The Time Until

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The Time Until Page 6

by Casey Ford

  “I had just gone for a small walk around the neighborhood when I met the cops. I was trying to get into the wrong house. I swear to God I thought they locked me out. Luckily, I knew how to act sober. They brought me back to the party and that crazy bar girl comes running out yelling at me. She thought I called the cops on them. She was so crazy they arrested her for drunk and disorderly conduct. I couldn’t help but laugh, I thought it was funny.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “Apparently, she’s the most liked person in this place and they all blamed me for what happened. I could see the murder in their eyes. I was freaking out and went all horror flick teenage girl; hiding under a desk with the phone. I called my brother and he told me I had to run for my life. So… I did.” I’m hysterical at this point; I can barely catch my breath.

  “Tell me this is over,” I ask him in-between breathes.

  “Not by a long shot,” He continues, “I managed to get out of the house with little problem and I took off for the end of the street. It was a cul-de-sac and one of the lots was still empty. Lucky me. Making a beeline for the wall, I swear I could feel them chasing me the whole time. Everyone at the party had to be chasing me. I jumped the brick wall easily enough, but I didn’t realize, until after I was airborne, that the ground on the other side of the wall was farther away than the side I just came from. Much farther.” Picturing him in the air, after jumping over a wall, and flaying his arms Wile E. Coyote style trying to keep himself from falling, had me rolling on my bed. There are tears falling from my eyes as he continues his story.

  “It was not a graceful landing, let me tell you. And that shit was not flat! I rolled down a hill. You ever hit tumbleweed while rolling? Not fun, not fun.” I’m seeing spots I’m laughing so hard. Ethan is trying to keep from laughing, but even he’s having difficulty.

  “I make it all the way home and start unlocking the door to my apartment when it dawns on me… I drove to the party in my car. I could have driven home! So, I tell myself screw it, I’m too drunk anyway, and I should go to bed. I went got my car the next day.”

  “Was it ‘The Grape’?” I ask him wiping the tears from my eyes.

  Ethan bought a used two-door Geo Metro a few months after we graduated. The damn thing was purple and oval, Sam immediately called it a grape since that’s what it looked like. Ethan insists that the color is blue. No one believes him since he’s obviously colorblind. In order to make it over The Grapevine you had to pick up speed and hope the engine didn’t explode on the way up. That little car strained the entire way up that mountain pass, instantly going from 75 mph to 40 within seconds.

  Despite it all, everyone loves The Grape.

  “Actually, yes it was The Grape.” He scoffs.

  Ten years and this guy can still manage to keep a smile on my face.

  10 Years Ago (Age 10): October

  “You know, in a past life I was a ninja.”

  I have no idea who this kid is or why he’s talking to me, but this is the third past life he’s told me about and I seriously think something is wrong with him. I don’t even know where he came from. One minute I was alone sitting on a picnic table watching Sam climb a tree and the next this kid is here talking to me as if I’m his best friend or something.

  It’s really weird.

  “Is that right? And how did you find this information out?”

  “My dad took me to a hypnotist when I was younger.” I can only look at him. Is this kid for real? Does he honestly think anyone believes him when says stuff like this?

  Sam finally gets finished climbing the tree — not sure why she does it, she’s climbed that tree hundreds of times before — and she makes her way over to us. The new kid looks awestruck at her, but thankfully keeps his mouth closed.

  “Who’s the new guy, Al?” She asks, as she gets closer.

  “Not sure,” I answer, “he just sort of appeared here while you were climbing.”

  The kid jumps up from the table and shoots his hand out to her. Sam doesn’t even flinch, though I do. This kid is way too forward for his own good.

  “Ethan Crowe, ma’am.” Sam looks at his hand for a second and then shakes it.

  “Samantha Cohn and this,” motioning toward me, “is Alan Green.”

  Ethan smiles a big smile and shakes Sam’s hand vigorously.

  “Damn glad to meet you!” He practically shouts at us. Sam laughs loudly and returns his handshake with an equally vigorous shake of her own.

