All I Wanna Do (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 1)

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All I Wanna Do (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 1) Page 7

by Kristine Dugger

  An overwhelming sensation runs through me; I hold my stomach in disbelief. James is a servant to this country and a protector of all. This just adds to the goodness I know is there.

  I stroll into the mortuary to see more flags. Not raised but hanging down, not touching the floor. Each one is a flag from a military branch. It hits me, when my father passed away, his hearse was led by motorcyclist. My father served for the Navy. Granted, James was not one of the riders from that day, but he is one of those riders now. A freedom rider. Wow!

  Coming out of what looks to be the office is a sight that will be permanently engraved in my head. James is dressed in black slacks, a tight white dress shirt that hugs his built frame, with a black tie. I lick my lips. James acknowledges me, “You know licking your lips got you in trouble last time.” He pauses, “Unless…”

  A girlie giggle blurts out, “Not now.”

  All smiles, he walks up to me and puts his arms around my waist and leans down. He whispers, “Then later?”

  What the fuck am I doing? I have a boyfriend who is potentially going to be my finance. And here I am getting tingly and becoming mush over my baby’s daddy. I respond, “Depends if you make me coffee again.”

  Clearly, I cannot hold back. Damn it.

  His chest rises, and a slight bulge pokes my waist. “Charlie is napping. Donnie is with him, working on accounting. We could sneak off to one of the rooms and take care of this.” He pushes his hips closer to me, making it pretty damn obvious that he wants to fuck me.

  I lick my lips again.

  He grunts, and before I know it, he is picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulders. “Damn it, woman, you licked your lips again.”


  James carries me to a back room with a couch and some chairs. He sets me down on the couch. He loosens his tie and says, “Get naked. We have to make this quick.”

  “Yes, sir.” I salute him.

  I take off my clothes without any hesitation. James is completely naked by the time I finish. He sits next to me and says, “Get on me.”

  “You want me to saddle up and ride?”

  “Get on me, now.”

  That is exactly what I did. I straddle my legs around him, digging my knees into the cushion. Up and down, I ride his shaft, fast and hard. Moans and groans are escaping us, as I bounce on his cock. He grabs a lock of my hair and tugs, causing my body to go into a frenzy.

  I moan, “Oh, James.”

  He retaliates, “That’s it, baby. Ride that cock.”

  James grabs hold of one of my breasts and puts it in his mouth and sucks the nipple. I squeal in pain but a good kind of pain. Continuing to bounce, I moan again, “Oh, my God.”

  He muffles, “I fucking love these breasts.” His other hand moves to the breast not getting any love. He caresses it. He continues, “Hays. You’re perfect. God, I love these breasts.”

  Up and down I go, moaning with each bounce. His hands move from my breasts to my hips and he starts to slow me down. His massive cock deep within me. I tilt my head with the last push down feeling my special spot being touched. Screams exits me.

  James groans at the same time. Slowly, I keep moving.

  Oh, shit! It is coming back.

  I yell in pleasure, “Holy shit, James. I’m coming again.”

  He groans, “Come again for me. For you.”

  The whole world comes crashing down, as I crash down on him. My mind is a complete faze. I just want to keep riding. I have never came like that, let alone twice. I face him. Our eyes lock in on one another. I slam my lips against his and continue to move up and down on his cock. Someone needs to stop us, stop me. I just want to keep going. This is not enough. My body craves his.

  He peels his lips off mine and laughs, “Baby, as much as I want to continue to fuck you. I need to get back to work. Plus, our son is out there.”

  I pout, “One more time.”

  He smirks, “You are good for my ego, you know? But if I continue to fuck you, I will be completely useless at work. I can’t have that. I have a family coming in.”

  My hips start to move. “Really?”

  “Fuck it.” He slams his lips against mine and we are at it again.

