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Page 6

by Kaia Bennett

Crazy how life seemed to shift when he least expected it.


  "She also told me to tell you you're the god-pappy and you can't say 'no'," Nicole said pulling him out of his reverie. "And Ian completely agrees with her."

  "She's serious, isn't she?" Gabe said with a broad smile.

  "As a heart attack," Jackie's crisp voice said suddenly. "You up for being a godfather?" He guessed by the muffled grumbling in the background that Jackie had snatched the phone from Nicole.

  "Of course I am! I just can't believe you're having a baby. Wait 'til I tell Q. Now he's going to have to completely get over his crush on you."

  Jackie gave him a little laugh. "I'll save him some sweet potato pie to make up for it."

  "I think that'll heal him up nicely."

  "I know it will, baby. I can throw down in the kitchen," she said, only half-boasting since she really was an incredible cook. "So is that all Nicole called you for, or was she talking dirty to—"

  There was a scuffle, followed by a few liberal curses, and the sound of Jackie saying, "So damn touchy..." Then Nicole came back on the phone.

  "Okay, I'm seriously going to snap one of these days and ‘accidentally’ push her out a window... um, after the baby comes, though. Fucking she-devil," she muttered low enough for only him to hear.

  "Don't you just love the holidays?" he said with a chuckle, tossing a glance over his shoulder at the bustle going on in his parents’ house. Touchdown for their team.

  "Bunches. Anyway, I gotta go.”

  "Okay." He got to his feet with a groan. "I'll see you next week if you got time."

  "Absolutely," she said. And then a little lower, "We'll pick up where we left off."

  He loved how her voice softened when she spoke to him like that. He closed his eyes for a moment, and he saw her smile clearly, saw those dark eyes glittering as she looked up at him the last time they were together. And he could almost see how happy she was at the thought of them being together again. It always made him smile, a potent mixture of relief and arousal swirling through him when he realized she wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see her. He couldn't ever get enough of that.

  "Oh, I know we will sweetheart. And this time I'm planning to wear that sweet pussy out."

  The moan he heard made him stir in his jeans, the blood rushing faster and hotter through his veins.

  "Later, Gabe," she purred, her words as much a promise as they were a farewell.

  "Later, Nicole," he whispered. He held the phone to his ear for a second after she hung up, a little smile curving his lips, and then with a deep breath and a moment to calm the hunger in his body, went back inside.


  The smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and perfume were filling the air, but Nicole could hardly smell or feel anything but Gabriel standing behind her. Even in a crowd full of people with their eyes staring towards the foggy lighting of the stage, he still had her undivided attention.

  That night they were taking advantage of a little business mixed with pleasure. The Spirits, a band that was Fool the World's new label mate, were playing a show at one of the premiere clubs in the city, and their management team had the band there to watch. They needed to get prepared for the idea of touring with them that summer. Fool the World was going to be one of the opening acts, which meant they were going to be busy not just with the album, but with drumming up press too.

  Afterwards the guys would be going backstage to get reacquainted with them, since they used to travel in the same circles before The Spirits got signed. Nicole and her friend Trish from work were their guests, along with a couple of other people the guys had brought. Trish was a cute Korean girl with a dry sense of humor, and some great clothes she let Nicole borrow. She also had a huge crush on Chase, which was understandable since he had sharp hazel eyes, blondish brown hair, and that mysterious ‘bad boy’ vibe most guitarists seemed to be born with.

  In exchange for a spot on the list and some tips on how to impress the always-cool Chase, Nicole got to switch days with Trish at work so she could spend Saturday with Gabriel instead, and she got to borrow Trish's favorite black lace halter. It was like kryptonite to the opposite sex, and that was proven by the way Gabriel's eyes devoured her body when she came out wearing it with dark blue jeans, her hair parted so her bangs swept across her forehead. He hadn't stopped sneaking subtle strokes over her bare back since he picked her up, and now as they swayed to the music, he was pressing himself as closely to her as he could.

