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Futanari Demigoddess 1-3 Bundle

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by Hayden Archer

  Futanari Demigoddess 1-3 Bundle

  The Venus Medallion

  Roommate's Shower Surprise

  Kiss of the Succubus

  Hayden Archer


  Cover design by Hayden Archer

  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  Futanari Demigoddess 1-3 Bundle Copyright 2014 Hayden Archer

  First digital edition electronically published by Hayden Archer, June 2014

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  Table of Contents

  1: The Venus Medallion

  2: Roommate's Shower Surprise

  3: Kiss of the Succubus

  More from Hayden Archer

  1: The Venus Medallion

  "And if you look over here, you will see a fine example of an ancient Roman sword," Professor Arnold droned.

  I sighed and half paid attention to the lecture. At least a dry boring lecture on a visit to the museum was better than the same old dry boring lectures Professor Arnold delivered in the classroom. But even a change of scenery wasn't nearly enough to make that man's droning voice interesting.

  "And if you look over here you will see a fine example of coinage from the reign of Diocletian. One of the most interesting thing about these coins is that they were purposely devalued in a process called what?"

  The class shuffled and looked at each other but no one answered. Then a hand shot up. I glanced over and rolled my eyes. Stacy. Of course it was Stacy.

  "Yes, Miss Martin?"

  "Debasement," Stacy said.

  "Very good Miss Martin!"

  Arnold continued in that same slow drone going on about economic policy for people who'd been dead for 2000 years. Or 1700 years. Like it made a difference. Economics was boring enough in the here and now without dressing it up in a bunch of robes and togas.

  Arnold moved on, waving his hands energetically and gesturing to the various knickknacks that hanging on the walls or stuck inside display cases. I rolled my eyes. Who gave a crap about old stuff like this? Well, aside from history professors.

  I paused to look at the coins sitting on the display table. I didn't see what the big deal was other than being really, really old. I could pull a quarter out of my pocket that looked almost the same, except I suppose it had George Washington on it instead of Diowhatshisname. I wasn't paying attention when Arnold was going on about it.

  A spark jumped from a coin to my finger. I jumped back and yelped in surprise. What was that? I didn't even remember reaching out to touch it yet there my finger was right above a coin.

  And what was with that spark anyways? Did they electrify these coins or something? Was that why they kept them out like this? That shock definitely was more than a little static.

  "Miss Richards! The museum asks that you refrain from handling any of the materials on display!"

  I turned to face Arnold who'd appeared beside me the instant I touched one of his precious ancient thingamajig's. As I turned a wave of lightheadedness swept over me and I had to put a hand against my forehead. But that wasn't enough. I leaned against the display case, careful to keep my hand well clear of any of the coins just in case I got another shock.

  "Miss Richards?" Professor Arnold asked. He sounded concerned, but it was hard to tell as the room spun around me. "Miss Richards, are you okay?"

  I stumbled away from the display and my head seemed to clear. I shook my head just to make sure I wasn't imagining things and then took a hesitant step. Damn, for a moment there I felt like I'd been out drinking and not in the middle of a boring lecture in my western history survey course.

  I waved Professor Arnold's hand away as he took another step towards me. He licked his lips as his eyes moved up and down my body, his outstretched hand ready to grab my arm. I held back a chuckle. Sure it was hardly new for a guy to check me out like that, but coming from this squat balding old man struck me as hilarious. Maybe I was still feeling a little giddy.

  "I'm fine. Really I am. But you could've warned us that they electrify those coins."

  Professor Arnold went from checking me out to studious Professor in a flash when he realized I was watching him. Again I had to suppress a chuckle. But there was still worry plainly painted on his face. And confusion. Why was he confused?

  "Miss Vane I surely don't know what you are talking about," Professor Arnold said. "They don't electrify those coins. That would be ridiculous. Why, the cost of providing electricity would be more than the coins are worth!"

  "Whatever," I said.

  I figured they just kept that their little secret in case someone like me came along and tried to grab the coins. Why had I tried to grab a coin? Why did I not even remember reaching out to touch it? Still, if Professor Arnold wanted to play dumb to save the University from some sort of potential lawsuit or something then I would play along.

  "Well if you're sure you're feeling well," Professor Arnold said. "Then maybe you could join us for the rest of the lecture?"

  "Yeah, whatever," I said.

  More rooms. More lecturing. More artifacts. It was enough to make me want to bash my head against one of the stone tablets that Professor Arnold gushed about, except that would just give me a headache. Then Arnold would start screaming at me for daring to touch one of the artifacts with my head and the screaming would just make the headache worse. As though I could hurt some stupid artifact after it'd lasted a few thousand years just fine.

  "Now if you look here you'll see a fresco that's interesting not for any artistic merit, but for the graffiti painted on it," Arnold said pointing to a painting so terrible that I could understand why someone would want to paint over it. "Though the vandal's Latin wasn't the greatest as 'Romanus eunt domus' doesn't make much sense."

