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Blade: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Coast: Book 11)

Page 15

by Hart, Eve R.

  Then my head really started to mess with me. I constantly had this feeling like someone was watching me. And not in the way that Blade looked out for me. No, this was different. It sent a cold shiver down my spine and had my hairs standing on end.

  I was starting to feel like I was going a bit insane.

  In the matter of a few days, I had started to crumble.

  I was smarter than that. I knew it was all in my head and I just had to find a way to recenter myself. I was no longer that woman and I would never be again. I’d worked too hard to put myself back together.

  I had given Jeffery too much already.

  He’d broken me to a certain degree. There was no way I could deny it. That night, well, it would stick with me forever. And all the signs that led up to it, as well. Let’s just say, I’d never let myself get into that situation again. And it would be a cold day in Hell before I forgave a man for knocking me down.

  How did I get myself into that type of situation?

  Why did I stay so long?

  These were questions I’d tried to find answers for, but hadn’t come up with anything yet.

  The first time, he knocked me down and I took in his apologies feeling like he’d meant them. He seemed so brokenhearted afterward that it was hard to see the lies in his words.

  I figured it was an accident, nearly convincing myself that it had to have been.

  But one accident turned into another, and another, and another. Each one escalating so subtly that I hardly noticed.

  I loved him.

  Or I thought I did.

  And I always believed that if you loved someone, you stuck by them. You saw it until the end and gave it your all.

  So, I took it. Along with his threats that if I told anyone, things would happen to me. He spent so much time telling me that even if I did tell someone, it wouldn’t matter because his father would get him out of any kind of trouble I tried to bring.

  Except, the thing was, love was never meant to leave you with bruises.

  Love wasn’t supposed to nearly kill you.

  Not like that, at least.

  Then, I finally found the light and gathered up the strength to walk away. Only, it was too late.

  I paid the price for my stupidity.

  I had the scars to prove it. Physical and mental.

  But the one thing I refused to do was cry.

  He wouldn’t get any more of my tears.


  “Here,” Didi said handing over a giant cookie. “You look like you need this.”

  Boy, did I.

  “Thanks,” I said and took a bite though my stomach was protesting. At least my tongue was happy.

  “You know I’m here if you ever need to talk,” she said with a small smile.


  Even I was affecting her. Her bright, bubbly personality seemed a bit dull right now.

  No, I hadn’t told them what was going on.

  I just couldn’t bring myself to open up like that.

  Truthfully, I was still trying to sort myself out. Come to grips with the fact that Jeffery was free and everything. I was doing my best not to crack. I didn’t think I could handle hearing the words out loud and reliving it as I told them.

  “I know,” I told her softly. “I’m okay. I just haven’t been sleeping well, is all.”

  Which wasn’t really a lie.

  Her eyes fell downcast and I barely heard the words that came out of her mouth.

  “I sometimes have a hard time too,” she told me. “There are moments where I see him. Like his face on other people. I’m sure that sounds crazy and I know it’s not really him. But my mind doesn’t want to let me forget.”

  “It’s not something you easily get over,” I told her. I honestly didn’t think it would be something anyone would truly get all the way over. You’d never forget. And if you were lucky enough to move on, it would stay with you.

  “But he’s in jail and I don’t have to worry,” she told me, her gaze slowly rising to meet mine. “He can’t get me now.”

  I nodded, my expression tight.

  I couldn’t say anything so I pulled her in for a hug instead.

  It killed me to know that something had dared to dim her light. She was one of the most wonderful people I’d ever known and I was starting to see how much strength she really had. To not let herself be dragged down by what had happened to her, well, it was amazing.

  If she could rise above it and shine like she did, then I sure as hell could too. The only thing that was stopping me was myself.

  “Okay,” I told her. “I’m going to go shower and make sure I’m all set for the trip tomorrow.”

  Her eyes lit up and I smiled.

  “I’ve had everything packed for days. I’m so excited!”

  That much was clear.

  “Me too!” I said trying to match her enthusiasm.

  It was just what I needed. To get away, not thinking about it, and know that I was safe. And I was safe. He wasn’t here. He wasn’t watching me. He wasn’t going to get me because I wouldn’t let him.

  Yeah, there was that power I’d fought so hard to get.

  Fuck him!

  Fuck everything about him.

  Fuck the shit he’d put me through.

  I was going down to Myrtle Beach and I was going to make that convention my bitch.

  Now, I just had to get my body on the same page because it was not handling the stress very well.

  Maybe I just wouldn’t eat the rest of the cookie and avoid putting anything else in my stomach for the next few days. That might do the trick.

  I spent the rest of the night focusing on anything but Jeffery and my past. I took forever picking out the perfect outfits and double-checking to make sure I had everything that was important. You know, like deodorant and hairpins.

  I might have even let myself think about Blade for a good long while.

  I wasn’t sure that was any better though.

  Those images that I’d seen kept flashing in my mind.

  I still had questions.

  So many questions.

  I didn’t think my uncle would give me any more information on it though.

