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His Party Guest

Page 7

by Melinda Barron

  “Yes,” Clarissa said.

  “We should meet and discuss this,” Dalton said. “Tonight?”

  Before Andrew could say anything, Clarissa said, “Yes. We can use my room. Say around one?”

  Having all those people around would keep her from doing something she would regret later, or at least she hoped it would.

  * * *

  Clarissa paced back and forth in front of her fireplace. Somehow, she knew that when the knock came at the door and she opened it there would be only one person on the other side. She wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about it. House parties were famous for being breeding grounds for sex between unmarried people.

  But it wasn’t something she’d planned for this weekend. The only thing she wanted were her jewels. Well, at first. Now there was the added problem of Neill Marks, and what her late husband had taken from him.

  In her mind, she wanted to leave, right now. She didn’t have a carriage, though she had come in one sent by the duke. That meant she couldn’t control her own transportation. But if she offered enough money to a stable lad, would he find her a driver for one of the carriages?

  Clarissa knew there was no way she could put that plan into action, though, so she pushed it aside.

  Her next thoughts centered on Belinda. Surely, the woman was back in her room now. Or maybe not. Or maybe she had a guest with her. Knowing Belinda’s reputation, that last part was the most certain to Clarissa. Handling the retrieval on her own made a certain bit of sense to her. Well, in her mind it did. Thinking back on the altercation earlier in the evening made her decide it was best to wait for Andrew and talk things through with him and his friends.

  Since she’d decided not to face Belinda on her own, she wrung her hands and wondered about Andrew and how she should handle the situation she found herself in. She had no doubt that Andrew could help her reacquire her family heirlooms. He seemed capable of just such a thing. But could she allow herself to enter into a relationship with him? For one thing he was younger than she was; for another—damn but she couldn’t think of another.

  How had this happened? The plans had been laid so carefully. She’d wrangle an invitation to the party, discover which room the bitch was staying in, search the room, recover the jewels and then leave.

  Well, the last part wasn’t true. She’d been caught. It was actually embarrassing how easily she’d been caught. She moved her hands back and forth as she considered her options. Andrew was handsome and strong. He would make a great lover. But she couldn’t participate in that strange Club in which he and his friends participated.

  Clarissa wasn’t naïve about the ways of society. She’d heard people milling about just after everyone had retired. She was sure that many houseguests were enjoying physical pleasures with the person of their choice right now. It was to be expected at house parties. Some couples even traded with other married couples.

  But to do it on a constant basis? Why would Andrew and his friends have sex with each other at their parties? She needed to ask him about it when they were alone again. She didn’t want to do it now when he and his friends were here, and they were discussing Belinda, and Neill.

  A soft knock on the door made her frown. Perhaps he was trying not to attract attention, but she’d expected the announcement of his arrival to be louder; and he was early, by almost fifteen minutes.

  She took a deep breath and crossed to the door where she took another deep breath before she pulled open the door.

  “I hope you’re not early in all your endeavors,” she said, and then she stared at the person on the other side. “Go away.”

  “Let me in,” Belinda said, her anger evident. Then, without waiting for Clarissa to invite her inside, Belinda pushed her way into the room.

  When she’d taken a few steps she twirled toward Clarissa and said, “Give them back.”

  “Never,” Clarissa said. “The combs are mine, and you know it.”

  “You know that’s not what I’m talking about. You and your friends stole into my room after our altercation and took the necklaces and the bracelet. I had them separated and hidden. I don’t know how you found them but you did. Give them to me. They are mine.”

  Clarissa’s mind whirled with this information. That she knew of, none of Andrew’s friends had gone into Belinda’s room. But she wouldn’t let her rival know that. Instead, she would bait her, and smile while she was doing it.

  “Since you cannot lose what is not yours, perhaps you should go back to your room and ponder why you think you have the right to someone else’s belongings.” And who had those items now, Clarissa wondered. It would be the first question she asked Andrew and his friends when they arrived in almost ten minutes now.

  “Taylor gave them to me.”

  “They were not his to give, and I’m sure he told you that.” Clarissa didn’t expect the evil smile that crossed Belinda’s face.

  “He hated you, you know.” Belinda laughed, and then said, “He considered the jewels compensation for having to fuck you.”

  “Such a crude word,” Clarissa said, working hard to keep her emotions under control. “Of course, I would expect nothing more from a person of your low station. Even a courtesan is above you, a mere whore of a mistress.”

  For a moment, Clarissa thought Belinda was going to hit her, but the blonde woman pulled back and said, “Taylor was right. You are a bitch.”

  “And I always will be where you’re concerned.” Clarissa pointed to the door. “Did you think you would ever be more to him than a bed warmer? Did you think that, if something happened to me, the queen would allow him to marry you? You are nothing more than a bug under her shoe.”

  Belinda had no response to that, and it made Clarissa smile. “You may go now.”

  “Not before you return my items.”

  “Once again, they are not yours.” Clarissa crossed to the chair in front of the fireplace and sat down. “If you continue to assert that they are we can take the matter before the queen. I’m sure she will see things my way.”

