again before anyone notices. Hopefully,” I said as I bit my lip. It was terribly risky; if anyone saw her face we’d have a problem.

  “I’ll be quick,” Rose nodded firmly.

  “Okay, on the count of 3…1…2…3!” I released her arm momentarily.

  Rose drew in a deep breath as she closed her eyes, then another before I latched onto her again.

  “Anything?” I asked, annoyed at how high my voice rose.

  “Yeah, further down the hall, the scent is stronger down there,” Rose indicated down towards Philip’s office.

  “How strong is it?”

  “Hard to say if they’re there now. But whoever it is frequents this area and that room quite often,” Rose turned back to look at me. “Is that helpful?”

  “Yeah, it means Alena’s killer is someone in Philip’s close circle. One of his bodyguards, or even him,” I pursed my lips as I stared hard at the office door.

  “Is it worth looking inside? I think there is someone in there though.”

  “Can you tell if it’s them from here?” I asked, hopeful that maybe all we had to do was peek in the room to find out.

  “No, sorry,” Rose gave me an apologetic look.

  “Probably not worth looking inside then. Even if they’re in there, you can’t smell who it is, and making you visible is not an option,” I sighed in defeat.

  “Well, at least we now know it’s someone who goes in there often. If Alex knew this guy, maybe he can figure out or even already knows who the others are. We can tail each of them and check their scent?” Rose suggested.

  “Yeah.” It was a long shot by far. But it was something.

  “I’m sure Mom and Dad won’t mind if we hang around town for a few days, the treaty is a slow going process,” Rose shrugged.

  “My couch is big, and I don’t sleep so my bed is free,” I offered.

  “Then it’s settled. You ask your vampire boss for any details he can get and we’ll search down these guys and check them out,” Rose nodded in satisfaction at her plan.

  “We’d better get back to Shane then,” I said, feeling a glimmer of hope yet again. Maybe Rose’s plan would work. It was worth a shot.

  “Yeah, before he gets himself into trouble up there,” she laughed.

  We made our way past the rooms, not daring to peek inside this time. We trudged up the gloomy, dank staircase and slipped through the locked door. I made sure to sidestep the bouncer carefully before leading Rose back to where we’d left Shane.

  “What’s going on there?” I frowned as we drew near. Shane was still at the table we’d left him at.

  And the werewolf who’d been checking Rose out earlier was confronting him with a few other men.

  “We need to get visible and quick!” Rose dragged me at a jog to the toilets and I released her once we were safely alone inside.

  She took off ba
ck outside and I followed along, still invisible. I doubted humans, even dead Elemental ones at that, would be appreciated suddenly appearing from the restroom.

  “A knock out or tap out is the way to end it.”

  I just managed to hear the sentence as I caught up with Rose. A bald vampire with a black shirt which read ‘referee’ was talking to Shane along with the werewolf who’d been checking Rose out.

  “This is ridiculous,” Rose said, flustered and agitated.

  “Winner gets the she-wolf,” the vamp added.

  “What?! This is outrageous, I’m not just some prize to be handed out!” Rose flew into a fury. “I’m married for Christ’s sake!”

  “Then your husband can prove he’s worth it. I’m sure a ‘wolf as fine as yourself only wants a husband who can take care of her no matter what,” the opposing ‘wolf sneered as he eyed Rosaline like she was a piece of meat.

  “You mother-”

  “Fine,” Shane cut Rose off, which earned him a death glare. “I’ll take you on for her. Although if you win, you then have to fight her for the rights to be with her,” Shane smirked.

  “Deal,” the cocky ‘wolf stuck out his hand and Shane glanced at Rose as he shook it.

  Rose was gob smacked and lost for words as she just stared daggers at her brother.

  I was still trying to come to terms with what was going on. This ‘wolf thought they were together and wanted to fight for her? He was nothing compared to Shane. Just an average built man with a sleazy appearance. His oily hair and rough stubble were an instant turnoff, not to mention the way his clothes hung off him like they were two sizes too big. Who the hell did he think he was going against Shane?

