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His Disobedient Thief

Page 9

by Melinda Barron

  Charlotte left the room in a swirl of blue skirts and Carin sat down in the seat she had vacated, her head swimming.

  Carin was furious by the time she pounded on Ellington’s door that night, much earlier than nine p.m. She was still wearing the dress she’d worn to work that day, mainly because everything else she owned was gone from her rooms.

  Her landlady had smiled at her, expressing surprise at seeing her again. “A man showed up this afternoon, paid your rent plus two months more to make up for losing you. He took all your things. Figured he was setting you up someplace more fancy.”

  “Mrs. Fisk, how could you give him my clothing? All my books, my father’s things! How could you?”

  Mrs. Fisk had smiled and winked. “He had all that money and he said that he was setting you up in a new place, with a new job.”

  Carin wondered what Mrs. Fisk thought about her.

  “I’m not his new mistress, if that’s what you’re thinking,” she said.

  “It’s none of my affair,” Mrs. Fisk said. “I’m so sorry. He seemed so charming. And, I hate to say, I’ve already rented out the rooms, and the gentleman has all of your things.”

  Carin wondered if he was doing it while Charlotte was making sure she was at the seamstress’ offices. But that didn’t matter now. She had nowhere to go except to Tristan’s, where she’d planned on going anyway.

  “Take a deep breath and don’t get too angry,” Carin said as she lifted her fist to knock again and the door opened quickly. She ran past the butler, turning at the staircase to stare at the startled man.

  “Where is he?”

  Tristan’s laughter filled her ears. “I’m here, Carin. Don’t shout at Temple, he doesn’t like it.”

  The butler gave her an offended look, shut the door and left without saying another word.

  “Give me my things, now.” Carin’s voice was full of fury and Tristan came out of the dining room, walked by her, and pointed toward the library.

  “I’ve had Mrs. Walker prepare some food, cold meats and cheese with some bread. You must be hungry.”

  He continued down the corridor and Carin followed in his footsteps, her anger rising. “I don’t understand why you did that? I was coming here anyway. Now I have to find new rooms. Do you know how hard it is to find rooms?”

  Tristan shut the door of the library after she’d entered. He moved toward the table, taking a glass of wine and indicating that she should take the other.

  For a moment, Carin’s anger disappeared as she eyed the food on the table. She’d been working all day and she’d missed a meal. She was very hungry.

  “Take a plate and fill it. We have much to discuss and you need a full stomach,” Tristan said, helping himself to some cheese. “We can discuss the situation after you’ve eaten your fill.”

  Carin rounded on him. “The situation? The situation that you caused!”

  Tristan shook his head and sat down in a chair. He was very calm and that caused Carin to relax somewhat. She sat down without filling a plate.

  “I realize I left you in a bad situation last night, but that was no reason to take all my things.”

  Instead of answering her, Tristan took a piece of cheese off his plate. As he ate, Carin realized she couldn’t control her hunger anymore. She stood and took a slice of bread from the offerings. After she’d taken a bite, she sighed deeply.

  “You know you took all my things today, everything I own,” she said. “You left me with nothing.”

  “Not true, you still have the things, they’ve just been brought here.”

  Carin ate a bit more bread. She needed to get control of herself. “I won’t be your mistress. If you think I will live here and service you, you’re wrong.”

  “You might enjoy having sex with me,” he said. “My kisses surely excited you last night. Your nipples hardened.”

  Carin didn’t want to talk about that. Instead she said, “How did you find me?”

  “It wasn’t hard,” Ellington replied. “I had you followed. Plus, I had a friend of mine check death records for a man who’d been murdered last year.”

  “So, you didn’t talk to Kelley about me?”

  “No,” he said. “Although he is very curious, which is one of the reasons I brought you here. I don’t trust the man, and I’m afraid he would try and take advantage of your station in life. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I know it could happen.”

  Carin filled a plate and retook her seat. “I’ve worried about that, too.”

  “Your father’s name was Winston Flower?”

  “Yes,” Carin said. “He’d been to Newgate twice for burglary. My mother used to say that father didn’t know how to spell the word legal, much less live that way.”

  Her words caused Ellington to smile, but it wasn’t one of humor. “I can see that hurts you.”

  “Yes,” she said. “The last time Father was in prison, the police said he would never be released. That’s why when he came home a year and a half ago I couldn’t believe my eyes. When I asked him, what happened he just smiled and said he was lucky. It was several months later he told me about his ‘employer’. A month after that he was dead.”

  “The man he was working for secured his release from Newgate? He must be very influential. It shouldn’t be hard to find out who he is.”

  “Not hard for you,” Carin answered. “But for me? All I can do is try and find out by searching the houses.”

  She had finished her bread. Ellington stood, took her plate and refilled it before he brought it back to her. She started to eat in earnest.

  “Now, that I have a little more information we can find out more things,” he said. “Little bits of information lead to more.”

  Carin picked up her glass of wine and drank deeply.

  “Dalton and I came up with a plan. We’ll set it in motion after I send Cannonberry to Newgate to find out who secured your father’s release.”

