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Infinite Vampire (Book 3): Maelstrom

Page 33

by M. Lorrox

  Charlie swallows and studies his wife through his wet eyes. “June? She’s alright?”

  Sadie sighs. “I wouldn’t say that, but she’s alive. Eddy is with her…and there was an attack. And…hmm. There’s a lot you need to catch up on, actually.”

  “Later. Please first see if you can get a doctor to give me like a gallon of blood and a bucket of gin or something.”

  “I’ll see what I can do…about the blood. Jambavan, take him to room 1411.” She turns to Katlyn. “Would you like to walk with me, or would you like some time by yourself?”

  Katlyn shakes her head. “Thank you, but now that I know Minnie is in good hands, I need to make sure all the other kids are okay. One was hurt. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Sadie reaches out and gives her a hug. “Thank you for your dedication to the kids.”

  She nods, wipes her face dry, and walks away.

  Sadie carries Minnie as she tries to find a nurse or doctor who can get blood for Charlie.

  Now that all the large Marx generators have been destroyed, the signal jammer search teams upgrade to the two Gold Top helicopters, freeing the two combat-ready Black Hawks for other assignments. Both the Black Hawks are loaded with marines armed to the teeth and are sent to the National Mall. They circle around the three mechs while gunners on each operate their M-134 Miniguns. As their Gatling-gun-style barrels spin, each minigun fires fifty rounds per second, and unlike the mechs, these guns mow down the zombies from a distance.

  When the almost constant muzzle flashes and roar from the guns quiet and the barrels spin back down, the helicopters land. Eight marines from each Black Hawk pour out with ammo crates. All but one of them form a perimeter around the mechs with their guns pointed out, ready to engage any approaching zombie.

  The platoon’s leader runs up to Master Sergeant Vega. “Sir, we got the word you needed some help!”

  “Glad to have you. We’ve got a casualty; can a bird get them out of here?”

  “I don’t see why not, where are they?”

  Rosie opens the cab to Lynxie-Lou. “A little help!”

  The closest pair of marines rush over and help Kevin out of the zombie-coated machine. The other marines spread out, maintaining the perimeter. As the two soldiers support Kevin across their shoulders and jog him to a helicopter, Felipe looks up at Vega. “I want to go with him. Would that be okay?”

  Vega nods. “It’s your call. If you want, I can keep little Timmy here company.” He gently pats the machine’s frame that he sits on. As he smiles in the dim light, the creases in his stubble-coated face are filled in to become deep, black lines.

  Felipe smiles back. “It’s Tiny Tim, and I think he’d like that. Hold on, and I’ll set the arms so you can climb down.” He locks the feet into place, holds the mech’s arms out, one above the other, and removes his hand from the actuator. Then, he disengages his chest-strap and feet, and he climbs down.

  Vega pauses before he jumps onto the topmost arm. Earlier, he climbed up Tiny Tim easily enough, but now the metal arms are slick with zombie blood. He slips his rifle off his shoulder, disengages the shoulder sling from one side and secures it to the frame. He holds the rifle to help him maintain his footing, and he’s able to climb down to the top arm without slipping. From there, he jumps to another arm, bounces off it, and then lands on the ground below.

  Felipe leaves the biohazard suit on a small, zombie-carcass-free patch of grass, and after he climbs into the Black Hawk that Kevin was brought to, it takes off.

  The other lifts off as well, and the gunner spins the M-134 Minigun back up, mowing down zombies once again.

  Vega slips on the biohazard suit, climbs up into Tiny Tim’s pilot’s position, removes the gun and strap from the frame, and tosses it to a nearby marine before he straps himself in. “Listen up! Marines, here’s the deal: we’re the First National Mech Brigade, personally commissioned by the president of the United States. Our mission isn’t to kill zombies; it’s to protect survivors by killing zombies. Keep your eyes out for anyone up in trees, or for any civilians under threat. Stay clear of the mechs’ splash zones, and trust me, they’re bigger than you think.” He clicks his arms into the exo-suit’s actuators, and then he raises the heavy steel claw of Tiny Tim high into the air. Some blood drools down the side and drips onto the ground. “Marines! Are you ready for this shit?”


