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Hot, Naughty and Nice

Page 5

by Vida Zen

  “What the hell is that man doing to me?” she sighed.

  * * * *

  Jackie was relatively happy with the current state of her love life―non-existent. Sure, she'd had a few boyfriends, but nothing serious and the sex was always mediocre at best. She heard from friends about the mind-blowing orgasms they'd had with their boyfriends, but had never actually experienced one. She figured those girls were deeply in love with their men, either that or their men really knew how to please a woman.

  She'd resolved herself to not finding the kind of love her parents had. They'd met in college and even now, almost thirty years later, they're still as much in love as they were the day they met.

  Still, she couldn't help but wonder why she became completely frazzled around Dean. Sure, she noticed him, but beyond a few shy smiles here and there, that was really all there was between them.

  Then today in the copy room, she became completely unglued in his presence. She knew she couldn't let it happen again. If he knew the effect he had on her, she was sure he'd use it against her.

  Why didn't I answer his question? That's an easy one, she didn't want to give him the upper hand. No. I'm not nervous around all men, just you.

  As she pushed thoughts of Dean aside, the phone on her desk rang. “Jackie Mitchell,” she answered.

  “Jackie. Meet me in my office in ten minutes. I want to hear more about this fundraiser you've got going,” Mr. Mason said then the line went silent.

  She gathered up the information she had about the homeless shelter and the auction, pasted a smile across her face and headed down the hall to her boss' office.

  * * * *

  Three weeks later...

  “ Where are we going to set up the stage, Jacks?” Patty and Jackie stood in the middle of the vast openness on the second floor.

  Offices lined both sides and there was a lounge area for employees with a couple vending machines, a microwave and two tables with six chairs around each. If it were occupied, the main area of the second floor would be filled with cubicles.

  Jackie recruited a few people from the third and fourth floors to help set up for the auction. She talked with her neighbor and he agreed to build a stage for the auction. He stood slightly behind the two women while they decided where he'd assemble the stage.

  Jackie turned her back to the entrance. “I think we should put the stage at that end. We can set the bar up over here.” She turned to her right and pointed to a bare wall to the left of the entrance.

  “That works. Where is Max going to set up?”

  “Let's put him in the lounge. Those tables are coming out anyway, he can set up in there,” Jackie replied. Patty nodded and pulled out her cell phone, dialing Max and telling him he could come up whenever he was ready.

  Mr. Mason put up the money for the food as well as the bar. He figured people would be more receptive to spending money at the auction if they didn't have to pay for their food and drinks. Jackie suggested to reserve some rooms at one of the local hotels in case the weather was bad and he'd agreed.

  She'd put flyers out all over the city advertising for the auction and Gloria Cleveland, the co-owner of the shelter they were holding this fundraiser for, helped her get the word out as well.

  “We can use the offices for changing rooms.” Jackie and Patty watched their helpers set up the tables and chairs.

  “We've got two hours before the auctionees get here, Jacks, why don't you go get some rest? You've been running all day.”

  “Auctionees? Is that actually a word?” Jackie snorted. “I'll be in my office, call me if you need anything.”

  She pushed the button for the elevator and breathed a heavy sigh. Things seemed to be coming together nicely. Now if she could just relax for a few, she'd be in much better shape when it was her turn on the auction block.

  She stepped into the elevator, surprised to find it empty. She pushed the button for the third floor then rubbed her eyes and leaned against the back of the elevator.

  * * * *

  Jackie bolted upright off the couch in her office, startled awake by the phone ringing. She stumbled to her desk, reaching for the phone with her eyes half closed. “Jackie Mitchell,” she said sleepily.

  “Where the hell are you? The auction's about to start!” Patty sounded frantic. “Get down here now!” The line went silent before Jackie could reply.

  “Shit!” Jackie hung the phone up then walked to her door, pushed it closed and grabbed the dress off the hook on the back. She placed the dress over the arm of the couch and began removing her clothing.

