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Swept Away in Wilde [Wilde, Nevada Beginnings 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Chloe Lang

  Quickly, he pulled a condom package out of his pocket, placing it on the pillow next to hers, and then took off his jeans.

  She wrapped her fingers around the elastic of his underwear and she pulled them off of him, exposing his massive erect cock. Thinking about her dream, she started giggling.

  “What’s so funny, sweetheart? Are you disappointed in my size?”

  “Oh God no. I’m laughing about a dream I had about you and me.” And your brothers.

  “You were dreaming about me? I can’t wait to hear about it. Later. Right now we have more important things to do. Like this.” He pinched her nipples, and that sent a line of heat from her breasts all the way down to her pussy.

  “That feels so good.”

  He kissed each nipple and then began tracing his lips down, down, down. Until she could feel his hot breath on her pussy. She squeezed her thighs together as the pressure began to rise inside her.

  With his hands, he lifted her legs over his shoulders. When he ran his tongue over her pussy’s flesh, she felt moisture pool between her legs. Her clit throbbed, and she arched her back off the mattress.

  She grabbed the back of his head. “Oh God, I’m so close.”

  “Come for me, sweetheart. Let me drink from your body.” He captured her clit with his lips and tightened on the little bundle until the pressure let go and the climax exploded inside her.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.” She writhed under him as hot sensations zipped throughout her body.

  Lost to her orgasm, she watched him don the condom, rolling it down his thick, long shaft. He got on top of her, and she could feel the head of his dick pressing on her swollen folds.

  “I need you, Craig. Please.”

  “And I need you, Mary.” He sent his cock into her depths, scraping against that spot that sent her reeling and giving her another wave of electricity through her body.

  Each of his thrusts seemed to go deeper and deeper, claiming all of her.

  “God, Yes.” She vibrated like a live wire. Nothing inside her was still. She clawed at his back. She’d never had a release as powerful and all-consuming as this one—the one he had given her.

  He plunged faster and harder into her body. She moaned. Another climax was close.

  In and out. Again and again. The man knew how to make love to a woman, make love to her.

  “I’m going to come.” His eyes were locked on hers, and she could see the searing heat they held.

  “Me, too. Oh God. Me, too.”

  “Fuuuck,” he yelled.

  And she held him as tight as she could as the pressure lifted once again, giving her another orgasm.

  She relaxed in his arms, drifting off to sleep. Without warning, her eyes popped wide open. By his steady breathing, she knew Craig was asleep.

  Her mind whirled like crazy with uncertainty. I just got out of a relationship. What am I doing? Craig had ignited so many feelings inside her, feelings she hadn’t known were possible. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. This had to be a one-time thing. Had to be. But was she getting the wrong idea herself?

  “I can’t.”

  “Can’t what, sweetheart?” he asked. “You okay?”

  “Just talking in my sleep again,” she fibbed.

  He kissed her hair. “Talk all you like. You have the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard.”

  She couldn’t help but smile, though she knew this wonderful time with Craig needed to be the last. Her smile faded as she let that thought sink in.

  Chapter Ten

  Craig awoke, feeling the afternoon sun hitting him in the eyes. He got up on his elbow and gazed at Mary, still asleep. He’d never known any woman quite like her. Not only was she beautiful, she was also so warm, sexy, smart, and had a great sense of humor. Mary was the entire package. I’m so in love with her, but should I tell her? I don’t want to scare her away.

  She’d shared a little about her childhood, and it had broken his heart. How could any parent be so distant that their child wasn’t sure they loved them? Don’t worry, Mary. Our children will always know they are loved.

  Her eyes opened. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Just a few minutes.” He kissed her, relishing the taste of her lips. “Are you as hungry as I am?”

  She smiled. “Famished.”

  “Don’t move.”

  “Why? What do you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see, sweetheart.” He left the bed and headed into the bathroom. He filled the tub with warm water. He grabbed a towel, one of his robes, some shampoo and soap, and placed them neatly on the edge of the tub.

  When he returned to the bedroom, he found Mary sitting up in the bed with the sheet pulled up to her neck. Without a word, he lifted her up into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” she said with a smile.

  “I thought you might enjoy soaking in the tub while I finish getting our lunch ready.”

  “I would, but I think it’s now closer to dinner time than lunch.”

  He glanced at the clock and realized she was right. He carried her into the bathroom and lowered her down into the water. “How’s the temperature?”

  “Perfect,” she answered.

  “You relax and I will come back when dinner is ready.”

  He went into the kitchen. The hamburger patties he’d been cooking earlier were ruined. He tossed them and started over. Hamburgers won’t suffice now. This was the first meal he would prepare for Mary, and he wanted it to be unforgettable.

  He pulled out two T-bone steaks and rubbed them down with his special seasonings. He put them on his built-in grill on his stove. While they were cooking, he prepared a tossed salad and buttered some bread slices. He opened a bottle of red wine and got out two glasses.

  Just as he was ready to go get Mary, she walked into the kitchen looking fantastic in his robe.

  “I was going to come and get you, sweetheart.”

