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Page 11

by Grubbs, Roger

  “Oh, Michael, you saved my life,” said Angelica, kissing him squarely on the lips. There was no doubt about her feelings toward him now.

  Being surprised by the change, yet concerned there may be others, Michael couldn’t fully enjoy the sensuous pleasure. Instead, he said, “We can’t stay here. Gather up your things. We are leaving immediately.”

  “Where are you taking me?” asked Angelica, all starry-eyed. He was still having a difficult time getting used to the change in his friend. But, she definitely was not a little angel, not after that kiss.

  “Like you said earlier, we must find a place away from people.” He didn’t reveal how his scheme to impress her had gone awry. But, since it had worked in their favor and actually saved them, he decided to keep that little secret to himself. Moments later Angelica was ready to leave. Standing there with only a sword and laptop in her hands, the girl looked to Michael for guidance. “Where is the sig?” he asked.

  “I will get it and the extra ammo,” replied Angelica, handing him the two items she held. Moments later she returned, ready to follow her valiant warrior. Without further delay, Michael ushered her out the door, following close behind. He made certain they were not being followed. However, while still within hearing distance of the cabin, they could hear the sound of zombies tearing flesh from the monsters they had just left behind. “That is sick,” said Angelica, shaking her head is disgust.

  “Tell me about it, but don’t try to convince them. Those creatures are dumb as a rock,” said Michael.

  “So you have already tried reasoning with them?” asked Angelica, attempting to make conversation.

  “No, but they all do the same thing and without feeling. Now they are eating the flesh of their own.”

  Angelica already knew that; but after witnessing her friend in action, she decided to stroke his ego. Of course Michael loved it and took it to heart. Finally, he had gained her respect, although accidentally.

  As the serious situation settled in, Angelica asked, “How could this have happened so quickly?”

  “Since you are the expert, you tell me.”

  “Help me find a newspaper. Something doesn’t add up,” said Angelica.

  “I will stop off at the nearest convenience store, ma’am.”

  “Stop being factious. I am serious. We need to find a newspaper.” It finally occurred to him that he needed to honor her request or risk losing the respect he had fought so diligently to earn.

  “Follow me and don’t lag behind,” said Michael, picking up the pace. Soon they were nearing a familiar spot where he expected to locate a newspaper. The store was abandoned; but if his memory served him correctly, there was a newspaper dispenser at the corner of the building. Carefully checking the surroundings, Michael prepared to approach the moon lighted area. Before he left, he turned and issued an order. “Stay here.”

  “Be careful, Michael.” A brief kiss on his cheek was noted, but again there was no time to enjoy it. She stood in the darkened shadows while eagerly awaiting the return of her friend. The anxious moment seemed to never end. Suddenly all those concerns evolved into her worst nightmare. The sound of the weird moaning could be heard approaching from the wooded area just behind her. “Michael!” she whispered. However, he couldn’t possibly hear her. “Michael!” she sounded out a little louder. She desperately needed to get his attention without alerting the encroaching zombies. “Michael!” she yelled as the sight of the creatures was glaring in the moonlight.

  “What is it now?” said Michael as he briefly looked in Angelica’s direction. Quickly turning his attention back to the matter at hand, he continued to vigorously yank at the handle of the newspaper rack while adding, “This thing is stuck.” Inside was the valuable paper he needed, but getting to it was almost impossible. Finally, the latch came loose just as the high-pitched screams of his friend pierced the night air.

  He took off in a run only to find his companion in trouble once again. With the skill of a gladiator, he went for the brain. He missed and the creature seemed to be unfazed by the attack that had taken off half its face. “You stupid pile of rotten flesh, take this!” yelled Michael, hitting his target. The creature fell to the ground. Thinking the battle was over, he now searched for Angelica. When he spotted her, it was obvious she was still in trouble. Feeling a bit cocky after his earlier success, Michael walked up to the zombie and tapped it on the shoulder. When the creature turned around, he was shocked at the grotesque image standing before him. The figure displayed only a small portion of its face with teeth dangling. His slight hesitation was exactly what the opponent needed to gain the advantage.