  It was a black strapless dress that stopped just about mid-thigh. Jackie protested against it, but Patty told her all the women in the auction were wearing similar dresses, just different colors.

  She purchased matching shoes, black pumps with three-inch heels, and a clutch bag to complete the ensemble. She also had to find a strapless bra, figuring it wouldn't be the smartest idea to go braless for the auction.

  She dressed quickly then headed to the bathroom to brush out her shoulder length auburn hair and touch up her make-up. She turned to face the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She nodded at her appearance then grabbed the small black clutch, tossed in her keys, her wallet and some lipstick and made her way to the elevators.

  * * * *

  “Merry Christmas! Thanks for coming to our charity auction,” Patty said into the microphone. “My name is Patty Ardmore and I'll be your hostess for the first part of the evening―”

  Jackie walked into the room and froze when she saw every chair filled plus a few people standing along the walls. The blinds on the windows of the offices were closed and she figured the men and women were busy getting ready for the auction. Everyone's attention turned to her and she smiled as she made her way onto the stage.

  Patty introduced her then took a few steps back, allowing Jackie to step up to the microphone.

  “Merry Christmas. We've got a lot of fun things in store for tonight.” She paused to glance around the room and felt her heart leap when her eyes met Dean's. She waited until the clapping subsided before she spoke again.

  “Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Robert Mason, our boss and the man responsible for the food and drinks this evening.” Jackie took a breath as Mr. Mason rose and waved quickly before sitting back down. "The first part of the evening will be the bachelor auction and it's pretty simple. We'll have one of our bachelors come up here and strut his stuff and all the single ladies get to bid on him. The highest bid wins!

  “The second part of the evening will be our bachelorette auction, hosted by Mr. Thomas Swope. The single men will have a chance to bid on each bachelorette and again, the highest bid wins.”

  She waited as the applause subsided. “All funds raised from the auction go to the Cleveland Center for the Homeless, ran by Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cleveland.” Jonathan and Gloria both made quick waving gestures.

  She glanced around the room and her eyes met with Dean's again. He looked at her approvingly and she felt that same pleasant tingle flow through her. She smiled at him then leaned over and said something to Patty before she made her way off stage. She didn't catch the wink that Patty flashed toward Dean or the thumbs up sign he gave her in return.

  “Okay, while we wait for our first bachelor to get ready, let me tell you a little about Mason Enterprises.” Patty smiled at Dean then turned her attention to the audience.

  Jackie's head was spinning and she briefly felt as if she'd pass out. She made her way to one of the “dressing rooms” for the ladies as Patty continued to speak. She closed the door quietly behind her, found a chair and slumped into it.

  “It's gonna be a long night,” she breathed, oblivious to the other women in the room.

  * * * *

  “Two thousand dollars!” Dean called out, hoping this would be the winning bid on the woman of his dreams.

  Jackie stood on the stage, glaring at Dean and the smug grin on his face. The rat! The realiza
tion he would bid on her never hit her until he blurted out his first offer, he'd been silent up until that point.

  “I have a bid of two thousand, do I hear twenty one hundred?” Tom said, glancing around the room. “Two thousand going once.” He paused, waiting for anyone to jump in. “Two thousand going twice.” He paused again. “Sold to the gentleman down front in the black suit for two thousand dollars!” Tom gave a knowing grin to Dean.

  Dean took the few steps to the stage and offered his hand to Jackie. She glared at him, but reached for his hand and he helped her down the stairs.

  “That was the final bid of the night.” Patty took the microphone from Tom. “And that brings our total for the night to eleven thousand five hundred dollars!” she announced to raucous applause.

  As Patty continued to speak, Dean led Jackie to his table. He refused to let go of her hand, even when he felt her trying to pull away from him. She stopped when they reached the table, finally able to pull her hand from. She crossed her arms in front of her.

  “What's wrong?” He knew what the answer was, but he asked anyway.

  “You just had to do it didn't you?” Her blue eyes blazed with fury.