  Rosie, now alone and able to stretch out in her mech, nods to herself and smiles. “Meee too. Especially if I can hang out with these marine boys later... Mmm-hmm.”

  High Councilor Vincent de Villablino is out of his room getting tests performed on his leg when Jambavan wheels Charlie in. Elder Gerard Dziedzic—who used to share the room—has been released. Charlie is brought over to Gerard’s old bed, where clean sheets await his bloody body.

  Minnie and Sadie follow Charlie into the room.

  Jambavan requests to go have the broken bones in his shoulder and arm checked. Charlie agrees, then he thanks the squire one more time.

  Jambavan dips his head. “Today we fought. Tomorrow…we mourn.”

  Charlie nods to him. “Korina was right to knight you; if she didn’t, then I would. Tomorrow, every Knight of the Order will join you and mourn her loss.”

  Jambavan wipes his eyes as he leaves.

  Doctors help Charlie transition out of the stretcher and into the hospital bed, and they elevate his torso. They give him an IV of blood while Charlie also sucks a pint down that he snatched away from a nurse. Sadie sets Minnie on the sheets that cover his legs, and the young girl lays down on them, hugging them.

  When Charlie finishes the pint in his mouth, he closes his eyes for a moment. When he reopens them, he looks at his daughter.

  Minnie, exhausted from the day’s ordeal, falls asleep.

  Sadie covers her with a bit of Charlie’s blankets. Then, she fills him in on what he missed while he was rescuing the others. First, she describes Hamid’s interrogation of Robert, the odd group Robert claimed to be a part of called Væir, and then she tells Charlie how Hamid chose her to be the interim prime minister before resigning.

  He stares at her, not exactly sure what to say.

  “Also, Villablino agreed that having you as Guard Commander was a conflict of interest, so that commission has been rescinded.”

  Charlie looks away.

  “I thought you might be happy about that.”

  “Sure, but if you’re the new prime minister, I’m definitely guarding your ass, commission or not.”

  She nods. “Deal. There’s more. Some kids attacked Eddy and Enrique. Eddy’s fine, and Enrique is hurt, but he’ll make it.” She mouths THEY WERE AFTER THE RING.

  Charlie groans. “Did the plan work? Did they get the faked version?”

  She shakes her head. “They could tell. They came back, took Eddy and Enrique by surprise, and stabbed Enrique in the gut. Eddy says they got the original images.”

  “Oh boy. If they also have…your trunk, then that’s really bad.”

  “Yeah, but I’m afraid that it has to wait.” She sighs. “First, Dr. Melgaard and this Væir group has to be stopped.”

  “You said it’s believed that bastard is headed to New Zealand? For what?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t think he turned the Pentagon into a zombie factory just to cover his footsteps. Whatever he’s up to, and whoever else is involved with this Væir thing, I think it’s safe to assume that we’re not prepared to handle it if they succeed… I bet that something very big—and very bad—is approaching from just beyond the horizon.”

  “Cazzo. I’m afraid I agree. Do you have a plan?”

  She sits down on the side of the bed. “I was wondering when you’d ask that... If I’m the interim prime minister, I can’t go with you.”

  Charlie frowns. “Thanks for asking.”

  She pulls her head back and scowls. “Oh, could a herd of buffalo stop you?”

  “No, but I still like to be asked, you know t
hat.” He allows himself a quick smile. “Who’s coming with me?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that for a little while. I wish I could send every pissed-off knight on Earth after that monster, but with the state of things, I can’t. I think you’re looking at a small team. Ten, tops.”

  “Can I pick them?”

  She nods, then she points her finger at him. “You can, as long as you leave Lieutenant Colonel Schermer. She was promoted to Guard Commander.”

  And promoted up from Major too… “Am I still a Colonel? I think I was just getting used to the title.”

  Sadie pats him on the head. “Indeed. Now, who do you want on your team?”

  “Eddy, Jambavan, Tatsu—must have Tatsu.”

  Sadie bites her lip as she nods. “Yeah, he really stepped up while you were gone.”

  “Plus me, that’s four total. What other knights are around? Any that I know?”