  Everyone knew what Nicole and Gabriel got up to, though they always kept things somewhat casual when they were out as a group. The guys treated her like a surrogate sister and she preferred that to being treated like "Gabriel's girl". But tonight, for some reason, he was more touchy-feely than usual, and a bit quieter too. She'd asked him about it once or twice, wondering if maybe he was sick, or if he was just stressed from the long hours at the studio. But when she was pressed up against him like this, and no one was watching, she couldn't help but ignore that and play with the fine line they'd drawn for themselves in public.

  Her back was pressed against his chest, her ass swaying softly against his groin, and his hand was casually — perhaps possessively — resting on her hip. The first riff of the guitar sounded on the dark stage, and the crowd roared and whistled as the familiar chords meshed together. Gabriel whistled at the stage above her head and then shuddered and stilled against her body. She grinned in the dark, figuring it had something to do with the hand she had snaked between their bodies to rub along his fast-hardening shaft.

  Goosebumps prickled along her arms and a charge of energy ran up and down her spine at the feel of his arousal, his body heat. It didn't hurt that the song was sexy as hell, or that the front woman of The Spirits could sing and play in a way that reminded her of the power Gabriel had. It was a song about longing, a feeling she knew all too well. The memory of missing Gabe was still so fresh in her mind.

  The first chorus of the song started and the music crashed like a speeding train into the crowd. The girl's raw, raspy voice wailed out the mournful plea of the lyrics, begging to be tasted and twisted up by her lover. The song was so blatantly about fucking, but the band's skill, the lyrics, and the way she sang made it so much more. It made Gabriel hot enough, hard enough, and bold enough to lean down so that his lips were pressed against Nicole's ear. She felt his hand slide around until it was cupping her thigh and grazing her hot sex. He wedged his index finger between her clenched thighs slowly, forcing her to hike up onto her toes to escape the pressure even as she rocked into it.

  He swirled his tongue lazily in her ear, not caring right now who saw their unraveling in the darkened club, and said in a whisper loud enough for only her to hear, "When we get back to your place... I'm gonna fuck you so hard, little girl. You're gonna be begging me to stop..." He bit down hard on the lobe of her ear, tugging on one of the silver hoops lining it to seal his promise before pulling away.

  Nicole was so wet she was afraid she'd soaked through her panties. The heat rushing over her skin and the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she imagined what he would do to her, mixed with the music and the heat of all these packed bodies, was almost too much. It wasn't possible to ever want him to stop, and she was more than willing to spend the next day sore and full of new memories of him. To prove it, she squeezed his shaft, feeling it swell in her palm beneath the dark denim covering it. She gave him one more hard, lingering squeeze before pulling away all together. The distance killed her, but she knew if she didn't stop they would end up in some dark corner fucking like animals.

  Gabriel’s finger slid away from her crotch as she moved, lingering over her thigh and then her hip before pulling away completely. She turned to see him grin, his eyes glittering with his promise. As soon as they got back to her place later, as soon as she unlocked the door and they were safely inside...

  She grinned back, her hormones on high alert.

  The rest of the show was g
reat, ending with an upbeat number the crowd loved and screamed the lyrics to. Nicole was among the many that knew them, because it was a band Gabriel had turned her onto a few years ago, back when she was still in college and The Spirits had yet to be signed. She loved their music and had joked with Gabriel numerous times that she had a slight girl-crush on the lead singer. It was hard not to with her long platinum and black streaked hair, kohl rimmed ice-blue eyes, Cupid’s bow lips, and tight body. She was about Nicole's height, and only a little bit thinner. And of course she had style for days. She was in tight black jeans and steep-heeled boots. A black and white horizontal striped shirt dangled off her shoulder with a black tank underneath, the gauzy fabric swaying around her firm breasts and revealing a flat stomach when she thrust the guitar out of her way to grab the mic. The rings on her fingers glinted under the stage lights as she strummed easily, shimmying her slender hips from side to side while she growled into the mic and peered seductively over the crowd. The entire band was magic, and by the time they finished their set and stepped off the stage Nicole was wired to meet them.

