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Shades of Submission: Fifty by Fifty #1: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

Page 12

by Hunter, Adriana

  Anna sat at her desk reviewing a results log when Jonah entered the lab. His eyes were on her, and she flashed him an inviting smile.

  He stopped, eyeing her with interest. "Good morning, Anna." Jonah's dress shirt was open at the collar and his cuffs rolled up.

  "Yes, isn’t it? I put the coffee on." She gestured toward his drip coffee maker on the counter, protected behind Plexiglas. Normally, food and drink were kept out of labs, but Jonah refused to go all the way to the floor lounge for his. In the outer lab area, the work rarely required a sterile environment.

  He made an indistinct noise as he grabbed a coffee cup. "Thanks."

  "I'm not working in the side room today," Anna added, "but I need time in there tomorrow." The labs consisted of a two-room layout. Office areas and less critical equipment were located in the main room. The side rooms were equipped for the more meticulous work.

  Jonah acknowledged her request with a nod. "We may have to be in there together. I have data to collect on some ongoing tests. It shouldn't interfere with anything you want to do, though."

  Anna rose and scooted closer to the coffeemaker. Time to implement her plan. "I agree. There's no reason we can't work in the same space."

  Jonah shifted to allow Anna room at the counter. "I saw your report on the dexathane. It's promising." The scientists working at headquarters focused on primary research. An entire complex in New Jersey was devoted to developing products and bringing them to market.

  Anna topped off her cup. "Yes, I foresee getting a team on it in the future. I have a few more tests, but if all goes well, I plan to pass it off by the end of summer." She moved her arm and brushed against Jonah deliberately. He didn't move away.

  Jonah sipped from his cup. "This coffee is better than usual. What did you do?"

  "I washed out the pot and filter?" Anna laughed and threw her braid back over her shoulder. Wasn't playing with hair supposed to be a flirty thing to do? She glanced into Jonah's eyes and saw his pupils dilate ever so slightly.

  Jonah placed his cup on the counter. "I usually just dump the old coffee."

  Anna reached to top him off, making sure she grazed him again. She turned and put the coffee pot back in its place. Her hip bumped him.

  "Anna?" he asked in a deep, questioning tone.

  "Yes?" She paused. "Jonah?" She drew his name out on her tongue.

  His eyes locked with hers. "What's this about?"

  Anna broke eye contact as his scrutiny became too intense. "What's what about?"

  "This." He gestured toward her. "Is this about yesterday?"

  Anna wasn't sure where to go with her plan. "Yesterday?" She feared her manner gave the impression of stupid instead of coy.

  "Yes, yesterday. We had a moment, for lack of a better term. Is this some game?"

  Anna straightened. "Game? What is that supposed to mean?" Her voice lost its teasing edge.

  "It means that either you are trying to needle me or maybe … maybe you want something?"

  Anna frowned. "Those are the only two explanations?"

  Jonah considered for an instant. "Anna, you're not interested in me, are you?"

  Anna thumped her mug on the counter. "Of course not." Color rose in her face.

  "Anna, about yesterday. I didn't mean to be unprofessional." His apologetic manner unnerved her.

  "You were not unprofessional," Anna bit out. What a disaster. Was he going to say something kind? Anna didn't think she could bear the embarrassment.

  Jonah took her hand lightly in his. Her hand trembled, and Anna was sure he felt it. "Are you afraid?" He looked into her eyes. "Or aroused?"

  Anna swayed as his calloused thumb stroked her palm. The lab seemed to shrink, the walls gathering close around them.

  He tugged on her hand, bringing to his lips. He nipped her fingertip.

  Anna struggled to remain impassive as her blood surged. She sensed she hadn't fooled Jonah with her imperfect façade of calm.

  A predatory masculine smile crossed his face. "I see." He sucked her fingertip into his mouth.

  Anna gasped but didn't pull away. This was what she'd wanted, wasn't it? Anna swallowed, trying to clear her throat.

  Jonah drew her finger from his mouth. "What an unexpected surprise."

  Anna's eyes flew to his, questioning.

  He smiled. "Not unwelcome, though. Not at all."