  “You’ll have to ask Flying Eagle; he did the hand off at the Pentagon to Major General Hecate.”

  “Oh shit, she’s in town? Well fuck, she’s definitely coming.”

  “Okay. Watch your language and be quiet.” Sadie points at their sleeping daughter. “Also, you’ll need some military help…probably a helicopter pilot. Speaking of, where the hell did you dig up Danny? He’s a real piece of work. I think he might be trying to score with one of the lady nurses.”

  Charlie shakes his head. “He owed Jules. She brought me to him... You know, I bet Jules could help us get us there. And General Campbell—that funny guy—I bet he could get us a couple airmen.”

  “That’s right, Jules is a fixer… Damn, that woman, that Jules is good.”

  Charlie sighs. “You knew she was a fixer? Why am I always the last to know anything?”

  Eddy barges in, rapping one knuckle on the door after he’s already stepping past. He and June run over to Charlie’s bed. Elder Gerard Dziedzic follows behind them.

  “Dad!” Eddy throws an arm around him in a hug.

  “Hey, kiddo.”

  Gerard clears his throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt. Colonel, I wanted to thank you for bringing the group back. I, and many others, are in your debt; my daughter, Jennifer, and her son, Tommy, are two of them.”

  Eddy pulls away, and Charlie raises his hand a few inches toward Gerard. “Forgive me for not getting up.”

  “No worries at all. I don’t want to interrupt. I was also looking for Vincent, but I gather he’s not back from his tests yet. I could wait in the hall if you’d like some—”

  Sadie shakes her head. “It’s okay, Gerard, feel free to stay.” She motions toward Vincent’s bed, and Gerard sits on its edge.

  Charlie’s eyes find June, and he reaches out to her.

  She takes his hand.

  He looks back and forth between her odd, green-and-silver eyes. “I can’t say how happy I am to see that you’re alright. I feared the worst.”

  She nods. “By the way, we could hear you talking about the mission from the hall, and I’m going too.”

  Sadie steps along her side. “Dear, I can only imagine how you feel, but you should stay. We can talk about this later.”

  June turns her head to Sadie slowly over the course of three seconds, blinking four times on the way until they squint when she locks gaze with her. She flares her nostrils and curls her lip. “Do you see what he did to me? Do you know he took parts of me? I can tell. I feel something different, deep inside. I AM going, and I AM going to return the favor by tearing parts of his body out. Then I’ll tear his head off.”

  Charlie raises his eyebrows then clears his throat. “June, I made that same promise for you, and so did Eddy, actually. But I agree that you should stay. It’s far too dangerous, and you don’t have any training—”

  June shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter, I’m still going... Where’s—”

  “June?” Gerard leans forward. “Chess-playing June?”

  She turns to him. His aura or whatever just changed; it’s purple now… He’s Beatrice’s husband. Her features soften, and she tries to embody the constant compassion Beatrice showed her. “Hello, sir.”

  He smiles, and the warmth of it reminds June of her grandfather from the reservation. “My name is Gerard. My wife, Beatrice, has told me all about you. She told me you were very special.” He glances at Sadie, then Charlie and Eddy—who are all looking at him in a peculiar way. “Oh. I’m so sorry for interrupting again. Please forgive me.”

  He doesn’t know. June walks over and extends her hand to him.

  He takes it.

  “Beatrice was so kind to me. I’m very sorry to tell you this, but she has passed away.” June squeezes his hand.

  Gerard shakes his head. “What? Why are you saying this?”

  “Dr. Melgaard tricked us...tricked me, and she came with me. He killed her. I’m so sorry, I couldn’t do anything.” She squeezes his hand a little tighter, then her pupils dilate and her heartbeat quickens. “He drugged me, and I couldn’t move, then he took her into the hall, and when he came back, he came back alone. He said it was painless, and I wanted to kill him, I wanted to tear his fucking head off, but I couldn’t.” She squeezes his hand harder. “Michael started to strap me down, and I attacked him and tried to get away, but he hit me. I couldn’t do anything! I wanted to stop them, but I couldn’t!” -Crack-

  “Ahh!” Gerard jerks his hand back and rubs it. “I think you just broke my hand!”

