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Bad Boys After Dark

Page 23

by Melissa Foster

  His father held his steady gaze, the loaded question hanging between them like a line drawn in the sand. “What’s in this for you, Brett? Why are you here after all these years?”

  “Because I can’t move forward carrying all this anger and guilt around, and I don’t want to end up”—like you—“alone and angry, making people walk on eggshells.” Brett squared his shoulders, thinking about Sophie and her family and how wonderful it was to be part of that. “And because even though I know we’ll never be a close family again, that doesn’t mean we can’t be something.”

  His father’s eyes misted over again. “Common ground. That’s where I’m coming from, too.”

  Emotions bowled Brett over, momentarily stunning him into silence.

  “I’m still seeing the therapist,” his father said. “It’s been a process, building up to do what you had the courage to do today. To apologize. I didn’t think any of you would accept an apology from me. Too little too late. I’ve been putting off reaching out and trying.” His mouth twitched, as if struggling over what might come next. “Another weakness of mine, avoiding failure.”

  Failure? Brett hadn’t thought his father even knew the meaning of the word. What else did he have wrong?

  “But you’re here, Brett,” his father said. “And you’re more of a man than I could ever be. I’m sorry, son. I’m sorry I wasn’t the father you and your brothers deserved. Or the husband your mother deserved, and I’m sorry we lost Lorelei.” His jaw tightened, just as Brett’s already was. “But I hope your being here means it’s not too late for us to salvage some kind of relationship.”

  Brett nodded, for fear that if he tried to speak, the tears he’d been holding back for decades might break free. His father took a tentative step closer, and the boy who’d lost his sister, his father, and the family unit he’d once counted on bullied his way through, closing the distance between them and stepping into his father’s open arms.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I’M GOING TO become a pro at this,” Sophie said as she tossed a piece of popcorn into the air and dove to catch it in her mouth Sunday afternoon. “Darn it!” She bent at the waist, wearing Brett’s favorite cutoffs, the ones he usually tore off her the minute he noticed them, and tried her best to get Brett’s attention. But he was busy making two different types of dip. She hadn’t even known he could make toast, much less dip.

  Brett’s eyes shifted to her for only a second, then back to the vegetables he was cutting, which was how she knew her badass boyfriend was a nervous wreck. He hadn’t yet told his brothers that he’d invited their father to stop by and watch the game with them. He’d found out that Carson and Tawny were bringing Adeline, and he’d been worried ever since. He didn’t want there to be any trouble in front of his niece, but he also didn’t want to cancel the invitation, especially since his father had said he wasn’t sure he was ready to see everyone, and he might not even show up.

  She ran her hand along Brett’s side and kissed the back of his neck, hoping to distract him and help him relax before everyone arrived. She went up on her toes and whispered in his ear, “What other secret talents do you have?”

  He smiled and tossed the vegetables into a bowl, then set to work crumbling bacon.

  “That looks delicious.” She moved beside him, her back to the counter, and picked up a carrot. “I do love having things in my mouth.” She slid the carrot between her lips and moved it in and out. “Mm.”

  He cleared his throat, his jaw clenching. She ducked under his arm, moving in front of him, and lifted his shirt, kissing her way up his tense muscles, slowing to suck the spots she knew drove him wild, over his ribs, and around his nipples.

  “Play with me,” she said between kisses. The song on the radio changed to “Love Me or Leave Me Alone” and she swayed seductively, rubbing her body against him.

  His arms stilled as she sang about magic between them and his eyes finally met hers. She ran her hands along his thighs, singing about him loving her or leaving her alone, and his lips curved up in a lecherous smile. He swept her into his arms, holding her tight as they danced across the kitchen floor, and he showered her with tantalizing kisses. When he deepened a kiss, a groan rumbled up his throat, sending her girly parts into a celebration. They danced around the island, and he clutched her hips, holding her tight. Passion brimmed in his eyes. She loved the way he looked at her as he lifted her up and set her on the counter with a predatory stare.

  “They’ll be here any minute,” he said, running his hot, rough hands up her thighs.

