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Hard to Break

Page 8

by Bella Jewel

  Her brows shoot up and she leans in close. “Problem?”

  “You know … he had those blisters … on his…” I let my eyes dart around. “Johnson.”

  I want to snort laugh at the look on her face. She’s horrified. “His … he … what?”

  “Oh,” I say, and I know I look genuinely shocked. “You’re not his … girlfriend, are you?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but, we’re seeing each other. He has blisters?”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.” I wave a hand. “It’s a very common problem. I hardly noticed when we were together last.”

  “You,” she gasps, “slept with him?”

  I raise my brows. “Sure, he’s Tazen Watts.”

  She narrows her eyes. “I thought…”

  “Oh,” I say gently. “You thought he only played with one girl at a time? Shit, I’m sorry. I’ve opened my big mouth and upset you.”

  “He just makes out like I matter, and that we’re exclusive.”

  “Listen, why don’t you take a seat and wait for him to finish seeing the doctor.”


  The voice is barked from behind me, and a big smile stretches across my face as I turn around to see Tazen in the doorway, arms crossed over his broad chest. I wave my arms out to him. “Oh look, you’re back? How did the doctor’s visit go? Did they give you something to help clear it all up?”

  His expression tells me he wants to stab me, multiple times. His eyes are narrowed in a fierce glare, that if I didn’t know better, I’d be afraid of.

  “I wasn’t at the doctor,” he bites out. “I was out back.”

  “Oh,” I say soothingly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize she wasn’t meant to know.”

  “There’s nothing to know,” he says through clenched teeth, as he flicks his eyes to the girl who is now edging towards the door. “Rose, honestly, she’s joking.”

  “I don’t joke,” I say, in my best serious tone.

  “Ah,” Rose says. “Look, obviously there is something between the two of you. I think I should leave.”

  “There’s nothing between her and I,” Tazen says, stepping around the reception towards her.

  “He’s telling you lies,” I say in a serious tone. “But if you’re okay to risk that, fine by me. Just wear a condom, will you?”

  With that, I turn and walk out into the garage where I burst into a fit of laughter. I’m pressed against the wall when Tazen comes storming out. He notices me and strides over, then before I can move, he has my body crushed against the wall, his big hands on the brick beside my head. He leans in close, until I can feel his breath tickling my face with each and every pant.

  “You are pushing this too far. I’m done, fucking done,” he spits. “You have an hour to leave, or I call the cops.”

  “I want a job, and I won’t stop until you give me one.”

  “Like fuck. After what I just saw, you are fucking nuts. I’ll get another receptionist.”

  “I don’t want to be a receptionist, Tazen,” I snap. “I want to work with cars.”

  He barks a laugh. “Never going to happen. You’re not qualified and there’s no way you’re going near my cars.”

  “How would you know I’m not qualified?” I protest. “You’ve never seen me work.”

  “And I don’t want to,” he growls. “I want you to get out of my garage and leave me the fuck alone.”



  I lean in so close our lips nearly touch. “That’s right, Tazen. I said no.”

  “Fuck me,” he rasps, slamming his hands on the wall beside my head. “What the fuck do you want from me?”

  “I told you. A job.”

  “And I told you, I don’t have the space or the time to train someone who doesn’t know what she’s doing. Being around cars your entire life and actually being able to build one are two very different things.”

  “If you give me a chance, I could show you that I actually know what I’m doing. Not only that, I’ll be one of the best mechanics on your team.”

  “No. You have an hour, Quinn. Take it and get out.”

  “I won’t leave.”

  “Fuck me!” he yells, moving his hand from the wall and curling it around my ponytail. He tugs my head back and brings my face close to his. “We are not doing this.”

  “We are doing this.”

  “We’re not!”

  “We are!”

  He pushes off the wall and pulls a phone from his pocket.

  “Seriously?” I cry, but my throat goes tight. “You’re going to call the cops on me?”

  “Yeah, I am,” he mutters, his back to me.

