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Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)

Page 20

by Griffin, A. M.

  “You’ve convinced me that I’m an asshole. Thanks. You can go now.”

  “Are you going to return to Sa’Mya now?”

  He shook his head. “No. Plus, she’d never want me back.”

  “Eva is under the impression that Sa’Mya is in love with you.”

  He straightened. “She loves me? Did Sa’Mya say that or did you hear it from Eva?”

  “Eva told me.”

  Why would Sa’Mya fall in love with him? This couldn’t be right. Someone was playing games with his heart. “I need to talk to Eva.”


  “Don’t get offended, buddy. But I need to hear it from Eva, a human.”

  “If you wish.”

  There was a pause before a click came from the intercom.

  “Eva?” Ship asked. “I have Captain Kane Epps here. I have done as you have asked and now he wishes to speak to you.”

  “Kane?” A female asked.

  He had to set her straight. “I’m here. Listen, I don’t know you and I don’t know this thing…entity. And I don’t know if this is some kind of game or—”

  “No, you listen to me. Stop being a stubborn ass. Sa’Mya told me everything that happened between you two.”

  “Wait a minute. I didn’t do anything to her. She’s the one who—”

  “Who what? Lobbied to get your crimes absolved? Offered to give a home? A job?”

  “She did all that because she felt guilty.”

  “No, you idiot. She did all that because she loves you. Do you love her?”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit. If you don’t love her and don’t want to ever see her again then fine, but if you do stop being a pussy about it.”

  Red in the face, he yelled at her, “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?”

  “I’m talking to a lawyer from Earth who, like the rest of us, got the shitty end of the stick. But if you push me, I will beat the hell out of you with it.”

  Well, since she put it that way.

  He slumped and let out a heavy sigh. He’d been trying so hard to forget about her and everything that she’d made him feel. She had awoken a piece of him that he thought had died along with Anna. He was in love again. He loved Sa’Mya. As if in acknowledgement, his heart skipped a beat.

  “Kane, she needs you.”

  Kane cradled his forehead in his hand. “I can’t do this. I don’t know if I can do this.” Sa’Mya deserved better than him. She needed someone to love her unconditionally.

  “I think you need her just as much as she needs you.”

  “You don’t understand. I have been an asshole. I wouldn’t know where to start with her.”

  “Start by saying you’re sorry.”

  Could it be that easy? After how he’d treated her? After everything he’d said and done?

  “I don’t know.”

  “Trust me. She’ll be happy to see you. She could use someone she trusts by her side.”

  “She doesn’t trust me.”

  “Give her credit, Captain. When she was running for her life, she trusted you with it.”

  “Her uncle could have killed her,” he whispered.

  “No. Her uncle would not have killed her. He would have kept her enslaved until after she produced heirs,” Ship interjected.

  “You do know you aren’t making me feel any better about this, don’t you?” he replied.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “My Queen.”

  Sa’Mya watched as Allehtra, her new personal aide, approached where she stood admiring her favorite view from the palace’s large plate-glass window.

  “There is a vessel suspended above the planet. The captain is requesting an audience with you,” he said.

  She’d been bombarded with bonding proposals from species of every walk of life. Now that her uncle no longer controlled Laconia, it seemed she was the most eligible female in this galaxy.

  With the help of King Taio and Ship, Jor’Dan had increased the planet’s security system. The would-be suitors could no longer clutter her skies or palace. They now had to speak with Jor’Dan, to request an official visit.

  Allehtra had been working as a gardener, one of many staff she’d never laid eyes on. It had been at the advice of Tashar, the Truth-Seeker, that Allehtra became her personal aide. So far they were still getting used to each other.

  “Did you run this by Jor’Dan first?”

  Allehtra’s small head bobbed frantically, making his tussle of gold curls bounce. His size was somewhat of an oddity on Laconia. Although taller than a child, he did not have the height of a full-grown male. But what he lacked in stature, he made up for in pride for his planet and for her.