  She palmed his hard length through his jeans and said, “Then we better be quick.”

  “Fuck,” he growled. “Sophie…” He lowered his mouth to her neck, sucking hard enough to kick off the celebration in her panties. “You know I can’t resist you.”

  “I’m not sure why you ever try.”

  She unbuttoned his jeans and made a lusty noise as she licked the palm of her hand and then stroked his cock. Just touching him made her wet, and he was right there with her, hard and eager, eyes as dark as night, breathing heavily. He captured her mouth in a punishingly intense kiss as he pushed his fingers beneath her shorts and directly into her needy center. She gasped into their kiss as they drove each other wild.

  He pulled her to the edge of the counter with his free hand. “I want to fuck you.”

  She slid off the counter, mourning the loss of his fingers inside her but knowing it was only momentary, and quickly stepped out of her shorts and panties. She turned, bracing her hands against the counter as he sheathed his cock. “Hurry.”

  “Christ, baby, you are stunning. Hurrying is not on my agenda.”

  He pushed into her, and they both made greedy sounds as they found their rhythm. She looked over her shoulder, taking in the man who had captured her heart, hoping today went well, and knowing if it didn’t, their love was strong enough to carry them through.

  “Kiss me—”

  “Always,” he said as his mouth came hungrily down over hers.

  His hands pushed beneath her shirt, groping and teasing her nipples and driving her out of her blessed mind. When one hand moved between her legs, a long, surrendering moan left her lips.

  “Come with me, baby.” He sealed his teeth over the base of her neck, and she felt his thighs flex.

  The doorbell sounded, and they both stilled. No! She didn’t want to stop.

  She grabbed the edge of the counter with one hand and reached between her legs, fondling his balls the way she knew would make him come. Knowing her man could live up to any challenge, she said, “Come with me in thirty seconds or less and tonight we’ll try any position you want.”

  He rammed into her, their hands and bodies working their delectable magic. They gasped and cried out as their orgasms hit—and the doorbell sounded again. Repeatedly.

  “Hang on!” Brett hollered toward the door, staying inside her until the last pulse of her release. They reluctantly separated, and he turned her in his arms and took her in another soulful kiss, then smiled down at her. “You look freshly fucked.”

  “Feel better?” she asked cheekily.

  “Much. Go get cleaned up. I’ll wash up quickly and let them in.”

  He smacked her ass as she picked up her cutoffs and underwear. He uttered a curse when a text sounded on his cell phone, then thumbed a response as she hurried into the bedroom.

  After washing up, she went to join them, and the girls intercepted her on her way into the kitchen.

  “A little pregame orgasmic action?” Tiffany asked.

  Sophie laughed, feeling her cheeks flame, and quickly decided to derail this runaway train before it went too far. “We were making dip. You look adorable in that jersey, and I love your skinny jeans.”

  “Nice try.” Tiffany leaned closer and said, “Your man’s in the kitchen with our men making the dip.”

  Amanda pointed into the kitchen, where Brett was dancing with Adeline, while Mick and Dylan mixed the dip. Sophie’s hea
rt stumbled. Brett was talking to Adeline, dancing like she was a little lady, and Adeline was gazing adoringly at him. She hoped that one day, if things got better with his father, maybe he’d be open to having a family. Realizing how far ahead of herself she was jumping, she looked away, and found Carson and Tawny in the living room. They were looking at the picture of Sophie and Brett standing beneath the willow tree in her parents’ backyard. The picture had arrived in the mail yesterday with a note from Lindsay that said, Now you can start your own picture wall. The second Brett had seen it, he’d gone searching for his hammer.

  “Can’t blame a girl for trying,” Sophie said. “Sorry we made you wait.”

  “Hey, we’re fine, and look at our men. Do they look the littlest bit bothered by the delay?” Amanda asked. “I heard Carson telling Mick that Brett handed over the reins on the upcoming concert to one of his managers, and apparently that’s a big thing for him, giving up micromanaging. So you two keep up your lovin’, because Brett’s needed you in his life for a long time.”

