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On The Ropes Series Box Set

Page 45

by Aly Martinez

  Oh hell.

  Eliza didn’t catch the frigid air in the least. “We met once a while back. I’m Till’s wife, Eliza. It’s so nice to meet you again.” She tossed out a warm grin that did nothing to stifle Ash’s passive-aggressive chill.

  “Yeah, I remember when we met.” Ash grinned, something so fake I almost believed it.


  I stepped in front of her. “Hey, can I talk to you for a second?”

  “Of course, baby,” she answered sweetly, but it was clear talking was very low on Ash’s agenda.

  Her hands glided up my chest and over my shoulders. Standing on her tiptoes, she gave me a sensual and completely indecent kiss. I took it, even knowing Eliza was watching, but only because I could tell exactly what Ash was doing.






  Begrudgingly, I broke the kiss just before her hands slid down to my ass. “Excuse us for a minute, Eliza.” I turned my attention back to Ash. “Bedroom,” I ordered.

  Eliza giggled and wiped her hands on the towel hanging from the stove. “I actually have to go. I just wanted to drop off the food. The potatoes will be ready in fifteen minutes. Eat them while they’re hot. Quarry’s the main event tonight, so it will probably be after nine before dinner.” She walked over to Ash, who was still possessively clinging to my waist. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re back.” She reached out and squeezed her arm. “I’ll save you a seat at the fight?”

  Ash was glowering but when she caught me watching her, she quickly covered it. “Yeah. Um. Sure,” she replied.

  “Okay, see you guys tonight,” Eliza called out when she got to the door.

  No sooner had the door shut behind her than Ash’s shoulders fell in relief.

  “Up,” I barked, causing her head to tip back to look at me.


  “Put your ass on my counter so we can have this conversation eye to eye.”

  “What conversation?”

  “Up,” I repeated and with the exception of a huff, she didn’t argue.

  Jumping, she pushed herself onto the counter.

  I settled between her legs and spread my crutches wide enough to wrap her legs around my hips.

  “You don’t like Eliza?”

  “She’s fine,” she chirped.

  “Bullshit.” I crushed my mouth to hers.

  Fisting the front of my shirt, she pulled me even closer as she glided her tongue against mine. I abruptly shifted her to the edge of the counter until my cock found her denim-covered core.

  “You have no fucking idea how hard I got watching you claim me,” I mumbled into her mouth, rolling my hips into hers.

  She leaned away to talk. “If I’m going to try with you, then Eliza—” I shifted my weight to one side then reached up to grab the back of her head, forcing her mouth against mine. Her hands roamed my chest.

  “Changed my mind. We’re not trying. We’re doing.”

  She smiled and reached down to the button on her jeans. “I won’t argue.”

  “No. I’m talking about us. This time yesterday you were running from me, and not five minutes ago you were ready to mount me in the middle of the kitchen just so Eliza knew that I was yours.”

  “You are mine,” she added defensively and I smirked.

  “It’s good to know we agree. Which is exactly why we’re doing instead of trying.”

  She reached a hand between us and gently stroked my cock. “Whatever, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  I swayed out of her reach. “Too bad. I gave you last night. Now you’re talking to me.”

  “Oh God.” She started to shift off the counter.

  I blocked her. “Hear me out.”

  “I don’t want to hear you out! Not about her. I’m sorry. I know she’s your family and all, but part of the reason I left in the first place is because I’ll never be Eliza. Never.”

  “You are absolutely right.”

  Her mouth gaped open in shock.

  “I was a fucking fool when I told you I was in love with Eliza. And not because it broke us up. I was a fool because it was a load of shit.” Using her chin, I tipped back her head, forcing her gaze to lock with mine. “I was never in love with her—at least not in the way I thought. But it wasn’t until I fell for you that I realized that.”

  She rolled her eyes, but I kept going.

  “Ash, I was really fucked-up back then. Even before the accident, I was angry about everything. Life was a struggle; every single day was an absolute fight. Before my mom left, I would wake up in the middle of the night and clean the house, because I was panicked that social services was going to show up. Till moved out when I was twelve. Sure, he came back and took care of us as much as he could, but on a daily basis, I was a seventh-grader raising a seven year old. I was terrified I was going to fuck something up and lose the little stability I actually had. Then when Eliza entered our lives she took a lot of that responsibility off my shoulders. She and Till gave me security for the first time in my entire life. I was desperate to hold on to that feeling, no matter what. And somewhere along the way I confused that desperation with love.” I stopped talking and held her empty stare, begging her to truly hear my confession. I needed her to at least understand why I had acted the way I did. Maybe then we could start over without the shadows of the past fracturing the possibility of a future.

  Finally, after several beats, she shyly admitted, “That’s how you made me feel.”


  “You made me feel safe and secure.” She looked back up, squaring her shoulders and fearlessly meeting my gaze. “You know, you don’t understand my life either, Flint. I didn’t exactly have it easy. My father used to send me out on the streets to hustle. Sometimes they were nice guys who were clueless as to what the hell I was doing. But sometimes they weren’t. I got caught lifting a wallet once. The guy threw me down, kicked me in the ribs, and then spit on me before he walked away. It wasn’t anything huge. I ended up with a busted lip and a bruised side. It was mainly my self-worth that took the brunt of the attack, but my own father inflicted those wounds. When I got back to the pick-up location, he gave me a ten-minute lecture on how I didn’t bring him back enough money. He couldn’t have cared less that I had been hurt.”

