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31 Days of Autumn

Page 10

by Fallowfield, C. J.

  My eyes pinged open as I felt a burst of adrenaline, suddenly feeling wired. I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out the carefully folded piece of paper and studied it.

  Four steps down, and the fifth and sixth were halfway there with London under surveillance. I just needed that Scottish home address to work out where they were most vulnerable. The clients I’d managed to poach from my former firm would boost my income substantially. I reckoned it would be less than a year before I had the deposit to take on my team. From there, things would snowball really fast. My payday was now closer than it had ever been. I started the engine of the car. I didn’t need to sit here any longer. They had no regular routines that I could see in London. Everything seemed sporadic. Scotland was going to be the key, I was sure of it. Half an hour ago I’d wanted sleep. Now I had a hard-on that I needed to deal with. The question was whether it was going to be Jessica or a prostitute or two. I decided on Jess. I could work on her to bring a friend along to liven things up, and save my money at the same time. I looked up at the hospital and grinned.

  ‘I’ll be seeing you soon,’ I chuckled, feeling more elated than I had in months.

  Day Eight

  One week later ~ Thursday 17th October


  ‘Dan, honestly, I’m fine,’ I protested, when he brought in a wheelchair to take me from my private hospital room to the car.

  ‘Ellie, don’t start being your usual stubborn self,’ he warned. ‘I nearly lost you a week ago. You’ve had a caesarean and a uterine repair, as well as a blood transfusion. You’ll do as you’re told and you’ll be resting for the next few weeks.’

  ‘I have a new baby, two boys, and you to look after, Dan. I don’t have time to rest,’ I muttered as I carefully swung my legs off the bed to sit on its edge.

  ‘You can nurse Eva and give as much love as you like to the boys, but you will rest. We’ll stay in London for a few more days, just to make sure you’re well enough to head home, and I have people on standby if we need additional help.’ He gave me his most dominant, don’t mess with me, face. I rolled my eyes, which made his narrow.

  ‘Fine,’ I reluctantly relented. I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for him to go through that. I knew how worried I’d be if he’d been in the hospital. He didn’t need any more stress in his life, God knows he’d had more than his fair share of trauma already. He helped me off the bed and down into the wheelchair. He quickly crouched at my feet, taking both of my hands when I winced and looking up at me with a concerned frown.

  ‘Are you ok?’

  ‘I will be, my stomach’s a little tender, but I have the most amazing and attentive husband to make up for that,’ I smiled. He gave me one in return and kissed each of my hands, lingering on my left ring finger, where all of my rings from him sat. ‘I adore my eternity ring, it’s so beautiful. Thank you so much. I’m going to need surgery for a dislocated shoulder from the weight of all of the diamonds I’m carrying on that hand.’

  ‘That reminds me, I need to up your life insurance before I bump you off,’ he teased.

  We were interrupted by a gurgle from the baby pod in the corner, so Dan gave me a gentle kiss, then went to get her and came to put her in my arms. I couldn’t tear my eyes off her. She was so beautiful, with a mop of dark hair, just like Oliver had, but she looked more like Jonas and I. Oliver was so excited when he met her, we’d let her lie on his lap when he was safely settled on the armchair, with Dan making sure she didn’t fall. Jonas wasn’t really fussed, but he was too young to understand or be interested in a baby that just lay there and cried from time to time. I was sure that when she was his age, walking and playing, he’d love her just as much as he did his big brother. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful family, and the thought of how close I’d come to never being with them all again made a lump form in my throat. I put my finger in Eva’s tiny fist and took a deep breath. She was here now, I was ok, and our run of bad luck was finally over.

  ‘Good morning, Mrs. Davenport. Looking forward to going home?’ came James’s voice.

  ‘So much,’ I nodded, forcing myself to look up. ‘They’re amazing here, but I’ve missed the boys so much. Afternoon visits weren’t enough.’

  ‘They’ve missed you, too. They’ve run Magda ragged this morning, she’ll be glad of a break.’

