Book Read Free


Page 30

by Laura Tree

  Chapter 30

  We’re sitting at our usual table while Zeke is telling us about his date. I choose to zone out. I really don’t want to hear how well it went.

  Damien takes a minute to tell us that Dean Worthen approved our schedule changes and that they would take place immediately. I’m gearing up to tell them about my latest vision when Trish plops down.

  “You wouldn’t believe the lack of events going on here. For heaven’s sake, it’s Saturday evening, and there’s nothing going on! So I decided to host a sleepover in my dorm. I have invited a few friends. Layla, please tell me you’ll be there.”

  I feel honored. She is really the only friend that I have here. I would love to get away from the constant drama that Damien and Zeke bring into my life.

  “I could use a little girl time. Count me in,” I spout out.

  What? You can’t. They are both in my head trying to convince me not to go, but I’ve already made up my mind.

  It may not be safe. We need to talk about this. I can’t tell whose thought is whose. They are coming in too fast.

  Calm down. It’s a girls’ night; what could go wrong? Besides, her dorm is not far away. This is something I want to do. You will be close enough if something happens, I try to convince them.

  My mind is made up. I will attend and there’s nothing they can do about it.

  I head back to my room and pack an overnight bag before I head off to Trish’s dorm.


  I arrive before any of the other girls.

  “So what’s been going on? You seem distant,” Trish asks, nonchalantly.

  “I’ve just been busy with classes,” I lie. I want desperately to tell her everything. I know that she would understand. When would they think that it’s okay to confide in Trish? I really need a female perspective in all of this. I feel surrounded in testosterone all the time.

  “We haven’t gotten a chance to hang out without Zeke and Damien around. It seems like one of them is always glued to your hip lately. What is the deal with Zeke anyway?” Her question seems like simple curiosity.

  “He and Damien have developed a friendship; besides, he’s okay,” I interject, trying to vouch for him. I don’t want her to think that Zeke is a creep.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that he likes you.” Trish is fishing.

  “Nah. I am sure that his new girlfriend is preoccupying his mind. What do you think about her?” I ask. It’s my turn to fish.

  “You mean Princess Anna? She’s perfect. I can see how Zeke has taken a liking to her,” she says. Princess? Surely Trish didn’t mean that she’s an actual princess.

  “She’s pretty. I hear she’s in the running for top in our class,” I say. I know she’s smart, but that part about being a princess had to be made up.

  “She is top. Her father makes sure of that. King Xavier is not one to be messed with, for the Council.” Trish starts making a bag of popcorn for the guests that are soon to arrive.

  “King Xavier? I didn’t know she was an actual princess.” This has to be a joke. How is it that a Zeke got reeled in by a princess?

  “I forgot that you were unknowledgeable coming in,” Trish says. At this point, I don’t take offence to the term. “Her father is king of the city of Hobath here in the Magical Realm. He is so brutal and quite the perfectionist. He would accept nothing less of his only child.” The smirk on her face tells more of the story. Maybe I should get to know Princess Anna.

  The other guests arrive, and Trish plays the film she chose. I’m lost in my thoughts when an announcement comes on overhead.

  “There is an emergency campus meeting to be held in the auditorium in ten minutes. Attendance is mandatory and will be taken.” The silent threat is hanging in the air as we begin to head to the auditorium.

  The line for the sign--in booth is short when we arrive. It must be a very important announcement for them to take attendance with blood. After a quick prick of my finger, and a bloody print next to my name, I head into the auditorium with Trish to hear the announcement.

  Fifteen minutes later, the auditorium is filled to the brim. The perky blonde takes the stand and begins.

  “The Isle has been notified of a security threat. It is nothing to be alarmed about as we take the safety of our students very seriously. For security purposes, students will be required to implement the buddy system. Any student caught out without another student on campus will be dealt with accordingly. This is for your safety, so take it seriously. This policy is effective immediately. That is all,” she says, dismissing us.

  The crowd breaks out in questions. The perky blonde begins to walk away. It’s clear that our questions will go unanswered for the time being. I sit with Trish for a few more minutes as students start to funnel out of the auditorium.

  Once in the hall, I spot Zeke and Damien. They’re looking for me.

  “I think you should come back with us,” Damien spits out as soon as I approach.

  “My stuff is at Trish’s dorm. I might as well spend the night there.” I really don’t want this anticipated pressure from them.

  “You can get it tomorrow, or we can go get it now,” Zeke speaks up. They must really want me to come back.

  “Look guys, I really need this time. This is good for me to reconnect with girls. I’m always around you guys.” I know they won’t like it, but they reluctantly agree.

  Trish heads back to her dorm with her friends to continue the sleepover, and I join them.

  We spend the first ten minutes back in the dorm speculating about the danger and threat that The Isle received. Having enough of the speculation, I excuse myself to the restroom to brush my teeth.

  I don’t want to think about threats right now. I want to enjoy the time that I have with friends. The time to deal with threats will come soon enough.

  I pull my toothpaste out of my bag and place it on my brush. I hear the words of the movie boom in the silence of the bathroom.

  I stick the toothbrush in my mouth and start brushing, before I feel the blackness coming. I try to fight it off; my visions are coming more and more now that my powers are growing. It takes me despite my efforts to hold off.

  I’m transported to another place in the Magical Realm. I can see robed members sitting around a table, having a discussion. I catch a whisper of “Nema,” and my vision zooms in on another robed member.

  “There is no way that she will find the Pendant. I doubt that even the Suppliant from the prophecy can find the Pendant. If she finds it, she can’t go there. The Geroda Realm can only be traveled by the Council. I hid it well; soon Queen Nema will destroy herself, and the Pendant will be ours.” Although it’s a hushed whisper, I can hear every word as if I were speaking it.

  The owner of the voice looks at me and smiles. Panic overtakes me; he knows I’m here, he knows I can hear him.

  The vision fades, and I come too in the bathroom.

  The first thing that registers is my toothbrush still in my mouth and the drool running down my chin. My head is resting on the corner of the mirror and it starts to ache as I lift it.

  I glance in the mirror to see that I have a gash in my forehead. It’s not very large, but there’s a trickle of blood seeping down the side of my cheek.

  I rinse out my mouth, clean up the blood, and gather my stuff. It’s time I tell Damien and Zeke about my visions.

  I head out to find Trish.


  It’s easier than I had imagined, getting out of there in one piece. Trish doesn’t seem to see the cut in the darkness, and they all have forgotten about the buddy system that’s now in place. I leave with the excuse that I’m not in the mood for a girls’ night with an upset stomach and head back to my dorm.

  The halls are so quiet, I can hear my footsteps. It’s weird. I’m used to being surrounded by students all day. I decide that I will play it safe and stick to the shadows. It’s only a few halls away from my dorm anyway.

  I round the corner and hear whispers. Going on instinct and not wanting to get caught, I slide into the nearest alcove and hide in the shadow. Two people walk by, but the hall is too dark to see their faces.

  I hear them whispering and strain my ears to hear what’s being said.

  “There was an attack. Queen Nema has sent troops to The Isle. They were caught attacking a ship not far from here. The Council is sure that they are already here hiding amongst our students and professors. They have access to a cloaking spell that can hide or disguise them,” the first voice speaks up.

  “How can The Isle defend itself if it can’t identify the enemy? What could she possibly want on The Isle?” the second voice sates, as they move on. Guilt racks me. I am the reason for the attack. When they are out of earshot, I slink from the shadow and slide quietly to my dorm. I can’t help the feeling of being watched.

  I hear footprints behind me and speed up my pace.


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