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The Lord of Darkness

Page 13

by Kim Richardson

  When they reached the topmost part of the mountain, a pyramid-like structure made of limestone greeted them. It looked like something the Mayans would have built with intricately carved stone constructed in a stair-stepped design. As they neared, Alexa could see that the pyramid had a flat top platform. Four giant white eagles were perched at the top, their eyes on Alexa and the others as they approached.

  Naja caught her staring at the eagles and she winked at Alexa, a wicked gleam in her black eyes.

  Brent directed them to the stone pyramid. He glanced over his shoulder once, but his expression was lost to Alexa, hidden by another angel’s head. Then they began the climb up the steps. Alexa picked her way carefully around the large, white-washed stones of bird droppings, the foul stench burning her nose. Bird droppings littered everywhere. She wrinkled her face as she stepped over a large, fresh-looking dropping. As she climbed, she spotted a pale stick that looked a lot like a human femur.

  Once at the top, they were led through a large opening and down a hallway. Apart from Naja, the angels didn’t push them, didn’t touch them, but rather allowed them a wide berth. Alexa trailed down the hallway next to Milo, each footstep alternating between iron-willed control and growing fear. What would happen when they faced Nathaniel?

  Ahead of her, Milo’s own steps were silent on the dark stones of the hallway. Lit torches hung on the walls, casting long shadows in the murky interior.

  They strode through two ancient, enormous stone doors and into a vast chamber carved from the same limestone. The room was held by countless square pillars, carved with designs that depicted angels and mortals in various battles and positions of movement. Countless stories of the Legion and Horizon were etched on them. Iron chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, staining the stone floor with hints of gold.

  The chamber was packed with angels. Leering faces, cruel and harsh, watched Alexa and Milo as they passed. None looked mildly concerned that there were two strangers in their midst, within their order.

  But most of the angels ignored them completely, and when she took the time to really look, her breath caught in her throat.

  An assembled crowd took up most of the space, some of them lounging on sofas or chairs, even tucked away in shadowed corners. Some were milling about chatting, almost like a party. Alexa had never seen so many angels so restful and leisurely. She’d only seen the angels at the Legion, busy with orders, saving lives, doing their jobs. This was different.

  Alexa eased her way next to Milo until their shoulders touched. She matched his walk. She caught his slight eye movement towards her, and she knew he was listening.

  “Something’s not right,” she whispered, staring at the angels sprawled leisurely on couches and chairs.

  “What do you mean?” Milo’s lips barely moved.

  “Don’t they seem a little too relaxed? If there’s a war coming,” began Alexa, “if The Order of the First is planning some sort of attack on the mortal world, shouldn’t they be gathering up weapons or making combat plans or something?”

  Milo watched the scene, his features slowly lowering into a deep frown. “You’re right. They seem too calm and even a little lazy. The complete opposite of those on the brink of war.”

  “And why does that make it worse?”

  “Because it means that whatever they’re planning, they believe they’ve already won.”

  Alexa’s stomach turned. Milo was right. These angels, The Order of the First, believed whatever they were planning, they had already won. Her mind wrestled with the possibilities, the notions and designs of what the order was after. What had them so cocky? What was it?

  “Well, now, this is a surprise,” came a familiar voice that stopped Alexa in her tracks.

  She looked up to find an angel with skin as dark as oil making his way towards them. He looked just as she remembered—dressed in loose white clothes, leather bracers sheathing his arms from wrist to elbow, and the same wicked-looking sword hanging from his waist.

  “We found them on the beach,” said Brent, moving to stand next to his leader. “They say they want to join us.”

  Nathaniel laughed without humor. “Do they now?” He stepped away from Brent with a casual grace and stood before Milo and Alexa. She never realized how big he was until he stood next to Milo. Nathaniel was bigger, taller, and there was an acute intelligence in his eyes that Alexa had only ever seen in the eyes of the archangels. He just stared at Alexa—unfeeling, unmoving. Unimpressed.