  ‘O dear,’ I laughed. I couldn’t wait to see them. James took my case and the baby bag and Dan wheeled me out, with Andy hot on our heels. I thanked all of the nursing staff as they came out to say goodbye. I suspected it was more to ogle Dan than to see me off, but either way, they’d been super attentive and had looked after Eva so well. I needed to arrange a card to say thank you. Dan and Andy waited inside of the sliding glass doors with me while James went to bring the car around. I was desperate to get outside and have some fresh air, but Dan refused, saying it looked nice, but it was too cold for Eva and I. I loved how protective he was of his family. When James pulled up in the limo, Dan went to put Eva in the car seat, then came back for me.

  ‘Ok?’ he asked as he helped me out of the wheelchair.

  ‘Great,’ I smiled, but I held his hand tightly as we made our way down the steps and across to the car. I still felt quite weak after lying in bed for the last few days. Cold or not, I gulped down the fresh air. It was far better than the recycled air of the hospital, but nothing beat the fresh air up at the loch. I was really homesick and couldn’t wait to get back up there and into our routines again. Andy made sure we were safely inside before closing the door and joining James in the front. Dan took my hand again as we set off and I turned to look at him. He looked so tired. He leaned down to kiss me, so I clasped his face and made it last. I’d hated not being close to him, sleeping with his arms around me. He’d brought the boys over every afternoon before taking them home again. Magda had moved in to cook for them all, so when Dan got them to bed, he’d return to the hospital to sleep in the spare bed in my room, returning in the morning in time to get them up. They were missing me as it was, without Dan not being there morning and night, too. No wonder he was tired.

  ‘Wow, that was some kiss,’ he murmured, as I pulled my head back and took some deep breaths of air.

  ‘Hmmm,’ I confirmed, still a bit dazed by his response to it. ‘Just a small thank you for all that you’ve done, until I can thank you properly.’

  ‘Which will be when?’ he asked, his fingers tangling with mine again. I knew how he was feeling. Despite my surgery, my hormones were raging.

  ‘They recommended six weeks, the same as with Jonas,’ I pouted.

  ‘We only waited three,’ he reminded me, perking me up instantly. ‘But this time we’ll wait the full six. You had the added complications this time and lost a lot of blood. I don’t want to make things worse.’

  ‘I’ll tell you when I feel ready.’

  ‘No, I’ll tell you when you’re ready,’ he retorted, smiling when he saw my face drop. ‘Just because we can’t have sex doesn’t mean that I can’t let you have an orgasm or two when you’ve built up your strength. But only if you behave and do as you’re told when it comes to resting,’ he warned.

  ‘Get out that gold star sticker pack, Dan, as I’m about to be your number one pupil,’ I grinned.

  ‘Bribery with orgasms,’ he chuckled, brushing his lips over my cheek. ‘I’ll have to remember that one for the future.’

  ‘Before you gloat, just remember that idea can work both ways,’ I reminded him with a teasing smile. He laughed and we both looked over at Eva as she squealed.

  ‘Christ, don’t tell me that my voice scares her too.’

  ‘It’s only when you sing that you scare Oliver and Jonas, they love it when you read to them.’

  ‘She’s gorgeous,’ he sighed, looking over at her with a proud smile on his face. ‘Thank you for not letting me talk you out of having her.’

  ‘Thank you for relenting, I know how nervous you were again. I’m just so sorry that it went the way it did. What
can I do to make it up to you? You look exhausted.’

  ‘I won’t lie, it’s the most tired I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve barely slept for the last two weeks. But to have you home, to have my family complete, and alive, that’s all I could ask for, Ellie. Just be you, you don’t ever have to do anything more.’

  ‘Then don’t expect me to sit back and let you work yourself into an early grave. If I need rest, then so do you.’

  ‘Then we’ll rest together, I’ve missed you in my arms at night. You heard the doctor when we discussed the implications of your surgery, no more babies. The risks of this happening again are too high. This is it.’

  ‘She was going to be my last anyway. I can’t imagine how mothers cope with two children without the help of a nanny, let alone more.’