  “First, who is Cannonberry? I don’t recognize that name. And second, why would you do that? Why did you bring me here?” Carin’s voice was soft. “You don’t even know me.”

  A smile lit up Ellington’s face. “I enjoy mysteries and riddles. And I told you, you stir my cock, Carin. And you don’t expect me to marry you. We can have some good, hot sex together. I think you would enjoy it as much as I would.”

  His blunt words hit Carin like a strong gust of wind. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  Tristan stared at her. “Tell me you don’t want me, Carin.”

  Carin blushed furiously, but she said, “I don’t like what you did the other night.”

  “You were confused, because I misread the situation. It will be better when you’re more accustomed to rough sex.”

  “I’ve never, I just don’t know.” How was she supposed to tell him that yes, she was intrigued, but she was also frightened? She would sound like a virgin rather than an experienced woman. “But I can’t stay here, with you. You’ll be disgraced.”

  Her statement brought a bark of laughter. “I have to tell you that no one in society cares whom I take to my bed. Besides, I have thought of a cover for you. No one will know who you are, don’t worry.”

  He stood and crossed the room, picking up a piece of leather that caused Carin’s eyes to widen.

  “Sex can be so much fun, Carin, when you allow yourself to relax and give over.” He sat down in his chair and put the leather in his lap. “I was harsh on you the other evening, and I want to make it up to you tonight, my way.”

  “And what is your way?” she asked.

  “In my world, a woman is submissive in the bedroom,” he said. “I am in charge, and she does as I say. You learn to control yourself, you learn to take things slowly, and feel the pleasure build inside you.”

  “That leather does not look pleasurable,” she said, pointing to the strap on his lap.

  “You’ll learn that pain can bring about intense pleasure.”

  She shivered. “N
o, I could never.” But if she felt that way, why wasn’t she running from him? “What do you plan to do tonight?”

  “I plan for a nice, long session, where the two of us learn each other’s needs, or start to, anyway. You can’t do it all quickly. I’m going to give you a few strokes with the leather, my sweet cat burglar.”

  “A few strokes?” she asked.

  “Yes, we’ll go upstairs, and I’ll prepare you like I should have done the first time we were together.” His voice was husky with desire. Even though it had been a long time since she’d been with a man, she recognized the signs.

  “Strikes of leather can increase your need, make you spend harder,” he said. “You’ve spent before, haven’t you?”

  “I… I…” What was she supposed to say? She knew what pleasure felt like, but she didn’t really know what he was taking about. “We should face other issues first. We should talk about the cover you say you have for me. I shouldn’t think about being with you. I should still be angry because you took all my things from my rooms.”

  “I realize you’re angry,” he said. “But we’ve spent enough time dancing around the situation, Carin. I want to fuck you. But I want to play with you first.”

  Her breath came in harsh gasps. She knew they needed to talk about him taking over her life, about him making decisions for her that he had absolutely no authority to do. But when he talked about fucking… she let her gaze fall to his crotch.

  “Do you want me inside you, Carin?”

  “Yes.” She reminded herself that he didn’t want a wife. All he wanted was a woman he could fuck. She hated to admit it, but she could live with that. She’d been in love before and had lost it. Maybe now she could try letting a rich man take care of her.

  “We’re not here about sex,” she said. She didn’t want to tell him what they needed to do, because he knew what weighed on her mind.

  “Tomorrow,” he said. “Right now, I want you to show me you can obey instructions. I want to see if I’m reading you right. Many times, a strong woman needs to give over in the bedroom.”

  She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that.

  “Come and stand before me,” he said.

  Telling herself it was just playtime and didn’t mean anything, Carin did as he asked. He put his hands on her hips and stroked them softly.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” he said. “Let us go to my bedroom and seal our pact.”

  “What pact is that?” Carin sat down on his lap, even though he hadn’t told her to do so.

  He tugged on her bodice and the material ripped.

  “Don’t do that.” She tried to pull away, but he held her close.

  “It can be replaced.” He pulled again, and her breast popped free. “Look at your beautifully hard nipples,” he said. Then he captured her breast in his mouth, sucking hard, making Carin bow her back as she pressed against him.

  He might have ruined her dress, but what he was doing to her nipple with his tongue and teeth made her body quiver with need. She squirmed on his lap, he released his hold and gently slapped her thigh.

  “Hold still,” he said. Then he went back to work, his movements rougher than before, making her feel things she’d never experienced before, a bit of fear mixed with the pleasure from his sucking.

  When he released her breast again he took her chin between his fingers. “It’s hard for me to be gentle with you. But knowing you are virginal in these matters, I mean the side of sex that I desire, I want to take things slowly. In my world, were you the courtesan I thought you were, I would have you follow me upstairs on your hands and knees, trailing behind me as a pet would her master.”

  “I don’t like that idea,” she said.

  “You’ve never tried it,” he said. “How do you know you don’t?”

  It seemed such a simple question, but she didn’t know what to say. Actually, she didn’t want to say anything.

  They stared at each other for a few moments, and then he gently pushed her to her feet. He stood, took her hand and started for the stairs. Carin felt as if she should be fighting him, telling him she had no intention of taking part in the activities he seemed to enjoy so much, things that came about from the length of leather he had in his hand.