  Anna found her voice. "I'm not sure what to do. What do you want to do?"

  Jonah waited so long to articulate a response that Anna's heart sunk. He finally replied, "This sort of thing can get problematic. In the office, I mean. I've tried to avoid it."

  Anna nodded. "So have I."

  He stepped back from her, creating a safe distance between them. "We both should think long and hard before proceeding."

  Anna swallowed as she attempted to dislodge the hard lump of disappointment in her stomach. "Yes, of course."

  Jonah picked up his coffee. "I have a brief meeting. We'll talk more later."

  "Okay." As Jonah left, Anna's eyes followed him out. She'd achieved her goal, more or less. He'd taken the bait. He just wasn't sure he wanted it. She turned cold at the thought. However, he hadn't said no, either. Part of her thought Jonah might not be able to resist his curiosity. She had a few advantages, she thought. She comprehended his work and could converse intelligently about it. She understood his habits and the pressures he put on himself. She had the benefit of seeing his failed relationships, though she supposed she didn't actually know what had occurred on the inside.

  Hope and dread mingled in her. Maybe she'd get a chance and maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd get the chance and screw it up, crashing and burning in a spectacular disaster. Anna sighed. She needed to relax. If she second-guessed every move, she was sure to be tense and awkward, which would guarantee failure. She promised herself she'd be happy with whatever Jonah gave her, with whatever time they might have. If her heart got broken, she'd deal with that when it happened.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Anna noted the time and temperature in her notebook. Neat handwritten columns filled the pages. She heard the small click of the lab door closing and froze. She turned and the knot of tension in her chest unwound as she saw Gordon. She didn't feel ready to see Jonah yet. She imagined he'd let her know his thoughts about giving them a chance. He wasn't the type to deliberate endlessly. She didn't need to think about whether to pursue a relationship with him or not. She would risk it regardless of the fallout. However, she understood Jonah's concerns regarding office romances.

  "Good morning, Gordon." Anna found Jonah's assistant to be somewhat twitchy. He consistently appeared rumpled.

  Gordon didn't look up. "Just setting up a few things for Jonah. He'll be in soon and wanting to get to work." Gordon opened a cupboard and removed several beakers and a graduated cylinder. He placed them on the countertop lined up in a row.

  "Yes, of course." Anna returned to her task and soon became lost in her analysis. She didn't know how much time had passed when hands grasped her shoulders from behind. She jerked, almost falling off the stool.

  Jonah chuckled. "I didn't mean to startle you." His hands kneaded her shoulders.

  "Jonah." Anna took a deep breath to settle herself. "I didn't hear you come in."

  "So I see." His touch turned from a massage to a caress. His palms burned through the fabric of her lab jacket.

  "Gordon was here earlier doing prep for you." She tried to keep her speech even, though her blood quickened.

  Jonah leaned in, his breath stirring her hair. "Yes." He inhaled, sniffing the subtle scent of her hair.

  Anna trembled, confused and exhilarated. "Jonah, what are you doing?" She held her breath as she waited for his response.

  He kissed the crown of her head. "You smell wonderful. Most people don't wear perfume into the labs."

  "I'm not wearing any perfume." Anna's inflamed body waited, hoping. Jonah had clearly decided not to let working together be an obstacle.

  "Then it must
be your natural fragrance." He nuzzled her ear.

  Anna shivered. "Does this mean you've decided?" She'd wanted to garner Jonah's attention and she had. Did she know what to do with it? Could she hold it?

  Jonah slid his hands from her shoulders to her waist. He grasped her, his fingers digging into her flesh. His breath fanned her ear. "Yes. I can't resist what's between us. I don't want to."

  Anna closed her eyes and savored his attention. Her heart swelled with love and hope. She wanted to sink into him, but her natural caution hadn't evaporated completely. "Jonah, this probably isn't the time or place."

  "Perhaps. But I happen to know that Gordon and Carrie are both in a meeting. Frank is briefing the techs on new procedures he wants to institute."

  "Still …" Anna desperately longed to turn into his arms. Repressed desire reared up within her until she was almost shaking.

  "You know no one will come in." His low voice cajoled and seduced.