  ‘Most women don’t have a demanding writing career and highly sexed, demanding husband to keep entertained, too,’ he replied with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  Dan helped me out of the car and put his arm around me as I looked up at our house with a smile.

  ‘Thanks, James,’ Dan nodded, as he returned from unloading the limo while Andy carried Eva inside for us.

  ‘You’re welcome, Sir. It’s good to see Mrs. Davenport and Miss Eva safely home.’

  ‘So, we’re back to “Sir” and not Dan?’

  ‘I was just standing in for Mr. Steel when you needed your best friend.’

  ‘He left me this morning. What if I ordered you to be my permanent stand in and always call me Dan?’ he asked. James looked mortified, which made me giggle.

  ‘It wouldn’t be appropriate, Sir. You’re my boss and I’m your employee.’

  ‘No, James. You’re also my friend, a very good friend and one I’d have been lost without. You’ll never know how grateful I was to have you there that night, or since. In fact, how grateful I always am to have you around.’

  ‘Yes, thank you, James. Dan said how good you were to him. I truly appreciate your friendship, too,’ I smiled, giving his firm bicep a squeeze. I could have sworn his cheeks went red with embarrassment.

  ‘I’m very flattered that you both think so highly of me, but I think me addressing you correctly again from now on is more appropriate. That said, regardless of your salutations, or my standing in your employ, I’ll always consider it an honour to count you both as my friends, too. You know that I’ll always have your backs. Your family and their safety are very important to me, Sir.’

  ‘As are you to us, James. I won’t force you to call me Dan if that will make you uncomfortable, but know that if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, like I leaned on yours, mine is available.’

  ‘I think he’s trying to tell you that he loves you, James,’ I grinned. ‘As do I.’

  ‘Thank you,’ coughed James, looking as if he didn’t know where to put himself. ‘I’d better get the limo into the garage as I’m blocking the mews access. Let me know if you need me this evening.’

  ‘We’re not going anywhere tonight, James. We’ll be having a quiet family night.’

  ‘A wise choice indeed, Sir.’ He nodded and headed back to the driver’s side of the car. I quickly looked up at the house when I heard a scream.


  ‘Darling,’ I called, blowing kisses up at the French windows to see Oliver waving through the railings, Magda holding Jonas as they watched us.

  ‘What am I? Some distant bloody relative,’ grumbled Dan as he helped me over to the front door.

  ‘You know he adores you. In a few years, he won’t want me, he’ll be all about his dad.’

  ‘Hey, hey, be gentle,’ Dan warned, when Oliver flew down the stairs and threw himself at me. ‘Your mum’s not very well.’

  ‘Well enough for a welcome like that,’ I beamed, when he wrapped his little arms around my legs. Dan prised him off and picked him up, letting him lean in to circle my neck and kiss me. ‘I missed you so much. Have you been a good boy for Magda?’

  ‘Yes,’ he nodded solemnly.

  ‘He has been a very good boy,’ confirmed Magda as she headed down the hall with Jonas. He held out his little chubby arms for some love, too, but Dan refused to allow me to hold him, saying he was too heavy and that he might accidentally kick me. ‘They both have. I'm happy to look after all of your babies anytime.’

  ‘Did I suddenly become the invisible man? They’re my children, too.’ Dan rolled his eyes and got one of Magda’s sternest scowls.

  ‘Babies always need their mothers more. They'll need you when they are older, for money and lectures. And knowing my grown-up Ollie, he will have plenty of lectures for them,’ she nodded. I laughed as Dan shook his head with a look of despair at me.

  ‘She’s right. You can be very bossy, Mr. Davenport.’

  ‘Starting now. I want you upstairs with your feet up. The children can sit with you while you watch a film and relax. Magda has dinner under control, so there’s nothing for you to do or worry about.’

  ‘What about you?’ I asked, taking his free hand as we headed for the stairs. He probably had work to do and it wasn’t like I could really object.