  “I know, but I was looking like a prune.” She held up her fingertips to prove her point. “It was time to get out. What smells so delicious?”

  He pulled out a chair. “Have a seat and find out.”

  She smiled. “Such a gentlemen. A woman could get used to being treated this way.”

  That’s what I’m counting on. He handed her a glass of wine. “I hope you like red. If not, I have white, too.”

  “Red is perfect.” She brought the glass up to her lush lips. “Mmm. I like this. Just the right sweetness.”

  He brought their plates with the steak and salad to the table. “I cooked these medium-rare, but if you like your steak another way, I can put it back on the grill.”

  “Medium-rare is exactly how I like my steak.” She leaned forward, inhaling the aroma of their meal. “Smells delicious. I’m not anxious or anything, but can we start?”

  He laughed. “Let’s dig in.”

  She took her first bite, and her eyes lit up. “This is so good.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  They ate over light conversation.

  “I can’t eat another bite,” she said, pushing her plate forward.

  He stood, gathering up their dishes. “I’ve got some ice cream for dessert later. I hope you like chocolate.”

  She grinned and stood. “Like? I love anything chocolate, but especially ice cream.” She helped him carry the plates to the sink. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “I like spoiling you. So go sit down.”

  “No. I insist. I am helping.”

  He put his arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. The feel of her soft lips enthralled him.

  She giggled. “I thought we were having dessert later?”

  “Oh, you like when I kiss you?”

  “Better than chocolate ice cream. But we need to get these plates in your dishwasher.”

  “And we still need to finish the interview, Mary.”

  “I had no idea you were so eager.” Her cheeks turned pink. “I mean…about the interview.”

  He s
troked her hair. “I’ll answer anything you ask, sweetheart. And I still have some questions of my own for you.”

  “Trying to turn the tables on me?” She grinned. “You don’t play fair, do you?”

  “I always play to win, sweetheart.”

  “I believe it is actually my turn to ask you something. That was the deal we made.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Do you and your brothers always date the same woman?” she asked.

  “That’s how it’s always worked with us. That’s how things go in Wilde.” He grabbed her hand. “My turn. What happened in that dream you had about me?”

  “Where’s your dishwashing soap?”

  He pulled her in tight. “Stalling again. Didn’t work before and it won’t work now. Tell me about your dream, sweetheart.”

  “Fine. If you must know I was married to you and your brothers. Crazy, I know. Now let’s finish the dishes, okay?”

  Keeping hold of her, he stared into her gorgeous eyes. “I don’t think it’s crazy one bit. In fact, I like the idea.”

  “Craig, I just ended a relationship with my fiancé. I’m not ready to start anything serious.” She closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. “To be honest, I ran away from Paul.”

  “Ran away?” He didn’t like the sound of that.

  She opened her eyes, which were now welling with tears. She held up both her arms, pulling the sleeves of his robe up, revealing bruises on the back of her arm.

  “Where is the son of a bitch, Mary?” A protective anger grew inside him. The handprints were easily seen in her darkened flesh. He hadn’t seen them when they were making love.

  “Craig, I’m not telling you this to get you to do anything.” She lowered her hands and folded her arms in front of her. “I’ve already handled it. I left. I left my home, my sister, everything I’ve ever known. I want to start a new life. One day, I might be ready to date again, but I think it may be a while. I’m just going to concentrate on my career for now.”

  She just got out of an abusive relationship. I need to go slow. But she says she’s leaving. “I think that’s a very good idea, Mary. But if you’re freelancing, couldn’t you just stay in Wilde? You’ve already met people who consider you their friend.”

  “Craig, I’m not sure what I’m going to do or where I’m going to end up. All I can do right now is take things one day at a time. I want to write my article about your family. That’s my focus.”

  “I believe I understand how you feel, although I’ve never been in an abusive relationship before. Just know I am here for you.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Hoping to ease her worry, he asked, “Shall we get back to your interview questions for me?”

  “I’d like that.”

  I need to talk to my brothers.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Dillon leaned against one of his parents’ house’s four columns. He and Dan were waiting for Craig, who had left them an urgent message on their answering machines to meet.

  “What do you think is so urgent?” Dan asked.

  “No idea, but my interview with Mary begins after breakfast. So whatever it is, he better get here quick and let us know.” He planned on taking her to the old Wilde Mine for a picnic. Afterward, back to his house for dinner. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. There was no longer any doubt in him that she was the one.

  Craig drove up in his truck. “Hey, guys.”

  He stepped up to his brother. “How was the interview with Mary?”

  “That’s what I want to talk about.” Craig’s entire demeanor was serious. “Mary hasn’t had an easy life. Her relationship with her parents isn’t close. She told me things about her childhood that broke my heart.”

  Dan’s eyes narrowed. “Were they abusive?”

  “Not physically, but definitely emotionally.” Craig shook his head. “But her fiancé did abuse her. She has bruises on her arms.”

  “Fuck. I saw one of them that first day,” Dan said. “She obviously didn’t want to go into it at the time with me.”

  Dillon curled his fingers into fists by his side. “Is the asshole still in the picture?”