  “Yes, I did. I knew it was the only way you'd go out with me.”

  “I can refuse, you know.”

  “I know, but if you do, I get my two grand back. You really want to take money back from the Cleveland 's after raising it for them?”

  Jackie knew he had a point. She also knew it was only one date she'd be forced to go on with him. A small smile graced her lips at the thought. If she had to go on a date, she'd make it the most miserable date of his life.

  Damn him for making me feel this way!

  Part of her wanted to wipe the smug smile off his face while another part of her wanted him to throw her down right where they were and fuck her senseless.

  She shook her head and slumped down in the chair next to him. “Fine, you win, but don't expect me to enjoy myself.”

  Dean ignored her last statement. He rose to his feet and offered his hand. “The auction's over but the party's just getting started. Wanna dance?”

  “With you?”

  “Yeah, that's the idea.”

  “Not a chance! Make yourself useful and get me a drink.” Jackie knew she'd figure out a way to get rid of him, even if it was only for a few minutes.

  “Anything in particular?” He ignored the obvious disdain in her voice as he continued to grin smugly at her. She'll come around. He folded his arms in front of him while he waited for her reply.

  “Tequila.” She glanced up at him and saw the shocked look on his face. “What? It's been a long day.” When he continued to stare at her, she rose to her feet and began walking to the bar. “Never mind, I'll get it myself.”

  Dean finally gave up on trying to win her over in one night. He sat back down and hoped she'd return. A few minutes later she did return, holding two shots of tequila.

  “Here.” Jackie handed him one of the shots. He looked at the golden liquid in the shot glass with curiosity.

  “What? Don't tell me you don't drink!”

  “Oh, I do. I've just never drank tequila.”

  “Well, bottom's up.” She licked her hand, sprinkled salt on then slammed shot down. She grabbed a lime wedge off the small saucer and sucked it vigorously, watching Dean as he still held his full shot glass. “Are you gonna sit there and stare at it or what?”

  Dean mimicked her actions. Jackie chuckled at the look on his face, then handed him the other lime wedge. He sucked on the lime wedge a bit longer than he should have and she saw tears in his eyes. She wondered if it was the tequila or the tartness of the lime that caused his eyes to water.

  Jackie shook her head in wonder. She tried her hardest to stifle her amusement but failed miserably. Dean glared at her as if she'd just killed his cat.

  “What the hell is so damn funny?”

  “You.” Jackie headed back to the bar. “I need another.”

  “What did I get myself into?” Dean mumbled.

  * * * *

  Half an hour and four shots later, Jackie was feeling more relaxed than she had the entire day. She made her way around the room, thanking people and avoiding Dean as much as possible. Patty made an announcement they were moving a few of the tables to clear an area if anyone wanted to dance.

  There were a few people dancing, mostly the bachelors or bachelorettes who were now with their “dates.” Jackie slumped down in a chair near the bar and glanced around the room. She didn't see Dean and let out a sigh of relief. She refused to show her weakness around him.

  She felt someone massaging her shoulders and she tensed immediately. The familiar warm tingle returned and she knew exactly who it was. “You just won't give up will you?” she said over the music.

  “Nope.” He continued the soothing massage. “You need to relax.”

  “If I were any more relaxed, I'd be sleeping.”

  Patty had brought her iPod upon Jackie's request and hooked it into a large set of speakers. It did an adequate job of filling the room with music. She set it to shuffle so it would play songs at random. A slower song began playing and Jackie watched as the couples on the dance floor pulled each other closer and began swaying softly to the music.

  Dean leaned down and whispered in Jackie's ear. “Dance with me.”

  Jackie sighed heavily and relented. “Fine.”

  He took her hand and helped her to her feet, steadying her as she stumbled slightly. They took a spot on the dance floor and Dean took Jackie's arms and put them around his neck before his arms went around her waist. Much to the surprise of just about everyone, Jackie rested her head on his shoulder as they danced. Her heart was beating furiously and she closed her eyes and willed it to calm. She didn't want Dean to know the effect he was having on her.