  "I agree it isn't likely." Her mind fogged, sensual abandon overtaking her natural caution. He offered fulfillment of her deepest, most secret desires. She couldn't resist.

  Jonah pressed in behind her as his hands traveled to her stomach and up to cup her breasts.

  Anna's breath caught. "Jonah …" She arched into his hands, and her nipples hardened under his palms. She caught the faint scent of soap on his skin.

  "You are so lovely. So responsive." He nibbled her ear, sending tingles shooting down her neck.

  Anna shook as years of repressed desire bubbled to the surface. Jonah was touching her. He wanted to touch her. She clenched inside, wet with arousal.

  Jonah rubbed his thumbs against her erect nipples through the fabric of her blouse. "The question now is … what do we do?" He stilled his hands. "I suggest dinner."

  Excitement seared her heart. Jonah was asking her out. After watching and waiting for so long, her mind barely comprehended the moment. She couldn't manage coyness at the moment, so she simply said, "Yes."

  "This evening?" He squeezed her nipple, applying gentle pressure.

  "Yes, that would be lovely." Her breath hitched as eagerness rose within her.

  "How about Roman's? It's a few blocks from here." He released her and stepped away.

  Anna grasped the countertop for support. She considered for a moment the possibility of running into someone from work but dismissed it. Did she care? "Yes, what time?"

  "Let's say … 7:00? I have a lot on my plate here today."

  Anna tried to think through the sensual haze created by Jonah. "Yes. That's fine." She started a mental list in an attempt to calm herself. What would she wear? What time did she need to leave?

  "I'm meeting with Marcus. I'm briefing him on the status of projects. Normally, Frank would do it, but I told him I would since he wanted to meet with the techs." Jonah's intonation lost its flirting edge as his mind focused on work.

  Anna wondered if Jonah was as unaffected as he appeared. "I'll be interested to hear his thoughts." Her skin still hummed with pleasure, and she found it hard to turn her mind from the sensations of her body.

  Jonah bent over her shoulder and viewed the data in the notebook. "I know he'll be pleased with the status of dexathane."

  Anna took a deep, steadying breath. "I should be able to add further information to my report soon."

  "I look forward to seeing you this evening, Anna." He drew out her name, and her nerve endings rioted again.

  Anna swiveled around on the stool to face Jonah. "I can't wait." She smiled, unconsciously seductive with her pinkened cheeks and sparkling eyes.

  Jonah turned and exited the lab.

  Anna remained in the lab until lunchtime. She spent most of the afternoon at her desk and didn't speak to Jonah again. At 5:00, she passed off her data to Carrie for entry. She wanted plenty of time to prepare for dinner with Jonah.

  Chapter 3

  At 7:00 on the nose, Anna entered the restaurant. Glancing around, she didn't spot Jonah. She asked for a table for two with a view of the door, and the staff accommodated her quickly. Tiny butterflies of anticipation beat in her stomach, and she ordered a drink to sooth herself.

  The restaurant was busy for a weekday. Most of the tables were occupied and the wait staff was hopping. Despite the crowd, the noise wasn't overwhelming. Decorative paper screens separated the tables and provided privacy.

  Anna tried to enumerate topics to discuss with Jonah as she nursed her drink. She didn't consider herself a great conversationalist and often pre-planned for social occasions. It was a geeky thing to do, but it worked. Over time, as socializing had become more natural, she hadn't needed the planning as frequently. However, this evening with Jonah was important. Shyness and insecurity were battling their way to the forefront. She knew the way to fight them was with a plan.

  Ten minutes passed. Then fifteen. Anna told herself she wasn't concerned. Jonah had mentioned that he anticipated a busy day. She didn't know if he planned to leave from the office or try to go home in between. She suspected the former. Any of a dozen things could be holding Jonah up. Besides, fifteen minutes was nothing, not really.

  Thirty minutes passed. Anna felt increasingly conspicuous. The waiter visited the table several times. She'd ordered a drink refill but was hesitant to order an appetizer or anything else. Though the waiter was friendly enough, she imagined he didn't appreciate a table that wasn't generating revenue. Anna checked her phone. Should she try to call Jonah? She didn't want to be a nag. It was their first date, after all. She'd wait a bit longer. The tiny butterflies of anticipation that had bedeviled her all day coalesced into a knot of anxiety that lay like a lead ball in her stomach.