  Sophie was dying to tell them about his visit with his father, but that wasn’t her news to share. They made their way into the kitchen, and Brett reached for her hand, bringing her into the dance with Adeline. The happiness in his eyes made her wonder if he’d already told his brothers.

  “Sophie, you look pretty,” Adeline said as they twirled around the kitchen. “You’re bright pink, like Mommy! Uncle Bretty is bright blue today. I like him bright blue.”

  Sophie’s gaze shot to Brett, and she knew by the wicked look in his eyes he was thinking the same thing she was. They’d already taken care of any chance of certain parts of him being blue.

  Brett lifted Adeline into his arms and said, “She does look pretty, doesn’t she?” He kissed Adeline’s cheek and said, “Almost as pretty as you,” earning sweet little-girl giggles. “Adeline, do you think we should tell Sophie our secret?”

  Adeline nodded with wide eyes.

  “I love secrets,” Sophie said.

  Brett opened his mouth, but Adeline said, “We’re going to see a play with music!” so excitedly, all eyes turned to them.

  Sophie looked hopefully at Brett, knowing he hadn’t gone to see a show since he’d lost his sister. He lifted one shoulder in a shrug that tugged at her heartstrings.

  “Who’s we?” Carson asked as he and Tawny came into the kitchen. Carson glanced at Mick and Dylan, who looked shell-shocked.

  “Me and Uncle Bretty, and you and Mommy, and Sophie, and everyone in this room!” Adeline wiggled out of Brett’s arms and said, “Can I go color?”

  “Sure, honey.” Tawny pointed to the coffee table in the living room, where she’d set out coloring books and crayons. “I’ll be right in.”

  AS ADELINE SKIPPED happily into the living room, Brett told himself it was now or never. He’d been avoiding the inevitable, pretending his world might not come crashing down around him.

  “You want to take Adeline to a play?” Carson asked.

  He met his brothers’ surprised expressions, which mirrored his own feelings when he’d mentioned going to see a play to Adeline. But seeing her smile as they’d danced around the kitchen, and hearing her talk about how much she loved music, made him want to take her to see a musical. And when he’d looked across the room at Sophie, he’d known in his heart he was ready to put that part of his past behind him and take another step forward.

  He only hoped his brothers and father were ready for the same.

  Mick was watching him like a hawk, eyes narrow and serious, as if he could see into Brett’s brain and wanted to pick it apart.

  “I was thinking I’d take her to a musical. I’d like all of us to go, actually. I think it would be fun.” Brett felt Sophie’s fingers touch his, and he curled his hand around hers. No more driving around mud puddles. He wanted to plow right through them.

  Dylan said, “We’d love to go.”

  “Us too,” Amanda said as she slid an arm around Mick.

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Tawny said with a warm smile. “Thank you for thinking of Adeline.”

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.” Brett met Mick’s gaze. “I went to see Dad, and I invited him to stop by today.”

  Sophie squeezed his hand.

  Carson’s eyes shot to Adeline. “You invited him here? What were you thinking? You knew Addy was going to be here. I don’t want him upsetting her.”

  “It’s okay.” Tawny reached for his hand. “He didn’t cause any issues at our wedding, and I’m sure Brett would have given us a heads-up if he thought there might be problems.”

  Mick’s gaze never wavered. “You should have given us warning.”

  “I was afraid you guys wouldn’t come. I’m not even sure he’ll show up,” Brett said. “And I was worried about Adeline being here, but not because of Dad. He’s been seeing a therapist since the fundraiser, and I’m telling you, he’s different. I was worried about how you all would react to him.”

  “You were right to worry,” Carson said. “I won’t allow him to make Adeline or Tawny uncomfortable.”

  “Do you think I’d have asked him here if I thought he’d make Sophie uncomfortable? Or any of your wives?” Brett said in a hushed tone so Adeline wouldn’t hear. “Not a chance in hell.”

  Carson shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just protective of them.”

  “We all are,” Mick said. “You sure he’s seeing a therapist?”

