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Bad Boys After Dark

Page 4

by Melissa Foster

  “You tell me. It’s the first time I’ve used it.”

  That surprised her, but she believed him, and it did feel good to have his arm around her, especially after the way he’d held her at the bookstore. She reached up and held his hand, which was draped over her shoulder. “Yeah, I think it does.”

  She expected a sexy retort, and when he didn’t give her one, she chalked it up to another surprise for the night.

  “Tell me something I don’t know about you,” Brett said. “Something maybe no one else knows.”

  She wasn’t sure if he was fishing for a naughty response, or really curious about her, so she erred on the safe side. “When I was a little girl, I’d dream about coming here. It felt bigger than life and unattainable.”

  “Why unattainable?”

  “I was a small-town girl. My parents met when they were young, and they’ve been together forever, living in their own hometown, Oak Falls, where I grew up. My grandfather has a farm he inherited from his parents. It just seemed unreal to think that one day I could live a whole different type of life far away from everything I knew.”

  He gazed thoughtfully at her. “I’m still surprised you’d think it was unattainable. You don’t strike me as the type of person who would let anything stand in the way of her dreams. It doesn’t surprise me that you made it. Is it all that you hoped it would be?”

  “I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that.” And she loved that he had. “People usually ask if I like it here, or how it’s different from back home. I’m not sure I had hoped for anything in particular. I just knew that I wanted more than what Oak Falls had to offer.”

  They stopped to wait for a traffic light to change, and Brett’s arm drifted down to her waist. “More opportunities?” he asked.

  “Yes, but also…This is going to sound bad, and I don’t mean it to because I love my friends and family. But being around people with bigger ideas, more complex thinking, I guess, was something else I was looking for. That’s why I love working in the legal field. No two cases are the same. The foundation, or processes are similar, which I enjoy, because I do like to know what’s coming. But when you bring in the human elements, there’s a certain amount of critical thinking necessary to be successful. Mick is brilliant, and I love working with him because of that.”

  “The feeling is mutual, because he raves about you,” Brett said as they crossed the street.

  “That’s good to know. But there’s more about living here that I enjoy, like the masses of people, the noise, and even the exhaust and the smell of life that permeates the air. But one of my favorite things is the lights in the windows of tall buildings. It’s like they’re watching over us, and it makes me feel safe.”

  “That’s a false sense of security. It’s the watching over you part that worries me,” Brett said.

  “I have to remind myself that you work in the security industry.”

  “It’s more about being an ex-cop than working in the security industry. It’s not like I’m working with the dregs of society anymore.”

  “I know.” Brett handled all aspects of security, from corporate security systems to cyber security and bodyguards for the rich and famous. “You work for most of Mick’s clients, remember? I’ve got the inside scoop on you.”

  “Babe, the work I do is hardly my inside scoop.” He nodded toward a skyscraper. “I know all about what goes on behind closed doors in this city. Trust me, you don’t want the attention of some of those people.”

  “You sound like my father when he tried to talk me out of moving here. But I’ve lived here for years, and I’ve never had any trouble.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

  As they followed a group of people across another street, she said, “Can I ask you something? Do you really not like to read thrillers? I thought all guys liked thrillers and war books.”

  “I spend my time protecting people from harm, whether it’s online or bodily doesn’t make much difference. The last thing I want to do is read about it.”

  “So, what do you read?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not a huge reader other than the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Business news, mostly.”

  They walked around a couple who had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, and Sophie asked, “What do you do for fun?”

  His eyes went volcanic.

  She laughed and said, “Let me rephrase that. What are your hobbies?”

  “Besides you?”

  “God, you’ve got all the lines, don’t you?”

  “Don’t ask if you don’t want to know the answers, because I won’t lie. It’s not my thing.”

  That was the second time he’d mentioned not lying, and it slowed her down for a beat. There were definitely disadvantages to a man who wouldn’t lie, like hearing answers she may not really want. But did they outweigh the advantages? She held honesty in such high regard, she doubted it. “You really have no hobbies?”

