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Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)

Page 14

by Griffin, A. M.

  “Amusement park?”

  “It’s a place you go to ride roller coasters and play games.”

  “What’s a roller coaster?”

  He chuckled. “I think I could travel the galaxy and not find a roller coaster. Those are specific to Earth.”

  “Now you must tell me.”

  “First, you get into a little car…contraption with a metal bar holding you down in your seat.” He used his hands to mimic a steel bar holding him in a seat. “The contraption sits on a track supported by beams of wood and metal. You ride really fast. Everybody is screaming as it goes up a hill and, zoom, back down, then you hit a corner really hard and fast and if you’re lucky you get to loop around in one or two circles going upside down.”

  She stared at him with her mouth open before she finally replied. “That sounds absolutely horrifying.”

  “Yeah, I know. It is.”

  He gave her two more pictures. In one, his father and Mia danced together at her wedding. In another, Myles held up the Super Bowl trophy. His brother had the same snarky smile on his face. His blond hair was matted to his head with sweat. His football uniform was dirty and wet but it had been the greatest moment he had shared with his brother.

  He showed her almost every picture, taking the time to explain every nuance of the American culture shown. She picked up another picture.

  She looked from the picture to him, smirking. “I would have liked to assume that your fashion sense had improved, but unfortunately I’ve seen the contents of your closet.”

  The picture was him at junior prom with his then girlfriend, who had sported a frizzy-permed hairdo.

  “This was the ‘in’ thing back then. You could never go wrong with a powder-blue suit and matching shoes. I was hot.”

  “Great Ancients! What is that covering your teeth?”

  “Braces.” He flashed his now straight pearly whites at her. “It’s metal dental wear that humans, mainly teenagers, wear on their teeth to straighten them.”

  “Look at you. How could you talk? Was it painful?”

  “Hey! The lisp wasn’t that bad. It was the eating and kissing I had problems with.”

  “You mean to tell me this female let you kiss her?”

  “I was a good kisser. Plus, she had braces too.”

  Sa’Mya inhaled sharply. “No.” She studied the picture harder.

  “Yep, but you can’t tell because she wouldn’t smile wide enough to expose them.”

  That sent her over the edge. Sa’Mya fell back in a fit of laughter. “I can’t imagine the two of you bumping metal against metal. How absolutely hilarious.”

  Kane scooped up the pictures and set them on the dinette table. “About twenty years ago, your laughter would have hurt my feelings.”

  “I’m sorry.” She put a hand over her mouth to stifle the laughter. “But I can’t get the image out of my head.”

  He stood in front of her. “This is how I talked. ‘Hi, Printhess Tha’Mya, my nameth’s Kane and I think you’re totally hot.’”

  Sa’Mya laughed. “I’m sorry, young Kane, but the metal on your teeth scares me.”

  Kane straddled her and crawled up her body. “I inthist. I promith you’ll like my kithes, metal and all.”

  “Ew…” She swung her head back and forth, trying to avoid his mouth as he leaned to kiss her.

  He finally landed a wet kiss on her lips.

  She stopped laughing. Her eyes, as large as saucers, focused on his. He hadn’t expected to kiss her. And by her reaction, she hadn’t expected him to either.

  “Thee? I told you it wathn’t tho bad.”

  He’d been an ass. He’d been an ass for taking her virginity and an ass for distancing himself afterward. He took her bottom lip in between his and sucked gently.

  “Not bad, young Kane. What else can you do?” she asked after he released her lip.

  “I can do this,” he lisped. He leaned forward and nibbled on her earlobe. “And this.” He kissed her neck.

  “Young Kane is very good at that.” She let her head roll to the side as he peppered her with feathered kisses.

  “Do you wanna know what young Kane is really good at?” he whispered into her ear.

  She stilled. “Tell me.”

  He planted light kisses, one after the other, down her neck and across her collarbone. He led a path to her breast and finally kissed her hardened nipple through the silky material. Sa’Mya arched her back. A light moan brushed past her lips.

  His finger outlined the neckline of the negligee, brushing her breasts. He’d missed them. Her chest rose and fell with each labored breath. He hooked the material and pulled it down her breasts. Her chest stilled. Her breathing ceased.

  They were perfect, round, plump and firm. He palmed one and kneaded it before the rough pad of his thumb crossed over her nipple. A shiver ran down her body. “Young Kane was really good at playing with breasts. Young Kane couldn’t get enough of them.”

  She inhaled sharply as he brought his mouth over her nipple and flicked the erect bud with his tongue. Hissing, she ran her hand through his hair. He took his cue and devoured her nipple, licking and teasing. Satisfied, he pulled the other between his lips. She arched again, meeting his mouth.

  His engorged cock strained painfully against the material of his pants. He positioned himself between her legs. She opened them, letting him settle there. His cock twitched against her heat as if it had a mind of its own. He rotated his hips slowly. Her heat seemed to beckon to him, penetrating the thin fabric.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Devoid of pride, she begged. “Kane, I need you.”

  She had wished for this moment since the first time. He grinded on her. She rotated her hips in response, letting him know she wanted him.