  “Son of a bitch,” I cursed. Kissing her forehead, I plotted Ray Mabie’s death all over again.

  “That day, when you tried to save me from Max, meant more to me than you could ever imagine. I think I fell in love with you right then. Not because of who you were but because of how you made me feel. After that I opened myself up to you, which made everything you said to me that much harder. I could have dealt with that shit from anyone in the world—anyone but you. I trusted you, and look what it got me.”

  “I am so fucking sorry, Ash. That day was like the perfect storm of triggers for both of us, because when I found out how old you were, I panicked all over again. You were sixteen.”

  Her eyes turned angry as she snapped, “I’m only nineteen now.”

  “Bullshit. You’re not nineteen any more than I’m twenty-two. Ash, you didn’t spend the last three years partying it up. You were hanging out with elderly ladies and cooking lunch at a homeless shelter. We’ve both experienced enough life to last an eternity. I’m really ready to just sit back, relax, and enjoy it.” I dropped my forehead to hers. “Preferably with you.”

  It was meant to be a reassuring statement, but it seemed to set her on fire.

  She suddenly jumped to her feet, knocking me to the side before I caught my balance.

  “I don’t know how to be with anyone! It’s been me my whole life, Flint. Just me. Even when I was with my dad, I was still alone.” She began pacing the room. “And now you show up and not only want me to be with you, but live in your perfect house with your perfectly labeled cabinets. I don’t fit in this life! I can’t be your happy little wife in your happy littl
e home.”

  “Okay. Slow the hell down. Ash, I’m not asking you to marry me.”

  She froze and looked over at me. Disappointment showed on her face even while her cheeks heated in embarrassment. It made me an asshole but that disappointment made me happier than any smile she had ever tossed my way.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  “Yet,” I amended and her head snapped back. “I don’t know you anymore. I remember the girl that I fell in love with, and if I’m being honest with you, I still love her.” Her chin began to quiver, but my smile grew. “I want to fall in love with the woman now. I want to know who Ash Victoria Mabie really is. I mean, I know she’s gorgeous and great in bed,” I teased, causing her to choke out a laugh. “But I want to know all of her. And while we’re at it, I want her to get to know me too.

  “I’m not the same guy you remember. The years have changed me too—in some ways for the better and some for the worse. Hell, you might hate me in two weeks, but at least give me the chance. I want to make you fall in love with me, not the memories. And if and when that happens, I will make you my wife. And I will make this your home. And we can make each other safe and secure for the rest of our lives.”

  I walked over, stopping in front of her. Her eyes bounced around the room, but they weren’t dim anymore. Something I had said had changed her, I just needed to figure out what the hell part it was that she needed to hear so I could reassure her on a daily basis.

  “Ash, all of that will come with time. Right now, I just need you to stop running and maybe start by going out on a fucking date with me.”

  She swallowed hard, and her blue eyes sparkled with unshed emotion. “I don’t know.”

  I was so fucking sick and tired of not knowing though. I’d spent entirely too long living with uncertainty.

  I knew.

  I fucking knew.

  And I was going to make her know too.

  “Damn it, Ash. Give me a fucking chance. I can do this! I swear to God. I can do this.”

  “It’s just. . . .” She trailed off looking down at the floor. She stared at her feet for several seconds before slowly looking back up with a toothy grin. “I’ve never been on a date.”

  My lips twitched. “Well, now that I know that I’m going to have to start you off slow. Can’t pull out the big guns on the first night. I’d just set myself up for failure on the second date.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she tilted her head. “Is that what you did last night in bed? I thought you were holding out on me.”

  “What the hell, Ash!” She burst out laughing. “That is not what you are supposed to tell a man! Repeat after me: I ruined you for all men, all the while fulfilling your every fantasy.”

  She continued to laugh as I tugged her against my chest. “See, I told you I was new at this.”

  “You also just like to fuck with me.”

  She folded her arms around my waist and snuggling in impossibly closer. “Yeah, maybe a little bit.”

  “So dinner and a movie tomorrow night?”

  “Are you going to bring me flowers?”

  I blew out a loud breath. “If you promise to just be here in the morning, I’ll bring you whatever you want.”

  “Good, flowers will be another newsie.” I began laughing at the memory of her silly list.

  Craning her head back to hold my gaze, she said,. “You’re different.”

  “So are you,” I replied, punctuating it with a kiss.

  “You know that was a very mature conversation we just had.”

  “Right?” I said proudly. “See, we can do this.”

  “No. I think it gave me hives.” She made a show of scratching her arms.

  “Oh shut up.” I dropped a hand to her ass and nipped at her bottom lip.

  “You know what I bet would cure my hives?”

  “Being tied spread eagle to my bed?”

  “No,” she answered, then leaned in and whispered, “Well yes, but maybe later.” Then she stepped out of my reach and grandly waved a hand toward my room. “A childish act of rebellion.”

