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Criminal Defense Page 5

by Alice J. Harris-Wood

  "‘Looking for you,’ replied Lyle.

  "‘I am here. Do you have the permits yet and the architect’s plans for the resort yet?’ asked Redd.

  "‘Well, I ran into a small cash problem. It is going to cost a little more,’ said Lyle.

  "‘How much more?’ asked Redd.

  "‘Another ten thousand will seal the deal,’ replied Lyle.

  "‘I decided to scrap the plan and go back home. Therefore, I’d like to have my money back,’ said Redd.

  "Lyle stood up quickly like a big man with power and said, ‘You Yankee bastard, all of you come to our island looking to get rich off of us dumb islanders. No money, no permits, and no resort, so get lost. Go home you and that bitch of a wife!’ yelled Lyle.

  "‘You called my wife a bitch. My bitch Sue will be your bitch,’ replied Redd.

  "No one was around. The warm, light breeze appeared to stop and the sounds of the island had ceased. Redd took out Sue and shot Lyle in the head. He put Sue back in her resting spot and slowly walked away.

  "When he returned to the hotel, he told Nina to pack her things. Redd ordered a small plane to fly them to Miami. Nina looked concerned about packing up her things and leaving quickly like two gypsies stealing away in the middle of the night. But it was not night; it was the middle of the day.

  "‘Redd,’ said Nina, ‘I am just going to leave everything; I have more of these things at home.’ Redd did not reply, and that was a signal for Nina to just keep moving quickly to get herself together.

  "As Nina was gathering the little bit of clothes she planned to take, she knew it was not the time to ask any questions. Therefore, she made a mental list of all the things that could have happened that would cause Redd to want to leave this beautiful paradise in such a short notice.

  "Understanding Redd, Nina only had one thing on her list: murder. ‘Who did he murder?’ Nina was aware that Lyle had received a down payment for the resort that was being planned and that Redd was concerned about the progress and his money. Redd lived by a few rules, which were: do not mess with my woman, my money, or lie to me. If you crossed him, then your life would end quickly without much conversation.

  "‘Nina,’ said Redd, ‘that Lyle was a liar and he stole my money. I took care of him. Plus, he called you a name, and you know what happened next.’

  "Nina looked at Redd and he knew he did not have to say anything else and that she was all in.

  "Lyle’s body was not discovered until very late that night. Lyle’s family was not liked by the servants or the residents of the area. They were living large while most of the workers were poor and starving. This family was stealing all the money that was supposed to go to the people. They controlled all levels of the government. All the servants were questioned and none of them gave up any information that could help them pinpoint the murderer.

  "In fact, the mayor was not told that Redd had left quickly or that Lyle and Redd had a business relationship. After a short investigation, the mayor decided that one of Lyle’s girlfriends or his lowlife associates had killed him. The mayor closed the case.

  As they flew back to the States, Redd thought to himself, ‘I am who I am and it is what it is. I will just move on to the next part of my life; that is with my new wife that I love more than life itself.’

  "The small plane landed in Miami, and Buddy and Candee were waiting for them. Buddy, with a big smile on his face, said, ‘We are happy you are home. Things have not been the same without you two.’ Candee seconded it with hugs and kisses.

  "Buddy had a limo waiting for them and they drove off to the hotel but stopped first to eat. Buddy said to Redd that with all their criminal activities God was still providing for them, that God must have a plan but whatever it was, it would not be revealed in their lifetime.

  "‘What makes you say such a thing?’ asked Redd.

  "‘Well, my friend,’ said Redd. ‘As you know, all charges against you have been dropped because that fat weasel of a senator died suddenly. The case against you was based on his testimony. Without him they had no case, so they had to drop the charges. That was God’s hand that sent him packing and caused the charges to be dropped. Next, my tax problems were solved. Nina and I only had to pay back taxes on the income from the palace. We are now solid, honest taxpayers according to the government,’ said Buddy.

