Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 11

by Laura Marie

  The sheriff glared at her as if annoyed by her questions. If he expected her to take orders from him, he was going to get an earful. She fought the dizziness and stared intently at the sheriff, forcing him to give an answer to her question.

  “Your aunt and uncle were worried. They called me and I headed out looking for ya. Mighty lucky little lady ya are. I nearly passed right by your truck.”

  “I slipped on something.”

  “Well, there’s no need to ponder, you’re all right now.”

  He laid the palm of his hand against her cheek as his thumb caressed her chin.

  She gulped the urge to give into his warm touch, and she pulled away still holding the sheets close against her.

  He smiled.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “I’ll walk you to it.”

  “I can do it myself,” she stated too quickly as he stood up from the bed.

  She moved the blankets and sheets off of her then moved her legs to the side of the bed. The pain radiated through her body, her head pounded, and the tears filled her eyes.

  The sheriff bent down next to her, and balancing on his heels, he reached his hand out.

  “I know you’re tough, but ya all been through a lot. Let me help ya?”

  In her mind she battled the thought that the sheriff was going to cause her harm. If Lawrence wanted her dead, the sheriff could have left her right by her truck to freeze to death. What were his intentions? Did Lawrence want her alive?

  Shit! She didn’t know what to do or to think. The thoughts were confusing and too intense for the moment.

  Julianna attempted to get up and lost her balance. The sheriff grabbed her around the waist as she held onto his arms for support. She couldn’t help but lay her head against his chest.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so much trouble.”

  “No trouble at all, darlin’. Let me help ya.”

  The sheriff turned her toward the door and she began to walk. By the second step she felt a chill on her backside then the thermal underwear falling.

  She grabbed the front and the sheriff pulled up the back.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she stated in a sigh.

  “Not from where I’m standing.” His deep, sexy drawl sent waves of heat through her. She needed to get a grip.

  She turned toward him, and she didn’t know if she should be angry, insulted or flattered.

  “I can handle it from here.”

  He was hesitant to release her, but she seemed to wobble her way through the doorway. Pausing a moment, she leaned her head against the door frame and glared at the sheriff to make certain he remained where he stood. Then she walked slowly into the bathroom. As she attempted to close the door behind her, the sheriff stood in the doorway, taking up the entire entrance. Holding the thermal underwear way up against her chest, she cringed at the thought that he was going to watch her every move.

  As if sensing her thoughts, he laughed.

  “Here, take this in with ya.”

  She felt stupid, never noticing the lantern in his hand, just his enormous build and sex appeal. He turned the lantern on then left the bathroom.

  * * * *

  The bathroom was enormous, and as she moved the lantern around the room, she took in the sight.

  After taking care of her business, she walked towards the large vanity, placing the lantern on the counter.

  The lantern illuminated the room enough to get a feel for the décor. It was then that she noticed the large walk in shower. No tub in sight on that side of the room, disappointment filled her belly. A nice hot bath would be wonderful.

  What am I thinking? I need to get out of here.

  She took a deep breath before looking into the mirror, hoping that she didn’t look as bad as she felt. The fuzziness was setting in again, and she was annoyed at how exhausted she felt. The bed was calling to her again and impeding any attempt of escaping on foot. A glance at her battered reflection in the mirror made her wince, although it could have been worse. The mere sight of the bandage covering her forehead and the bruised cheek made her cringe. Large circles lay under her eyes, and she hoped they weren’t bruises. She leaned closer.

  The sheriff had bandaged her cut up nicely. As she lifted the tape she could tell there were two deep cuts just shy of needing stitches. Re-covering them, she saw that her eye below the cut was swollen and lightly black and blue.

  She tried to freshen up best she could then gain enough courage to exit the bathroom.

  She wondered if he would be waiting.

  The fatigue soon overpowered the fear as she took the lantern and exited the bathroom.

  The sheriff was nowhere in sight.

  As quickly as her injuries allowed, she made her way to the bed. She got back under the covers and closed her eyes.

  She envisioned the bacon in her mind, and her stomach growled as she drifted off into another deep sleep.

  * * * *

  Johnny returned to the room with a tray of food for Julianna. He wasted too much time on presentation of the tray of food and now Jules was sleeping.

  ‘Jules.’ He smiled at the nickname and the fact that she didn’t want him to call her that. Well, tough! He liked the sound of it, just like he liked the sound of her voice, her stubborn attitude, and the way she tilted her chin in defiance or challenge to his every word. He knocked the crap out of men for less.

  He sighed then placed the tray down on the bedside table before checking her forehead. She was still warm. He caressed her skin from forehead to cheek. His thumb smoothed over the heart-shaped plumpness of her lips. “Beautiful.” He whispered, afraid to wake her.

  Johnny remained silent, and when it looked like the aroma of food couldn’t wake her, he remained in the chair alongside the bed. She was under his care. Under his watch, no harm would come to her.

