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Bound by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)

Page 8

by Richards, Lynn

Macy poked him in the ribs and he grabbed her finger, bringing it to his mouth for a quick nip.


  He twined his fingers with hers once more when she tried to pull her finger away.

  “Behave or I’ll have to punish you, Miss Trent. And I don’t think your parents would object.”

  A fiery blush rose to her cheeks. “You don’t really think they–”

  “Do what we do? Maybe. You never know what goes on behind closed doors.”

  Logan knew that if the couple had ever indulged in the dom/sub lifestyle, they would have pretty much had to tone it down when their children came along. Or go out to the clubs. He’d seen several married couples at various clubs around the world.

  “I just can’t imagine…” She shook her head. “Wouldn’t that shock you?”

  Logan laughed. “Honey, nothing much shocks me.”

  Macy looked up at him, a flirtatious look on her beautiful face. “Not even if I told you that’d I’d really like to be spanked right now.”

  Logan had to bend his leg to hide the immediate erection her words caused. He jerked her closer. He’d thought he was beyond being surprised, but damn if she hadn’t done it. She continually amazed him, charmed him, frustrated him. Made him more aware of himself as a man. More aware that there was something significantly lacking in his orderly life.

  What would he do when their time was over? It was something he’d deliberately put off thinking about and he wasn’t about to start now. Not while he had this stolen time with her.

  “What would you do Miss Trent if I did spank you? Right here, right now. If I jerked those tight jeans down around your knees and bared that beautiful ass before I turned it a bright red with the palm of my hand?”

  “Come harder than I ever have?”

  Logan cursed himself for letting her saucy reply get to him. He was so aroused that he was actually shaking. Tightening his grip on her hand, he pulled her further up his body until she rested completely against him from breast to thigh. With his mouth against her ear, he whispered, “Imagine it, Miss Trent, my hand against your bare ass, the wind blowing across your heated skin. And then afterwards. The sharp bite of the bark as I take you up against this tree. Can you feel me stroking in and out?” He crushed his mouth against hers as he inserted his thigh between her legs. He’d make the damn woman fall apart in his arms.

  “You might want to move that somewhere more private before dad catches sight of you.” Logan reluctantly broke away from the soul-melting kiss to see Macy’s younger sister standing before them. While her expression was mildly curious, it was not condemning. Which was saying something since he’d been on the verge of taking her sister in front of her entire family.

  “Damn,” he groaned, leaning his head back against the tree and closing his eyes. Even as a teenage army brat shoved about from one military base to another, he’d had more than his fair share of interrupted sexual encounters. So why did he suddenly feel like an untried teen caught with his pants down?

  “Just saying,” she grinned as she walked away.


  The birthday event – and it was truly an event – progressed from visiting, to eating, then cutting the specially made cake, more presents, and then fireworks. A group of Macy’s younger cousins had stolen her away about twenty minutes ago and she still hadn’t returned. Logan was reluctant to admit it to himself, but he missed her. And he’d enjoyed the day. His initial plan–which he hadn’t shared with Macy—had been to allow her to say a quick hello, give her grandmother her present and make a hasty exit. He felt the need to keep Macy to himself. There was only two weeks left and for three of those days he was going to be out of town. Three long days and nights without Macy’s sweet body to lose himself in.

  After the teasing remark in the SUV, he’d known exactly what he was going to indulge in for some much needed sexual relief.

  He looked around the backyard where most of the adults were still gathered, startled to realize that except for the younger children and teens, everyone was part of a couple. They sat close, arms entwined, as they watched the light show. They seemed happy, but he knew it was all an illusion. They were together for the same reason he’d made Macy sign the contract–sex. Whether you wrapped it up as prettily as her grandmother’s present or hid it behind a diamond ring, it was still the same. The cold hard truth was men bought and paid for sex.