  "As they were eating, Candee thought to herself, ’Buddy does not know the real story and that is good. He has tunnel vision. It never occurred to him that God had nothing to do with the senator’s death and it was my hand that took care of the problem.

  "‘I guess in this case I have earned my nickname that was given to me by my true friend, Frank, the smiling assassin. Oh boy, how I love that name,’ thought Candee as she quietly ate the meal with a smile.

  "The next day, they drove back to Harrisonville and Redd and Buddy discussed plans for their businesses at all levels. Because of the Feds, they wanted to find a way to move away from some of their business activities.

  "Redd said, ‘Whatever we do, we are not getting involved in drugs. Drugs harm too many people and destroy families. Drugs will lead to the destruction of our country and I don’t want to be a part of that.’ Buddy agreed, and so did the ladies.

  "Redd continued, ‘We have the loan business which is good. How is that shaping up, Candee?’

  "‘Well, I had to use in a few cases an alternative method in order to get clients to pay. But I have a new system for paying. I call it the back-up plan,’ said Candee.

  "‘How well is the back-up working?’ asked Redd.

  "‘In fact it is the best plan that I have ever created. Frank worked with me and he has developed a good way of getting paid without ruffling up clients,’ said Candee.

  "‘It all involves insurance; in fact, it is life insurance. Frank has a friend who is an insurance broker and with his help we are able to buy life insurance policies through various life insurance companies,’ said Candee.

  "‘Well, I will give you a brief outline as to how it works and if you would like us to make some changes, it can be done,’ said Candee.

  "’In order for us to make a loan to a client, they must agree to take out a life insurance policy. Loans start at $100,000.00 with the usual interest rate. Interest and principal are paid weekly. If they miss a payment, the interest due becomes part of the principal. As you know that has always been part of the system. What is new is the insurance. All policies start at $100,000.00 with one of the four of us being the beneficiary on a client’s policy.

  "‘If a client misses payments and his balance is catching up with the face value of the insurance, we lay out his options. We have many plans for our clients that do not involve any force. In almost every case, the back payments are paid. We don’t break legs or do any bodily harm. We just have them to die of a heart attack. We want to keep them alive, for the small loans are our bread and butter. We want them to keep coming back for additional loans. They are our customers. There are other small details but this is the big picture. Also, we don’t pay taxes on life insurance,’ said Candee with a big smile on her face.

  "‘Buddy, what about the gaming operation?’ asked Redd.

  "‘It is alive and well. Nothing has changed except that the sheriff is a regular and some of the officers too. They love the Gentlemen’s Basement and the liquor. Their favorite is our local brew, moonshine. It’s cheap and good. Best-kept secret in the South,’ said Buddy.

  "‘How is our country club?’ asked Nina. Buddy and Candee looked at each other and then Buddy said, ‘That is a problem. Mitchell, our partner, is complaining that his business has dropped because of the palace and his only customers are old farts who just want to golf. His dinning and catering side of the business might have to close. He blames us for the decline of his family business which has serviced the community for over sixty years,’ said Buddy.

  "‘Mitchell has been very depressed and looks like he needs to be on medication. The word is out that his young, beautiful wife h
as left him and the bank is going to foreclose on the club and his home,’ said Candee.

  "‘We cannot give him any more money,’ said Redd.

  "‘Do we have an insurance policy on him?’ asked Nina.

  "‘Yes, we do. It is for $200,000.00 and Buddy is the beneficiary,’ replied Candee.

  "‘Should we get rid of him before he does something stupid?’ asked Redd.

  "‘Yes,’ said Candee.

  "‘Make it happen soon,’ replied Buddy.

  "By the middle of the week, they were all home. Everything was back to normal.

  "Redd was making and selling his moonshine as fast as his workers could produce the corn. The stiles were running day and night. Sales were up and so was production.

  "Candee and Frank were both working closely together. Frank loved Candee but could not let her know about his feelings for her. He knew if Buddy found out, one of them would have to die. They ran the bank very well as professionals with no serious problems. The clients understood Candee and Frank were not the kind of people you would want to cross.