  I glanced at my watch. Surely this torture would be over with soon. Right?

  Right. Only 10 minutes left. 50 minutes was a pretty short class, but it felt like an eternity the way Arnold taught.

  "Isn't this stuff amazing?" Stacy asked.

  I glanced over at the mousy girl clutching a notebook and taking notes furiously as Arnold pontificated. I tried to smile but couldn't work up much enthusiasm. Stacy, on the other hand, seemed to love this crap.

  "Yeah, it's great," I said. I didn't sound very convincing even to myself.

  But Stacy smiled as though I'd just said something hilarious. I guess she didn't pick up on the cue. Then again she always struck me as the kind who didn't pick up on many social cues. To be honest the only reason that I hung out with her during this class was because she was so good at taking notes. I could always rely on her to provide a little help when it came to study time in advance of a big test.

  I looked her up and down. It really was a pity. She looked pretty enough. If she'd bother to dress in some decent clothes instead of the baggy logo t-shirts she preferred then she might look halfway hot. Not for the first time I thought about offering a makeover in exchange for the study help she was giving me, but I wasn't sure when I would fit that into my busy weekend (and some weeknights) party schedule.

  Speaking of, maybe I could enjoy myself a little bit if I worked out what outfit I was going to wear when I went out to the houses on Greek Row this weekend. It would definitely be more interesting than the boring old tunics and armor Arnold was leading us through.

  But all of that flew out of my mind as we entered the next room. Oh my God. It was like I'd died and gone to heaven.

  The room was darker than any of the ot
hers with lights set into the ceiling pointing down into displays the glittered and sparkled. My mouth hung open as I stared at the most gorgeous collection of jewelry I'd ever seen. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, they all sparkled in shades of gold and silver, inset with giant jewels.

  "And finally, we have the crown jewel of our little collection. Or at least it will be the crown jewel for the next six months," Arnold said.

  "Wow," I said.

  "I told you it was impressive," Stacy said.

  Arnold was saying something about when the jewelry was made, like we really needed him to tell us since there were little pieces of paper in front of each display telling us where and when a piece was created, exactly when it was found, and by whom. I wandered away from the group and made my way around the room staring at each piece of jewelry intently. I don't know what it was that drew me to this collection, but there was something about this that just felt right.

  I barely noticed when I started to feel lightheaded again.

  Solid gold necklaces encrusted with jewels sat next to rings with giant signets. Apparently these Roman types hadn't heard about less is more, but then again could I blame them? If I was the richest most powerful person in the world I'd probably go for a little ostentation too.

  I blinked as my hand hit the glass casing protecting some silver bracelets made of intricately interweaving loops. I shook my head trying to clear it and not having much luck. Why did I reach out to touch that? It was obvious there was a glass case in the way.

  I continued until I came to a display that was definitely the most fascinating even though it wasn't nearly as glitzy as any of the others. A necklace sat on one of those headless neck stands like you see at a jewelry store. It was made of a simple silver chain that ended in a silver medallion with a beautiful woman carved on it. I felt a pleasant warmth as I looked at that woman.

  "Ah, I see Miss Richards has discovered the crowning peculiarity of this collection," Professor Arnold said.

  He stepped in between me and the odd necklace and I nearly growled and lunged at him. I shook my head. What was wrong with me? The last thing I wanted to do was assault my teacher in the middle of the campus museum. I craned around him to get another look at the strange medallion.

  "This necklace is an interesting piece more for what it isn't than for what it is," Professor Arnold said.

  I felt a tingle run along my scalp.

  Professor Arnold reached out and took the medallion in his hands, lifting it up so the rest of the group could get a good look at it. I wanted to cry out and snatch it from his hands. Hell, I had to pull my hand back halfway to the professor. He glanced at me with irritation and another quick up-and-down. But I didn't care.

  I needed that medallion.

  "This medallion was supposedly discovered in the remains of a Temple of Venus by the noted archaeologist Doctor Harrison Jones," Professor Arnold said.

  "The curious thing about this medallion," he turned it over so that the class could get a look at both sides. "Is that it has two faces on either side, much like a medallion that you might see dedicated to Janus. The difference being that this has an inscription of what Professor Jones said was Venus on one side, but on the other side is what looks like Venus, only with facial hair carved on for some reason. Nothing else like this has been found before or since, making it very difficult to determine provenance."

  "Unfortunately for Doctor Jones and his insistence that this piece belongs in a museum, most experts agree this piece is likely a forgery and not genuine. That just goes to show that even the best of us academics can make a mistake from time to time."

  Professor Arnold let out a little chuckle and glanced around the group of students expectantly as though he thought we were going to burst out in laughter at his lame joke. Maybe that was the sort of thing that killed at conferences for aging state college history professors, but it didn't do the trick for the group of college students assembled in front of him. Professor Arnold shrugged and turned to replace the medallion on its stand.