  “If Shane wins, he keeps his she-wolf, if Greg wins, he gets the right to challenge the she-wolf to be her mate. Those are the terms, the loser shall abide by them, and once the fight is over the matter will be settled. Anything outside of the cage will result in punishment by the boss,” the vampire gave a sly grin, his fangs glinting in the dull lighting.

  “What the fuck?” Rose swore as she shook her head.

  Greg headed off with his gang of friends who were whooping and encouraging him.

  “Relax, it’ll be fine. Besides, if for some reason I lose, you can kick his ass,” Shane grinned as the small crowd dispersed around them to head for the cages in anticipation.

  “You’re not even my mate, you’re my goddamn brother,” Rose hissed, and I spotted the referee shoot an amused look our way. Super hearing. Ugh, I hated it.

  “Yeah, but that jerk doesn’t know that. Besides, don’t you want to see him get his ass handed to him for the way he was looking at you?” Shane gave her an innocent smile.

  Rose scowled but her mouth tugged into a sly smile. “Yeah, I guess it’d be nice.”

  “Dad trained me well, don’t worry.”

  “So was it as ‘wolves or in man form?” I jumped in. This was a strange but interesting turn of events. I’d only seen Shane fight once in high school and that was when a guy who was a year younger than Shane was bullying Rose. He owned his ass, and I doubted anything had changed.

  “Man form. The challenged gets to choose which state, I chose man. I don’t feel like shifting here,” Shane shrugged.

  “Well, make sure you make him hurt. Stupid asshole,” Rose spat.

  “Of course, my love,” Shane said sarcastically as he kissed her cheek.

  “You’re such an ass,” she growled but the small smile she had contradicted it.

  “I love you too,” Shane murmured before snickering as he loped off towards the cages.

  Rose shot me a disturbed and uneasy look before we followed after him. This was going to be interesting for sure.

  The crowd whooped and cheered as Rose squeezed her way through the sweaty, close-knit ‘wolf bystanders. I glided through them, shuddering as I passed through many of them, ignoring how they shivered at the chill of my touch. My nose still worked in this state, annoyingly, unlike Rose, and sweaty werewolves was not my thing.

  Rose was at the edge of the high square cage, scowling as the referee allowed the two ‘wolves inside.

  I’d watched a fight in the cage briefly before when I was here last, but this time I knew one of the opponents. It was a whole different story now.

  I chewed my lip as the referee boomed out the rules again and pointed down at Rose as the prize. This awarded her many wolf-whistles and catcalls. She grimaced at the unwanted attention and I touched her arm comfortingly. She gave me a grateful look before focusing her attention on the cage.

  I stared up at the looming metal cage, it’s thick bars spaced too close together for any grown man to escape.

  The referee swung his arm down and my breath caught as the crowd spurred the two ‘wolves on.

  Shane was calm and steady as he took in his opponent, and I smirked as I realized what he was doing. He was watching, learning and gauging his opponent.

  Rose relaxed as she crossed her arms with a sneer. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement and amusement despite her expression. We both had a fairly good idea how this fight would turn out.

  “You’re an out of town ‘wolf, probably never even taught how to fight,” Greg shouted over the crowd.

  Shane didn’t say anything as he waited for the cocky piece of shit to make a move. Shane had grown up right here in Portland.

  “You’re not worth such a fine she-wolf,” Greg called out as he bounced around like some mad little boxer in his corner. He had his hands raised, and I did wonder if he knew how to fight.

  Shane remained silent as he began to circle, pushing the ‘wolf out of his corner.

  “Nothing to say? Not going to speak up for her, aye?” Greg spat on the cage floor and I grimaced. What a keeper.

  “She’s perfectly capable of speaking for herself,” Shane stated as he continued on his slow, predatory circle, driving his opponent around.