  “Yes. Definitely. And Mom is the one who hooked him up with the guy.”

  “Mom?” Mick asked.

  “I know. I couldn’t believe it either. I was going to call her, but I figured that was between them.”

  “He did tell me he was proud of me at the fundraiser for the first time since I was a kid,” Dylan reminded them. “That was totally out of the ordinary for him.”

  “He said he hit rock bottom, and he apologized. There were real tears in his eyes, and he’s not a guy who can pretend to be anything he’s not.” They had that in common, too. Brett had been thinking about those tears for days. When he’d told Sophie about their visit, he’d been moved to tears himself, and she’d cried right along with him. It had been as cathartic as it was difficult, and he’d felt freer ever since.

  “Look, you guys never thought you’d see the day when I’d want to apologize to him, right?” Brett drew Sophie closer. “I’m proof that people can change. And hell, each one of you are too.”

  “I think this is great,” Amanda said. “That must have been really hard for both of you, and I’m glad you’re taking this step. I’ve been worried about how we’d explain to our kids why their grandfather was never around.”

  A pained expression washed over Carson’s face. “It’s not easy.”

  “If he shows up, I’m sure we can all be civil.” Mick shifted his gaze to each of their brothers, who nodded in agreement.

  “That’s all I’m asking.” Brett sighed with relief. “And, Carson, I’m sorry about not telling you and letting you decide about bringing Adeline. This has been a confusing time for me, and I was worried about the message it would send to Dad if I canceled.”

  “We can handle it,” Carson said. “What’s the worst that can happen? He’s a prick and we show him the front door.”

  That brought a little much-needed laughter. They finished making the dip, gave Brett a hard time about not being prepared, and then everyone headed into the living room to watch the game.

  Brett drew Sophie against his side on the couch and said, “I saw you stealing glances at me. Just kiss me when you want a kiss. It doesn’t matter if my family’s here.”

  “I’m not afraid to kiss you in front of them. I wasn’t looking for a kiss. I was just looking at you.”

  He brushed his scruff along her cheek, the way he knew she loved, and said, “And what did you see?”

  “This hot guy who I’m pretty sure is my everything.” She climbed into his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. “I lov
e who you are.”

  He held her tighter and said, “That’s good, because you’re stuck with me.”

  “Get a room,” Tiffany teased.

  “Uncle Bretty has a room. It’s right down the hall,” Adeline said as she colored in her coloring book.

  The doorbell chimed, and Brett’s heart rate spiked. Sophie moved from his lap and he pushed to his feet. “I guess he did decide to show up after all.”

  He went to answer the door, and his brothers followed, standing shoulder to shoulder a few feet away, ready to protect the people they loved most. Brett opened the door, and his stomach pitched at the sight of his father’s serious dark eyes and granitelike jaw. Old habits die hard.

  He pushed those ghosts away and said, “Dad. I’m glad you came.”

  Brett stepped aside, and their father’s lips curled up in the most nervous smile Brett had ever witnessed. It was strange to see his father wearing jeans and a sweater, instead of the suits he wore to the events they both attended, which was the only place they’d seen him in years. He looked much less imposing. Or maybe that was the lack of fierceness in his eyes. Whatever the cause, Brett was glad they were standing on common ground again.

  He handed Brett a bottle of wine. “I wasn’t sure what you drank these days.”

  “Thank you. Come in, please.”

  Brett watched their father’s chest rise with a deep inhalation as he stepped inside. His gaze swept across the room, slowing on the faces of each of his sons, their wives standing nervously nearby. Their father nodded curtly, and his gaze caught on Adeline, who was walking around the far side of the couch, watching them with interest. Her little brows knitted, and she fidgeted with the hem of her sweater. Their father’s Adam’s apple bobbed with a hard swallow. Brett wondered if he was thinking of Lorelei, the way he did every time he saw his niece.

  “Dad, can I get you a drink?” he asked to break the tension.

  “No, thank you. I’m not drinking these days.”

  “I would like a drink,” Adeline said as she approached.


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