  June shakes herself away from the traumatic memories and back to the moment. “I am so sorry! I just got so angry. I’m really sorry… I’m so sorry.”

  He lets go of his broken hand and touches her arm. “It’s okay. Thank you for telling me about Beatrice. I… I’m glad she tried to help you… I will mourn for her.” He swallows and looks away. His uninjured hand shakes as he reaches for the tethered remote on Vincent’s bed, and he presses the button to call a nurse. Then, he closes his eyes as tears well underneath their lids.

  Eddy moves beside June and places his arm around her. “June, are you okay?”

  She turns so fast that Eddy loses his balance and has to catch himself on the end of the bed. “Where’s my dad?”

  Charlie pushes up in his bed to face her. “June, come here... There was an accident.”

  “WHERE IS HE?” June takes a breath that fills the depths of her lungs. As she crosses back to Charlie’s bed, it almost seems like her features grow a little sharper…and slightly darker.

  Charlie reaches out a hand to take June’s, but then he moves it to her arm instead of adding a broken hand to his list of injuries. “He saved us. All of us. He was a hero, but he fell, and we couldn’t save him.”

  As a nurse comes in to answer Gerard’s call, June stares a hole straight through Charlie. It’s as if her mind detaches from her body for a moment—her thoughts race while her body freezes—her mental awareness is held a distance from her physical presence.

  Gerard shifts on Vincent’s bed while whispering to the nurse, and he accidentally holds down the button on the remote to increase the TV’s volume. It quickly reaches its maximum. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down.” He shifts again to grab for the remote.

  Onscreen, Wren is still reporting live, and the LAZoR unit behind her fires its gun with a loud -BOOM!-

  The sound startles everyone in the hospital room—even June—and they each can’t help but look up at the extremely loud television.

  “And now, coming toward me from Virginia is a military convoy. I’m sure I’ll have to at least briefly sign off, but before I go, I’d like to say one thing.”

  In the broadcast, Wren slides a foot back—along the edge of the statue’s base toward the front—and she twists her body. She holds onto the statue with her right arm, and she leans out, stretching her left arm toward downtown DC.

  “This is our nation. Yes, the last few hours have been filled with horror, and terror, but relief is coming. We are fighting, and we will prevail. We, as a country, must never forget this trag
edy, and we must always remember the sacrifices that people have made today. Thank you for joining me. I’m Wren Ri—” -BANGCLURK!-

  Wren’s head explodes into a mist of blood, live on television. The bullet fired from the LAZoR unit to the south, sitting behind the John Ericsson memorial, entered her skull and shredded her brain before it blasted out the back and ripped through the statue’s fire-gilded bronze side. Her torso and neck—and half her face—falls forward off the pillar and out of frame.

  A man’s voice comes through the TV as the camera dips toward the ground. “Wren? Wren! FUCK!”

  Gerard quakes. His non-broken hand holds the remote, and he manages to hit the power button.

  June quivers, and her breathing grows erratic.

  Sadie and Eddy stare blankly at the darkened screen, the last grotesque images floating in their minds’ eye. Charlie notices June, and he reaches out to touch her. “June, are you okay?”

  She doesn’t respond; she just convulses harder.

  When Sadie and Eddy finally turn away from the television, seeing June in distress jolts them back to reality. “June?”

  Her face is blank, her lips are loose, and her green-and-silver eyes dart wildly in every direction. She starts to groan, and it builds into a scream.

  Minnie shakes awake, and Sadie snatches her up. Charlie swings his feet to the floor and stands up behind June. He grabs her arms to keep her upright in case she falls or faints, but the moment he touches her, her eyes quit their movement and her muscles tense.


  Charlie, surprised, squeezes for an instant and sends the wrong message to June before letting go. She spins in a flash and shoves him back. She screams at him both in terror and anger—like a demon being exorcised from its host. Charlie flies off his feet and crashes into the IV stand beside his bed.

  Eddy stumbles away from June toward his mother—subconsciously hoping she’ll protect him. Sadie gasps as she squeezes Minnie closer to her chest.

  June moves in jerks and spasms. Her mouth hangs open, spilling drool in curved streams to the floor, and her eyes cry out in languages few could understand.


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