  She sighed. “If the answer is yes, Allehtra, then you will have to say it. Dignitaries and other royals would take offense if you answered them with a head bob.”

  His eyes widened in response. “Oh! Yes, my Queen. Please forgive me. I forgot.”

  “Forgiven.” She’d been teaching him how to act as her personal advisor. The time he’d spent taking care of plants and flowers was much different than seeing to the needs of a queen. She found she enjoyed the tedious task—besides, there was no one else to teach him. “Was Jor’Dan informed of our visitor?”

  “Yes, my Queen. Jor’Dan said it was your personal choice. He requests he be notified of your answer so he is aware of how to proceed.”


  “Who requests to see me?”

  “Captain Kane Epps of The Vengeance II.”

  The world stopped spinning. Air ceased to circulate through her lungs. Her heart stopped. Her stomach dropped.

  Her hand instinctively rested on the cool glass window for support. Kane. She hadn’t spoken his name since leaving Sonis, vowing then to move on with her life. She threw herself headfirst into righting the atrocities her uncle had committed. She hadn’t expected to hear his name, wasn’t prepared for it.

  “My Queen, I am so sorry. I’ll tell Jor’Dan you refuse.”

  “No, it’s okay.” She held her hand out to Allehtra, stopping him in place. She closed her eyes when his calloused hand slipped into hers. She welcomed the contact. Allehtra would make a fine personal aide.

  “Did he say what he wanted?” she asked, recovering slightly.

  “No, he requests a private audience with you. If it distresses you, please let me tell Jor’Dan you refuse.”

  Her reaction confirmed she wasn’t over him yet. With time, her feelings for him would eventually dissipate. At least that’s what she told herself every night. To see him again would dredge up thoughts she worked so hard to bury deep down.

  “Queen? Your answer?”

  “You can tell the captain I am unable to meet with him today. I’ll have someone contact him regarding his duties for Mercanis Shipping and Hauling. There is no need for us to meet directly,” she said as her heart screamed something entirely different.

  “Yes, my Queen.” Allehtra scurried off to relay her orders to Jor’Dan.

  Why would Kane want to speak with her privately? Councilor Sallad had told her the crew had been given leave to take an extended vacation.

  She turned back to the window and concentrated on her lands. She could see the horizon and all its beauty. The land itself was a mixture of sand, foliage and rocks. Purple and red flowers dotted the landscape. Wildlife meandered in and out of view as they burrowed beneath the sun, only coming to the surface to forage for food. Those same animals would roam freely once the scorching star went down.

  She had always loved this view. Most of the other palace windows showed transporters whizzing through the air, large buildings housing families and businesses, and other structures that hid the planet’s true beauty. Too bad Kane hadn’t gotten the chance to see her planet as she saw it.

  “Your Majesty, I need you to come to the security room immediately,” Jor’Dan’s impatient voice disrupted her thoughts.

  She raised the jeweled com-lin
k attached to her wrist. “What is the problem?”

  “Captain Epps has refused to leave.”

  “Did you tell him there is no need to speak with me directly regarding his duties with Mercanis Shipping and Hauling?”

  “Yes. He says he doesn’t want to talk about his duties. He is demanding to speak with you privately.”

  Why? “Tell him I am unavailable.”

  “He said if you refuse he will start to randomly fire on the planet.”

  “What? He would never do such a thing.”

  “Your safety is my utmost importance. I need you safe with me before I give the order to blow him into the next galaxy.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Be rational. He is threatening our planet. He can’t be allowed to do this.”

  “He’s being ridiculous. He would never do such a thing. Tell him no, and if he starts to fire, you can disable his vessel. Definitely not blow him up.”

  Although her heart called out to him, she wasn’t going to let him bully her anymore. If he wanted to talk to her it would be on her terms. She was no longer a prisoner on his vessel or his to command.

  “I really want to blow him up,” Jor’Dan grumbled.