  Then Nathaniel’s smile turned wicked. “Never thought I’d see you here, Milo.”

  Milo’s jaw clenched. His face was stripped of all emotions until he looked like a sculpture, similar to those carved on the pillars.

  “Things change.”

  Nathaniel watched him for a moment and then turned his dark eyes on Alexa. “I’m surprised they brought you in as a prisoner and not as a special guest.”

  Brent moved forward, his brow furrowed. “What do you mean? You know her?”

  Nathaniel raised his voice. “Do you not know who she is?” he called to the angels in the chamber. “Do you not recognize her? Some of you have probably crossed paths in the Legion.” He looked around at the confused angel faces. “No?” He turned and smiled at Alexa. “This here, my friends, is the very angel who made all of this possible. The one and only—Alexa Dawson—the one who freed Lucifer from purgatory.”

  Brent’s face went slack as the chamber became as still as the forest. But it only lasted for a second as gasps rippled through the assembled chamber.

  Alexa could feel the energy of the chamber home in on her, and she hated it. She hated all the attention, but hated what she was now infamous for most of all. She would forever be known as “the angel who freed Lucifer.” She pulled her eyes away from the curious looks and met Nathaniel’s quizzical brow.

  Nathaniel waited for the angels to absorb the new information. He eyed Alexa skeptically, as though he already had misgivings about the reasons for their arrival.

  “Why are you here, Alexa?” he asked finally.

  Alexa thought it strange that he didn’t asked Milo that question. “To join your cause, to join the order.” A tremor reflected in her voice, and she prayed to the souls that Nathaniel and the others didn’t hear it.

  Nathaniel’s face was wrinkled in doubt. “But why now? Why now when I had offered it to you when we first me in Tartarus?”

  Alexa’s nerves ricocheted inside her as though her stomach was lit with firecrackers. She knew what came out of her mouth now would determine their fate. If she made a mistake, made the wrong decision and said the wrong thing, she and Milo were dead.

  A part of her began to doubt her skills at lying, and she couldn’t fathom being responsible for Milo’s true death. There were still so many feelings, so many conversations they still needed to have…

  Without even thinking, Alexa turned and looked at Milo. She traced her eyes over his face as he turned and looked at her, seeing the familiar stress along his forehead and the tightness of his jaw that only those close to him would know. Only she could recognize the fear in his eyes, the fear of what would happen should she fail.

  “I couldn’t join you before,” she began, her throat a little tighter than before. Although Lance’s words flowed in her mind, she didn’t need them. “I couldn’t leave. Not without Milo.” She saw softness flicker across his face before it vanished and was replaced by the familiar tight expression, his face impassive.

  “Interesting.” Nathaniel rubbed his chin. “You left the Legion for love.”

  When Alexa turned her attention back to Nathaniel, she didn’t like the grin on his face nor the way he was considering her, like she was about to be tested. It was the same grin Metatron gave her right before the High Council sealed her fate.

  Nathaniel’s eyes gleamed as he said, “Prove it.”

  Alexa’s head raced. Warning bells went off in her head, making her stomach clench. He was testing her. This was it. The test that would eith
er set them free or be their end. She wasn’t ready to die.

  To her own surprise she turned around and faced Milo. He blinked, probably not expecting her to move so quickly. Their thighs touching, she leaned forward until their hips rubbed. The truth was, she had wanted to kiss him again since the time she’d had but a taste. This time it would be on her terms.

  Milo’s eyes were large. His skin gleamed with a golden sheen. Her fingers trailed along his cheek as she gazed at him, needing no words. For a moment, the world stopped.

  Licking her lips, Alexa leaned forward, so close the tip of her nose ran over the skin of his cheek. And then she grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pulled his face down to hers, and kissed him fiercely.