  “Sure I do. I work out, run. I’m into old movies, plays, musicals, but I don’t have much downtime, and I don’t watch them much anymore.”

  “You like plays? Grace and I were in theater throughout high school. We had so much fun. We used to dream about seeing our names in lights. She was going to write and produce plays, which she does, of course, and I thought I wanted to act. But once I got into college, I realized I didn’t really want to be in the arts. I had outgrown it, I guess, and I went into prelaw.” She realized she’d gotten off track and said, “Sorry. I’m rambling. What were we discussing? Oh, movies and plays. That’s the other thing that brought me here. When I was a little girl we watched Miracle on 34th Street every winter, and that spurred my love of New York. But I can’t see you sitting still long enough to watch a television show, much less a musical.”

  He gazed out at the road with a faraway look in his eyes and said, “I’m not much for sitting still, but I do have an affinity for the theater…”

  They walked for a while, making small talk and going for long stretches without saying a word, sharing heated glances, the brush of their bodies bringing a rush of anticipation. Sophie found herself drawn deeper into him, waiting for the next touch of his hand or a secret smile.

  “Hungry?” Brett asked as he took her hand and dragged her into a café. “They have the best slutty pumpkin bars you’ve ever had.” He moved behind her and put one arm around her middle, leaning over her shoulder as he pointed to a layered dessert that looked delicious. “We’ll take one of those please,” he said to the guy behind the counter.

  “Only you could find a dessert with the word ‘slutty’ in it,” she said as the guy bagged their treat.

  Brett waggled his brows. When they left the café, he took the bar from the bag and held it up. It looked like a colorful brownie with pieces of Oreos and dribbles of caramel over the top. “You haven’t lived until you’ve had one of these. See the layers of pumpkin cheesecake and brownie, the creamy middle? Tell me that doesn’t look delicious.”

  Her gaze raked down his body. “You look like you snub carbs and sugar, and anything other than muscle-building protein. Do you actually eat sweets?”

  His eyes darkened again.

  “Oh my God, Brett. Do you ever not think of sex?”

  “Do you ever not think about me thinking about sex?” He drew her closer and moved to the side, letting a couple walk past. Then he pulled her even closer, so she was pressed against him, and said, “I like knowing you think about me, Sophie, and the answer is yes, I think about other things. But I can’t stop thinking about you—with and without sex involved.”

  She was captivated by the honesty in his voice. Her insides whirled, and she finally managed, “You’re confusing me.”

  “I could say the same to you.” His expression grew serious again. “I like you, Sophie, and I think it’s time you open up and let me in.”

  She felt like she was teetering on the edge of reason, wanting to say yes but a little afraid of t
he emptiness tomorrow would bring.

  He lifted the brownie between them and grinned. “Open up, sexy girl.”

  “Geez,” she said, realizing she’d taken his words far too seriously. “You are such a pain.” She took a bite, and the decadent sweetness exploded on her tongue. “Mm. That’s amazing.”

  “See? I’ll never lead you astray.” He took a bite, and then she went up on her toes and snagged another bite. “I love a woman who’s not afraid to take what she wants.”

  “You just love women in general,” she said as they continued walking down the street, sharing the sugary goodness.

  “There you go, thinking you know me.”

  “Don’t I? You said you don’t lie, and you don’t hesitate to say exactly what’s on your mind.”

  “That depends how much you want to know about me.” He lifted the last piece of brownie to her lips, and when she opened her mouth, he set it on her tongue. “I think you want to know me better.”

  She was glad her mouth was full, because she just might agree with him.

  He kept one hand on her back as they crossed the streets and weaved through the crowds. When his hand slid to the top of her butt, she let it stay there, knowing she was sending a message and not wanting to fight it. A group of teenagers rushed past, and Brett pulled her against him to clear the way for them. He gave them a dark look, and in the next breath, those eyes were on her, possessive and hungry, turning her into a hot and bothered mess. The urge to kiss him was so strong, she felt herself leaning forward.