  He was taken aback by his ability to put Julianna first. She wasn’t some damsel in distress, some local belle he saved and then wanted to drop off before she thought there was more to the rescue. No. This was Julianna. A woman who deserved to be pampered, catered to, and loved for eternity. The thought caused an ache in his heart. He stayed clear of commitments, relationships, and anything close enough to be considered a dedication of faithfulness. He was fine having obligations like this town and its people. But with Julianna, thoughts were different.

  Tonight, before the storm was predicted, he had a few calls from a few ladies looking to keep warm for the night. His agitation after Julianna’s show of fear and contempt for him in the stable nearly made him falter from better judgment. If he had gone to one of their places, she could have died. Or maybe, just maybe, one of the deputy’s would have found her. He felt sick with jealousy at the thought. He was compelled to be the only man close to her. It was an emotion he wasn’t familiar with.

  However, since meeting Jules he had been incapable of finding anyone or anything gaining his attention.

  The little minx had a hold of his attention all right. He thought of her so much he wondered if there was something seriously wrong with him. There was so much anticipation every time he headed out of town to Palmer Place. He wondered if she would be in the barn or if he would have another opportunity to bump into her out in the fields like the first time.

  The thought brought back the upsetting circumstances. That hadn’t gone well. Like an insensitive moron, he practically scared the wits out of her. Then there was that wise-ass remark about never seeing deer.

  The thought struck him like a punch to his gut.

  He stared at Julianna sleeping not quite peacefully with her eyes squinting closed as if she were in pain.

  He reached over and caressed her cheek. It seemed to do the trick. The poor thing was so upset seeing the family of deer. She had to have been thinking about her baby. Julianna moaned a little and crinkled her eyes again. She must be thinking about the accident. Johnny reached over and caressed her cheek once more. Again she seemed to relax, and he couldn’
t help but wish his touch was the reason. Perhaps she knew he was there and his touch calmed her. Just thinking about her made him calm. His night terrors had been few and far between since meeting Julianna. He thought about her. Fantasized about her in his dreams, and before long it was morning. He had peaceful sleeps without the nightmares.

  Could his touch against her skin be as medicinal as her presence alone was for him?

  He doubted it. After everything she had been through, trust was not going to be easily earned.

  Who would have thought their paths would cross like this? He remembered seeing her for the first time by the traffic light in town. He nearly lost his balance from the sight of her. He definitely was affected by her prior to his investigation into her past. So there was no reason or credence to blame guilt or sympathy. His actions in caring for her went beyond sympathy.

  He tried to clear his mind. He was sounding obsessed with his thoughts of possession. He looked out the window, and he saw it was grey and windy. The snow fell at record speed and another night slowly approached. He dreaded the nights for so long and the onset of visions disturbing any chance of a peaceful sleep. Although last night with Julianna here, there were no nightmares, no worries. He woke a few times concerned over her well-being, but one glance at her angelic face, and he felt content. He couldn’t help but feel the tightness in his chest. Was it her presence that held off his nightmares or the exhaustion he felt coming down from the adrenaline rush?

  He was a soldier and felt kind of silly and vulnerable with such soft thoughts. He stood up from the chair. This woman wasn’t going to turn him into some sissy. He couldn’t believe how sentimental and emotional he was getting. Never mind downright clingy. The woman was going to run like heck if he acted this way in front of her. Annoyed at himself, he took the tray from the table and headed back to the kitchen.

  Chapter 9

  An enticing aroma filled her nostrils, and when she opened her eyes, the sheriff was there, holding a hot bowl of chicken soup.

  “Hi there.” He smiled that wonderful, addicting smile that made her feel warm and complete inside.

  She tried to blink the haziness away. A chill ran over her body at the sight of him. Thoughts of the sheriff had lingered through her mind until sleep overtook her. She needed to say something and stop drooling at the man.

  “That smells so good,” she whispered.

  His eyes lingered over her body, and as she reached down to pull the covers tighter, she realized that the blankets were pushed down past her waist, her shirt was lifted past her abdomen, and worst of all, she wasn’t wearing any bra. In an instant, the pink protruding flesh from her breasts hardened and perked as she quickly grabbed the covers and pulled them up to her neck.

  The sheriff didn’t seem to be affected. Either that or the man was a good actor. She figured he probably wasn’t affected, considering the amount of naked women he had to have seen in his lifetime. The guy was a hunk and a half and Claire County’s most eligible and sought after bachelor. She swallowed hard at the thought.

  “Why don’t you sit up and eat a little sumpin’? You done right missed breakfast and lunch.”

  Julianna remembered the smell of bacon, feeling hungry then hitting the pillow.

  “I’m sorry about that. I was just so tired. I’m starving, thank you,” she whispered.

  She sat up. Julianna ran her hands through her hair, imagining she must look a mess. Visions of Medusa entered her mind. She pushed the wild strands behind her ears then reached for the bowl. She wanted to take the bowl of soup from the sheriff, but he wouldn’t let her. She tried to take the spoon to eat, but her hand shook. He made her nervous, sitting so close to her as she lay in his bed.

  “Just relax and let me help you. You’ve been through a lot.” He was stern as he spoke to her, yet gentle. She couldn’t deny that she wanted to obey him, wanted him to speak to her more because she loved the sound of his voice. She focused on the soup and avoided making eye contact.