  He hadn’t approved of the way Kane and his crew had treated her. He had voiced his opinion, more than once, that giving a bunch of human thieves employment was a mistake. If Kane made the wrong move, Jor’Dan would act first and think about the consequences later.

  “I forbid it. I’m on my way.”

  She fumed as she made her way to the palace’s security center. Great Ancients! That human has clearly lost his mind.

  Sa’Mya entered the security room, relieved to find Kane’s intact vessel projected on the large screen. “Did you tell him?” she asked.

  Jor’Dan sat at the control panel and focused intently on their vessel. “I told him. I’m waiting for a reply. There’s no activity coming from the vessel’s guns.”

  Ryan’s voice came across the intercom. “Captain Epps demands to speak with Queen Sa’Mya. If she doesn’t agree to this, he has vowed to execute one of his crew members.”

  Preposterous. “He’s lying. Call his bluff.”

  “What is a bluff?” Jor’Dan asked.

  “Just tell him you are calling his bluff.” Then as an afterthought, in case he was going to kill someone for real, she added, “Tell him to start with Jess.”

  She listened as Jor’Dan relayed her message.

  Immediately, Kane’s voice pierced the air. “Sa’Mya! I know you can hear me. Let me talk to you.”

  “Tell him I said no,” she whispered to Jor’Dan.

  “The queen does not wish to speak with you,” Jor’Dan responded.

  “Tell her if she doesn’t I’ll…I’ll…hurt JB!”

  “What? How did I get pulled into this mess?” JB said in the background. “The lady said Jess should be the first to go.”

  “Stop threatening the innocents right now!” Sa’Mya yelled over Jor’Dan’s shoulder.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes. I need to see you. Please.”

  “You made it perfectly clear that you didn’t have anything else to say to me, Kane. There’s nothing more to talk about.”

  “Sa’Mya, I was stupid.”

  Wait. What did he just say? “Go on,” she said.

  “I need you.”

  “Really? I seem to remember you threatening to throw me out the air lock.”

  “He did what?” Jor’Dan yelled.

  “Shh…I think we’re making up,” she whispered, silencing Jor’Dan.

  “If I’d thrown you out, I would have followed right behind. I don’t ever want to live without you.”

  Sa’Mya covered her mouth. Her eyes began to mist. That was the sweetest thing he’d ever said to her, that anyone had ever said to her.

  “I’m going to throw up,” Jess said in the background. “Ouch! Pinch me again, bitch, and I’ll cut your fucking hand off.”

  “Kyle! Jess! Don’t ruin this for me,” Kane yelled.

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it,” she said. She just needed a day or two to clear her thoughts and decide what to do. She couldn’t think right now. Her heart beat so hard that it strained against her chest.

  “Sa’Mya, I swear to God, if you don’t let me talk to you, I’ll die.”

  “Good lord,” she heard Eli say.

  Sa’Mya chewed on her bottom lip, trying to figure out the consequences. Should she see Kane? He’d broken her heart once. Could she take it if he did it again?

  Jor’Dan and Allehtra watched her, waiting for a decision she was too afraid to make. Jor’Dan was no help. His gaze shifted from her to the vessel suspended over the planet. His finger twitched over a button that would fire weapons at it. She looked at Allehtra, who gleefully clapped his hands together. So far she had one vote for yes and another for a kill shot.

  “You can tell him yes. I’ll meet him in my solar.”

  Jor’Dan made sure Sa’Mya left the room before turning back to the intercom. “You have permission to enter the palace. If you hurt her again, I’ll cut you down where you stand. I am not worried about how she will feel about it. She got over you once and she can do it again. Do you understand?”

  His response was met by silence.

  “Human! Do you understand?”

  “Umm, guard? Kane left as soon as she said yes.”

  * * * * *

  He’d been losing his mind thinking about Sa’Mya. It had taken two days for Jor’Dan to agree to give Sa’Mya his messages. Only after he’d threatened to fire on her planet had that asshole relented. Of course he never would’ve gone through with it. Nonetheless, he got what he came for. He needed Sa’Mya to hear him out.