  “I just want a job,” I say and my voice cracks. “I can’t stay at home, I can’t…”

  He turns and looks at me, still holding the phone to his ear. “You want a job? You can be a receptionist. That’s all you’ll get from me.”

  “It’s not me,” I whisper.

  He pulls the phone down, presses a few buttons and then stuffs it back into his pants. He strides towards me. “Then go and find a job somewhere else. I’m not playing this game, Quinn. You want to hang onto something desperately that isn’t yours to hold onto anymore, that’s fine, you can work here in the office. If you’re not happy with that, you will go and find something else. You have an hour to make the choice, or I call the cops.”

  He’ll do it, I can see it in his eyes. My heart burns and desperation takes over. A receptionist isn’t what I want to be, but I’m not ready to leave the garage. Besides, if I’m here every day, I might get the chance to prove myself to Tazen. It’s a small chance, but it’s hope and I won’t give up, so I do the only thing I can.

  “Fine, I’ll be your receptionist.”

  His eyes study me, as if he’s trying to see if I’m joking or playing with him. I cross my arms and stay serious.

  “Good, you start tomorrow. Eight until four, I’ll pay you a generous salary.”


  He sighs. “Fuck me.”


  My first day as Tazen’s official receptionist is ugly. We fight, we argue, he tells me I’m doing things wrong and I tell him he has no idea how to run an office. I direct calls to the wrong places, send important customers away by mistake and generally fail. My second day is no better, and the bickering between Tazen and me seems that much worse. By the third day, I am slowly getting the hang of things, but the tension has hardly eased.

  “You need to file by first name.”

  I sigh loudly as I look up from my filing to see Tazen standing over me, staring down at what I’m doing.

  “No, Tazen, you do it by the last name.”

  “I don’t call people by their last names.”

  “Doesn’t matter. The system is more accurate this way.”

  “Give me the Michelson folder,” he grunts.

  “Their car is finished and delivered.”

  “Did payment clear?”

  I nod. “This morning.”

  “And the paperwork?”

  “Filed, your majesty.”

  He sighs, long and deep. “I have no idea why I took pity on you and let you in here.”

  “Neither do I, but now I’m your official employee, you can’t just kick me out.”

  He crosses his arms. “Can’t I?”

  “Absolutely not. You owe me a warning or two.”

  “Honestly. Are you always such a pain?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “It would appear you liked me enough to kiss me and lie to me to get what you wanted.”

  He snorts. “Still not over it, I see.”

  “I’m well over it.”

  “Then why so bitter? Let me guess, it was the best kiss of your life and you can’t stop thinking about it?”

  I glare over at him and cross my legs. “Kissing a three-legged dog with halitosis would be more enjoyable.”

  He gives me a lazy, half grin that makes my panties extremely wet
. I should be ashamed of myself. I should hate this man, but instead I’m lusting over him like a horny teenaged boy.

  “I can guarantee that isn’t the case,” he purrs. “You’ve probably stuck your fingers deep, deep inside…”

  “Don’t,” I cut him off.

  He leans down, placing a hand on the desk and making me tilt back on my chair to avoid being so close to his amazing mouth. “You’ve thought about me, angel,” he growls. “Just like I’ve thought about you.”

  He called me angel.

  He hasn’t done that since our kiss.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  He pushes off the desk. “If I was to put my fingers into your panties right now—”

  I cut him off. “Which you won’t.”

  “You’d be wet for me,” he continues.

  “I’m dry as a desert. Now, I’m busy. Can you leave?”

  He winks at me. “Of course, angel.”


  * * *

  Day four is at an end, and it’s been a crazy week. I’ve never been more excited for the weekend as I am right now. I’ve finished up for the day, and as far as I know, there are only a few guys left in the garage. Tazen is mid-build on a massive project, which is a custom two-door coupe that is freaking amazing. It has a Shelby Cobra look, only it’s sleeker. I must admit, I’m curious. I want to get in there and look under the hood, fascinated by what they’re creating.