  Chapter 11


  With Charlie in the backseat in his booster and on our way home, I cannot get over what I am doing with James. It is like I lose all self-control. I should say no. But my body is all about saying yes, over and over again. I am dating someone who I care about. I have fucking cheated and the weird thing about this is, I do not feel too guilty about it. I should. There is something about James that I cannot control. It is as if the last five years has been built up pressure and now it is exploding. We need to stop. Someone is going to get hurt if we continue.

  I pull into the driveway. Both Charlie and I get out of the car. We head into the house. Charlie puts his backpack on his hook. I throw my keys in the key jar. Charlie and I stroll into the living room to be startled by Richard sitting there watching television. I scream, “Oh God, Richard. What are you doing here?”

  He answers, “Hey, doll-face. I haven’t seen you in a while. I figured I’d stop by.”

  I look at Charlie. “Hey, buddy. How about you go to your room?”

  Charlie answers, “Okay, mommy.”

  My attention goes back to Richard. “It would’ve been nice if you would’ve told me you were going to be here,” I say with attitude.

  Richard gets up from the couch and comes near me. He grabs my hand and replies, “I just wanted to see you. You’ve been really quiet. Why is that?”

  “We have had some life changes.”

  “Like what?”

  I take a deep breath. “Charlie’s father is in the picture now. We are getting to know him a little better.”

  Richard lets go of my hand. “What do you mean, you are getting to know him a little better?”

  “He has been over to watch Charlie for me when I had to work. My mother has been MIA lately.”

  “Will I get to meet his dad?”

  “Ehrm. I haven’t thought about you two meeting. This is all new for Charlie. I’m trying to make the transition easy for him. It is going great, though.”

  “Does he know you are taken?”

  “Why does that even matter? He is here for his son, not me.”

  “Well, it does. I would like to meet him.”

  “Can you give us some time to get to know James first?”

  “The sooner the better.”

  “Um, okay.”

  “Good. Then we’re on the same page.” Richard turns around and heads back to the couch. I know he can be possessive sometimes, but really. This is Charlie’s father. He is going to be in the picture. Granted, James and I have done some fooling around. I love Richard, but something is changing in me. Something that has been quite unexpected. It is James. Seeing him with Charlie gives me all the feels. The moment I saw my son interacting with his father for the first time, my heart crumbled into a million pieces. I fell in love with the moment.


  After I put Charlie to bed, I head out to the living room. Richard is still in the great room watching television. Dinner and everything after was uneventful. Charlie played in his room most of the time, while I snuggled against Richard. Curling up next to Richard felt awkward. It has never felt like that before. It felt as if it was not right between us. It was not our norm.

  Once again, I try to curl up next to Richard. But this time, he pulls away. Confused, I ask, “What’s up?”

  He squints his eyes at me and says, “You received a text.” He tosses my phone at me.

  My phone lands in my lap. I pick it up to see that James has texted me. His name and message appear on the screen.

  James: Hey you. You up for another ride?


  Richard’s eyes are blazing as he demands, “Ride?”

  I scramble for an answer. “ Motorcycle ride.”

  He is clearly not buying
my answer. “You went for a motorcycle ride with him?”

  “He is a biker. He rides a hog. I went for a ride.”

  “Don’t get lippy with me. Who watched Charlie when you went for this so called bike ride?”

  I start to laugh at his jealousy of someone he does not know. This is so stupid. Yeah, I have a few mishaps with James, but wow. I got up from the couch and reply, “His coworker at the morgue.”

  Richard grabs my arm and practically tugs it out of its socket. “Don’t laugh at me.”

  I shrug my arm from his hold. “Don’t grab me like that.”

  “You fucking him?”

  “Excuse me.”

  “You are?”

  “What gave you the indication that I was?”

  “Hayden, I’m not stupid. Don’t treat me like I am.”

  “Richard, you are overreacting.”

  “You’re lying. I don’t like being lied too.”

  “You know, it is time for you to leave?”

  He stands up from the couch. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Richard, leave now.”