  "Nina was running her Gentlemen’s Club with an increase in demand.

  “Buddy was very concerned about Mitchell and decided to have him taken care of the next day. Buddy decided to pay Mitchell a visit to just make sure it was necessary. As Buddy approached the front door, Mitchell opened the door with a shotgun in his hand, shouting, ‘You dirty bastard! You destroyed my life and my business. I hope you go to hell!’ Without much warning, he shot Buddy in the head and then put the gun up to his chin and took his life. ’What a day! What a day!” said Lola.

  “Buddy was Mitchell’s beneficiary, but Candee was the contingent beneficiary. Candee also had $200,000.00 policy on Buddy. Candee collected on both policies. Candee became very sick for about a few months. She could not keep anything down. Everyone believed it was because of Buddy’s death,” said Lola.

  "Redd was so upset; he appeared to have gone mad. At Buddy’s funeral, Redd was asked to say a few words. Redd looked into the faces of the people who had come to see Buddy for the last time. ‘Buddy was my friend since we were sixteen years old,’ said Redd. He lived the life that God had mapped out for him. At the age of twenty-nine, he was taken away. May God have mercy on his soul! Thank you for coming,’ said Redd.

  “Redd shut down all their businesses. It was hard for him to even get out of bed. Nina tried to encourage him to keep up his strength and eat,” said Lola.

  "Candee was feeling so bad that she thought she was also dying. Finally, Nina convinced her to go to her doctor. After the exam, the doctor came into the room and said, ‘You are not dying. You are pregnant.’

  "Candee could not believe it. She kept shouting, ‘Me, me, me! I lost Buddy, but God has given me a baby. Thank you, thank you!’ shouted Candee.

  “Nina was happy for Candee. She knew that having children would not happen for her. Nina was a diabetic and getting pregnant could most likely kill her. She went to many doctors looking for help but all of them gave the same prognosis,” said Lola.

  Ted looked at Lola’s lips and thought they were perfect. Even without lip gloss or lipstick, they had a natural light pink color. Her nose was shaped like a perfect mold on her face. ‘She is beautiful,’ he was thinking to himself as he tried to concentrate on Lola’s words.

  “Redd, with everything shut down, decided to reorganize, which included a review of all businesses and how they are run. He wanted everything to be legal. Redd wanted a future for his wife and family that was without crime,” said Lola.

  “Redd did not know that Nina was told not to have children because of her diabetes. Nina made a decision to get pregnant and have a family like Candee,” said Lola.

  “Redd reorganized and shut down everything but the palace and the Gentlemen’s Basement. The palace was a place that he could have fun at and enjoy himself and relax,” said Lola.

  ’With Buddy out of the picture, Frank was encouraged to confess his love to Candee," said Lola.

  "As Frank was taking Candee home from the doctor’s clinic, he said the following, ‘Candee, I have loved you from the day I set eyes on you but you and Buddy looked like a couple that God had blessed. I want to marry you and raise your child as my own. Do you think that is possible?’

  "‘Frank, only if you take me away from all this criminal activity today. I want my baby to live an honest life and work for an honest day’s pay. I don’t want to worry about an enemy walking up to my baby and shooting him in the head. God has given me a chance to live a Christian life. Will you change your ways and become a born-again Christian?’ asked Candee.

  "‘Yes,’ responded Frank, ‘I was hoping that we could leave and start over. We should say goodbye to our friends and not tell anyone where we are going. In fact, I do not know where we are going. We have plenty of money and can live a good life with each other no matter where we call home. I could open up my own accounting firm and you could work with me if you want,’ replied Frank.

  "Candee replied, ‘Let’s go for it.’

  “Candee rushed to find Nina and tell her the news. As she approached the house, the front door was open and Candee went in, yelling, ‘Nina, Nina!’ As she ran through the rooms, there was no sign of Nina. Finally, as she passed the bathroom, that is where she found Nina,” stated Lola.

