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Saving Grace (Cold Bay Wolf Pack Book 2)

Page 10

by Dena Christy

  She nudged him back in the direction they’d come, and she no longer had the urge to outrun him. Close to his side was her safest bet, since she didn’t think she’d imagined seeing that one glowing eye. They went back toward the house at a much slower pace than when they’d taken off into the woods. Part of that could be explained by the fact that the urgency that had taken hold of them when they’d changed had burnt out. For her part at least, the slower pace was the result of the caution creeping into her. She could see now, that while running with the pack might not be conducive to privacy, it was safer to be running in larger numbers.

  They came to the clearing behind the house, and it was only then that Grace felt truly safe again. The house looked warm and inviting. She wanted to put what she’d seen from her mind, since she’d had enough nightmares and didn’t want anymore. Especially not tonight, when she’d decided that it was time for her and Mason to give into the attraction that had never really gone away between them.

  She heard the click of his nails on the wood steps of the deck as she went up to where they’d left their clothes. She quickly closed her eyes and imagined herself as human. After the brief pain that always accompanied the shift back, she opened her eyes again and scooped up her clothing. She was not concerned about Mason seeing her nude body, since they’d been lovers before and would be so again. She didn’t want to provide a show to the shadow that might be watching them even now from the woods.

  She went in the backdoor and he followed her inside, his body looming up behind her.

  “What the hell was that? What did you see?” He reached out to turn her around, and as he looked down at her, she saw the concern in his eyes. The urge to tell him was so strong that she had to clamp her tongue to the back of her teeth to keep the truth from spilling out. If she told him why she had nightmares, and who those nightmares were about, it would lead to the secret that she’d gone to great lengths to bury.

  Besides, now that they were safely in the house, it all seemed too distant to worry about. She stepped closer to him, pressing her naked flesh against his, and she knew that it wouldn’t take much to distract him from his questions. Turning back into his human form had always heightened his senses, and she took full advantage of it.

  “It doesn’t matter. Right now I have other things on my mind.” She swept her arms up around his neck, and speared her fingers through the thick hair at the base of his skull. She could let the phantom of her nightmares win, as he’d been winning for the past fifteen years or she could push past it. She could reclaim some of herself from the shadows that lurked deep inside her, and step toward the light with this man.

  Desire quickly replaced the concern in his eyes, and he put his arms around her. Everything that lurked inside her head was quickly replaced by the need for him. It didn't matter what shadows hid in the woods, what shadows crouched inside her, all that mattered was him and how he made her feel.

  "I want you. Do you want me?" His mouth was so close to hers that she could almost feel his skin against her. She knew what the answer was, what was the only answer she could give him.

  "I want you. I want you to take me upstairs and I want you to make love to me."

  He fused his mouth with hers and she knew that this was the right thing to do. This had been coming since she came back into town and saw him again after fifteen years. She was finished with denying herself what she wanted, and she pressed herself closer so she could give herself to him. As he swept her in his arms and carried her up the stairs she felt like she was home for the first time in over a decade.

  “I’m never going to make it up the stairs if you don’t stop teasing me.” Mason’s voice was an aroused growl and Grace chuckled against the skin of his neck.

  Her feminine power rose inside her as she stroked her tongue over his throat. He tasted salty and so familiar to her that she couldn’t believe that she’d been nervous about doing this with him again.

  This was Mason, and while fifteen years apart had brought changes in both of them, it didn’t change the fact that being in his arms felt more right than anything else in her life.

  “Well you better hurry up then.” She nuzzled her lips over to his ear and took the lobe between her teeth, giving him a gentle bite.

  He sucked in his breath and took the steps two at a time. She didn’t think he’d ever moved that fast before and once they got to his bedroom he set her on her feet. The light of the full moon shone in the window and she could see him clearly. Desire was evident in every line of his body, and she felt beautiful as his eyes swept over her.

  “Come here.” His voice was a gruff command, and she was powerless to disobey. She stepped toward him, running her hands over the firm muscles of his chest. His skin was so hot, so smooth and she felt like she couldn’t get close enough to him. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

  It wasn’t only the way he looked at her, but the wanting in his eyes made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world. In this moment in time it felt like they were the only two people in existence. As his mouth came down on hers she felt in her bones this was going to be a turning point for them. They could no longer deny the need they had for each other.

  His arms went around her back, pressing her bare flesh to his as she put her arms around his neck. Passion exploded between them as he used his mouth to devour hers.

  Even with the desire evident in every caress of his lips, every stroke of his hands, she knew that this man would never push her beyond what she was ready for. Knowing that made it easy to put herself in his capable hands, to trade caresses with him because she knew that ultimately she was safe with him. She’d never wanted another man as much as she wanted him, and now that she’d come to her senses enough to realize that, she was going to enjoy every second of this with him.

  As his tongue slid inside her mouth, moisture pooled between her legs as his actions mimicked what she wanted him to do to her with another part of his body. She pulled her mouth away and looked up into his dark blue eyes. They appeared almost black in the moonlight, since his desire for her had made his pupils swallow most of his iris.