  Chapter 10

  Now dangerously close to becoming infected, Michael hoped for a miracle. It came in the form of a sword-wielding angel. At least that was what Angelica reminded him of. With one fatal blow, his adversary fell to the ground. However, when another zombie was about to latch onto his friend, Michael looked down at his empty hand to discover he had misplaced his sword during the commotion. Searching for options, he grabbed the laptop lying on the ground; and with the force of several strong men, it landed on the top of the head of Angelica’s attacker. While rendering the creature incapacitated temporarily, the fragments of the computer went everywhere, leaving Angelica steaming. She hesitated momentarily before sending a sword to the brain thus finishing the job.

  Now that the battle was over, Michael was ready to apologize for his error in judgment. “Sorry about that,” he said, laughingly, while staring at the computer fragments lying everywhere.

  “Did you get the paper I sent you for?” she asked.

  “It’s over there on the ground.”

  “Get it and let’s leave before more of these things show up,” said Angelica, in an irritable tone.

  “I said I was sorry. You don’t have to get all testy with me,” said Michael.

  “Well, if you had come when I called you, none of this would have happened. Now how are we going to keep up with the news without my laptop?” asked Angelica.

  “I thought that is what you needed the newspaper for,” said Michael.

  She realized they didn’t need a newspaper after all. She could have found everything she required on the internet. However, to save face, she decided to bring up something very important. “There is no connection out here and you know it.”

  “Then how did you get it at the cabin?” asked Michael.

  “Don’t be silly. We have a router there but not out here in the bushes,” said Angelica. Yet, there was another blunder that she hoped to keep hidden. She could have checked her computer before leaving the cabin. Why hadn’t she simply thought to look at the date? Moments later all this made perfect sense. Her suspicions were confirmed as her eyes skimmed the front page and landed on the date. “It must have happened when we were battling the demons. I thought I was dreaming last night,” said Angelica.

  “I had a terrible dream too. Tell me about yours,” insisted Michael.

  “It doesn’t matter. We have lost two years of our lives. It is no longer April 10, 2009,” said Angelica.

  “No way. Let me see that,” said Michael, taking the paper from her in disbelief. After checking for himself, he joined his friend who was gazing into the heavens. They both stared at the twinkling stars as if to be expecting those celestial ornaments to explain things to them. The brilliant moon looked the same as it did the last time they had seen it; yet considering the current date, neither could actually determine when that was. Then things returned to reality.

  Forcefully hitting him on the shoulder, Angelica angrily spouted, “I can’t believe you destroyed our only source of communication with the outside world.”

  “What was I supposed to do? He was about to eat you alive,” argued Michael, rubbing his injury.

  “Isn’t that what we have these for?” asked Angelica, holding up the sword.

  “That creep must have knocked it from hands. Besides I have this,” said Michael, holding up the cell phone. The
jubilation was short-lived when a small creature came from the bushes taking the phone from his open hand and disappearing into the night. He stood there in shock. “What in the hell was that?” asked Michael.

  Angelica laughed, not that it was funny, but because of the expression on Michael’s face. “I can’t believe you let that little man take our only phone,” she added.

  “This is not funny, Angelica. What if that thing is one of the zombies? I could be infected.” He immediately began to check for wounds. Seeing none, he felt somewhat relieved.

  While he was diligently searching for wounds, Angelica got a glimpse of the little thief. At first she wasn’t sure if it was a child or a little man. Soon she determined from its build that the stranger was a dwarf. “If I help you get your phone back, will you find us a place to spend the night? I am exhausted,” whispered Angelica.

  “How do you propose we do that? We don’t even know where the little runt went,” said Michael.

