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Be Mine... Or Else

Page 4

by Alexa King

  When I take her mouth, I can taste her pussy along with the strawberries and I moan at the flavor. Her body is wound tight and before I think she’s ready, she starts to move. The sensation of kissing her and the feel of her hard nipples against my chest, combined with her tight cunt working up and down my cock, it’s a death sentence for me.

  I grab her hips to slow her down, but instead my inner beast demands I speed up. I’m possessed as I thrust into her in long, thick strokes. Her slick little cunt welcomes me home, and each time it’s tighter and hotter. I grunt with each thrust like an animal on top of her. But she’s saying my name and begging for more, and I’m a slave to her demands.

  “Harder, Beau. Harder,” she cries out as her orgasm bears down on her.

  I nearly black out at the filthy words that leave her innocent lips and do as she says. My cock is a machine made only to pleasure her, and I will not cum until she commands me to.

  “I think, oh god, I’m cumming, Beau,” she gasps as she clings to me. “Cum with me.”

  Those are the last words I hear before deafening echoes of pleasure roar in my ear. Whether it’s hers or my own, I won’t ever be sure, but I know that when I finally release inside of her body, my soul entwines with hers.

  Chapter Eight


  I watch Beau sleep and I can feel the goofy smile on my face. I swear my cheeks hurt from how much I’ve been doing that lately. And that’s not the only place that’s sore. I still feel the sweet ache between my legs from last night. It was more perfect than I could have ever imagined. Beau was perfect. For the first time since leaving school I feel calm and content. This is what I’ve been looking for.

  In his sleep he looks more relaxed. His heavy breaths and weight on me let me know that he’s sleeping like a rock. I'm not surprised, because when I had to get up to pee this morning he didn't wake up. Just wrapped me back up when I got back into bed.

  I glance over at the clock and know I need to get going. I’m supposed to be in early today since it’s Valentine’s Day, our busiest day of the year. But even knowing that, I really don’t want to leave this bed. Last night was the best night of my life.

  Once we made love on the couch, he carried me into the bedroom and started all over again. Over and over again he gave me orgasms and kissed every inch of me. It was like he had to know every part of my body and then make it belong to him.

  I think I’m in love with this man. I close my eyes and bite my lip. No, I know I am.

  I wiggle free of his grip once again and he’s still sleeping like the dead. I stand up, then lean down over him and press my lips to his. I want one more to hold me over until I see him again. I wonder if that will be tonight. He hasn't said anything about Valentine’s Day, but after last night, I’m sure there’s more to come.

  Doubt and insecurity slip past my bubble of love and I wonder for a moment if he has a date or something. I pull back and look at him. I can’t believe that to be true. Not with the way he loved my body. He touched me like I was the only woman in the whole world and nothing else mattered. Maybe that’s how people have sex, but it wasn't just sex. We made love. I know it because I can feel it to my core.

  I place one more kiss on his lips before I straighten up and step away. I can’t let my mind get the best of me. I’ll just need to come out and ask Beau when I see him tonight. At least I hope I see him tonight. I don’t like the idea of not going to bed with him. One night sleeping in his arms has ruined me.

  I look at my dress—which is a complete mess—and grab Beau’s shirt off the ground. I’m sure he won’t mind if I wear it. Next I grab a pair of joggers from a chair nearby and slip them on. I have to roll the waist a few times, but thankfully there’s a string that I can tighten. I grab my shoes and tiptoe out of the bedroom so I don’t wake him up. When I make my way down the hall and to the elevator, I look around at his place. Seeing Beau’s home reminds me of the different worlds we come from and I wonder how we’ll fit when the outside would starts to press in on us. I knew he was a lawyer, but from what I see he must be a very successful one.

  I’m a young girl who works in a florist shop with no plans for tomorrow. At least I didn't have plans for tomorrow until last night. Now I think I could spend eternity with Beau. I take the elevator down and then head out onto the street and grab a cab. I think about last night over and over again and I smile all the way home.

  When I open the door to my apartment, Tia comes flying out of her room. I texted her last night that I was staying at Beau’s and after that text she was blowing up my phone.

  “Is this the walk of shame?” she asks excitedly.

  “I feel no shame,” I say tartly but giggle and try to cover my face with my hands.

  “You dirty girl.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “So?”

  “It was amazing,” I admit, ready to tell someone. “I think I’m in love with him.”

  She studies me for a moment and I see a trace of sorrow in her eyes. “Dove, be careful. You don’t really know this man. Men can be—” She’s cut off when there’s a banging on the door.


  My heartbeat races as I realize it’s Beau on the other side of the door.

  I turn, flinging the door open in a panic thinking something might be wrong. Before I can open my mouth to ask what’s wrong, he’s on me instantly. He pulls me into his arms and his mouth lands on mine. His kiss is possessive and filled with so much need. As if he hasn't seen me in years. His hands tangle into my hair and he presses into me as if he can’t get us close enough.

  When I finally pull back I’m out of breath, and he drops his forehead to mine. For a moment we’re both silent as we try to find the air in the room.

  “Never mind what I was saying,” I hear Tia say, reminding me we aren't alone.