  “I don’t know what it is, but I like you.” Sam announces.

  “So, Ethan, where you from?” I add. Ethan smirks.

  “I was born in Oaky-homa, but I lived in the jungles of the Congo my entire life.” Ethan tells us. Sam is intrigued by the story, but I can tell it’s complete bull. Not sure why he feels the need to lie like this, but I’m not sure I like it.

  “Let me ask you something, Ethan,” I chide. “Were you a liar in your past life as well, or is it just this one?”

  Ethan’s eyes grow wide. Sam stops laughing, but looks at me like I just accused her best friend of murder. I simply fold my arms in front of my chest as I wait for an answer from him. None seems forthcoming.

  I sigh loudly.

  “I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but you have this talent for tall tales and I’d much rather meet and get to know the real you,” I start to explain. “Not this made up version.”

  Sam reaches over and grabs my hand as I finish. It’s her way of saying she agrees with me.

  “I didn’t know you guys were a thing,” Ethan comments, pointing at our hands. Sam and I never let go. He’s trying to change the subject and must be feeling uncomfortable being called on his crap.

  “We’re talking about you at the moment,” I counter, “show us the real you.” He runs a hand through his hair and sighs in defeat.

  Ethan spends the next 45 minutes reintroducing himself to us. How he came from Oklahoma to live with his dad and he didn’t really have many friends there. As he talks, I get the impression that he’s a bit insecure about his life.

  I can understand the reason he tells tall tales; they’re an icebreaker for him, testing of the waters.

  And this is the start of a beautiful, yet perilous, friendship.

  Present Day

  We spend the next hour reminiscing about old times and before long, my stomach hurts from laughing so much. I start to catch my breath as a lull falls over our conversation. Ethan has something he wants to talk about, I can tell by his eyes as he tries very hard to avoid looking at me.

  “Okay, out with it.” I put him out of his misery. He releases a breath and looks up at me.

  “I’ve seen Sam,” he tells me bluntly, “It’s not pretty.”

  Oh, my blunt and honest friend. I can always count on Ethan to lay it all on the table without remorse. Of course, this means that he breaks a lot of hearts and the hurt is definitely not lessened by truth. My mind starts to think about all sorts of nasty and gruesome images for Sam. My heartbeat stops briefly and I catch my breath.

  “Tell me about it,” I demand and he gives in with a huff of air.

  “You’ll see her tomorrow, right?” I nod my head. “Then just wait until then.”

  “Knowing now won’t lessen the shock,” Ethan finishes. I decide that I won’t push the issue. He’s already given me more information about Sam than I’ve gotten from even my own parents. Ethan decides to change the subject at this point.

  “So,” he hesitates, “I met a girl.” Great change of subject. Ethan having a girl he likes is nothing new, but the way he told me — like he’s ashamed about it — is different and he now has my attention.

  Ethan has always had a girl on his arm at one time or another, though he hates people who have one-night stands. Every girl he has ever been with has been in a relationship with him. He’s a very passionate person, someone who loves freely, but rarely finds love. He’s usually the one to get dumped. The most common complaint lodged against him? Too clingy. I always feel terrible f
or him, Sam usually goes and has words with the offender while I sit around and comfort Ethan. Halo is a good distractor from break-up pain.

  “Sounds serious,” I prod. He shyly nods his head.

  “Lauren is awesome. I can’t wait until you meet her.” He says this a little apprehensively. If I didn’t know better, I would say he’s not dating her yet. I raise my eyebrow.

  “Why isn’t she here right now?” Ethan balks when I ask this.

  “Well,” he starts and pauses, “we haven’t officially started dating yet. But! I’m working on it.” I give a short laugh. Ethan having trouble getting a girl to date him is like the sun having trouble trying to burn.

  “No really. She’s has this issue about relationships. I’m still trying to figure it out.” It definitely sounds like a story.

  “Besides, she’s kind of my boss.” My eyes grow wide at that.