  “Nina was crying because she wanted to get pregnant but there was a health situation that might keep her from having the baby or living long enough to raise the baby. Nina was pregnant and now she would have to make a decision about whether to try to have the baby. Candee or Redd did not know about her health, so she decided not to tell them. She believed if she told them about her health, they would try to get her to terminate the pregnancy,” stating Lola.

  "Nina said, ‘I am pregnant. I just left the doctor’s clinic.’

  "‘That’s good, right,’ responded Candee.

  "‘Yes,’ replied Nina, ‘but I don’t know if Redd will want a family this soon after Buddy’s death.’

  "‘I guarantee you that he will be extremely happy about being a father,’ said Candee.

  "‘Nina, call Redd and have him to come home,’ said Candee.

  “Redd came home, and Frank and Nina wanted their best friends to hear their good news first,” said Lola.

  "‘We are leaving Harrisonville right now. Here are the deeds to all our real estate. I have signed everything over to both of you. I want my baby to live a normal life. Frank and I are going to get married. This is Buddy’s baby and Frank will be his father. We love the two of you but we want to leave this town and this life behind us,’ said Candee.

  "‘Now Nina,’ said Candee, ‘it is your turn.’

  "Nina looked straight into Redd’s eye and said, ‘I am pregnant.’

  "Redd shouted, ‘Wonderful!’

  "‘Our babies will hopefully meet up with each other one day. That is very good news for all of us. New family members and new beginnings,’ said Frank.

  "‘Well, we are off, hitting the road to nowhere. If you ever need us, put an ad in the N.C Journal. We will have it delivered to us no matter where we live. Use ’Harris’ as the code,’ said Candee.

  “As the months flew by, Nina was totally bedridden. She would not allow the doctor to tell Redd about her condition. The doctor informed Nina that she had less than fifty percent chance of survival during the delivery of the babies,” said Lola.

  “All during that time, Candee and Frank never tried to contact Nina or Buddy. Their names were never mentioned. That part of their past was gone forever,” said Lola.

  “Your past is never gone. It is with you all your life and it will show up in future generations. I truly believe that about the past. We can’t change the past, but we can learn a valuable lesson from it,” said Ted.

  “On the day Nina went into labor, she had to have a C-Section and she died on the delivery table,” said Lola.

  “She died,” said Ted, with a surprised and stunning look on his face. “She never got to see
the babies?” asked Ted.

  "Coming out of the delivery room, Redd stopped the doctor, stating, ‘How are my wife and the baby?’

  "‘Sorry, she did not make it. We only gave her less than a fifty-percent chance of surviving the delivery,’ informed the doctor. ‘The babies are very healthy. With all her problems, she did take good care of the babies,’ said the doctor.

  "‘What do you mean with all her medical problems?’ asked Redd.

  "‘Your wife did not tell you even at the end,’ responded the doctor.

  "‘Tell me what?’ said Redd.

  "‘She was a diabetic and she was told not to ever get pregnant because she might not survive the delivery. She was strong and if it had only been one baby, her chances would have been better. Her heart and kidneys failed her and caused a heart attack,’ said the doctor.

  "Redd looked down at Nina and said, ‘I will never love any woman like I loved you. The short time we were together was wonderful and I am thankful. Goodbye, my love,’ with tears flowing downs his face as he covered her face with the white sheets and walked out.

  "As he looked into the nursery, he saw the two babies, two boys that looked just like Nina, both with black curly hair and beautiful. ‘What should I call them? I want them to have their mother’s initials,’ he said, thinking to himself.

  "‘Nickolas and Nathan, that’s it, and your mother will be proud of the two of you someday,’ said Redd, talking out loud to himself.

  "After coming home from the palace and not having Nina with him, it made Redd withdraw from his friends. The day the babies were picked up, Redd had no idea of how to be a parent and how to care for the two identical twins that were given to him by God.

  “Therefore, the nurse at the hospital gave him the name of an older lady whose husband had died and her children were grown and she needed something to keep her busy,” said Lola.

  "It was the answer to his prayers, for this lady took good care of the boys. Redd sent them to a private school because he wanted the best for the two of them.


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