  Then I began to wonder if it really mattered.

  It was in the past. And his reasons for doing what he’d done were… well, understandable.

  Given the chance, I’d kill Jeffery in a heartbeat.

  So, yeah, I fucking got it.

  For a split second, I thought about going to Blade to see if he could help me out. I let that thought pass though, knowing I couldn’t put that on him. He’d gotten revenge for his family and that was understandable. Asking him to kill someone for me just wasn’t right. Plus, I felt strong enough that if it came to it, I could take care of Jeffery myself.

  And maybe I wanted to.

  A part of me wishing he would come after me so I’d have an excuse to.

  But I realized that I didn’t really want that.

  It was one thing to play the different scenarios out in my head, come up with all the ways that I could end him, but it was a whole different game to actually be put in that position. I understood that much.

  I was sure a jury would be sympathetic. Maybe I could even plead temporary insanity and get off that way. I just wouldn’t mention how I comforted myself sometimes with thoughts of how I would end him.

  I guess it wasn’t such a bad thing having Blade watch me at night.

  Sure, it was a little on the creepy side, I guess you could say. And he was still very much doing it, only now, he seemed to stay out there longer. So long, in fact, that I actually fell asleep before I heard him leave. But I didn’t feel threatened by him. If anything, I felt safe knowing he was there. I was still waiting for the day I got up the courage to open the door and walked my ass down the stairs to confront him about it. You know, in a nice way.

  However, with all the questions floating around in my brain as to why he would be out there, I still couldn’t even open the

  Suddenly, I realized that I had never really been afraid of Blade.

  But I was terrified of the feelings I had for him.

  The kind that gave me butterflies.

  The kind that made me want more.

  The kind that would eventually burrow into my heart.

  And, well, the thought of opening myself up to someone new was nearly as scary as my past coming back to finish me.



  “Fuckin’ red-coated candy,” I grumbled as I pulled out the cleaning supplies. “Stupid fucking game.”

  I guess it wasn’t really a game, more of a strange way to draw straws. Now that was something I could get behind. I didn’t even like candy.

  But no, this had been the shop’s way of picking who did the top-to-bottom cleaning of the place since it opened.

  Red had been the color on my mind lately, I was sure I didn’t need to say why. And the universe laughed at me as a damn chocolate coated in a red-colored hard shell tumbled out of the bag and landed in my palm. Then, like that wasn’t enough, the color that toppled out after we’d all had ours was fucking red.

  I grumbled again, my gaze going to look out the front windows and landing on the darkened shop across the way.

  Inked Up had been closed for the past two days. Even the bakery was closed down, all of them deciding to head to the tattoo convention in Myrtle Beach for the weekend. Brand and Cami had done the same, leaving Sketch and me to run the shop. But the women across the way seemed less concerned about making money.

  It wasn’t like it mattered to me.

  But I couldn’t help the grumpy mood it put me in knowing Harley wasn’t within reach. She hadn’t even told me she was going. No, I found out all of them had gone down there by the damn sign on the door. Then again, why the fuck would she come and tell me? It wasn’t like I’d been all warm and fuzzy and likable anytime I’d been around her. I wasn’t intentionally being a dick, it was just how I came off. And it wasn’t in me to change that. Not to mention the fact that any time she was around me, I lost my mind and couldn’t think straight. It took everything in me not to have a repeat performance of what had happened that one time. That time where everything went horribly wrong.

  All that said, I was a little pissed inside that I couldn’t be around to watch over her. Knowing this fucker of an ex was out there running free had me on edge the last few days. At night, I found myself sitting outside of her place for hours, sometimes not leaving until the sun was starting to come up. And with her away, well, I felt fucking useless.

  I picked up the dust rag knowing it was smartest to work from the top of the shop to the bottom. I’d learned that much the time I’d been here.

  Biscuit yapped and ran to the front door.

  I heard her nails scratching at the glass like she needed to go out.

  Happily, I dropped the rag and headed her way not minding one bit that I was able to put off my duties for another minute or two.

  Hell, I’d been procrastinating for three days already.

  The moment I opened the door she darted out. That was unlike her. Usually, she waited until I stepped out behind her and she never went very far.

  I started down the sidewalk after her.

  “Biscuit. Stop,” I called out because I could see it in her body language, she was about to cross the street. And the headlights coming closer sent a panic through my body.

  Something was wrong, she could sense it.

  But she wasn’t thinking as she hopped off the curb and darted into the street.

  I didn’t hesitate. Didn’t stop to think of a better way I could save her.

  My feet pounded against the hard ground and I jumped in front of the oncoming car, cursing the fact that someone would actually be driving down this road now. It wasn’t like we got a lot of traffic around here, let alone at this time of night.

  I felt the impact right away, the majority of the pain exploding in my hip. I flopped onto the hood, then bounced back off, landing wrong on my shoulder against the pavement.

  “Oh, fuck. Are you okay?” a male voice called out, young and clearly shaken up.

  I got to my feet, and because I couldn’t talk right now, I sent him a chin jerk and continued on across the street after my girl.