  Jackie wondered exactly why she fought it. Was it because they worked for the same company? Technically, they did, but they worked separate divisions and didn't really see each other all that much. Did Mr. Mason have a policy on fraternization? She knew she'd better find out before she decided to let her guard down.

  Unconsciously, she relaxed against him, her body swaying with his to the music. She felt his arms hold her tighter then heard him sigh. If she didn't know better, she swore she'd felt his growing erection pressing into her waist. Instead of being repulsed, she felt her own arousal grow.

  Maybe it's just the tequila.

  Another slow song began to play and when Jackie tried to pull away, Dean held her close. She didn't fight it and rested her head back on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. Her head was spinning and she wasn't sure if it was because of him or the four shots of tequila.

  She raised her head and glanced around the room. Patty and Tom were sitting at a table near the bar and Patty gave Jackie the thumbs up sign. Tom wasn't in the bachelor auction, but he'd always had a thing for Patty so he placed a bid on her and ended up being the highest bidder. At nine hundred dollars, it wasn't the highest bid of the evening, that honor belonged to Dean.

  When someone in the back of the room had called out a fifteen hundred dollar bid, Dean had almost blown his chance. He blurted out his two thousand dollar bid on a whim, having not placed any previous bids. He couldn't let her get away. He knew it would be the best two grand he'd ever spent.

  Patty raised her eyebrows when she saw Jackie approaching without Dean. She glanced toward the dance floor and saw Dean standing there with his mouth agape. Jackie flashed Patty a quick smile, then disappeared through the entrance and headed for the elevators.

  * * * *

  Jackie was ready to give up the fight. She knew she had to conduct herself professionally in front of everyone, so she decided a more private setting would be best. Before she pulled away from Dean, she whispered in his ear, “My office, ten minutes.”

  She walked away and left him standing there, a look of total shock on his face. He watched as she walked to the entrance then di
sappeared around the corner. He took a few steps to the nearest chair and slumped down into it, still staring in wonder at the entrance.

  Jackie made her way back to her office quickly. The feeling of Dean's body pressed against hers sent her libido into overdrive. Even though the temperature throughout the building was comfortable, Jackie felt her nipples harden and felt the coolness of her damp panties between her legs.

  There was no question in her mind what would happen once Dean showed up in her office. She needed to get laid, plain and simple. She figured since Dean seemed so willing, he'd be the best candidate.

  She reached her office and tossed her small clutch purse on the desk. She wiggled out of her pantyhose and panties then pulled her dress over her head to remove her strapless bra. She pulled her dress back on and tossed all the clothes onto the floor next to the sofa. She knew Dean would get the message as to what she wanted.

  Jackie sat seductively on the corner of her desk with one leg crossed over the other, facing the door, waiting for Dean. She glanced at the clock on the wall, seeing more than ten minutes had passed and she briefly wondered if he would show up.

  * * * *

  Dean's heart pounded furiously in his chest. Why did she tell me to meet her in her office? “Come on Dean, tell me you're not that dense,” he said to himself as he stepped off the elevator and turned in the direction of Jackie's office.

  He'd never walked around here after hours. It was almost completely dark. There were a few computers on and a few lights in the main area, enough to light his way. He knew instinctively where her office was, but he was still thankful to have a bit of light to see by.

  As he approached, things felt like they were moving in slow motion. His heart raced. His whole body was sweating. His cock was achingly painful behind the fabric of his pants. His throat was dry and for a moment, he had to remind himself to breathe.

  Dean reached her office and paused, wondering if he should knock or enter unannounced. He decided the latter and froze when he opened the door and saw her. She was sitting on the edge of her desk, leaned back on her hands, her legs crossed seductively in front of her. Jackie's dress had ridden up when she took a seat on the desk and currently, he could see a good amount of her slender thighs.


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