  I lock the office and walk towards the exit when I hear them talking. Tazen and a group of men. They aren’t familiar voices, and when I look over, I see three men in suits talking closely with him. They look like they’re discussing something serious. I stop behind Tazen’s truck, which blocks me from view and listen. It’s Tazen’s voice I hear the clearest, and it has an edge to it that has my curiosity piquing.

  “I told you,” he hisses. “I’m done makin’ that shit for you.”

  “We have money, Tazen, and you have the time. Don’t see why it’s such a big issue for you to build something for us. What happens after that isn’t your problem.”

  Tazen snorts. “Like fuck it isn’t. You fuckers get busted, and it’s my name on those cars.”

  “And?” The man grunts. “You build it, we buy it, after that it’s our problem.”

  “Until they start questioning me.”

  I narrow my eyes. Questioning him? About what? I don’t understand what’s going on, but whatever it is … it seems sketchy.

  “And you tell them you have no idea what they’re talking about, you sold the car and that’s that.”

  Tazen laughs bitterly. “We both know it doesn’t work like that. The heat gets turned up and you pricks decide to run your mouths off and sink me. No. I’m not building that shit for you anymore, I’m picking up my business here and putting a foot in the racing industry because that’s where the money is. End of story.”

  “Sheyenne wants a car, Tazen. She won’t race in anything that isn’t yours.”

  I peek around the car to see Tazen flinch. “Fuck Sheyenne.”

  The man, who I can see now is tall and lean, with dark hair and possibly dark eyes, laughs. “We both know you don’t mean that. You don’t want her racing in a shit heap and you and I both know it. So you build us one more car, let us make our money, and we won’t see you again.”

  “Until you want another fuckin’ car,” Tazen grunts.

  “You have my word. One more, then you won’t hear from us again.”

  Tazen studies him. “She shouldn’t be doing this shit, Murray, and you know it.”

  Who is Murray, and who the hell is Sheyenne?

  “She’s a big girl, and she’s the best female racer we have—she’s making us seriously big money.”

  Female racer? For what? If it was just normal racing, Tazen wouldn’t be holding back on building a car. What the hell are they doing, if not professional racing?

  “She’s also hotheaded and nuts,” Tazen grunts.

  “You didn’t say that when you were fucking her for three years.”

  Three years? Wait, what? Tazen was with someone for three years? I mean sure, that’s possible and all, but he never seemed like the kind of man to ever settle down, so this news surprises me.

  “Yeah and she drove me up the fucking wall,” Tazen points out. “I left her, left all that shit and now you’re here wanting more.”

  “One more car, Tazen.”

  Tazen studies him. “Fine, one more car but then you’re going to stay the fuck away from me, we clear?”

  “As crystal.” Murray smiles.

  The other two men with him are standing, crossing their arms and smiling, but neither of them has spoken. They start chatting about normal things again, so I figure it’s my time to act casual and walk out. I take a deep breath and walk out as if I don’t know they’re there.

  “Hey,” Tazen yells.

  I jerk and turn around, acting surprised he’s still here. “Oh, you’re still here. Sorry, I didn’t realize.”

  He studies me, but I keep my face blank. I let my eyes scan over the guys who are now watching me, and make sure I look surprised they’re here.

  “Ah, I didn’t realize you had company. I’m just heading out.”

  “Who’s your girl, Taz?” Murray asks, letting his eyes travel over my tight blouse and short black skirt.


  “Eyes up here,” I snap. “Unless you don’t cherish your balls, that is.”

  Murray jerks in surprise and the other men burst out laughing. When his eyes meet mine, I smile coldly. Tazen closes his eyes and runs his hands through his hair.

  “You have a sassy one here,” Murray says to Tazen, even though his eyes are on me.

  “Yeah,” Tazen grunts. “You could say that.”

  “And,” Murray narrows his eyes. “I’ve seen her before.”