  “She’s here in Wilde because she left her old life behind. She’s looking to start fresh, but that doesn’t mean she’s not skittish. I’m not sure what to do, guys. She says she’s only staying for a few more days.”

  “Mom told me that you brought her back late,” Dan said.

  “When she told me about her parents, I was holding her, trying to comfort her. One thing led to another. And we made love. She is definitely the woman we should spend our lives with. I’ve never cared for anyone more in my life.”

  Dillon had never heard Craig speak like this about anyone before. It was crystal clear that his brother was head over heels in love with Mary. Even with the little time he’d spent with her, he understood why. His own feelings for her were growing like wild flowers.

  “She also told me she’s not ready to start dating,” Craig said.

  “We can’t lose her, but how can we fix this?” Dan said, obviously falling for Mary as quickly as he and Craig. “Dillon, you always know how to make things work even when it looks impossible. What do you think we need to do?”

  “We have got to keep her here longer. The only way we can do that is to drag out her interviews with the family.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Dan said. “Craig, did she finish interviewing you?”

  “She did, but I think I could come up with some new stuff that might pique her curiosity.” Craig grinned. “I bet she would love hearing about the time the three of us got trapped in the mine.”

  “We were only kids,” Dan said. “But I bet you’re right. You could keep her talking on that story alone for at least a half a day.”

  “Instead of just Craig telling her that story, let’s hold that off for a final interview with the three of us,” Dillon said. “Hopefully by then she will be open to staying in Wilde with us.”

  Craig nodded. “I knew you would come up with a great plan, bro.”

  “We’ll see. But we need to get Mom and Dads to help us with this. Mary will want to interview them. Especially them. If they can come up with excuses why they can’t meet with her, that will give us more time to spend with her.”

  “That’s going to be difficult with them since she is staying here,” Craig said.

  “But we all know how smart our parents are.” Dan smiled.

  “Mom already told me this morning that she believed Mary would be perfect for us,” Dillon said, glad that he and his brothers were on the same page about Mary. “Mom’s exact words, ‘Don’t you three blow it with that sweet girl.’ Let’s go talk to them before Mary comes down from her bedroom. I have no doubt they will be happy to help us.”

  * * * *

  Mary patted Rosie’s neck. “Good girl.”

  Dillon rode beside her on his horse, Warrior.

  She was getting more and more comfortable in the saddle. It felt amazing to be outdoors on such a gorgeous animal as Rosie. She could get used to more days like this. But I have to leave Wilde.

  “The old mine is just up ahead,” Dillon said.

  “Good. I’m getting hungry. This has been a long ride.”

  “I hope not too long.”

  “Not at all. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it.”

  Two hours ago, they’d stopped and got a glass of water at Pappy Jack’s cabin. The place was quite charming, and she was beginning to appreciate the Wilde’s tradition of their young men building their own homes. Jack had built the cabin before he’d left for Korea. Dillon had told her that since Jack and his brothers had built Carol the big house, it wasn’t used much except for hunting trips.

  “We’ll have lunch by that tree,” Dillon said, pointing to the side of the mountain. He got off of Warrior. “That’s the entrance to the Old Mine.”

  The wooden framed entrance looked almost like Jack’s cabin, though a sign hu
ng from the roof. “Closed. Danger. No Trespassing.”

  She dismounted Rosie. “I’ve got to get some pictures of that.”

  He smiled, taking Rosie’s reins. “I thought you would like visiting this place. I’ll get the horses taken care of and things set up for our lunch. Take all the pictures you want, but don’t go inside. It’s not safe.”

  She nodded. She hadn’t felt safe in a very long time. Until now. Until coming to Wilde and meeting Craig, Dillon, and Dan. She recalled how unsafe she’d been in her own apartment. Snapping several pictures, she tried to push the terrible memories out of her mind. Her life with Paul, though quite short, had been hell. Why think about that when she was in a little slice of heaven on earth? The surroundings were beautiful and Dillon was the perfect companion.

  “Did you get some good pictures?” He asked her.

  “I think so. I hope I got one good enough to frame. It is so beautiful here.” She turned and saw him standing by the blanket he’d spread out on the ground. On it was their lunch—sandwiches, chips, fruit, cheese, and wine. “That looks delicious. I’m absolutely starving after our ride.”

  “Me, too. Let’s dig in.”

  She laughed, moving to the blanket and sitting down. “All of you Wildes say that.”

  He handed her a glass of wine. “What do we say?”

  “‘Let’s dig in.’”

  “I never noticed that before. I guess it’s because my family has been in the mining business for so long.”

  “Ranching, too. How long has your family been in that business?”

  “Same. Over a hundred and fifty years.”

  “That’s quite a legacy.” She took a sip of the wine. “Yummy. Good choice.”

  “Craig told me you liked what he served you last night, so I got the same bottle.” He held it up for her to see. “I wanted our interview to go well. How am I doing?”

  “So far so good.” She ate a couple of strawberries. “Mmm. So delicious. You’re doing very well, at least with lunch. We haven’t started the interview yet.”


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