  He rose to his feet, angry with the emotion coursing through him. An emotion he hadn’t felt since he was a small child and he’d decided to take control of his life. Envy. Just as he’d envied the illusion of a happy family with both a father and a mother when he was young, he envied the couples their closeness. Their happiness. The day had been filled with loud voices as couples argued but never shouted at each other in anger. It had also been filled with just as many passionate exchanges of kisses. It had been filled with love.

  Damn Macy.

  He strode to the house. It was time to leave. It was time to show Macy exactly what their relationship was really all about. Sex. Dominance. Control

  He found her in the living room with two small children draped across her like pieces of a quilt. A book lay open on the floor. She must have read them to sleep and fallen asleep herself. God, how he wanted her.

  “She should have some of her own.”

  Logan’s hands clenched at his sides. Macy’s grandmother sat in the corner of the room in a hand carved wooden rocker, no doubt used by generations of women to lull their children to sleep. “Yes she should.”

  Just not with me.

  The white-haired old lady waved the piece of paper Macy had given her for her birthday. It contained the flight schedules for the nieces and nephews that were flying in. That he was flying in. On his private jet.

  “You are a good man, Logan Quinn. With a good heart. My Macy knows that.”

  “No offense, signora, but your granddaughter is very naïve.”

  The old woman shook her head, a secretive smile curving her lips. “Not so naïve now I wager.”

  Logan might have actually blushed if he hadn’t seen the knowing twinkle in the dark brown eyes. He realized this would be Macy at the end of her life. A wicked old woman who teased and taunted the would-be suitors of her granddaughters. A Macy he would never know.

  He bent down and gently extricated Macy from the tangle of little arms and legs. She woke just as he was saying goodbye to her mother. She yawned sleepily and put her head on his shoulder. He remembered the first time he’d carried her, right after he’d taken her almost innocence. Then she’d held herself rigid in his arms and now she lay trustingly against him. His heart clenched again. Damn, the woman was going to give him a heart attack at the age of thirty-five. “You can let me down now, Logan.”

  “I could, but I’m not going to. Say goodbye to your mother, Macy.”

  Macy turned her head and her mother leaned up to kiss her. “Goodnight Mama.”

  “Goodnight, my child.” She clasped her hands together with a huge smile on her face.

  Macy put an arm around Logan’s neck as he walked out the door thoughtfully being held open by one of her young cousins. When she turned to look over her shoulder she saw most of the older generation watching them leave. She frowned. “Did something happen while I was asleep?”


  “Then way are all my relatives watching you carry me to the car?”

  Logan placed her on her feet as they reached the black SUV but didn’t answer her.


  After he helped her into the vehicle he turned to her. His face was so serious she was suddenly afraid. What had her family said to him?

  “Logan, answer me,” she demanded.

  “What do you think all of those relatives of yours would think if I told them, their good, upstanding little girl liked for me to fuck her in the ass while tied to my bed.”

  “Logan! You did not tell anyone about that did you?” She grabbed the collar of his knit shirt indign
ant even as she remembered the feel of him driving deeper and deeper as she begged him never to stop. “Please tell me you didn’t tell them?”

  “No, I didn’t tell them.”

  Macy sighed in relief and leaned her head against the headrest. “Thank you.”

  He smoothed back her hair and titled her chin up. “Are you ashamed of what we do, Macy?”

  “No.” The look in her eyes was sincere. “I love being with you.”

  His faced closed up at once.

  Opps Macy thought, she shouldn’t have used the L word.

  She pulled his head down for a kiss. “But I’m pretty sure my father still thinks I’m a virgin.”

  The comment didn’t make him smile as she’d hoped.

  “You were until me.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Yes, you were. Untouched in so many ways.”

  Macy stroked his wide chest, feeling the heat of him under her hand. “Take me back to the apartment and let me show you how bad this good girl can be.”

  CHAPTER FOUROnce they arrived home–Macy had come to think of the apartment as home, which was a very bad idea on her part–Logan led her down the hallway, opening the door next to his bedroom.