  Even his hands were sexy. From his large, firm fingers to his thick wrists. She could see the muscles and the calluses. The remnants from working Lightning, riding rodeo, and shooting guns. Uncle Roy said the group of them loved hunting and that Johnny was an excellent gunman. She felt herself blush as he insisted on feeding her. She felt foolish yet sexy at the same time. There was no way she appeared sexy. She was such a fool acting all gaga over the sheriff. Lawrence’s words sprang into thought. “Grow up, Julianna.”

  * * * *

  Johnny tried to remain calm and unaffected. But the second he strolled in the room and saw her luscious body spread out across his bed, he wanted to climb in there with her.

  He was mighty tempted but knew he couldn’t be so brazen with a delicate, young woman like Julianna.

  Despite the twelve-year difference between them, Johnny had a feeling that Lawrence might have been Julianna’s first love. But what did he know?

  The thought made him sick with jealousy.

  “How about some biscuits?”

  Julianna nodded her head yes as she continued to finish the bowl of chicken soup.

  He loved the way she filled out his thermal shirt and the way her curvy hips and narrow waist were lost in the pants.

  Never in his lifetime would he think that a woman in thermal underwear looked so damn sexy.

  “If you feel up to it, I can run a nice hot bath for you and get a change of clothes? I can’t promise that they’ll fit any better than those thermals you all are wearin’, but you might feel better.”

  “You have a bathtub?” she whispered.

  Her timid tone turned him on, and he could only imagine what kind of lover she would be.

  He shook the thoughts from his mind. Julianna didn’t need some sex-crazed cowboy coming on to her—she needed a man she could trust.

  “I have a pedestal tub in the corner of the bathroom.”

  “I didn’t see it before.”

  “You probably missed it in the darkness.”

  He stood up and headed towards the bathroom, holding the lantern.

  A few minutes later, he returned, filtering through his dresser drawers. Then he went to his closet and pulled out more clothes.

  “I have the tub all set for you, why don’t you let me help you?” He reached his hand out, and she immediately took it.

  She was hesitant to stand up, but this time the room only spun a little.

  After many slow steps, they approached the bathroom door and her eyes lit up from the sight.

  He had taken the few extra minutes to light some candles around the room in an attempt to make her feel more comfortable.

  His arm was still around her waist as he whispered above her head.

  “Do you like it?”

  He let his hands release her as she turned towards him.

  “Thank you.”

  “I want you to feel comfortable, Julianna…safe.”

  He smiled then left the room, closing the door behind him.

  * * * *

  She stared at the closed door. “Safe…” The word nearly got caught in her throat. Worse was the sensation in her gut that, somewhere deep inside, she did feel safe here with the sheriff. She couldn’t help but wonder if that were even possible.

  Not trusting her gut, she walked back over toward the door. She swallowed her emotions best she could, and reminding herself that desperation to feel loved and safe was what got her involved with Lawrence, she checked the door and locked it before removing the clothing to slowly get into the soothing water.

  Her aching muscles embraced the warmth, the heated water relaxing against her skin. She carefully leaned her head back, and she closed her eyes and instantly thought of the sheriff.

  He seemed to really care about her safety and comfort. She opened one eye and glanced around the candlelit room. It was a special touch, even though the act was probably more out of the fact that the electricity was still out. She sighed and closed her eyes.

  Then there was the
fact that he somehow rescued her. She could have died out there. At least in death she wouldn’t feel anymore. The thought sent an eerie chill through her bones. Too young to wish death upon herself, she faced the inevitable fact that her future remained unsteady and lonely. As much as she wanted and craved more in life, it just didn’t seem possible. Only heartache and bad luck followed on her heels.

  She sighed. Julianna soaped up the emerald green washcloth before caressing her arms then thought about the sheriff and his true intentions. In her mind there only seemed to be one conclusion. Sheriff Black only came looking for her because it was his job.

  The thought kind of hurt inside, and she didn’t like the fact that she felt disappointed. She applied the shampoo and then the conditioner to her hair, being careful not to hit her wound in between applications. That was an exhausting task and momentarily took her mind off of the sheriff.

  The exhausted feeling began to overtake her body as she leaned back, taking advantage of the still very warm water.

  Her mind slipped back into thoughts of the sheriff. He was appealing in more ways than she could dream up. From his alluring, dangerous eyes to his full lips, she found herself wondering what his kiss might feel like and the many ways his hands could thoroughly touch her body. Would his kisses, his touches, and technique be hot, hard, and fast? The thought caused a tight sensation in her midsection. Or would he be slow, gentle, and thorough in every sense of the word as he devoured every inch of her flesh? Her body heated many degrees warmer at the thought. She recalled the warmth he emitted from his palm against her cheek then the way his thumb methodically caressed her chin. Blinking hard and swallowing at her body’s reaction to the thoughts, she felt like such a fool.

  As she lifted her knees to her chest and laid her chin on the top of her knees, suddenly, it hit her.

  She had forgotten what happened earlier when she first awoke. Her mind was finally regaining focus. The man had seen her completely naked. He undressed her to get her out of her wet clothing.


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