  He grabs me and…


  Something is not right. I look at my phone. It shows that Hayden read my message, but she has not responded. That is not like her. She is witty as hell, no response from her is unusual. I wonder if something is up with Charlie and she does not have time for me. Charlie will always come first. She is a damn good momma, which makes me want for her even worse.

  I look at Ajax sitting on the couch across from me. Fucker is doing the same exact thing as me. Looking stupidly at his phone, waiting for it to ding. What the fuck is this all about?

  He must have sensed me looking at me. He questions, “What?”

  I ask in return, “You look perplexed, man. What’s up?”

  “Nothing man. Women. You?”

  “Same. Hayden.”

  He smirks, “Baby’s momma causing problems.”

  “Not really. Something is up.”

  “Okay. What makes you say that?”

  “I don’t know. I texted her and nothing.”

  Ajax laughs, “You fucked her again, didn’t you?”

  “What do you think? But that is not it.”

  “Your panties are in a bunch for no reason, then?”

  “My gut is telling me something is not right. I’m calling her.”

  He laughs again. “You have it bad for her.”

  “You’re being an asshole.” I pick up my cell and call Hays. Her phone rings and continues to ring until voicemail picks up. “Hey! It’s Hayden. You know what to do.”

  I smirk at her voicemail. It is typical her.

  I leave a message, “Hey. It’s me. Just checking in. Call me.”

  This is still not settling well with me at all. Maybe she is at work. Wait a minute, she doesn’t work tonight. I get up off the couch and say, “I’m heading over there.”

  Ajax gets up too and says, “All right, I’m going with you. If you think something isn’t right, you’re not going over there alone.”

  This is where the brotherhood is strong. Ajax might be giving me shit for having it bad for Hayden. He might be right. However, when shit hits the fan, we are there for each other. We both head outside to our Harleys and ride on to Hayden’s.


  We ride into the driveway. Her entire house is pitch black. It is only nine at night. It is still early. There is not even a flicker of the television in the dark. I know something is up. I get off my bike and stomp my boots against the pavement walkway up to the door. Ajax sits back on his bike watching.

  I pound my fist on the door.

  Nothing yet.

  I call her cell phone. Faintly, I hear her phone ringing.

  My fist pounds on the door again.

  The great room light flickers on.

  The door creaks open. Hayden shows only half of her face. She looks upset, like she has been crying.

  I push the door forward and walk my ass inside. Then I get full view of her. Her face is puffy, red, and slightly bruised.

  What the fuck happened?

  I snarl, “Before I find out what happened to you, where is Charlie?”

  She whimpers, “He is asleep.”

  Before I can figure out what the hell happened, Ajax walks in. He takes one look at Hayden and says, “What the fuck happened?”

  The exact words I wanted to ask.

  She answers, “Nothing happened. I just fell.”

  I blurt out, “And gave yourself a black eye?”

  Before she can say anything, Ajax comments, “I’m going to check on little man.” He stomps down the hallway.

  Hays yells, “He is asleep.”

  Ajax ignores her and carries on.

  I look at her and demand, “Don’t fucking lie. What the hell happened?”

  She takes a deep breath. “Richard.”

  “Did he raise a hand to you?”

  Her red-stained, deep brown eyes look up at me. “Yes.”

  “That mutha fucker. Why?”

  She looks down and muffles, “He saw the text from you and called me out on my lies.”

  Fuck me. I run my hand through my hair. I texted her and she had to cover it up. This is my fault. But the fucker should have never touched her.

  I grunt, “He’s a dead man.”

  “Christ, James.”

  Ajax comes stomping down the hallway again and says, “He is sound asleep.”

  She looks at me and snarks, “I told you so.”

  I muffle, “Woman, he fucking hit you. I don’t care if you were trying to cover who I was, there is still no excuse.”

  Ajax intervenes, “Where does the fucker live?”

  Hayden rolls her eyes. “For fuck’s sake. You two need to calm your dicks down.”