  "Now if you will follow me over here, you'll see that we have a piece that was rumored to be from the collection of the Emperor…"

  I didn't pay attention. Well, it's not like I'd been paying attention to anything Arnold was saying through the entire lecture, but now I really wasn't paying attention. My entire focus was on that medallion. I leaned forward and felt that tingle turn to a pulsing lightheadedness that seemed to grow stronger the closer I got to the medallion.

  I glanced around the room and saw several cameras pointing down at the various displays, but I figured they wouldn't mind if I just touched the medallion once. Just a little touch. To see how it felt. After all, Professor Arnold picked it up. If they really didn't want people handling it they'd have it behind a glass case.

  The medallion really was quite beautiful even if it was plainer than some of the jewel encrusted monstrosities on display. It was silver with a delicate thin chain of surprising intricacy now that I saw it up close.

  My fingers brushed the chain and I felt a bolt running through my body that made me weak in the knees. What the hell was that? My fingers brushed against it again and I felt another surge.

  Now that was weird. When I touched this thing it felt almost the same as when I was with my boyfriend and he was getting up to no good between my legs, or when I was back in the dorm room and sure that Nicole would be out of the room long enough for me to get my vibrating plastic best friend out of the little box where I kept him hidden.

  If only brushing my fingers against the chain was enough to send that sort of jolt through me, what would happen if I actually touch the medallion? I decided that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  My hand reached out. I watched in horror but I couldn't stop.

  My fingers closed around the medallion.

  The agony was immediate and exquisite exquisite. Sure I was holding the medallion in my hand, but you could have fooled me from the way my pussy was pulsing as I pulled it closer. I undid the clasp and felt a wave of pleasure unlike anything I'd ever felt before in my life course through my body.

  Maybe this was some ancient Roman marital aid?

  I undid the clasp on the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. A fresh orgasmic wave ran through my body. It was so intense that I found myself on my knees in front of the display. What was happening to me? I felt like I was getting expertly fucked by the most amazing lover in the world, only there was no one near me.

  I fought against clasping the necklace, but I didn't have any control over my body or movement. My entire body felt better than I'd ever felt in my life. With a start I realized my mouth was hanging open and I was letting out little gasps like when my boyfriend was going down on me, only that wasn't the sort of thing that should be done in the middle of a quiet museum. I looked over and saw I was already drawing some very unwanted attention.


  Not only was I having the most intense orgasm of my life in the middle of the museum, but that orgasm was being brought on by an act that looked an awful lot like theft. And I was drawing every pair of eyes in the room to witness my little misdeed.

  The clasp snapped shut. The surprisingly light silver medallion fell against my chest and nestled in my cleavage.

  If the waves of pleasure coursing through my body when I was just holding the medallion were like tiny explosions, the moment that medallion made contact with my skin it was as though a nuclear bomb had gone off right over my pussy. I threw my head to the ceiling and let out a long wailing scream. It seemed to go on in my head well after I ran out of breath. Stars danced in front of my face is my hips involuntarily churned, fucking the air, knowing there was nothing there and yet I still felt like this was the most amazing sensation of my life. A warmth started to spread from my cleavage as well as from my pussy, the tingle running up and down my arms and through my entire body.

  The last thing I felt before the stars dancing in front of my vision disappeared and were replaced with darknes
s was the mother of all orgasms. I felt as though every cell in my body was exploding simultaneously with the most intense feeling of pleasure I'd ever felt. A pleasure that was too intense. Too much.

  Darkness clouded my vision and then I remembered nothing, though somehow the pleasure continued even as the world disappeared around me.

  I awoke to two concerned medics leaning over me while the class stood in a circle around us with Arnold trying to keep them back. The EMTs wore the uniform of the college's emergency services, so at least I wouldn't be paying an arm and a leg for this. Both looked like they were students themselves, probably planning on going into medicine or something like that.

  There was one man and one woman EMT. And oh my, talk about gorgeous. Deep blue eyes that I could get lost in, a delicate nose and pretty lips that were just begging to be kissed, long blonde hair that fell down past her shoulders and over what looked like an impressive pair of tits…


  What the hell?

  The guy was pretty damn hot, but for some reason I only had eyes for the girl. She smiled when she saw me looking up and I melted. I also felt a strange yearning and pulsing between my legs like nothing I'd ever felt before.

  Which only made sense seeing as how checking out a girl like this was nothing I'd ever done before. God I wanted to pull her down and plant my lips against hers. And was that a flush that I saw a rising in her own face as she saw me looking at her?

  No. I was in the middle of class and I was probably already in deep shit for…

  The medallion!

  I looked up at the display. Yup. Still empty. I brought my hand up between my breasts and felt the cool metal of the medallion resting in my cleavage. I glanced at Arnold, but he only seemed concerned with keeping the students back from the EMTs while they did their work. He didn't so much as a glance at the spot where the medallion had been sitting on its display.

  I realized that one of the EMTs was trying to say something. I looked up at the guy and he smiled, a gorgeous smile in its own right that normally would've had me melting. But now the attraction was oddly muted.


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