  He lowered his lips toward hers and slicked his tongue along the swell of her lower lip. “Brownie,” he said, leaving her breathless.

  And kissless.

  He lifted his chin and cocked his head, his brow furrowed. “Do you hear that?”

  She made a conscious effort to separate the sounds of the city from the rush of desire throbbing through her, but it was impossible. “The traffic sounds?” she guessed.

  “Not even close. Come on.” He took her hand and turned down the street instead of crossing, heading toward a crowd that was gathered in front of a theater. The sound of men singing the song “Sherry” came into focus. Brett swept her into his arms and began dancing.

  “Brett,” she said with a laugh, falling into step with him.

  He sang every word, changing Sherry to Sophie. They laughed and danced, and when the group started singing “Can’t Take My Eyes off You,” she took a step back, assuming they were done dancing. Brett had other ideas. He gathered her in his arms, pressing their bodies together as he gazed into her eyes, singing every word, though he changed the three he was allergic to, to I need you. The man was addictive, and surprising, and the feel of his strong arms and warm body made her heart race.

  “Who are you?” she asked, only half teasing. She didn’t recognize this fun-loving, easygoing guy.

  His gaze turned serious. “I’m the guy who’s going to ruin you for all other men.”

  Holy. Cow.

  When the song ended, Brett kept her close, swaying to a sensual beat all their own, lulling her deeper into him. She’d never met a man who didn’t need to fill the silence, but Brett filled it with a hundred unsaid words. He had a way of moving, of looking at her, that awakened something deep inside her, darker than desire and bigger than lust. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt, and the longer he held her, the more alive it became, until she was sure the people around them could feel it billowing out around them.

  Brett’s gaze never wavered from hers, and soon he was all she saw.

  “What have you done to me, Sophie?” he whispered.

  She swallowed hard, completely lost in him. “Nothing.”

  “If by nothing you mean everything, then yeah. You’re right.” He threaded his fingers into her hair, his other hand pressed against her lower back the way he’d held her last night at the bar, igniting the flames that had been simmering inside her ever since. He brushed his lips over hers, then lifted his face, gazing into her eyes as if he were seeking her approval. A needy sound escaped before she could stop it.

  His eyes smoldered as he said, “I want to kiss you.”

  Yes. Her lips parted, but no words came.

  “But once I get my mouth on you, I’m not going to want to stop.”

  She went up on her toes, her heart hammering against her ribs, her courage hanging on by a thread, but the words fell freely. “Then you better not kiss me here.”

  SOPHIE HAD NEVER run so fast in heels as she did on their way to her apartment. She arrived breathless and giddy, but as they waited for the elevator, a knot formed in her stomach. She’d expected a few stolen kisses on the way, but Brett hadn’t even tried. The man was a master at turning her on without words. Every seductive look seared through her, bringing his promise with it, Once I get my mouth on you, I’m not going to want to stop. She could hardly believe she was really going through with this, and no part of her wanted to put on the brakes, but that didn’t stop warning bells from sounding in her head. Including the one that reminded her that Brett had far more experience than she did. She’d never been particularly creative when it came to sex, although she wasn’t opposed to the idea of it. She just hadn’t been with men she wanted to be creative for.

  When the elevator arrived, Brett’s hand on her back urged her inside. As the doors closed, he gently cupped her cheek, putting the tip of his thumb on her lower lip, tugging it down slightly, and holding it there. Good Lord, her entire body pushed forward, wanting more of him. His thumb slid to her chin, moving painfully slowly, erotically, down the center of her neck. She swallowed hard, earning a dark smile, as his thick thumb continued its descent down her breastbone, between her breasts, stopping at the edge of her plunging neckline. She was breathing so hard her body touched his with each inhalation.