  His name was a sigh on her lips as she moved to the center of the bed, and she took a long moment to look at him. The moonlight highlighted the hard planes of his strong muscular body. The cool blue light coming in through the window made him look like a statue, one carved from the hardest marble.

  If he’d been a statue, then he was the embodiment of masculine perfection, and would have been considered a masterpiece. She drank in the sight of him from his large muscular chest, down the sculpted ridges of his abdomen to where his desire for her made his cock jut out. She may have been nervous if she hadn’t already experienced the wonder and ecstasy that his size was capable of giving her.

  In a matter of moments, looking was no longer enough, so she raised a hand to him and he threaded his fingers through hers as he came down beside her on the bed. The mattress dipped as he came up on his elbow beside her, and his eyes swept over every inch of her body like a caress.

  It seemed the brief respite away from the press of her flesh had given him a moment to collect himself, and when he kissed her there was no longer a devouring urgency in the movements of his mouth.

  Every part of him invaded her senses, from the scent of him to the short, silky strands of his hair as she curled her fingers around the back of his head. He seemed in no hurry as he kissed her softly, with a gentleness that made her eyes sting for a moment. She swallowed hard when his mouth drifted from hers to move over her cheek and glide down her throat. She shivered when he hit the tender part behind her ear, the one he knew was there and always exploited to drive her wild.

  Although his caresses were familiar to her, this time with him seemed different from the encounters they had so many years ago. It could be their maturity meant they were now ready to handle the intensity of their desire for each other. It could be the sense of homecoming she felt when she was in his arms. Or it could simply be because
she was aware that the binding ceremony had made him her mate, and at least for this moment in time, he was hers and she was his. Whatever the cause, every stroke of his tongue over her flesh felt better than the last.

  Her nipples hardened into peaks as he circled his tongue ever closer to her breast. She moaned his name as he took her aching flesh in his mouth. Her fingers tightened in his hair as her desire for him beat heavily in her blood. Oh God, this was so much better than she remembered. How could she have forgotten how he used to drive her wild like this with his hands and mouth on her body. The pleasure he gave her was so intense that she became frightened for a moment. How was she supposed to walk away from this, away from him, when their appointed year was up?

  As he moved his mouth down her body, thoughts became fewer and farther between for her. His lips and tongue ignited a fiery passion inside her that left no room for thought or analysis. The only thing she was capable of now was pure feeling, as he made her body sing with every caress.

  He settled his face between her legs, and kiss the inside of her thighs, his mouth edging closer to where she needed to feel his touch. She moved restlessly on the bed, her need for him so strong that she couldn’t hold back the pleas for him to give her more

  He gave her what she wanted, what she needed most from him and her breath came out in a shudder of pleasure as he flicked and sucked on her clit. Her fingers were very deep in his hair, clenching it as each stroke of his tongue brought her closer to the edge. He tormented and teased her to great heights, only to pause his ministrations.

  “Jesus, Mason.” She didn’t know if she was going to be able to take much more of this, but she also never wanted it to stop.

  She lifted her head off the pillow to look at him. He grinned at her and winked. He was a devil and knew exactly what his actions were doing to her. He drove her wild, and she gave him a fierce look as she pushed on the back of his head. His mouth came down on her again, and the orgasm that he been careful to build inside her exploded after a few more talented flicks of his tongue.

  She called his name is her pleasure slammed into her over and over again. How was it possible to feel this much ecstasy without dying? She trembled and shook as she was gripped by the most intense climax of her life.

  He moved his body up hers, and when she looked at him, she saw that the restraint he’d used when he pleasured her had taken a toll on him as well. The skin on his face was stretched taught over the muscles and bones of his features. He looks so fierce with his need for her that his lips were almost curled into a snarl.

  Even though he fed some of her desire with one orgasm, suddenly it was no longer enough. She wanted him inside her, she wanted to be filled by him.

  She reached down between them, took him in her hands and put him at the entrance of her body. He slid in smoothly as her slick flesh accepted him, and her eyes widened as she stretched around his girth. Her breath panted in and out of her body as she clung to him, willing herself to become used to how tight he made her feel. He closed his eyes and trembled slightly, and she knew that he wanted to move inside her, that he needed to, but was giving her time to become used to him.

  She nuzzled her face against him, kissing him softly on his mouth as she moved her hips under him. It was a signal he’d been waiting for and he slowly withdrew and thrust back inside her. His pace was slow, as if he had all night to do this with her. Every movement of his body brought her closer to the orgasm she now craved more than anything else.

  She could no longer hold back the passions burning inside her, and her hips urged him to move faster. He seemed helpless to disobey the urgings of his own body, and his thrusts grew harder inside her. Their bodies moved together, their movements a primitive dance that was as old as time. She couldn’t get close enough to him, and in that moment she wanted to crawl inside his body and become one with his soul.