  A knock on the door caused Belinda to jerk her head in that direction, and Clarissa laughed.

  “Is your lover here?” Belinda asked.

  Before Clarissa could cross to the door, it opened and Andrew stepped inside. Charlotte was right on his heels.

  “Oh, are we having an orgy, or are they here to return your ill-gotten gains?” Belinda held out her hand. “The jewels are mine. Give them to me.”

  “Jewels?” Andrew asked. “We are here to have a late night whist party. Would you like to join in?”

  Belinda looked at the gathered group and said, “Really? There are seven… no, eight of you for a four person game? I am not fooled by your lies. Someone went into my room tonight and took my jewels, and if they are not returned by breakfast I will tell the duke.”

  She pushed her way past those gathered in the doorway. Clarissa was still in her seat, and she watched as Andrew shut the door and looked at his friends.

  “Did anyone take the jewels?”

  Everyone shook their heads.

  “Where’s Barton?” Andrew asked.

  “He decided not to come, in case Belinda was out and about,” Essex said. “I think that was a good decision. I also think we shouldn’t stay. Except for Andrew, of course.”

  They all agreed, and before she knew what was happening, Clarissa realized she and Andrew were by themselves. In the dark, with only a few candles and the fire for lighting, he seemed larger than he had earlier, more masculine. Her heart beat faster. He was so absolutely gorgeous.

  “She will try and brand me a thief,” Clarissa said. “Can it be called theft if you are taking back what is yours, rightfully?”

  Andrew shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, Duchess, I’m not a solicitor. I’m just the minor son of a baron with too much time on my hands.”

  “At least you’re honest.” She looked at the floor and felt a blush creep up her skin. “I did not expect her at my door. I hope y
our friend has my jewelry.”

  “I hope he does, too,” Andrew said. “But I don’t see how he could. But don’t worry, we’ll find them.”

  “I pray you’re right.” She glanced into the fire. Tonight was not going as she’d expected.

  “You need some relief, Clarissa,” he said.

  She knew exactly what he was saying. “I have to tell you I’ve never been to bed with anyone but my husband.”

  Andrew stood and pulled Clarissa out of the chair until their faces were inches apart.

  “Then you need to let me help you expand your horizons.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her, softly, sweetly. She leaned into him, wondering why she’d ever questioned the idea of taking him as a lover. She’d been wrong. So wrong. Even if it didn’t turn out to be a long term relationship, she would give herself to him tonight, and enjoy the feeling of having a man inside her again.

  Chapter 6

  Clarissa felt as if the whole room was on fire. Andrew kissed her lips gently, then traced his lips over her cheeks, making her breath come in long, heavy gasps. His tender touch still lit embers inside her body.

  Was it Andrew’s touch, or the fact that she hadn’t been with a man for so long?

  “Are you going to take me?” She couldn’t believe she’d just asked that question. She’d never asked it of Taylor. The few times he’d visited her bed, in an effort to get her with child, he’d tried to make it seem as if he’d enjoyed it. Until the last few. Those, she knew, he’d done only because he felt it was his duty.

  “Do you want me to?” he asked as he caressed her bottom lip with his thumb.

  “I don’t know,” she said honestly. “There is a part of me that wants it, but another part that thinks it’s wrong, and I should ask you to leave.”

  A soft laugh escaped her throat. “You must think me a dolt, letting you kiss me one moment while I think I should ask you to leave.”

  She wanted to pull away, but he had an arm around her waist and he continued to caress her lip.

  “I think you’re facing a situation you never thought to find yourself in,” he said. “You want to recover your family heirlooms, and you have faced a woman who has been a thorn in your side for the better part of your adult life. Then there is the mystery of Neill Marks and what your husband took from him.”

  Clarissa moaned softly as he kissed her, gently, with no tongue this time. She laughed softly, and he pulled back.

  “My kiss is humorous?”

  “I’m thinking of earlier, when I bit your tongue. It really was an accident. I hope you know that.”

  “I do indeed.” He kissed her once again. “What is about to happen is not an accident, Duchess.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she said. Her heart caught in her throat. “You are going to take me.”

  “I am not,” he said. “But I am going to give you pleasure.” He stepped back and looked her up and down. “Do you need help with your gown?”

  “I told my maid I would not need assistance,” she said.

  “Does that mean you expected me?”

  “It means I meant to be wandering the halls, trying to find my jewels.”

  “Then allow me to help,” he said.

  Clarissa closed her eyes and tried to stay still as Andrew undid buttons, stays and snaps. She stepped out of her skirts when he asked, and shivered when he gently released the bodice from her body.

  Was she really allowing him to do this? What had gotten into her? She had never even thought to marry again, much less take a lover. But it was too late to second guess herself. She was young, and she should allow herself to experience love—physical love—while she had the chance.

  When she was down to her stockings and corset, Andrew stepped back. He didn’t gaze at her as if he wanted to devour her. Instead, their eyes locked and she watched as he licked his lips.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  “I’m an Amazon.” She heard her voice break as the words left her mouth. “Taylor told me that often, that no man could ever truly love me because I was not the size of a normal woman.”