  “Hey! Watch your mouth. I am more of a man than you will ever be,” said the small stranger.

  “Give me back that phone, or I will lay you over my knee and teach you some respect,” said Michael.

  “Yeah? You and whose army? Come with me, lady, and I will give you a place to sleep, but lose the creep. He can’t handle a woman like you,” said the dwarf.

  “Why you little brat . . .” said Michael, being interrupted.

  “Be careful, Michael, some of those little people are pretty tough,” said Angelica.

  “I will show him what tough is,” said Michael.

  “All the same, let’s see what he has to offer. Maybe we won’t need the phone after all. But I could sure use a place to sleep,” said Angelica.

  “Are you siding with that little runt? I can’t believe you,” said Michael.

  “No, I am on your side, but let me handle him. He may be able to help us in more ways than you know,” said Angelica.

  “Are you guys going to stand there all night flapping your gums? I have things to do,” said the stranger.

  “We will take you up on the offer. You can keep the phone, and in return you provide us a safe place to get a good night’s sleep,” said Angelica.

  “I beg to differ with you lady, but the phone is mine. Remember, possession is nine-tenths of the law. However, for you I will make an exception. Follow me and watch your back. Word has it there are a few zombies roaming about this area tonight,” said the stranger. While Angelica laughed, Michael failed to see the humor in it. That little runt had just made him look bad in front of his lady friend. Beside that, the little man had insulted him. Yet it was the dwarf’s arm that the beautiful girl was hanging onto. So Michael went along with her for now.

  “What is your name?” asked Angelica, politely.

  “My name is Arnold. What is your name lady?”

  This was the opening Michael was waiting for. Now he could return the insults. “Arnold like the pig?”

  “No smart ass. Arnold like in Rambo,” said the dwarf.

  “You dumbass, that is not the same person. You have them mixed up,” said Michael.

  “All the same, you can call me Arnie. Now you do have a name, don’t you?”

  “My name is Angelica and this is Michael.” Those names caused their new acquaintance to become extremely nervous which was a mystery in and of itself.

  “This is not a fancy hotel. But it is well guarded and as safe as you will find in these parts,” said Arnie.

  “How long have you been living here?” asked Angelica.

  “I have been living here for a year and thirteen days—if you can call this living.”

  “How did you find this place?” asked Angelica.

  “I stumbled across it while running from someone,” said Arnie.

  “Were you running from the zombies?” asked Angelica.

  “Nah, those dumb pieces of rotten flesh can’t catch me,” said Arnie.

  “The little thief was probably running from whoever he stole from,” said Michael.

  “If it weren’t for the presence of the lady, I would kick your butt right about now,” said Arnie, confidently.

  “Anytime you feel up to it, you little brat,” said Michael.

  “Please, guys, can you save that for the zombies? I am exhausted after our confrontation back there,” said Angelica.

  “So you guys did that? Maybe I was wrong about you,” said Arnie, staring at Michael and then at Angelica.

  “Michael did most of it. I am but a girl as you can see,” said Angelica.

  “I don’t need your help vouching for me to this jerk,” whispered Michael.

  “Do us a favor and go along with me. I am handling him just fine. We need to find out how all this happened,” whispered Angelica. The private discussion was interrupted.

  “We have arrived. Now you will see who is boss of this outfit,” said Arnie. Standing in front of them was a well fortified concrete bunker that was camouflaged by the natural brush and trees of the woods. When the door opened, the crowd chanted as their leader returned. Inside was a host of people all dressed in rags and in desperate need of a bath. For a moment Michael considered the possibility that these beings may be a different breed of zombies, but that idea was soon shot down. Their eyes indicated they were indeed human, and this was soon confirmed by their actions.

  “Listen up, guys. These are my new friends, Angelica and Michael. They just took care of our little problem. So it will be safe to venture out for a while, at least until others show up. But for now the zombies have been eradicated, compliments of my new friends.”