  It was the room she’d never entered but she had known what was inside. Logan had introduced her to a whole new world. And she’d enjoyed it, feeling more pleasure and sexual satisfaction than she’d ever dreamed possible.

  “If you don’t want this, Macy, you’d better tell me now. Once I have you inside nothing short of your safe word will stop me.” He raised her chin, his eyes searching hers. “Do you understand?”

  She took a deep breath. She wanted this. She truly did, but it frightened her. He would demand so much more of her if she took this step. Dominants wanted their partners to willingly surrender themselves. To give themselves over.

  She took a step inside. The room was decorated the same as the rest of his apartment. Light beiges, creams and grays. The only warm color in it was the apparatus that swung from the ceiling. Not quite the leather outfit she’d had in mind when she’d teased him in the car. The one good thing about his ‘play’ room was that the lighting was dim. Maybe the shadows would help cast her in a more becoming light.


  Macy jumped at the commanding tone of his voice, disarmed by the sudden change in his demeanor. Last night he’d been tender, almost caring, taking her until she begged him to stop. He hadn’t, of course. He’d teased and tormented her, but there had been no cold demands. Nor had she felt that he was emotionally absent. As he was now. This was Logan in full blown Dom mode.

  She removed her clothes slowly, her jeans and blouse, then her bra and the matching green thong.

  “Come here.” He took her hand and led her further into the room. Within minutes she was positioned in the harness to his satisfaction. He removed his clothes in short order then stepped back to look her.

  “Relax, Macy.” Logan bent down and whispered in her ear. He was so close she could feel the warmth radiating off his skin. The room was cooler than the rest of the apartment and the slight chill made her nipples tighten. His playroom was chilly, deliberately she knew.

  His voice was low and deep, commanding. He was deeply into the dominate mode. His grey eyes had darkened, taking on an almost black hue in his excitement. He was incredibly aroused, his breathing shallow and uneven. As if he was having to exert himself to maintain control.

  The fact that he was as turned on as she was made her shiver with anticipation. She knew a dom/sub relationship was all about control. She’d learned that much. What had taken her some time to understand was that most of the control was in her hands. She wondered if Logan realized she understood that now. Was that why he was pushing her so hard tonight?

  The harness swayed slightly as he stepped behind her.

  “Close your eyes, Miss Trent.” A moment later a soft piece of fabric—another silk tie?—was placed over her eyes and tied securely.

  “Perfect.” His voice now came from somewhere in front of her. Her previous apprehension returned.

  “Logan, I’m not…not…sure…”

  “No talking, Miss Trent. Trust that I’ll give you all the time you need.” He ran his finger down the center of her body. “You have your safe word. But you won’t have to use it. And do you know why?”

  His voice was mesmerizing.

  “Because you feel safe, Macy. You feel safe with me.”

  Macy swore she could hear the beat of his heart in the quiet room. She could definitely hear her own.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured.

  Even though she was naked, suspended from the ceiling in a leather harness, her legs spread wide, she believed him. Finally. Maybe because she was in this position, totally and completely at his mercy.

  Or maybe because she knew, with her whole heart, that she was bound by him.

  His fingers lightly stroked over her body. First one place, then quickly moving on to another. He continued to caress her softly with his fingertips and to murmur words of encouragement as her body responded instinctively to his touch. She loved it when he traced his fingers up and down her body, barely touching her, skimming across her skin.

  Without any warning, he pushed his index figure inside her soaking pussy and pressed against her in some viciously arousing way that made her arch her back. The restraints didn’t allow for much movement. They weren’t tight enough to be painful, but there was no way she was going to get free by herself. He fucked her slowly with his finger. Just that. In and out. In and out. The slow movement made the harness sway slightly. She was tense, waiting for what he would do next. He placed his other hand on her thigh, pulling her legs apart even more. “I think you need to come, Miss Trent. Are you ready to come for me?”