  “Ash,” I warned.

  She took off running to my room. “I’m switching all the labels in your bathroom closet.”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  I started after her but I was entirely too slow. She was already in the bathroom before I even got to the bedroom.

  I jiggled the handle but she had locked the door. “Ash, I swear to God,” I growled, but I wasn’t angry in the least.

  God, I’d missed her.

  “Ash!” I tried the door again, surprisingly finding it unlocked.

  Swinging it open, I found her wearing nothing more than a teasing smirk. “Orrrr . . . we could have shower sex.”

  “Or we could have shower sex,” I confirmed, slamming the door behind me.

  It was a much better plan.

  Chapter Twenty-Four



  Be nice to Eliza.





  “Hey, I was waiting for you,” she said, pulling me into a hug as soon as we walked into the crowded gym. I went stiff, until Flint slid his hand down my back, squeezing my ass.

  “Hi!” I chirped, swatting his hand away.

  She released me and slapped Flint on the chest. “You’re late.”

  He tipped his head to me. “Her fault. And before you ask . . . don’t.” He tossed her a wink.

  “Ewww,” she cried, then turned to look at me. “No offense.”

  I laughed. “None taken.”

  “Well, you better get back there, Till’s been stomping around for some reason. I’d way rather you handle that than me.”

  “Fantastic,” he deadpanned. “Hang on, I need to introduce Ash to someone first.”

  Eliza looked at me. “I saved you a seat.” She turned to point to the front row with reserved signs taped to the backs of the chairs. “Just come find me when you’re done.”

  My shoulders relaxed as I watched her walk away.

  Flint leaned down and whispered into my ear, “She likes you.”

  “Oh goodie,” I snarked, causing him to chuckle.

  Lifting a crutch he pointed to a door marked Gym Staff Only. “Come on.”

  I followed him as he skillfully navigated through the crowd. I wasn’t sure how he did it. I was only using two legs and bumped into more people than he did.

  He led me into a large open office that branched off into three other offices. Two of them could be seen through the glass windows that overlooked the gym and as I saw the names listed on the door I understood why.

  The one on the left sported the On The Ropes logo above the words: Former Heavyweight Champion of the World, Slate “The Silent Storm” Andrews.

  The door on the right had the words “The Silencer” cut out of a sound wave with the title: Former Heavyweight Champion of the World, Till Page.

  But it was the door at the back that really caught my attention: Head of On The Ropes Sports Management, Flint Page.

  I looked up at him and his prideful smile matched mine. “That’s really fucking cool.”

  “Nah, it’s no big deal.” His smile grew.

  I pressed up on my toes to kiss his cheek. “Liar.”

  He laughed and pulled a key from his pocket. After unlocking the door, he flipped on the light, not surprisingly revealing a clean and clutter-free desk with three shelves packed with books behind it. A laptop sat on one side and with the exception of a picture frame and piece of brick, the rest of the desk was empty.

  “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” He kissed the top of my head then left.

  I chose to sit in his chair behind the desk. Tracing my fingers over the wooden desk, I wondered if he had ever sat in that same spot and thought about me. Just the idea warmed me.

  I discovered that the picture frame held a photo of Flint in the boxing ring. He was midpunch and judging from his opponent
’s face at the point of impact, it was a knockout. I smiled to myself as I saw him for the very first time standing without the aid of his crutches. Sure, Flint could take a step or two on his own, but that picture was different. He was strong and fierce. And it left me wondering if that version of Flint would have been so hell bent on being with a girl like me.

  Thankfully before I got lost in my imagination, Flint interrupted me. “It’s from the building.”

  “Huh?” I looked up to find him leaning against the doorjamb.

  “The brick. It’s from the building you vandalized the first night we got together.”

  I immediately picked it up and spun it around. It was no bigger than an apple, but you could still clearly make out a yellow stripe of paint on one side.

  I heard his four-beat gait approach, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the brick.

  “I have no idea if that’s a mark you made or someone else, but the day after they tore it down I had Quarry hop the fence and steal it for me.”

  “I . . . I was still here when they tore it down,” I stuttered, looking up just as he sat down on the corner of his desk.

  He took the brick from my hand and set it down, then snagged my arm and tugged me in to his side. I went willingly, resting my head on his shoulder as he folded his arms around my waist.

  “Yeah, but even then I was trying to hold on to you.”

  I melted into his arms.

  All. The. Feels.

  “Stop talking,” I mumbled against his neck.

  His hands teased under the back of my shirt. “What? That wasn’t even dirty.”

  Just as I was about to ask for something dirty, a loud and strangely familiar voice boomed into the room.

  “I swear to God, I hope that boy gave you hell for that stunt you pulled.”

  My head popped up and a half laugh, half gasp escaped my throat. “Max!” I cried, scrambling from Flint’s embrace.

  In a pair of jeans that had probably never seen the dirt and a black On The Ropes collared shirt, Max stood in the doorway glaring at me. He was pissed . . . and I couldn’t have cared less. I rushed over and threw my arms around his neck.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing here?” I asked when he released me.

  “Me? I work here. What the hell are you doing?”


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