  “You definitely have to tell me that story when it finishes.” Ethan smiles slightly.

  “Definitely, bro.” We bump fists, our traditional greeting and acknowledgement.

  Suddenly we’re back in silence. I can see Ethan trying to figure out what to talk about. I throw him a small bone.

  “You want to stay here tonight?” He looks up quickly, not sure how to answer the question.

  “You can tell me all about the new girl,” I add. “Then you can come with me tomorrow to see Sam. I have a feeling I’m going to need a friend.” He smiles a sad smile and nods.

  The nurses bring in a cot and a deck of cards for us. We stay up talking about Lauren and other things that come to mind, eventually falling asleep in the early morning.

  Chapter Eleven

  5 Years Ago (Age 15): February

  Sam is glaring at me. She’s not allowed to glare at me. I mean, it’s not like I was cheating on her or anything.

  Ethan has been talking non-stop about Saturday night at the club. Favorite topic: Me and Katelyn. Apparently, Sam doesn’t approve of Katelyn since the stories Ethan has been telling have progressed from dancing to full on making out on the dance floor.

  Though, I guess he isn’t too far from the truth on that one.

  We were getting a bit carried away by the end there, though we never groped each other — like Ethan is describing — and we didn’t even kiss. It was still one of the best nights of my life. It was different, liberating. A part of me wishes I could have that with Sam, but another part knows it’ll never be like that with her. My feelings for Sam are like a warm day. Nice, comfortable.

  Katelyn is fire, passion.

  I can admit I’m selfish and say that I want both of them. I doubt I’ll ever have the passion and heat I have with Katelyn with Sam, but that’s not the problem. Problem is, I’ll never have Sam.

  She doesn’t want me.

  Which is why I’m pissed off at her for being mad at me about Katelyn.

  Why shouldn’t I see other people? I can’t pine for Sam all my life, watching her date and get married. Having kids. It would kill me to do that. So I find a nice girl who seems to actually like me and I see where it takes me. How is that any reason for her be giving me the evil eye?

  It’s almost like I don’t know her anymore.

  We used to be so close. How could so much change after only one incident?

  I feel a tap on my shoulder as I lose myself in my thoughts. I turn and notice… Katelyn. I didn’t even know she went to our school.

  “I was hoping I would see you today,” she tells me playfully. I love it when she bites her bottom lip like that.

  “Wow, I didn’t know you went to this school.” She smiles that “I know something you don’t” smile.

  “I’ve been going here since the start of the year,” she concedes. “I’ve been watching you since then.” She turns a light shade of rouge and shyly bites her lip. I didn’t think anyone was looking at me like that and it makes me feel good. A flash of wanting Sam to look at me like that passed through my head. I mentally shake the thought away and focus on Kate.

  “Katelyn,” I start before she interrupts me.

  “Kate, remember. I told you on Saturday I prefer Kate.” I nod and suddenly realize that my back is burning. I risk a look over my shoulder and cringe inwardly as I see the look on Sam’s face.

  Great, now I have to deal with her.

  “You going to introduce me to the rest of your friends?” Kate motions toward Sam specifically, a look of challenge in her eyes. Sam snorts and leans back as if it means nothing to her.

  “Hey, Ethan, how you doing?” Ethan pumps his chin up in greeting.

  “Great. Just telling all about Saturday.” Ethan smiles impishly and glances sideways at me and Sam. Uh oh.

  “You really made my friend sweat that night. He seemed to really enjoy himself.” Kate smiled brightly, obviously excited about the news.

  “Is that true? You had fun being with me?” I nod and she jumps on me. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she starts playing with the hair on the back of my head. She pulls herself closer and gets her mouth right next to my ear. I feel the same heat start to course through my body, her breath causing lewd things to play in my mind. Her body is not helping the imagery.

  “God! You smell great, exactly how I imagined you would,” she whispers. I shiver slightly at her words, goose bumps trailing my arms. I gasp loudly as she nips my ear lobe with her teeth and then slides down my body back to the ground.