  “Yes, please” she murmured.

  “What was that, Miss Trent?”

  “Please sir.”

  Adding a second finger and then a third, he increased the pace of his invasion. Curling one finger up, he touched something inside her that made her convulse with pleasure and scream out his name. Still pumping his fingers in and out, he brought her down from the high. By the time he was finished, she was panting, ready to go again.

  She heard the soft whisper of sound as he moved. What was he going to do to her now? Take her, causing the swing to move back and forth? And where? She was completely open to him. Her mind whirled with possibilities. Was this part of the fascination with domination and submission? The excitement of the unknown. Or, was it because you gave yourself over completely to someone else’s pleasure? And trusted that person to give you pleasure.

  She felt a light touch on her stomach. At first she thought it was his fingers again. But it didn’t feel like his fingers, it was softer. Like fabric. He did it again and she knew. Leather.

  “What is that?”

  “Now, now, Miss Trent. I’ve warned you about questioning me, haven’t I?”

  She swallowed. She remembered his response when she’d questioned one of his orders earlier in the month. Her buttocks still tingled from the feel of his hand. “Yes, sir.”

  He moved, coming to stand beside her head. She waited for his command, knowing what it would be. She licked her lips in anticipation.

  “Turn your head and suck me, Macy.”

  The head of his cock pressed against her lips and she parted them slowly, allowing him to push inside. Her tongue swirled over him. His taste was intoxicating, addictive. She loved this.


  He pushed further inside, barely giving her time to adjust.

  “That’s it baby.” He held his penis at its base, feeding himself to her. When he reached the back of her throat he stopped. If her hands had been free she would have moved his hand so she could feed herself more. She raised her head, swallowing him deeper. He took the hint and pushed forward. She relaxed, taking him as deep as she possibly could. He held himself still, as if relishing the feel of her hot mouth around hi
m. She moved her tongue, flicking the bottom of his cock. It was all she could do until he decided to move.

  Logan closed his eyes, striving for control. Control. Something he’d never had a problem with before Macy.

  Her talented little tongue was driving him slowly toward the edge. She had taken him deeper than she ever had before. He pushed back her hair, closing one hand around the nape of her neck. He kept the other on himself, squeezing the base of his cock to keep from coming too quickly. “I’m going to fuck your mouth now, Macy.”

  That was the only warning he gave her before he started thrusting in and out. Her lips pulled at him like the walls of her cunt. He couldn’t wait to come inside her sweet little pussy. He tried to control the depth of his thrusts but she didn’t allow it. She bobbed her head, taking as much of him as she could each time.

  All too soon he felt his balls tighten. Tangling his fingers in her beautiful hair, he held her still for a final thrust that was almost savage as he emptied himself down her throat. “Swallow, Macy. Every last damn drop.”

  He kept himself inside her mouth for a moment longer before pulling away. Her lips were dark red, looking almost bruised in the dim lighting.

  Macy was amazed that she’d been able to take Logan so deeply. She wished he would remove the blindfold so she could see him. His almost out-of-control movements had been worth the momentary discomfort of having him fuck her mouth a little too roughly.

  She could feel the leather whip passing over her shoulder, across her waist and down her thighs. Suddenly Logan was between her legs, his still firm erection pressed against the mouth of her pussy.

  What was he going to do? Macy held her breath as she waited for him to move.

  Sharp stings exploded on her right breast. The whip seemed to be made of a hundred different lengths of leather, some heavier than others. Her breath caught in the back of her throat and, before she could draw another, he lashed her other breast, alternating back and forth in quick succession. Over and over again he flogged her until she sobbed, “Logan, please. They ache.”

  She wasn’t protesting the pain, but celebrating the pleasure. The restraints only added to the physical enthrallment that filled her, making her throb all over in exquisite sensation as her body arched into each blow. Each strike of the whip went straight to her womb.


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