  She dug her nails into his back. They slid under his pants and griped his muscular ass. Her sheath pulsed painfully between her legs. She wanted him to fill her completely and stretch her walls.

  His response was a hard grind against her pussy.

  “Please,” she begged again.

  She’d never begged for anything in her life but she would beg for this.

  “Young Kane doesn’t know anything about that. The only thing young Kane knows how to do is dry hump.” He smiled and pulled an erect nipple in his mouth.

  Groaning, she dug her nails into his flesh. “Please. I need you now.” She didn’t know anything about dry humping but it wasn’t what she needed.

  He rose and ran his tongue across her pouting lips. “Talk to me. Tell me what to do.”

  Finally, that was something she could do. She had so many things in mind… She tugged her gown over her head.

  He chuckled. “Whoa. Slow down. You’re scaring young Kane.”

  She threw her gown to the floor. “Young Kane is going to enjoy this.” I’m going to enjoy this.

  “Really?” he asked playfully.

  “Really.” She wrapped her legs around his narrow waist and rolled him on his back. Straddling him, she reached behind and tugged on his shorts. “Get these off.”

  With his help, she freed his jutting manhood. Oh, she had missed it. She ran her finger up a distended vein.

  “Ah,” he moaned.

  “Do I have your attention, young Kane?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Good, you can look at my breasts now.”

  He extended his hands to palm them. She stopped him and wiggled her finger back and forth in front of his face. “I said look, not touch.”

  Kane groaned.

  Good. He made her wait, she would return the favor.

  “These are for me to touch.” She grabbed her breasts and massaged. “Mine to lick.” She snaked a tongue across her nipple.

  “Mercy,” he pleaded. He lifted his hips, trying to position her over his erection.

  “No, no. Not yet, youngling. That part comes later.”

  “You have got to be kidding.”

  “Don’t take that attitude with me. You are gettin
g yourself all worked up.” Her lips quirked into a smile as she pulled the other nipple into her mouth, teasing him.

  Groaning, Kane jutted toward her.

  “Stop that and I’ll let you have a little taste.”

  Kane instantly stilled. She stopped short from chuckling out loud. She had total control of this proud human captain and she loved it.

  She rewarded him by leaning forward and letting her breasts swing above his lips. Kane latched on to the closest nipple.

  “Good boy.” She cradled his head while he sucked and nipped at her. Her eyes closed as wetness accumulated between her legs.

  Moaning, he licked and teased the other nipple.

  She plucked her nipple from his mouth and sat back. “That’s enough, youngling. I wouldn’t want you to get full on dessert before you have dinner.”

  “No, I don’t want to fill up on dessert,” he whispered.

  “Are you ready to eat, youngling?”

  His eyes instinctively dropped to her valley. Her pussy melted under his heated gaze.

  “You like what you see?” She trailed her hand to her slick folds and separated them.

  “Hell yes.”

  She sank two fingers inside her slick heat with ease. Kane’s gaze fixed on the digits that penetrated her.

  She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as she caressed her miltori. “Um.”

  “Don’t do this to me.”

  “Do what?” She brought her wet fingers to her lips.

  Kane whimpered. “That.”

  Her tongue swiped and licked her fingers clean. “Are you ready to taste?”

  “Oh yeah.” Kane smiled in anticipation.

  “Today is your lucky day, Captain.”

  “Thank the heavens.”

  She straddled his face. He cradled her butt and held her.

  “Good, youngling. I’ll expect you to finish your meal,” she teased.

  “I plan to finish my entire meal,” she heard him say as she lowered her slick folds over his waiting tongue. “Mm.”

  Using his tongue, he played with her lips. He rimmed and teased her opening before dipping inside, probing. She rotated her hips in time, riding him.

  He gripped her thighs and forced her to sit on his face. She spread her knees open wider, giving him full access. She arched and threw her head back. Hair tickled her butt. Her moans filled the cabin as Kane lapped and probed her.

  “Kane!” Her walls quivered around his tongue. “Oh, that feels so good, don’t stop.”

  His tongue penetrated deeper, finding her miltori. She hissed and scraped her nails across her nipples.

  “Umm, very good, youngling.”

  Kane mumbled incoherent words from underneath her. She rocked on his tongue. She craved something bigger, thicker and stronger.

  “Now it is time to give you what you really want,” she said.

  She wanted to feel him inside, stretching her to the limit. As she left his face, he complained momentarily. He stopped to watch as she lowered herself down his torso and positioned over his thickness. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and while holding it upright, she slowly lowered herself.

  Kane groaned and kicked his legs against the bed. She stretched as the head of his shaft finally breached her tight opening.

  She held on to his chest and lowered herself more, covering his shaft in her slick juices before rising back up.

  His fingernails dug into her thighs. “Princess, you’re killing me.”

  “Stay still, I’m trying to make it fit.”

  Kane let out a painful groan. “Fuck.”

  She ignored Kane’s pleas and rose up and down, taking in more with each descent. Her walls stretched and pulsated as they clamped and gripped his shaft. With a moan, she sat down, taking him to the hilt.

  His stomach clenched and eyes slammed shut. “Oh!”