  His lips brushed hers, soft and warm. And then he met her kiss right back, harder, but nothing like the way he’d kissed her before. It had none of the desperation of the kiss he’d given her in Hyde Park before he left with his father. This was different. It spoke of dreams and evenings together. It spoke of a future.

  She kissed him, soft and lingering, and her body melted into his. Then Milo pulled back, leaving her standing with her face on fire. Milo watched her, long and deep, his eyes wide and filled with longing. She could still feel the softness of his tongue, the pressure of his lips on hers.

  A loud clap shook Alexa back to reality.

  “Good,” said Nathaniel, apparently pleased. “Very good.” He spread his arms wide and said, “Welcome to The Order of the First.”


  ALEXA AND MILO HAD BEEN on the Angel Isle for about a week, and there was still no sign of the Staff of Heaven.

  They were even given a private chamber to share. At first, Alexa had been pleasantly surprised that they’d been treated so well. She’d never had a room or even a locker to herself in the Legion. But her enthusiasm soon vanished when her eyes found the large king-size bed shoved against the stone wall. The fluffy pillows and comforter only made Alexa’s face redder when she considered that angels didn’t sleep.

  It had never even occurred to Alexa that angels could have real, meaningful relationships. Coming to this place was an eye-opening experience for Alexa. It showed her a complete opposite way of life for angels.

  It wasn’t long before the island felt familiar and even comfortable to Alexa. She found herself getting used to seeing angels holding hands and even kissing until she barely noticed it anymore. It was like being back in the mortal world.

  She found herself questioning the Legion. Why were angels forbidden from falling in love? Angels weren’t robots. And these feelings—feelings she shared with these rebel angels—came naturally. If angels weren’t supposed to feel, why did they?

  A few hours on the island was all it took for Alexa to realize how different it was from the Legion. She knew the first time she felt and saw the fiery sky and deep blue colors of dusk.

  Nighttime existed on the Angel Isle.

  Alexa had only ever seen the bright sun on levels two and six, no matter what hour of the day it was in Horizon. It was always daytime.

  “But how is this possible? I thought there was no time difference in Horizon?” she had asked Milo their first night as she goggled at the dazzling stars. The moon was a bright sphere in the black sky, which made Alexa think of a giant soul.

  “I’m not sure,” Milo had said, looking just as puzzled as she felt. “Probably some kind of enchantment to make it feel like night. An illusion of some kind.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Alexa had said with a little ache of pain in her chest at the sight.

  Then to add to Alexa’s surprise was the sound of beating drums just as the sun disappeared over the horizon. With the continual drumming, dozens of bonfires popped up along the beach. Angels chanted and sang in a language Alexa didn’t understand. They danced around the fires in wild, feral-like dances, swinging their arms and legs with the beats of the drums.

  Every night was the same. The Order of the First threw a party.

  During the day Alexa and Milo did most of their sneaking around, looking for the staff. The order was predictable but also methodical in their daily activities. There were parties at night, and then there were meetings during the day. Always in the same large chamber on the west side of their pyramid, and always Alexa and Milo were not invited.

  “You need to earn our trust before we can allow you in on our meetings,” Nathaniel had said to them on their second day on the island. “Then you’ll be invited to join us.”

  Alexa wasn’t sure how they were supposed to earn their trust. But it was clear they were not sharing everything with them. Brent, Nathaniel’s watch dog, was always there watching them. They took turns giving Brent the slip, so that either Alexa or Milo would go in search of the staff whenever he was following them.

  She didn’t blame Nathaniel. She would have done the same. Still, it didn’t stop them from searching everywhere they could. They worked fast, knowing that every minute they spent on the island was a minute wasted on the fate of the mortal world and the Legion.

  Even with the strange nighttime parties, there was still a calmness about the rebels that unnerved Alexa. Not once did she see signs of preparation for war or attack. It didn’t make sense. It seemed the angels were more interested in drinking or just hanging out and doing nothing.