  Beau’s body goes still for a moment and his face changes a little as he stands to his full height. He looks different like this.

  “Hello, I’m Beau,” he says to Tia, introducing himself so formally.

  “I’d hope so,” Tia laughs. “And I’m going back to bed.” With that, she turns and goes to her room.

  “That’s Tia,” I tell him. “She’s not super friendly with new people.” I look him over and he looks a mess. His hair is wild. And he’s got on a T-shirt and joggers similar to the ones I’m wearing. It looks like he threw them on in a few seconds and didn't bother to think about what he was doing.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just needed to get to work,” I say, placing my hands on his chest and smiling up at him. He must have followed me home.

  Beau lets out a deep breath before running his hand through his hair. He looks down at me and cups my face with both hands. “You don’t leave the bed without waking me up, sunshine.” His hands are soft, but I can hear an edge in his words. He looks a little unhinged. “Did I hurt you last night?” His eyes soften at the question, and I see regret in his eyes.

  “Why would you think you hurt me?” His lips tip up in a small smile. He drops a hand from my face and dips it down into the joggers I’m wearing. I gasp when his fingers touch my bare skin. I couldn’t find my panties this morning.

  “Here, little sunshine. Do you hurt here?”

  “What?” is all I get out before my eyes fall closed as he softly pets me. I hear a deep chuckle. Then I feel his mouth on my neck. I tilt my head to give him more of me as his fingers work me over. He takes me higher and higher and my orgasm climbs up my body.

  “Tell me you’ll never sneak out of bed with me asleep again,” he growls in my ear. His fingers stop moving when all I do is moan.

  “Beau,” I cry out, pushing my sex into his hand more, needing his fingers to get back to what they were doing.

  “Say it,” he growls again. This time his teeth graze my neck and he gives me a little bite. The feeling shoots straight to my core.

  “I won’t, I promise.”

  “Good girl.” Then his fingers are moving again.
  His approval and praise have me so worked up that it only takes one more stroke of his fingers against my clit and I’m falling over the edge.

  “Beau!” I moan his name and start to cry out. But before I do he covers my mouth with his hand, muffling the sounds.

  “I don’t want anyone hearing that,” he says into my ear. My body jerks against him as I’m flooded with pleasure.

  I feel his hard cock press into me, but he pulls his hand out from between my legs and licks his fingers clean. My cheeks warm at the sight. He moans as he tastes me and I watch his eyes grow even darker. It’s the same look he had in his eyes when he took me for the first time last night.

  “Beau.” I want to tell him to take me to bed, but I can’t leave Sue hanging. “I have to go to work.”

  “Call out,” he says through clenched teeth.

  “It’s Valentine's Day. I can’t leave Sue without any help. She’s been so good to me.”

  “My sweet sunshine.” He shakes his head but smiles at me. “All right, but you’re mine when you’re done.”

  “All yours.” I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down easily. His lips meet mine for a kiss, and I’m struck again by how much I already love him.

  “Can you wear a longer dress today so I can function.” The way he says it doesn't really sound like a question.

  “You didn’t like my dress?” I wonder, thinking about him ripping it off of me last night.

  “There isn't a man in this world who wouldn't like that dress on you. I just don’t like the idea of anyone else getting to see what’s mine.”

  I give him one more quick kiss and nod. “Mmkay,” I agree. Something inside me wants to please him.

  His winds his arms around me and grabs my ass with both hands. “And no more running around without underwear,” he adds.

  “You’re bossy,” I tell him.

  “You’ll get used to it.” My mouth drops open at his words. “We’ll go over us later. Right now go get yourself ready so I can drop you off at work.”

  His phone starts to ring and he smacks my ass, making me yelp. It didn't hurt, it just surprised me. I poke his chest playfully before turning and running to my room.

  “No shower,” I hear him yell. I giggle. I wasn't planning on it because I don’t have time. I can still smell Beau on me and I like it. I wanted the reminder of him all day. Not that I don't still have a small one between my legs. The tender ache is there, but it’s a delicious one. I never thought I’d think that about a pain before. But it’s true.

  I quickly get ready, grabbing a red dress. This one falls to my knees. I slip on a pair of red Converse to match and then go to the bathroom. I know today is going to be super busy, but hopefully it will go by quickly. I brush out my hair until my waves are under control, and then pin back one side with a clip. Then I brush my teeth, slap on a little makeup and check myself over. When I walk back into the living room I see Beau has his phone pressed to his ear and he’s pacing.

  “I don’t give a fuck, he’s fired.”

  I pause. I was about to go to him and wrap my arms around him, but I see his face is hard and even the way he’s standing is intimidating. He seems so different. Maybe now isn’t the right time for cuddles.

  “Send out an email and put all the cases he was working on on my desk for me to look over.” He pauses for a moment. “Well, let him know he doesn't want to be there when I get there. That’s for fucking sure.”

  Beau turns a little and sees me standing there. The hardness drops from his body instantly and his eyes become the sweet, possessive ones I love.

  “I have to go,” he says, and with that he ends the call. He slides the phone into his pocket and walks over to me, pulling me into his arms. “You look beautiful.” His voice is soft now. It’s almost like a switch flipped. I study him for a moment, but when his mouth lands on mine I melt into him, forgetting everything else.