  It wasn’t his fault and thank fuck, he wasn’t speeding. The hit had hurt but I’d be fine. Just had to walk if off, which was more of a limp right now.

  My baby was safe and that was all that mattered.

  I called her name again, hobbling down the alleyway beside Inked Up trying to catch up with her.

  What the hell was she doing?

  I rounded the back of the building, catching sight of her bounding up the stairs. Ignoring the pain in my hip and back, I climbed the stairs two at a time. Biscuit was already at the top, growling and barking while scratching at the door. The one on the left.

  Every single part of my body felt like it was touching a live wire.

  I tried the handle and found it locked. All the lights were off in the place and I was sure no one was home because they were all supposed to be gone. Harley wouldn’t have stayed behind, would she? I was getting real pissed that she’d leave herself unprotected like that, especially right now.

  A muffle ‘no’ floated into my ears and a second later, I heard a crash.

  That was it, my shoulder went against the door knowing that wasn’t the best way to break it down. I regrouped, ignored the throbbing in my leg, took a step back and readied myself.

  With a grunt, I kicked the door on the side where the hinges were.

  The damn thing flew back, the wood around the frame splintering and flying off in different directions.

  “Get off. No!” I heard Harley scream and there was another crash.

  I ran, scooping up Biscuit in my arm as I moved. I could see the fight in her and I wasn’t about to have her get there before me. Who the fuck knew what was going on and what kind of damage could be caused to my baby?

  I ended up in Harley’s bedroom, seeing her on the ground under some fucker. I set Biscuit down on the floor and shut her out of the bedroom to keep her safe. It didn’t stop her angry barking though.

  It was enough to have the guy’s attention turning in my direction.

  Harley’s balled-up fist flew into the air and she landed a punch to his jaw. Before she could swing again, I was there snatching the fucker up.

  Something metal fell to the floor as I landed a punch to his gut.

  “Harley, move, woman,” I growled as I slammed the guy down. His head bounced off the hardwood floor and I could see it had dazed him.

  But he wasn’t bleary-eyed long. He fought back with all his might and I knew he wouldn’t be going down as easily as I’d hoped.

  I saw his face.

  Recognized him easily enough.

  This was her ex. The guy that should be dead in my mind. If not that, at least still rotting in a cell surrounded by bars. Remembering the pictures Detective Mullins had showed me, I figured he’d spent his time locked away beefing up because he was now a Hulk-like version of the images I’d seen. And I would have bet he was thinking of all the ways he would come for Harley while he was lifting those weights and biding his time until he was released.

  As much as I wanted to beat the fuck out of him until he was barely breathing and then drag him back to one of the shipping containers to do more damage, this needed to be over quickly. Harley needed it done. And the last thing I wanted was for her to see that part of me. I hoped she never would.

  He managed to kick his foot out, getting me right in the knee. I stumbled back and shook off the pain. Luckily, I hadn’t been that close so it was a pretty weak shot. However, it gave him enough time to get to his feet.

  I saw his fist coming at my face, dodged it and landed one of my own to his nose. The crunch let me know that it was good and broken.

  This fucker wasn’t going down as nicely as I hoped.

  He ca
me at me, teeth bared and clearly pissed that I was here fucking up his plan. My back hit the wall, my elbow going through the sheetrock and barely clipping the stud. Bringing my knee up, I nailed him good in the stomach, causing him to stumble back a few feet. Then I rushed him, taking us both into the opposite wall.

  This place was going to need a shit-ton of clean up.

  I felt his hand slap down right behind my ear, his fingers trying to grip onto something but since the sides of my head were shaved, he got nothing but skin.

  “She’s mine,” he growled in my face, spit hitting my cheek.

  “Think what you want, but it won’t matter when you’re dead,” I said back flatly.

  I had been playing up until this point and I was done. The rage inside me boiled to the surface as I brought my fist back and punched him square in the jaw. His head turned and I didn’t even think as I grabbed his hair and smashed his cheek into the windowpane. It didn’t break, but it did cracked a bit. I wasn’t satisfied with that, so I did it again.

  The crash had me smiling on the inside.

  I felt his fist connect with my side and flinched.

  I didn’t want to admit that I had met my match, but it was feeling like it might be close.

  He had an in and he took advantage, using all of his body weight to flip us around. My shoulder went through the broken pane and I instantly felt the sting from it tearing up my skin.

  I pulled away, no doubt leaving some chunks of bloodied flesh behind.

  My leg came up and I used everything I had in me to kick him back. As he stumbled, I took the opening, lunging for him and taking him to the ground once again.

  With a roar, I grabbed his head and slammed it down into the floor. Then I reached for my blade and sunk it into the middle of his neck until I felt the tip hit the wood below him. I held the handle still while he wiggled and clawed at my hand. His eyes were wide, fear alive and dancing in his gaze.

  A smile spread across my face as I watched the life fade from his eyes.

  His body went slack and only after I knew he was good and dead did I stand up.


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