  It takes a moment, but I suddenly remember that we’re not exactly alone. I turn quickly and look at my friends faces. Arianna and Quentin are shocked and surprised. Ethan is smiling a smile of victory. But Sam’s face is the hardest to see. She has a mixture of disgust and anger.

  And pain.

  I turn back to Kate, unable to look at Sam anymore. Kate seems to understand what’s going on and a look of understanding passes and fades from her face. She places a hand on my arm and looks me in the eyes. Her bluish green eyes seem more emerald today than they did in the artificial light of the club. They are drawing me in again.

  “I actually came over here for a specific purpose,” she finally tells me breaking eye contact. “I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me on Saturday.” Did she just ask me out? I believe she did. I’m struck a little dumb at the prospect. I’ve never been asked out before — I’ve never asked anyone out before. I finally snap out of my surprised daze when Ethan clears his throat behind me.

  “Yes,” I answer, “I would love that.” Kate’s smile grows brighter and a warmth spreads through my body. I find myself smiling along with her.

  “Great. I’ll see you at… say, six? In front of the theater?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  There’s a loud bang from behind me and I turn slightly to see Sam walking away quickly. She’s wiping her eyes — or nose, hard to tell from behind — and she seems on the verge of running.

  I can’t say I’m not confused. She can’t be angry after what she did, but I can kind of understand her feelings at this point. She’s probably feeling like I’m going to leave her alone. I would never do that no matter how much it hurts for me to be by her side.

  She has to know that.

  I watch her briskly walk away for a moment when Katelyn steps next to me.

  “Seriously,” she inquires, “what happened between you two?” There’s no malice or jealousy in her voice, just concern.

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Obviously, since nothing usually sends a girl running with tears in her eyes,” she informs me with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

  “I’ll see you on Saturday,” I say as she turns to leave. My friends are left to figure out what’s going on. Arianna gives me one of her ‘freeze your blood’ looks she usually reserves for Quentin and then takes off after Sam. Obviously, she’s on comfort duty.

  I’m not even sure what’s wrong.

  I’m left here watching the corner where Sam just disappeared around thinking about where we went wrong.

  Where I went wrong.
/>   Chapter Twelve

  5 Years Ago (Age 15): December

  The biggest soccer tournament of the year is the Christmas Tournament. Since this is my freshman year, it’s my first time playing in the tournament and I’m starting in the final. I won the right and beat out the others for my position. Plus, this is the first time the school has made it to the final in all the years they’ve gone to the tournament.

  So, yeah, no pressure.

  The team is doing better than expected and by half time, we’re only down by one goal. This in itself is incredible, since we’re playing the returning state champs. I feel bit of pride for having six saves out of seven shots on goal. The coach is going through a strategy for winning and I’m all for it. It means I’ll be getting more action in the back – it gets so boring being keeper for a team with good defense.

  The ref blows the whistle to warn us that the second half is starting soon and we all take our positions. I have to take one last look into the crowd to see if she’s there, but still can’t see her. I’m having one of the best games of my life and she’s not here to see it.

  Where the hell is she?

  The strategy is aggressive and risky. Four strikers, three mid-fielders, and only me and three defenders. It’s risky since we’re already one goal behind and we had four defenders in the first half. I can only imagine what will happen with one less defender. We can only hope that the strikers do a good job and keep the score close.

  We manage to tie the game and I manage to keep the ball out of the net for a full 45 minutes. I actually collapse in relief and fear when the ref blows for the end of the game. We’ve tied the state champions and now it’s up to me to get us the win. Of course, it’s not all up to me, but I’ll have the biggest role.

  We’re going into penalty kicks.

  I both love and hate penalty kicks. I love them because it’s just me and the kicker, mano y mano. I hate them for the same reason. It’s all about reaction and guesswork. You try to make a strategy to trick the kicker into kicking where you want him to, but it’s really hard to pull off and it fails more often than it succeeds.


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