  Kane exited the transporter and immediately searched for Sa’Mya. What he found instead were waiting guards and a short male who stepped forward to greet him.

  The male bowed slightly. “Captain Epps. My name is Allehtra, the queen’s personal aid. I am here to escort you to her solar where you can both speak in private.”

  Kane let himself be led away by her aide and three guards, all pressed close to his and Allehtra’s heels. Kane followed the aide through the halls, scanning for Sa’Mya every step of the way. He watched out for her at every corner they turned. The females who walked the halls were not Sa’Mya. They didn’t have her grace or beauty.

  Allehtra led him through double doors. The guards didn’t enter but took their places outside. His eyes strained to adjust in the bright and colorful room.

  Allehtra stopped and motioned forward. Kane finally spotted her. Sa’Mya stood off to the side. God, she was beautiful.


  Sa’Mya’s somber gaze watched him approach. The once shimmering eyes had lost their spark. He kicked himself at the thought he had been the cause of that.

  “I’m sorry for not believing you. I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me most. I’m just plain sorry.”

  “You hurt me.”

  “And I’ll spend a lifetime making it up to you.”

  “You’re going to stay?”

  “I’m yours if you’ll have me.”

  Sa’Mya shook her head. “It won’t work, Kane. I’m not her. I’m not Anna. I can never be her. I can’t compete with her memory.”

  “Good, because I love the person you are.”

  Her eyes brightened. “You love me?” she whispered.

  “Yes. I’ll always love the memory of her, of what might have been. But she is my past. You are my present, my future. You have captured my heart. I can’t let you go.”

  Sa’Mya gasped.

  He walked toward her with outstretched hands. “Sa’Mya, I’m unbelievably fucked up, but with you, I’m complete, right, balanced.” Tears began to stream down his cheeks. “I love you and if you give me a chance, I’ll spend the rest of my days proving it to you.”

  Sa’Mya ran into his arms. She grabbed his neck and jumped onto him.

s this how a queen is supposed to act?” He laughed as he spun her around.

  “I don’t care.”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “I command it.”


  Taken: Year Six

  Kane’s heart thumped hard against his chest. His breathing was fast and shallow.

  What if she changed her mind?

  He began nervously wringing his hands together.

  A low chuckle came from his right. “You getting cold feet?” JB asked.

  Kane shook his head. “No, but I’m starting to wonder if she is.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be here. She’s probably doing some girly last-minute thing.”

  God, he hoped so.

  The rustling in the back of the room made him snap to attention. Low whispers filled the grand ballroom. Everyone’s heads craned toward the entrance. He watched and waited.


  Her hair was twisted in a braid. The light from the chandelier above hit the diamond crown she wore, sending a million sparkling lights dancing off the walls. Her floor-length white gown had swirling designs made out of blue diamonds. Her wrists were fastened loosely in front of her with a piece of white lace.

  His gaze finally met hers. She smiled lightly as she walked slowly through the crowd of females, stopping to let each one of them whisper in her ears. She had explained earlier that they would give her words of love, encouragement and well-wishes. Following behind her was a very pregnant Eva. Eva had undergone an enlightenment ceremony and now had two intricate designs of varitizars tattooed across her torso, neck and eye.

  “Come on, come on, come on,” Kane mumbled as the time slowly ticked by and she still hadn’t made it halfway through the crowd.

  “Relax, you’re making me nervous and I’m not the one getting married.”

  “Why does this have to take so long? Does she have to stop at every freaking lady here? Shit, this is going to take all night.”

  JB chuckled again. “Exactly how long has it been?”

  “Two months. Too freaking long.”

  Sa’Mya hadn’t come to their bed since then. Her reason had been that she wanted their love to be pure for their bonding ceremony. Whatever. He was going to explode right here in front of all these nice ladies. Then what would she say?


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