  Forty-five minutes passed. Anna fidgeted in her seat. She felt as if every eye in the restaurant were on her. Did they know she had been stood up? Sympathy had been evident in the waiter's face when he'd last stopped at the table. Humiliation burned through Anna, and her eyes felt suspiciously wet. Should she leave? Surely, Jonah wasn't playing an elaborate joke on her, was he? What had she been thinking? Men like Jonah weren't interested in pale, nerdy scientists. He escorted beautiful women — women who overlooked his absent-minded habits until they couldn’t anymore. He'd probably forgotten all about her.

  Anna's phone beeped. She glanced at the text. It was Jonah.

  Got held up. Be there in 10.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. Her relief turned to anger. Part of her wanted to get up and stomp out. How dare he make her wait! This was a first date. Wasn't he supposed to be trying to make the best impression? Did he even care? Maybe he didn't think he needed to bother. She'd been so easy. He'd barely lifted a finger, and she'd been throwing herself at him.

  But Anna couldn't bring herself to leave. She wasn't ready to give up on Jonah. What if something important had kept him away? She wanted to hear his explanation.

  When the waiter returned, she gave him a tremulous smile. She tried to bring herself under control. She assured him that her dining companion was on the way.

  Anna struggled to focus her thoughts, but when she spotted Jonah coming into the restaurant, distress surged within her. That wouldn't do. She pressed her fingernails into her palms and bit the inside of her lip. The discomfort stemmed her welling emotions for the moment.

  Jonah slipped into the chair opposite her. "I'm sorry, Anna. Time got away from me. After meeting with Marcus, I had work I needed to complete. It had to be done today."

  Anna wanted to rail at him. Couldn't he have called? Couldn't he have let her know he was running late? However, an angry outburst would not likely endear her to him. She forced herself to smile. "I understand. These things happen." She tried to inject a positive tone into her words but wound up sounding flat.

  Jonah paused as if trying to gauge her mood. He rubbed his chin, his fingers rasping against the stubble. "Are you sure? I am sorry."

  "I know you're sorry." Anna believed that he was sorry, but somehow it didn't remove the hurt.

  After they ordered their mea
ls, awkward silence spread out between them. All Anna's conversational plans fled her mind. She couldn't meet his gaze and wrung her cold hands under the table out of his view.

  "Anna?" He coaxed her gently, leaning in across the table.

  She raised her chin. "Yes?" Embarrassment roiled through her. She couldn't even muster decent small talk. So much for her grand plans.

  "I spoke with Marcus about the dexathane. He was very enthusiastic."

  She grabbed the topic like a lifeline. "That's good to hear. I've been very excited about it myself." She laid her palms together and tried to relax.

  Jonah took her hands in his, resting them on the table. "Well, he was very impressed with your research. As am I."

  Anna warmed under his praise. "Thank you."

  "There's no denying you are a talented scientist … and a beautiful woman." Jonah rubbed her palm with his thumb.

  A blush rose in her cheeks at his compliment. Jonah had managed to move their conversation into the personal realm. She was at a loss for a moment. "Your work is very impressive."

  Jonah smiled. "I'm fortunate I get to pursue areas that are of interest to me. I realize not everyone is so lucky."

  Their meals arrived and the conversation veered to the food, the service, and the ambiance of the restaurant. Occasionally, Jonah's knee or foot would contact her under the table and send a shiver through her. Did he even realize the effect he had on her?

  By the end of the meal, Anna purged her insecurity. She recognized that Jonah was trying hard to make the evening a success, though their conversation lacked the flirting edge of their banter earlier in the lab. It wasn't clear if he felt the intense spark she did, but there was no mistaking his interest.

  As the waiter cleared the table, Jonah settled back in his seat, studying her. His eyes glowed in the dim light of the hanging pendant lamp.

  Anna fought the instinct to duck her head. The reflex to hide away hadn't completely left her, especially at a time like this.


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