  The peak of her passion slammed through her, and her second orgasm of the evening ripped through her. She clung to him, and cried out his name as wave upon wave of pleasure and ecstasy moved through her body. His own orgasm came upon him swiftly after hers and he groaned her name as he shuddered. She held onto him tight as he poured himself into her and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

  She never felt closer to him than she had in this moment. Holding onto him with the weight of his body on top of her, made her believe that perhaps they did have a chance. Could this be the beginning of something special between them? Would they be able to overcome the baggage of the past? She didn’t know the answer to that, and in this moment with him it didn’t seem to matter. All that mattered was the way he felt against her and how he made her feel.


  Mason stroked his hand over the soft skin of her arm as he settled her against his chest. To say making love with her was mind blowing was an understatement. The intensity of his passion and need for her surprised him. He would’ve thought that after what happened fifteen years ago that there would be a part of himself that he could hold back.

  There wasn’t. With every caress, with every note of pleasure that she drew from his body, he was pulled deeper under her spell.

  Had it always been like that? In the years that had passed since that summer with her, he’d always told himself that it was the passion of youth that had lent a fantastical tone to sex with her. It was an intensity he’d never been able to recapture in the intervening years. While he'd been with other women since her, he’d never again felt that same intensity. There was a wild passion with her that had eluded him, at least until tonight.

  His mind shied away from the reason that might be. Blame it on nostalgia, blame it on binding himself to her, hell, blame it on the full moon. It could because by any of those things. It didn’t go deeper than that, it couldn’t go deeper than that. He was willing to do what was necessary to keep his pack alive and making love to her certainly wasn’t a hardship. But he wasn't going to fool himself into calling his desire for her something deeper, at least not until he knew if there was something between them that would carry them beyond the next year.

  “What you thinking about?” Her voice pierced the silence that had settled over them.

  He scrambled for something that he could tell her that wouldn’t reveal the true nature of the emotions going through him. He cast his mind back to when he’d come upon her during their run, when she been standing in the middle of the woods staring at something in the trees. Fear had been in every line of her body, and the need to protect her had overwhelmed him. He'd been acting on instinct when he put himself in front of her. He’d been prepared to kill to keep her safe but no threat had presented itself. When they got back to the house she effectively distracted him from his question about what it was.

  “What did you see in the woods?” Now that he was thinking more clearly than he had been after the run, he was certain that he had not mistaken the fear he'd seen in her. Even now as his question hung in the air she tensed beside him. He knew that he had not imagined what he’d seen if the mention of it could steal the post lovemaking languidness from her. “Logan told me what he said to you before the binding ceremony. About Titus Parr being out of jail. Is that why you had a nightmare that night?”

  Grace sighed and her soft warm breath skated over the skin on his chest. “I did have a nightmare about him that night. Titus is a scary man and I think that the stress of the ceremony and everything must’ve conjured him up in my mind.”

  Something in her voice told him that wasn’t all of it. He frowned for a second. She told him that night that it was an old nightmare coming back to haunt her. Now she was saying that it was something else, that it was the result of stress. What was the truth? He supposed it didn’t matter since she hadn't answered the question about what she’d seen.

  “Did you see him tonight? Is that what scared you?”

  “I don’t know what I saw.” She pulled away from him and got off the bed. “I’m too hot to sleep so I’m going to have a shower.”

e walked to the bedroom door and the sway of her hips pulled his eyes down to her ass. Her flesh was like a ripe firm peach and for a moment he cursed himself for driving her away from their bed. He could be enjoying her beside him at this moment if he hadn’t opened a can of worms she obviously didn’t want to talk about.

  The sound of running water drifted to him from the bathroom. Screw this. He wasn’t going to lay here alone while she was only a room away.

  He got up off the bed and stalked down the hall. It didn’t matter if she didn’t want to talk about Titus, he needed to know if he was a threat to her. If the wolf he'd sensed on the night of the binding ceremony was him, and if he was watching his woman, then Mason needed to know.

  The binding ceremony made her his mate. He didn’t care if it was only for the next year. For now she was his, and there was a deep need inside him to protect her. He couldn’t do that if he didn’t know what the threat was against her.

  He opened the bathroom door and saw her nude body standing under the spray of the shower through the glass shower door. His body tightened with the primitive heat of desire going through him. This was not going to be a long discussion because the desire in his blood for her wouldn’t allow for that.

  With a flick of his hand, he slid the glass door open. She turned toward him with a startled gasp. He didn’t apologize for startling her, he just pulled her to him.

  “I don’t know why you don’t want to talk about why he scares you. Right now that isn't important. I want you to be able to tell me anything but I get that there is a fifteen year distance between us and it's going to take time for you to open up to me. I’m prepared to wait for that, but there are some things that can’t wait. That binding ceremony made you my woman and your safety is paramount to me.” He drew back and cupped her face in his hands. “Did you see Titus Parr in the woods tonight?”


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