  “I can promise you one perfect night, Soph, nothing more. If you have any hesitation, tell me now.” His voice was dead calm and full of desire.

  She wanted to tell him she didn’t have second thoughts, but she couldn’t get the words out, so she shook her head, earning a wicked smile that filled his gorgeous eyes with even more passionate promises.

  He touched his thumb to her lower lip again and said, “The next time that’ll be my mouth.” He lowered his face closer to hers. His hips ground into her so enticingly she could barely focus as he said, “And I’m not stopping there.”

  The elevator doors opened on her floor, but neither one of them moved. She was rooted in place, riveted by the way he was looking at her and the things he’d said. The doors began closing, startling her out of her trance. Brett reached behind him with one hand to stop them and took hold of her hand with his other.

  The hallway felt smaller with him in it. Every step toward her door made her heart pound harder. Somewhere in her head her rational side warned her to take a step back, but she’d wanted him for too long, had seen too much of the man he was hiding—or didn’t know existed. Whatever it was, even if she was wrong, she didn’t want to back out.

  She withdrew her keys from her purse, and as she unlocked the door, that knot in her stomach pulsed harder. She pushed the door open, and he waited for her to walk in, watching her, his jaw tight, as if he was having as much trouble keeping his emotions in check as she was. She knew he was giving her every chance to back out, and as much as she appreciated that, it made her even more nervous. She stepped inside, and when the door clicked shut behind them, she knew there was only one way to get past her nerves.

  She set her keys and purse on the table by the door and grabbed him by the collar, tugging him closer. “You need to kiss me now, and you don’t need to stop, or check in, or whatever it is you’re doing, because I want you, Brett. I want everything you have to give, with one condition.”

  SOPHIE WANTED EVERYTHING Brett had to give? Clearly she had no idea how much that was. His sexual appetite for her was endless, and giving her everything could take a lifetime. As the thought crossed his mind, he realized with shock that she
was his one exception to his once-and-done rule, and that momentarily stunned him as much as her confession had.

  He ran his hands along her hips, seeking relief from the shock of his thoughts, and felt her body sway into him. He was anxious to kiss her, to pleasure her, to satisfy the primal urges he felt every time he was near her. He spread his fingers over her ass and wedged one leg between her thighs. Her slinky dress bunched up at the top of her legs. Oh yeah, this dress was quickly becoming his favorite. He couldn’t wait to drop it to the floor.

  She pressed her hands to his chest, putting space between them, and said, “One condition, Brett.”

  Damn, he was so into her, he’d forgotten she had a condition to their coming together. Her eyes were as dark and wild as a summer storm. “Anything.”

  “None of this gets back to Mick.” She was breathing even harder than she had been a minute ago. “Do you agree? You won’t tell him? Because he’s my boss and that wouldn’t be cool.”

  Being with Sophie was like a dream come true. He felt like he’d won the lottery, and he wasn’t about to do anything to fuck it up. “I will not speak a word of this night to Mick or anyone else.”

  A small smile lifted the edges of her lips. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  He lowered his mouth to hers, reveling in its softness and the eagerness of her tongue as it danced with his. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he took the kiss deeper, exploring the recesses of her mouth and earning a series of sexy sounds. His hands moved over her ass, to the back of her bare thighs. He lifted his leg, which was wedged between her thighs, pressing against her center. His fingers moved beneath her dress, slipping under her silk panties, and he filled his palms with her perfect ass. Fuck, he was so hard and wanted her so bad, he didn’t know where to begin. He wanted all of her at once, and he wasn’t going to stop until she was too satisfied to move.

  “Bedroom,” he ground out, and lifted her into his arms, unwilling to wait a second longer than he had to. He strode through the living room, taking in the cream couches, brown throw pillows, and pale pink curtains. He passed a reading nook with a tufted pink chair beside built-in bookshelves, which were filled to the gills. It was easy to picture Sophie curled up reading a Kurt Remington thriller.


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