  “We should try Nathaniel’s chambers,” said Alexa as she walked next to Milo on one of the many stone paths in the manicured garden. She brushed her fingers over the yellow and pink hibiscus hedges. “Tonight, while he’s at the party with everyone.”

  “You’re sure he’ll be there? It’s a big risk if we get caught.”

  “He hasn’t missed a party yet.” Alexa looked over at two teenage male angels walking in the garden and lowered her voice. “It’s the only place we haven’t searched. It’s there. I know it is. Besides,” she added, eyeing the angels as they neared, “I overhead some angels talking earlier about today’s meeting. I couldn’t catch what the meeting was about, but I heard enough to know that whatever they’re planning, it’s going to happen soon. I just wish we knew what that something was. Maybe even warn the Legion somehow.”

  Milo reached over and grabbed her hand, making her skin tingle. His calluses scraped her skin gently as he entwined their fingers. She knew it was just for show, but it always took her by surprise whenever he did it.

  “Without the staff, it won’t matter what their plans are,” said Milo. “We’ve already been here too long. We don’t know what’s happening out there.” His eyes traveled to the angels as they made their way towards a large circular sand pit. “We can’t stay here.”

  Alexa looked up at him surprised. “Of course not. Why would you even say that?”

  “Because,” he murmured, his thumb rubbing against her hand, “I can see how you like it here. I’ve never seen you smile back in the Legion. But here… here you’re smiling. You seem happy—and that’s dangerous.”

  Alexa tried to pull her hand away, but Milo doubled his grip. “What are you trying to say? That I really want to join them? That I want to be part of the destruction of mankind? How can you even say that?”

  “I’m just saying I know how attractive this all seems to you,” said Milo, “the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want.” The intensity in his eyes almost made Alexa look away. “But it’s not all parties and fun. Don’t forget who they are and what they want.”

  “I know that,” grumbled Alexa.

  “They don’t trust us, but at least they don’t know what we’re after.” Milo traced his thumb along her hand again. “They think we’re here to spy on them, not to go after the staff. Let’s keep it that way for as long as we can. It’s our only advantage at this point. We need to get out of here, soon.”

  With a grim glare, Alexa nodded. “I know.”

  Alexa looked away from Milo as she noticed more angels piling out of the pyramid’s front entrance. “It’s not just me,” said Alexa after a while. “You’re different here too.”

bsp; “How do you mean?” Milo sounded mildly surprised.

  Alexa swallowed as she fell into step with Milo’s pace. “You seem more relaxed, more open. You’re back to the Milo I remember, the self-assured and annoying one. Just the way you are with me… our pretending,” she added carefully, “seems to come to you naturally. It feels as though it’s ...”

  A smile curled its way on Milo’s lips. “It’s what?”

  Alexa glowered. She had the distinct feeling he knew exactly what she meant. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

  “You brought it up.” Milo was walking with a sudden added spring in his step.

  Fine,” said Alexa. “It feels genuine. There I said it. Happy now? The times you take my hand, the way you smile at me, like the way you’re smiling now—feels real.”

  “And you want to know if it is real.”

  Yes, you moron, Alexa wanted to say. She’d been struggling with her feelings—his feelings towards her—ever since they’d shared that first kiss.

  Milo never lessened his grip as he leaned closer and whispered, “Alexa, I—”

  Shouts erupted. Alexa and Milo both turned as a large group of angels marched out of the stone pyramid and trooped down the steps. If she had to guess, she’d say the entire order was spilling out of the temple, including Nathaniel. Two very large angels flanked either side of him, and Alexa shuddered at her sudden recognition of them—the archangels Barakiel and Sorath, who had escaped Tartarus with all the other convicts. They were both twice as thick and a head taller than any of the largest angels in the order. Thick and muscled, their ancient armor glinted in the light, marking them as true warriors, as killers.

  It was the first time she’d seen the archangels since her arrival on the island, and she wondered where and how they could hide being so large and imposing. Or better yet, why hadn’t they appeared at any of the nightly parties?


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