  She followed him like a meek mouse, which made her feel strange, as if she were not herself. She knew this house so well from the times she’d broken in. He headed toward his bedroom. Once they were inside, she saw that he’d had large candles placed at all four sides of the bed. The light illuminated soft white bedding, which hadn’t been there the last time she was in this room.

  Tristan dropped her hand and turned so they were face to face. She thought he would help her with buttons and ties, make it so it would be easier to take off. Instead he stroked her chest, where one breast was still bare.

  “I want you to stand still and let me prepare you,” he said.

  “Prepare me how?” she asked.

  “Shush,” he said. He put his hands on her waist and undid the buttons that held her skirt in place. It dropped to the floor and Carin fought back panic. She should leave, now. This man wasn’t her husband. It was wrong to have sex with a man who wasn’t her husband.

  He took both of her hands and said, “Step out.”

  Her weak self did as he said. He picked up the skirt and tossed it toward the door. Next, he did the same thing with her petticoats. Both of them joined the heap of clothing near the doorway.

  Her ruined bodice followed, leaving her in her corset and shift. The nipple he’d sucked earlier felt cold, despite the fact it was warm in the room. He flicked his thumb over it and she shivered.

  “Don’t be frightened,” he said right before he leaned over and kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss, seductive even. “Tonight, is sweet, to make up for the events of the other evening, remember?”

  “Yes,” she said. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed where he placed her in the center.

  “The last time I was on this bed you tied me to it,” she said.

  “That will happen again, but not tonight,” he said. “Tonight, is a way of apology.”

  He started to undress, his fingers working the buttons on his cuffs and shirt.

  She wanted to ask why he didn’t take off all her clothing, but she thought that maybe it had something to do with the apology part. Something told her he knew she would be nervous, and he was trying to keep her calm.

  After he’d taken off his shirt and started on his trousers, she was thankful for that little thing, because there was a part of her that wanted to run, to leave his bed for fear of what was about to happen.

  When he took off his trousers, though, all thoughts of fleeing left her mind. Her mouth watered as her gaze settled on his hard cock. She licked her lips, then looked up to see him watching her.

  Without saying a word, he got onto the bed, on his hands and knees, and straddled her.

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she said.

  “No more words,” he said, and then, to her surprise, he winked at her. “I have a gag handy if I need to put it to use.”

  Carin shook her head.

  “Very well, then you will remain silent.” He lowered his head to her breasts and started to tease them, just as he had done in the library. This time, though, he sucked both nipples, nibbling and teasing her until she moaned and started to wiggle under him.

  He sucked all over her breasts, pulling on her tender flesh with his lips. She was sure he was leaving marks that would show in the morning, but she didn’t care. Carin tried several times to touch him. But each time she reached for his cock he pushed her hand away.

  She wanted to beg him to take her, to stop teasing her and give her what they both wanted. But each time her mouth opened, she thought about his directive to keep her mouth closed. She rather enjoyed the idea that she was following his lead, that he was doing to her what he wanted, and it was bringing out more pleasure than she’d felt in a very, very l
ong time.

  When he started to inch her shift up her legs she wanted to scream at him to hurry. She decided that maybe, just maybe, he would allow her to speak. “Please, please.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she managed to say.

  “Then keep your mouth closed,” he said. “I won’t tell you again.”

  Carin nodded. She lifted her hips when he got her shift up far enough, and when he gently touched her thighs and pushed on them she spread her legs.

  Suddenly, he was on top of her, his cock pressing against her opening, which was wetter than she’d thought it had ever been. There was discomfort when he pushed inside, a little like, but not as harsh, as the first time she’d allowed Mark inside her.

  When Tristan started to pump, she wrapped her legs around his waist and closed her eyes, letting the pleasure seep into her bones. Her nerve endings tingled, and her quim tightened around him as he thrust back and forth. Carin knew that even though they were not in love, and would probably never be, she and Tristan were a perfect match. She was ecstatic at the idea of letting him teach her new things that would bring her pleasure.

  Chapter 8

  Her life had changed. Just twenty-four hours ago she had woken in her rented rooms in a not so great part of town. Now, here she was snuggling in a bed in a townhouse in Mayfair. The bed was warm and comforting, and Carin snuggled down further under the covers. She had never felt anything so soft. She could hear Ellington’s voice as he talked with someone in the hallway. She supposed it was Mrs. Walker, the housekeeper.

  She gasped and sat up quickly, clutching the blankets to her bare chest.

  “What time is it? If I’m late, Mrs. Thompson will turn me out!”

  She must have spoken loudly because Tristan came into the room and shut the door behind him. “I’ve already sent word to Mrs. Thompson that you will no longer be employed at her shop. You no longer have to worry about working, Carin. I said I would care for you, remember? Would you like some breakfast?”

  He sat down at a table filled with food. “I thought we’d have a light breakfast, since it’s after noon already. My friends will be here around one so we can discuss things. Then we can spend the day together and after we play, Mrs. Walker will fix a nice supper for just the two of us.”


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