  “That’s because this is my garage,” I point out.

  “Fuck me,” Tazen groans. “Not this shit again.”

  “He stole it from me, but it was mine for a long time.”

  Murray nods. “Yeah, been here before. You a mechanic?”

  “Yes,” I say.

  “Not anymore,” Tazen says. “She’s a receptionist now.”

  I shoot him a glare. “Tazen here has a hard time dealing with the fact that a woman can pull spanners better than him.”

  Murray grins. “Well, it seems you two have a good lot of tension to go through. I’ll let you get back to it.” He turns to Tazen. “I’ll tell Shey you said hello.”

  “Don’t,” Tazen mutters. “I’d rather lick the pavement than have that girl think I am thinking about her.”

  Murray’s eyes flick to me. “I wonder what she’ll think of your new girl here.”

  “She isn’t my girl, and if you tell Shey she is, our deal is off.”

  Why would it be such an issue if he told this Sheyenne chick that I’m his girl? I mean, I’m not of course, but even if I was it shouldn’t matter. She’s obviously an ex, and therefore should have no say in what he does.

  Murray laughs. “Yeah, I’m hearing you. Later.”

  With that, he takes his guys and leaves. When he’s gone, I turn to Tazen who looks kind of edgy about the whole thing. His body is tight and his jaw is twitching. Interesting.

  “Who is Shey?” I ask, not using her full name.

  Tazen narrows his eyes. “None of your business.”

  “Why? Is she your secret wife?”

  He grunts, and grabs the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. I stop thinking, speaking and breathing as I take in his incredible body. God. I could see that piece of perfection every day for the rest of my life and never, ever get bored of it. He’s beautiful, masculine and so fucking muscled I want to drop to my knees and lick every single one.

  “Eyes up here,” he mutters. “Unless you don’t cherish your vagina, that is?”

  I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. It was so unexpected that I can’t contain my reaction. Tazen’
s eyes soften as he studies me laughing freely. I gather myself but I can’t wipe the smile off my face. “I do cherish my vagina, so I’ll be sure to keep my eyes above your shoulders from now on.”

  “Good.” He grins, devastating and to die for. Then he strides towards me and I suck in a breath as he leans down so our lips are close. “Your pussy deserves to be cherished, angel.”

  With that, he steps past me and disappears into the showers at the back of the garage. My legs wobble as I stand, swallowing over and over. He is getting to me and … I can’t deny it. I like it. I like it a hell of a lot. I shouldn’t, but I do and a huge part of me is tired of pretending I don’t. It’s taking all my strength not to go in there and rip my clothes off and get into the shower with him.

  Instead, I turn and walk out of the garage.



  “How’s it going?” Jace asks, throwing himself onto my bed.

  It’s only been a day since my realization that my feelings for Tazen aren’t going away. “It’s … challenging.” I sigh, dropping down next to him. “Tazen certainly isn’t going to make my life easy, but then I’m not making his easy so I guess we’re even.”

  Jace grunts and rolls to his side, propping himself up on an elbow. “Are you sure you really want to do this?”

  I frown at him. “We’ve been over this, of course I do.”

  “You’re good at what you do, you’re not meant to be a receptionist. There’re jobs around, mechanic jobs.”

  “But not in my garage.”

  He smiles sympathetically. “It was your garage, honey. You’re hanging onto something you can’t have control over anymore.”

  I sigh. “I know, Jace, but I’m … I just can’t leave.”

  His face grows serious. “This has nothing to do with him and the little fling you two had?”

  “One kiss is hardly a fling,” I mutter.

  “Quinn, you’re not fooling anyone. You’re attracted to him, but you’re playing with fire. You need to be careful.”

  “Attraction or not,” I say, shifting to my side too. “He isn’t interested and we’ve both made it clear it won’t ever happen.”

  “That’s not what I see.”

  “Well, you’d be wrong, Jace. I’m working for him, and right now it’s bringing money in.”


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