  Ajax stares, “No man hits a woman. We will take care of him.”

  She screams, “No! You won’t!”

  Ajax’s attention gears toward me. “You need to handle her.”

  And shit hits the fan. She yells, “Handle me? Are you fucking for real? I don’t even know who the fuck you are.”

  She is ready to throw the fuck down with Ajax. Yeah, his comment is true but could have been phrased better. I grab hold of her and pull her close to me. Her body is tense with anger. I look at Ajax and say, “Bro, just head back to the house.”

  He nods, “All right, man. See ya.” Out the front door he went.

  I wrap my long arms around her. She is quiet. I kiss the top of her head. What happened here? She was trying to hide what we did. Why is she with this asshole? All I know is, I do not want him around my son or her. She is not my woman, but she is the mother of my child. I need to protect her like she is my woman. There is no doubt in my mind there is something between us.

  I whisper, “Babe, let’s get you to bed.” I pick her up and carry her to her room. There is no need to fight with her right now. She just needs someone to comfort her, love her.

  Did I just say love her?

  Chapter 12


  The following morning, I am preparing breakfast. I let my work partners know I might be later than normal. Hayden and I need to talk about last night. She quickly fell asleep when we went to bed, but she cried a few times in her sleep. I could not sleep. Is this the first time he has hit her? Has he touched our son?

  In the background, soft footsteps touch the tile kitchen floor. I look to see who it is, and it is Charlie. He squeals, “Hi, daddy!”

  I smile, “Hey, buddy! Did you sleep good last night?”

  “A little. Richard was over.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask, playing it off like I didn’t know.

  “Yeah. I don’t like him.”

  I laugh, “Why is that?”

  “He is mean.”

  This is where I need to be straight forward. “Has he been mean to you?”

  “No. To mommy. I want to throw a toy truck at him. But he scares me.”

  This enrages
me. How long has this been going on? Hayden and I need to have a serious conversation about this. If the next step was to physically hurt her, then he will do it again. Or even worse, he would hurt Charlie.


  I turn to see Hayden standing in the entryway to the kitchen. I smile, “Hey, beautiful.”

  Charlie greets, “Hi, mommy!”

  She acknowledges us both, “What are my boys making me for breakfast?”

  Before I can answer, Charlie speaks, “Mommy, you have an ouchie.”

  Her hand reaches for her bruised cheek. She is left speechless.

  Charlie again, “Mommy, did you hurt yourself?”

  Her eyes start to glisten. Kids, they are not afraid to say what is on their minds. I need to interrupt his thought process. I ask, “Hey, buddy. Do me a favor and wash your hands for breakfast?”

  He squeaks, “Okay, daddy.” Charlie skips out of the kitchen.

  I look at Hayden. “How do we explain your bruises to Charlie?”

  She sighs, “I will tell him what I told you. I fell.”

  I hated hearing her lie last night about it. This morning, it is like a knife puncturing the skin. I say, “You do what you have to do.”

  “Are you angry with me?” She must have sensed the hostility in my voice.

  “Not you. But him. Charlie says he is mean to you. You need to elaborate more on that.”

  Her arms cross over her chest and she rolls her eyes at me. “James, I’m going to set things straight with you right now. This is none of you concern. Richard and I had a little fight last night, that is all.”

  “He fucking touched you.”

  “Back off, James. Do I need to remind you that you are just Charlie’s dad? Nothing more than that.”

  Enraged with fury, I respond, “And a fucking dick you can’t say no to.”

  Her brown eyes shoot daggers at me. She bites down on her lip. God damn it and that biting of the lip. I grab her, not caring, slamming my lips to hers. She wraps her arms around my waist, bringing me closer to her. Her tongue connects with mine. My cock hardens.

  “Well, well. Looks like these two need a bedroom.”

  Hayden pushes me off of her. I turn to see who said that and there they were, Cilla and Ralphie.


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