  She found herself trying to talk to Gabe about them as they made their way towards the dressing room, but he had grown surprisingly quiet. She couldn't help but wonder again why he was acting so funny. He used to talk about what it was like on the road crossing paths with groups like The Spirits all the time, and he'd always been so animated and excited, like the rest of the guys were now. Not tonight, though; he was even more sedate than Chase as they made their way backstage. Maybe it was her fault? She'd gotten him all riled up earlier, and now it would be a while before they could do anything about it. Or maybe he'd had a falling out with one of the band members from The Spirits and just didn't feel like hanging with them.

  Once inside, she abandoned all her speculations. It was lively in the back room; a few fans who managed to make it backstage, friends of the band, and management were all swirling around, still buzzed from the show. Q had been in a band with the lead guitarist a few years back, so they had plenty of loud catching up to do, especially since Q had not only grown several inches in the years since they parted ways, but also because the chin-length black dreads he was sporting were something his band mate thought he would have cut off by now. Of course, plenty of the groupies lounging around were eyeing Q's chestnut brown skin and bright, wide smile, as well as his boisterous personality. He was like a black version of Jonny, which is why the two got into so much trouble when they were alone for too long. Chase, as usual, made his customary cool, calm, and collected rounds, giving pounds and manly pats on the back to familiar faces before making a beeline for the food laid out for the band. His bottomless appetite was perhaps the only thing that evoked blatant emotion in him.

  Meredith Rowe was sitting on top of one of the dressing tables, one spiked heel propped on the chair in front of her, while the other long, slender leg was braced on the floor. She was talking and laughing with some little auburn-haired girl and sipping on a beer when she turned her Husky-blue eyes towards Nicole. Or rather, towards Gabriel who was behind her. Meredith's smile grew wider second by second, the light catching on the silver stud just below her full bottom lip.

  "What's up, Gabe? Long time no see." Her raspy voice could have been a female version of Gabriel's. She leaped up and gave him a big hug, which he returned with a pat on the back.

  "Yeah, it has been," he said when she pulled back to stare up at him. He pulled out of her embrace.

  "Great set tonight, Mere. You and the guys sounded sharp."

  Nicole blinked and stilled suddenly. Gabriel's arm had come up to drape itself around her shoulders. It wasn't a gratuitous action, and it wouldn't have stood out to her if not for how stiff he seemed doing it, and that he was doing it in front of someone who might assume they were a legitimate couple. It was in his nature to be affectionate and touchy-feely. He was always punching the guys, or giving her a playful scruff on the head, but this possessive arm was anything but playful. She looked up at him and found him giving Meredith a nice, if somewhat reserved smile. When she turned to Meredith she noticed her eyes trailing from Gabriel's to Nicole's. Then the blonde's attention focused on Nicole.

  "Meredith, this is Nicole," Gabe said in introduction. "Nicole, Meredith Rowe."

  "Nice to meet you," Meredith said giving her a firm, friendly handshake. Nicole wondered absently if that was her real hair color, and where she got the thick studded belt she had slung across her slender hips. And how many crunches she'd have to do to get a stomach that fucking flat. "Did you like the show?"

  "Are you kidding me?! It was amazing," Nicole enthused. "Gabe got me hooked on you guys when he gave me your Solomon Song EP. But I love your new stuff, too."

  Meredith's face genuinely lit up. "Oh, I like her already, Gabriel. I might have to steal her." Gabriel gave a short, awkward chuckle. Or was she just imagining it? Before she could ponder that, Meredith said, "I'm so glad you liked it! The early stuff was kind of raw, but when we go on the road this summer, we'll still do a couple of the old tracks. You gonna come out and see us on the road?"

  "Maybe. I have to work though. That commission doesn't make itself."

  Meredith shrugged, a fluid movement that drew attention to her creamy, pale shoulder where the gauzy material of her shirt was hanging off. "Bummer. It's gonna be like two months, though. You could always be bad, just take a vacation and follow the tour for a bit. Amber over there," she said nodding to the short girl she'd been talking to, who was now laughing at something Jonny was whispering in her ear, "She's my best friend, and she's gonna follow along."