  Chapter Nine


  I drop Dove at work and then go straight to the office. I’ve got suits there for emergencies and this is one of them. It takes me three hours to clean up the mess left from firing one of the firm’s lawyers. But I’m actually thankful for the mess. It’s kept my mind focused on something besides my obsession with Dove.

  Not only had Jim been fucking one of his clients, but he had a problem with putting shit up his nose with company money. I don’t care what the fallout might be for me firing him so hastily. It’s better than what Jim could bring down on us later. He’ll be lucky if I don’t get him disbarred. The only thing saving him at the moment from such a fate is that I’m in such a good mood because I can still smell Dove on me.

  When I woke this morning and she wasn't there I almost thought I dreamt the whole thing. Then when I became more awake I could smell her on me and on the sheets. I’d woken up harder than I ever had in my life. You’d think after finally having her my lust would have cooled somewhat. Think again. I was wrong. Oh so wrong. It's worse. Now I know what she feels like, tastes like, sounds like when she comes undone for me. That I’m the only man who’s ever had her and is ever going to have her. I want to own her in the most primal, barbaric way. It’s taking everything in me to act sane around her and to hide my colder side. I don't want her to know that side of me.

  I’d hopped out of bed looking for her everywhere. When I couldn't find her I lost it. I knew my security wouldn't be on her. I told them we’d be fine and I’d call when we were leaving my home. She’d been out in the world all alone and I didn't have eyes on her.

  My control snapped for a moment. The evidence of it is the shattered vase I launched across the room in my anger. My control was gone in that moment. I’ve never lost it like that before. I run my hands through my hair again.

  I got dressed in record time. I didn't know why she left like that. I was worried I’d done something to hurt her. When she opened her apartment door and I pulled her into me, a calm fell over me. A need to feel her against me had my hands all over her. I bring my hand to my nose to see if I can still smell her orgasm, but it’s gone. I don’t know how I’m going to live like this. I hate being away from her even now. I’m going to have to quit my job or she's going to have to quit hers. This isn't going to work.

  “Fuck,” I mumble.

  I glance at my phone. Quinn has sent me an update. It’s a picture of my girl doing a flower arrangement. She’s holding a red rose to her nose and smelling it, reminding me today is Valentine's Day. I didn't even know. I’ve never paid attention to the holiday before.

  One of the first things I did when I got to work was make sure I got something set up for her. My girl would be getting a romantic day just for her. She wasn't going to be doing other women’s flowers all day and not getting a thousand of her own. I don't care how much it costs me or what strings I have to pull to get what I want for her. It’s happening.

  There is a knock at my door and I look up to see Katie pushing her way into my office. “Folders are all labeled for who gets the cases,” I tell her. She eyes me for a moment. “No, I’m not talking about it,” I say, and Katie huffs.

  I know she wants to ask about Dove. She knows something has happened to progress us. She read it on my face this morning. Read even more into it when all I said to her was that Jim was to be fired. Then it was really given away when I needed her help with the Valentine’s stuff.

  “Fine, but you should know your dad is on his way up.”

  I close my eyes. I really don't want to deal with my father today. I’m a little surprised he’s coming to my office. Maybe it’s because I missed the dinner we had planned last night. I’m worried about what he wants to talk about. I pray it’s not about him needing another divorce or something along those lines.

  “Send him in when he gets here,” I tell her. I stand for a moment, stretching my legs and looking out my office window down at the city below. I have a stack of work I need to do, but I have no desire to do it. Normally it’s so easy for me to get lost in m
y cases, but that drive has been slowly dwindling since the day I met Dove. I’m not sure if I should be worried about this or not.

  “Son.” I turn to see my dad walking into my office. “I hear you got yourself a woman. It’s about time.”

  Fuck. I want to know how he found out. I wanted to keep my Dove to myself a little bit longer. Looks like time is up.

  Chapter Ten


  I keep glancing at the clock. Even though we are super busy, the time is somehow dragging. Normally I love doing the flowers and being here, but today I’m not feeling it. I wonder if Beau has something set up for Valentine’s Day for us or if it's just a normal date. We haven't really been dating more than twenty-four hours, so I’m guessing he doesn't have anything planned. It doesn't matter though. This is going to be the best Valentine's Day ever just getting to be with him.

  Sue keeps winking at me and I know she knows something happened with Beau last night, she’s just not saying it. I’d even gone into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror to see if I looked different. I didn't notice anything but I feel different. Somehow I’m really aware of my body, like I’ve officially become a woman.

  “I have a last-minute order that came in and they want it delivered ASAP. They paid extra.” I glance over at the flowers she sets down on the counter. “Luke already took off with a full truck. Think you can do this delivery? It’s not far and you could take a cab.”

  “Sure,” I tell her.

  “Plus, I want you to get a look at this Heart man,” she adds.

  “The B. Heart that’s always sending flowers to a different woman?” I ask.

  She nods. “Yep. Looks like some woman is sending him flowers this time.” I scrunch up my nose. I have no desire to see this man.


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