  “He said that because he was not confident enough in his manhood to know that a woman is a woman, no matter her size.” He kissed her, and then he took her hand and led her to the bed. He guided her to sit, and then gently pushed her backward. Her legs were over the edge, and he was caressing her bare skin, going from her thigh down to the ribbons that held her stockings up just above her knees, and then back up again.

  “You’re so tense,” he said.

  “Are you not going to take your clothes off?” Did he truly not want to be inside her? If he did, then he would be naked, too.

  “You will follow my lead, Duchess,” he said. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day.” He kissed her gently, holding her face between his hands, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs as his tongue danced past her lips.


  “Is that an ‘Andrew, stop,’ or an ‘Andrew, more’?” His lips moved against hers as he talked, his breath warm against them.

  “Andrew, kiss me again.”

  “With pleasure, Duchess.”

  Their lips melted together and Clarissa thought she would melt on the spot. Their bodies were pressed close together, and she wished once more that he would take off his clothing.

  “So sweet,” Andrew whispered.

  “You’re the first man to ever say that. Even when we were courting, Taylor did not give me sweet nicknames. I should have known then that he was after nothing but my money.”

  “Then he was a fool. More’s the better for me.”

  “He took me four times a year, whether he wanted to or not. He was trying to get me with child, but it never worked. At the time I was angry, but now I’m glad. I would rather have a child with a man who cared about me.”

  “I’m so sorry he was rotten to you.”

  “I remember how he laughed in my face when he told me about Strauss, how they were lovers and had been even before we were married. He marveled about her beauty and how she knew how to pleasure a man. He berated me for how clumsy and inexperienced I was.”

  “Did he try and teach you anything about lovemaking?”

  Clarissa blushed, looked away and shook her head.

  Andrew turned her face toward him and kissed her again.

  “Then I shall.” He kissed her shoulder. “I want you to lie perfectly still, Clarissa. Don’t move until I give you permission.”

  “Is giving me orders teaching me things about lovemaking?”

  “Good students ask questions, but they also accept the teacher’s instructions.” He kissed her once again. She was starting to crave feeling his lips on her. “Now, stay still.”

  He straddled her, his knees resting on the bed next to her hips. When he lowered himself she expected another kiss. Instead he tugged on her corset, which made her breasts pop out, and he captured one of the nipples with his talented mouth. She stayed still as he asked while he sucked her, going from nipple to nipple and back again.

  She closed her eyes and felt herself give over to him, as if she were flying toward the heavens. When he put his knee between her legs and pressed into her quim she groaned.

  The pressure was exquisite and when he released her nipple he groaned, and it didn’t seem to be one of pleasure. She wondered about the position he’d been in, and seconds later she knew she’d been right because he toppled off her. He was breathing as hard as she was, which was a good thing to her.

  When he nuzzled her neck she savored the feeling, and then his fingers went between her legs and parted her lips. He ran his finger up and down, and Clarissa wasn’t sure what to do, or say. No one had ever touched her that way, and the incredible feelings were unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

  She closed her eyes and gave herself over to him as he caressed her. When he found the hard nub at the top, the pressure from his fingers increased. He pulled and pinched and pressed it into her body.

  Feelings built in her, and when he pinched harder than he had before, her body burst into flames. She screamed out his name and he covered her mouth with his, capturing the sounds that she kept letting go of as his fingers continued to play with her.

  When her body calmed, he took his mouth from hers. They both gasped for air, and then Clarissa laughed.

  “Never…” she said, unable to come up with a word to express exactly what she was feeling.

  “Never again? Never before? Never what, Duchess?”

  “Never before,” she said. “I had no idea that could happen.”

  He laughed as he gently caressed her stomach. “I told you I was a good teacher.”

  “I would never use the word good,” she said with a laugh. “I would go with spectacular.”

  * * *

  Clarissa squared her shoulders and placed her mallet on her ball. She eyed Carin’s ball, which rested near a wicket, ready to go through the opening. Since Carin was ahead in points, Clarissa wanted to take advantage of her ball’s position and knock the other woman’s ball away from the wicket, and try to catch up.

  She took aim, pulled back her mallet and hit the ball. It moved across the lawn and did exactly what it was supposed to do, knocking Carin’s ball away from its prime position.

  Clarissa danced a small jig. It might be from the fact that she was about to catch up with Carin, or it might be from the fact her body still tingled from last night. Andrew had stayed with her until after four in the morning, giving her yet another climax. She had wanted badly to lay with him, but he’d told her she had to wait.

  “Tonight is about you,” he’d said. “We’ll have plenty of time for you to learn how to pleasure me, and for us to pleasure each other.”

  His words had made her shiver, and when he’d left, he’d kissed her deeply. She’d wanted to ask him to stay, so that she could sleep in his arms and wake up next to him, but she knew that wasn’t possible. They needed to be careful. If the queen found out she’d shared her bed with a man things might turn out badly for Clarissa.


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