  ‘I’ll be wherever you are, baby. I’m not leaving your side. Tonight it’s all about our new family. Magda is heading home after we’ve all eaten together and will come back tomorrow. I wanted to have some time with just the five of us.’

  ‘The five of us,’ I repeated, smiling over at him. This was it, my complete family unit. He grinned, dipped his head, and kissed me. It was the happiest I’d felt all week.

  Day Nine

  Friday 18th October


  ‘I’m so sorry to leave you, Ellie,’ Dan whispered as he kissed my forehead while I fed Eva, lying in bed, propped up on a mountain of pillows.

  ‘Your work is important, I get that. You’ve stalled on this project while I was recovering and it’s unrealistic to think that you could avoid work for the rest of the month. Go, Magda’s here if I need anything, but I’m not an invalid, I can look after myself.’

  ‘I just worry about you. You’ve been through so much,’ he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

  ‘As have you and you’re not resting. Why don’t you go and get the boys up. They love you waking them up, then you can bring them to me before you go,’ I suggested.

  ‘Actually, I’d like to take Ollie to work with me.’

  ‘Are you planning on doing any work?’ I laughed. ‘You’ll have to have eyes in the back of your head, especially on that walkway over the open sections of the coy pond. He’ll be in that like a flash.’

  ‘I’ll watch him, Stuart too. I just think it’s time he spent some time with his old man, saw the empire he’s going to take over one day. You’ve seen him on the iPad already, he’s a genius. I think he’ll be more talented than me and that’s saying something.’

  ‘Hopefully he’ll be more modest as well,’ I observed with a wink. ‘Are you sure about this?’

  ‘I am,’ he nodded. ‘Enjoy some time with Jonas and Eva without Ollie trying to take charge and having a sulk when he doesn’t get his own way.’

  ‘He really is your son,’ I smiled, making Dan chuckle. ‘Ok, bring him in to say goodbye before you go and try not to wake up Jonas yet then, as he’ll throw a fit if he can’t go with you and Oliver.’ I watched his sexy backside in his fitted suit trousers as he disappeared to sort Oliver out. Would I ever get tired of looking at him? I sincerely doubted it. I looked down as Eva stopped drinking. ‘Just you wait, one day you’ll meet a man who’ll sweep you off your feet, too. Hopefully he won’t be as stubborn as your father, because I’m telling you, he wasn’t easy and I don’t want you to go through a second of the heartache I did before he came to his senses.’ I kissed her dark hair and gently rocked her against me. Her skin was flawless and her lashes, courtesy of Dan, were longer, darker, and thicker than mine. I took a deep breath as I hoped that I’d be around to see her grow up and have children of her own. My parents had missed out on so much. She raised her clenched
fists to her head and yawned. For a moment, I contemplated getting out of bed and checking her nappy before putting her down in her bassinet myself, but the thought of Dan’s reaction stopped me.

  ‘Mummy,’ called Oliver as Dan strode in with him on his hip.

  ‘Morning, gorgeous,’ I smiled. ‘Can we do a swap, Dan? Eva’s ready for a sleep.’

  ‘Sure,’ he nodded, carrying Oliver over and putting him down on the floor. ‘Remember, no jumping on your mummy’s tummy,’ he warned him. Oliver nodded and scrambled up onto the bed immediately, then crawled up to tuck under my right arm.

  ‘Kiss,’ he called, pursing his lips. I bent down to give him one and he beamed and craned his neck to look at his sister. ‘Kiss for Eva, too.’

  ‘You do love your sister, don’t you?’ I asked, feeling my heart expand as I angled her for him to plant a wet kiss on her cheek, before Dan scooped her out of my arms.

  ‘Love Jo-Jo, too,’ Oliver nodded. ‘Jo-Jo sleeping.’

  ‘I know, but as you’re a big boy, you’re going with Daddy to work and look at you. He even dressed you in an adorable little pair of suit trousers with a waistcoat, shirt, and tie.’ I giggled and looked over at Dan, who’d laid Eva on her back on the changing table.


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