  His shaft filled her completely. She leaned back and gripped his powerful thighs. Back and forth she rocked, enjoying his hardness deep within her core.

  Groaning, he dug his nails into her flesh.

  “Do you like that, youngling?” He reached for her breast again. She quickly slapped it away. “Not for you.”

  The muscles in his stomach spasmed. “You are driving me crazy, Princess.”

  “Am I?”


  “What do you plan to do about it?”

  “Fuck you. Hard.”

  A shudder ran down her spine. Fuck her hard. Could she take it? Her pussy throbbed around him.

  She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “You may fuck me now, youngling.”

  Before she could get all the words out, he dug his nails into her ass and pumped his hips. His shaft penetrated, splitting her open, knocking her forward.

  Both pain and pleasure raced through her. “Ancients!”

  She held on to his neck and cried out with each powerful thrust. Pressure began to build in her stomach. The familiar sensation swirled inside of her. Her mouth covered his. Remnants of her sweet juice coated her tongue as she circled his. Her nipples scraped against the fine hairs on his chest, causing them to tingle.

  She licked around his lips, making him moan louder. “Oh, by the Ancients, fuck me harder.”

  Strong muscles hit against her ass, almost knocking her head to the wall. Her hands dug into the pillow, bracing to take each powerful thrust.

  “I’m going to come!” he yelled out.

  I want it.

  She rose from him just to have him stop her in place. “I don’t want to waste it,” she explained.

  “Ahh, you’re going to kill me.”

  She quickly covered his erupting cock, catching the hot liquid in her mouth. Shooting, it coated her tongue, spurting down her throat. She happily swallowed it all. When he finished, she took her tongue and probed his slit, making sure she got every drop.

  “Very good, young Kane. Keep that up and you’ll turn out to be a fine human man someday.”

  * * * * *

  She held the last picture delicately in her hand and ran her finger over the female in the photograph. There was frailness about her.

  No wonder their race was taken. No, I shouldn’t think that way.

  She tried again to temper the jealousy boiling in her chest. This female no longer lived, yet she still held Kane’s heart. How could she compete with the dead?


  In the picture Kane grinned from ear to ear. Some kind of celebration? He held the female in an embrace and they were both holding up a glass.

  “What was the occasion?” Sa’Mya asked.

  Kane rolled onto his side to look at the picture. “Let me see.”

  She rose from the dinette table and walked closer to him. She held out the picture for him to see.

  “That’s the night we announced we were expecting twins.”

  She opened her mouth to ask about the babies, but closed it. If he had lost his mate, he had probably lost the offspring as well.

  “You were very happy here.” She settled on the bed next to him.

  “I was.”

  “I have never seen you smile as you do in this photograph.”

  “There’s really no reason to smile anymore,” he said with a hard edge in his tone.

  I could give you a reason to smile. “You’re alive. That is something to smile about. You can pass on your family legacy.”

  He snorted. “Easy for you to say.” He turned his back to her.

  “You do realize you are not the only one who has ever lost a loved one.”

  “Please don’t pretend to relate to anything I’ve been through, Princess.”

  “I am not pretending. My home was never invaded and my people were never enslaved, but both of my parents died when I was younger. I know loss.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that your parents died. But it’s not the same.”

  “I think it is. My parents are no more and I miss them dearly. It is also up to me to continue my father and ancestors’ legacy.”<
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  She moved closer to him and touched his shoulder. “Kane, in those days a change come over me. I can’t explain it. I was so wrapped up in grieving and mourning my parents that I ignored everything happening around me, things done in my name. Yes, I’m permitted and expected to grieve. But I have no right to stay in this shell. I will reclaim my legacy and I’ll hold my head high and do it with pride. I miss them, but my life goes on.”

  He shrugged her off him. “I don’t need a lecture.”

  “I’m not giving you one.” She hadn’t intended to lecture him. She wanted him to realize his life could go on.

  Maybe it could go on with me?

  He rolled over and held out his hand. “Give me the picture.”

  She held it to her chest. “No. I’m not done looking at it yet.”

  If he had wanted too, he could have forced it from her. But until he did she would get the answers she needed.

  “How long were you bonded?”

  “Seven years.”

  “And you loved her?”

  “Of course I love her.”

  He plucked the picture away. He left the bed and went to the dinette where he scooped all the pictures into the knapsack and put it into his trunk.

  “Of course you do,” she whispered.

  He stopped in front of her. “Listen. We struck a bargain, nothing more, nothing less.”

  She nodded once. “Eight more rotations.”

  Kane stepped into his pants and pulled on a shirt.

  “Where are you going?” she asked as he walked toward the door.

  “Princess, this,” he swept a hand toward the bed, “doesn’t change anything.” He walked away.

  Her heart shattered to pieces. She hadn’t expected he’d have feelings for her as he did his deceased wife. She hoped he could find room in his heart for her. She wouldn’t have taken up a lot of space. She’d been more than willing to share.

  He stopped. “Don’t get any ideas. This is nothing,” he said over his shoulder.

  Her heart stopped. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. She was a princess.

  “I never expected as much, human,” she said with an icy whisper as he left.


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