  “He’s trying to get an idea of how he moves,” Rose whispered as she held a hand up to cover her mouth from view.

  “I figured that much. He’s in for more than he bargained for,” I scoffed.

  “That he certainly is,” Rose grinned. “C’mon Shane!” she cheered, and Greg shot her a dirty look.

  It was the shove he needed though, and the jittery ‘wolf started forward, launching at Shane with his claws out.

  Shane sidestepped him with ease and twisted around to land a punch into Greg’s lower ribs, just above his kidneys.

  Greg cursed as he stumbled, but he spun around quickly, regaining himself before Shane could make another move. Shane was unfazed as his eyes flashed yellow and he extended his own claws.

  Greg was shaken now, all his talk wasted after that first blow. The crowd both booed and cheered as Shane waited again for Greg to make a move. The ‘wolf was on edge, his movements erratic and jumpy. I could’ve sworn he was a drug addict from the way he moved and flicked his head. Hell, maybe he was.

  “Really? I thought you wanted me more than that?” Rose called out, batting her eyes at Shane’s challenger.

  Greg stared down at her, his nostrils flaring as she gave him a seductive smile. She was only playing him right into Shane’s hand, and I could only shake my head as Greg smirked at her and rushed at Shane once more. They certainly were one hell of a brother-sister team.

  Shane readied himself for the incoming attack, and I jumped as Greg barreled into him, wrapping his clawed hands around Shane’s waist and scratching through his shirt to draw blood.

  Shane ignored it and used Greg’s attack against him as he spun the ‘wolf and hurled him hard against the bars.

  Shane moved in, and Rose gave me a knowing grin.

  Game over now.

  Shane slammed into Greg, his fists landing heavily into the ‘wolf’s stomach and ribs.

  Greg cowered against the bars as he tried to raise his arms up to defend himself, but every time he swiped out to slash Shane, Shane knocked his arms away with ease and continued his barrage.
/>   “Tap out!” one of the ‘wolves who’d been with Greg earlier was shouting.

  “Fuck him up!”

  “You can take him, Greg!”

  “Own him, Blondie!”

  Shane pulled back only to slam a white-knuckled fist into Greg’s face and smashing him straight to the ground.

  The referee was inside the cage instantly and watched as Greg attempted to get up.

  “Stay down,” Shane growled, his bloody fists balled at his side.

  Greg coughed blood as he struggled to rise, and the vampire didn’t make any call as he waited to see how things would play out.

  “Idiot,” I muttered as Greg pulled one leg up under himself to try to rise.

  Shane shook his head in frustration and raised his fist, and I flinched at the resounding impact as he punched the ‘wolf in the head, knocking him flat on the floor.

  He didn’t get up this time.

  “We’ve got a knockout!” the vamp called as he checked Greg quickly.

  Rose bounced on her feet as she threw her arms up in the air triumphantly.

  The referee held Shane’s arm up as he called out.

  “The winner is Shane, keeping his she-wolf!”

  Rose whooped as Shane grinned down at her from the cage. He was unscathed apart from his torn shirt and minor claw marks on his back, which would heal overnight easily. Percy had informed me that werewolf inflicted injuries on each other healed faster than any other injuries. Strange.

  Shane exited the cage as the vamp allowed Greg’s gang in to carry him out. They gave Shane a wide berth but didn’t skimp out on the dirty looks. Shane ignored them and took it all in his stride as Rose ran into his arms.

  “That was awesome!” she grinned as she hugged him tight before pulling back.

  “Anything for my girl,” Shane winked, and they both burst out laughing.

  “I gotta admit, you owned it in there,” I said as I joined the pair and we all moved away from the cages.

  “Dad taught me to fight. His strategy was to watch and learn your opponent, wait for him to strike first and use his power against himself. It’s definitely worthwhile when going up against bigger opponents,” Shane said.

  “You always did win any fights at school or when the pack would do those fight matches on weekends to train the kids,” Rose smiled.


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