  Suddenly visions of being on the road again like she had when she was in college flooded her mind. Drinking, sleeping late, listening to great music, fucking Gabriel all night and then doing it all over again the next day sounded like a dream. This time she'd bring Trish if she could, since she had it bad for Chase. And then there would be waking up next to Gabriel, getting to see him roam around in his element on stage...

  "Well, you never know," Nic said slyly, "I could come down with a bug this summer. Maybe it'll last about a week."

  "That's my girl," Meredith said with a giggle of her own, taking a swig of her beer, before nodding towards Gabriel. "He's gonna need someone to keep him in line in anyway. I'm sure you know how wild he can get—”

  "Yeah, that's me, wild and crazy. Well, I hate to break up the slumber party, ladies, but we're gonna head out soon," Gabe cut in. Nicole lifted her head and gave him a quizzical look, but he was too busy leaning over to give Meredith a kiss on the cheek to see it.

  "We'll see ya around, Mere," he said with that same tight smile.

  Meredith just nodded, her smile much broader and friendlier. "Yup, we'll see you around the studio. And it was really nice meeting you, Nicole. Make sure you come back and visit, ‘kay?"

  "Of course," she answered.

  She didn’t feel Gabriel relax against her until he was finally able to lead her away from Meredith. They made their rounds, talking to the other Spirits members for a bit before saying bye to the guys. Trish stayed behind to try her luck with a seemingly nonchalant Chase. To anyone else, he might have looked intimidating or uninterested, leaning against the wall, sipping on a beer and barely speaking while Trish talked and cracked jokes, but Nic knew better. Every once in a while he would smile and lean closer to Trish as if he couldn't hear her so well. Chase was definitely feeling her cute Asian friend, and that was the last thing she saw before Gabriel led her out of the dressing room. That and Meredith Rowe's light blue eyes trailing curiously after them.

  "You got a problem with Meredith, Gabe?"

  "What?" he said, sparing a quick glance in her direction.

  "You heard me. You were kind of cold. And I think you gave her the idea that we were a couple or something."

  "Hmm...” he said, looking away.

  Nicole looked up at him and pursed her lips. "What do you mean, 'Hmm'? You got beef with her, or not?"

  "No, I don't. There
's nothing going on between me and her," he said finally, clearing his throat. "The Spirits are cool people."

  They were heading out into the cool air to hail a cab, and she was about to let it go. Gabriel didn't lie to her about anything. So if he said there was no problem then he was telling the truth.

  But then why the cool demeanor, the brusque greeting and goodbye?

  Nicole felt lead sink in her gut. The way he'd cleared his throat, which he did when he was uncomfortable, the way he wasn't looking at her, or reassuring her she was wrong with a warm smile... None of it sat right with her. The only other explanation she could think of for him putting up so much distance with Meredith now, was because he'd been closer at one point. Had he slept with her? She was obviously gorgeous and seemed fun. And she was so talented it hurt. She was like a female version of Gabe. All of those thoughts started swirling through her head. All of them revolving around whether she should ask him if her nauseating hunch was right.

  God help her, she wanted to ask him. But the very thought of it made her chest hurt and the backs of her eyes start to sting. She'd thought it had been hard to see him with his ex, Marta, the beautiful, exotic girl with her long black hair, toffee-colored skin, and eyes the color of honey. This was altogether different, though. When Gabriel was with Marta, Nicole had no idea how good it could feel to be with him. She had only been able to vividly imagine how beautiful and sexy he truly was, let alone the unbelievable things he could do to her body. She now knew all of that and more; she had the memories and the never-ending craving for him to back up that knowledge.

  Nicole knew he'd been with other people. He'd never said anything about it, but he was a man, a gorgeous one, and they'd both agreed to see other people. The idea had hurt, but she could cope because she didn't have a visual of who he was turning to when she was away. But Meredith Rowe's hard body swaying and writhing against his the way it had on stage... it was a visual that was fast starting to haunt her. He was going on tour with her soon. They would see each other every day. And if Nicole didn't find out what had happened between them, she'd spend months waiting and wondering.


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