  “He keeps saying friends. What changed his mind?” whispered Michael.

  “It happened when he realized you took out their opponent. Evidently the zombies have kept them holed up here for quite a while,” whispered Angelica.

  “Thank you for helping us, Michael,” said a young lady, kissing him on the cheek. Angelica laughed as the line formed. “Are they all women?” whispered Michael. The small man overheard their discussion.

  “The women needed me. The guys thought they could handle the zombies and tried to show off. As you can see, none of them made it,” said Arnie.

  “How about you? How did you make it?” asked Michael.

  “I am smarter than those dumb dead guys. Besides, they can’t catch me.”

  “Now that I can believe,” said Michael with a double meaning. Angelica pinched his arm and provided a subtle nod. Now that Arnie had accepted his competition, she wanted to prevent friction from building again. At the moment, it was Michael receiving the praise of the ladies and Arnie could only stand by and watch. Sensing a tad of jealousy, Angelica hoped it would end without creating another confrontation between the two men who were the only males among them.

  Gazing around the enclosure she noticed there were a total of seventeen present including Michael and Arnie. The humble quarters consisted of a long narrow tunnel-like abode scattered with only a few blankets and very little food. At the far end was a small opening, presumed to lead to the outside. The musty smell was not too bothersome as the floor was dry and swept clean, but the absence of proper bedding caught her attention. “Where do you guys sleep?” asked Angelica, dreading the answer.

  “Anywhere you like. Most of us have our favorite spot, and mine is by the opening to stand watch,” replied Arnie.

  She examined the door and noticed it bolted on the inside. It was made of reinforced steel and fully capable of holding off a zombie attack. However, with those creatures roaming about the whole area, it would be too risky venturing very far. “How do you get food for all these women?” asked Angelica.

  “We manage. Actually that is my job since the zombies can’t catch me. It is too dangerous for the others. But, I must say it has been very difficult lately. Our rations are getting low as you can see,” said Arnie, glancing over the crude dwelling.

  “What about water?” asked Angelica.

  “There is a branch at the end of this tunnel. Until now
it has remained uncontaminated. But, that could change any day, and then we will be in a heap of trouble,” said Arnie.

  “Just where do you actually steal this food?’ asked Michael. Another subtle firm pinch on the arm sent a signal. Angelica saw where this was heading. For some strange reason Michael had taken an instant dislike to Arnie, and this was becoming more evident each time he opened his mouth. Maybe it was because of what happened when they first met. The little rascal had pulled a good one on Michael by stealing his phone and then taunting him afterwards. It appeared this had turned into an ego thing with both men now.

  “Hey, I don’t like what you are insinuating. We don’t steal anything. We borrow it. Besides, the warehouses are locked up tighter than Fort Knox; and since the zombies don’t need it, we help ourselves. It will eventually spoil anyway, so we just as well prevent that from happening,” said Arnie. The smart little man obviously had an answer for everything, and it just so happened in this case it actually made sense.

  “Then why don’t you and I get these ladies something to eat,” said Michael. That statement pleased the crowd of hungry women, including Angelica.

  “It’s not that easy, hot shot. The zombies, while dumber than a rock, are wise to us,” said Arnie as the corner of his mouth turned down into a frown.

  “I thought they had no brain. How is it they have figured you out?” asked Michael. The little man, tired of Michael’s insinuations, was steaming.

  Sensing Arnie was about to light into her friend, Angelica stepped in between them. After giving Michael a cut-it-out look, she turned to Arnie and smoothed it over by saying, “What Michael meant to say is how is it these mindless creatures remember you come there for the food?”

  “I have no idea, lady. You will have to ask one of them about that,” said Arnie, laughing hysterically. His sense of humor caught his guest off guard. While it was not that funny, Angelica felt the need to laugh with him. At least maybe that would keep peace between the menfolk. It seemed to work and finally Arnie addressed Michael. “Are you ready to rumble?”


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