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Sugar Daddy: The Forever Daddies Series

Page 6

by Snow, Victoria

  “Finn, it feels good, you feel so good baby.”

  “I know baby. I feel it too.”

  “Yes,” she gasped, “I'm coming again.”

  Her whole body shuddered as she came. I continued pumping inside of her breaking all reason inside my mind. She was glorious, all of it was so incredible. The best sex of my life was happening in my office, I would never be able to look at it the same again.

  “Oh Harper, I'm ready too, baby. I'm going to fill up your pussy with my cum.”

  She moaned. I spilled inside of her and collapsed against her chest.

  I slid my cock out of her slowly and I knew for certain that she was going to be very sore the next day. I was totally okay with that though.

  “Can I say, wow?”

  With the water cascading down my body, I experienced one of the most powerful climaxes that I ever had. Wow, indeed. Just the idea of doing those things with Harper made me come so hard.


  I couldn't have been happier that I had hired Harper, the girl was brilliant. The first few days with her seemed to fly by and she had been an extraordinary help to me. I had a good feeling about people and I knew on the spot after speaking with Harper in my office that she would be a good fit for me...for the company. She was remarkably quick at studying material and committing it to memory, which was a really good thing because she had a lot to learn in order to work for me. I had bigger plans for her, however, and I had yet to talk to her about all of that. I hadn't wanted to overwhelm her with too many details. I wanted to get her comfortable working for me first before I put too much more on her plate. I was confident that she would embrace what I wanted from her in the same way that she had taken on the rest of the position.

  The best part of working with Harper was that she didn't need any supervision. I could easily leave her alone all day and she would be able to complete all the tasks I needed from her without complaint. I couldn't have been happier about the work she did which had been a significant relief to me, because the initial moment of hiring her had terrified me a bit. It was rare that I hired someone on the fly like that or at all for that matter...and by rare I meant I never did it. Not once had I hired someone because they had pulled on my heart strings. It usually didn't bode well for business. I had worried that I would live to regret that decision.

  The fear was that she would turn out to be a real nutcase and then I would have to deal with the aftermath of that, as Bryce so candidly told me. The idea of having to get security to escort someone out of my building was never appealing. But I never had to do that. Harper had been true to her word the whole way; she had worked extremely hard to not only work on the task lists provided to her but also to get along with everyone at the company. She always arrived early and stayed late if I needed her to.

  I laughed to myself when I thought about how I had worried that she would turn out to be a psycho one day. I truly knew nothing about the girl, I had just based my decision on my gut feeling and went with it. Every time she walked into the room, I always breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't the psycho that I was so concerned about. That would have been a decision hard to explain to the people that worked around me, especially Bryce who would never have let me live it down. They knew me to be a solid businessman who didn't allow emotions to get in the way of my business decisions.

  She was an amazing employee and I was grateful for her help; I hoped that what I wanted from her wouldn't scare her off.

  Before hiring Harper those past few weeks had been crazy without having the additional help. I had a lot of things going on and I required a whole team to help me with the start of my dream project. It wasn't until I had to deal with Axel, that I realized the kind of workload I had to carry. Bryce had taken on a lot to just keep things running smoothly. Anyone in that position deserved praise for all the hard work that was involved in keeping me a happy man. That transition period was always difficult because there was a lot for Harper to learn just to be able to do her job. She needed to learn a lot about my business just to start and then everything about how to do her job was a lot for a girl with no experience. It must have been a shock to her system, but she never showed it. She excelled in her position and that strength would be what brought her out of the life she used to have.

  I looked up from my computer when Harper walked in to report for the day. She was wearing a fitted skirt that fell to her knees and a blouse that showed off a decent amount of cleavage. Unabashedly I did a double take. She carried in my morning coffee and set it before me. I caught a glimpse of her full breasts and I had to will myself to look away. Black as the midnight sky was how I enjoyed my coffee. Just like me, the coffee was strong and tough, who needed sweeteners anyways?

  “Good morning, Mr. Stark.”

  “Good morning. Thank you, how are you today?”

  “Great. I love being here, I certainly can't complain.”

  “Really? You're not stressed out at all?”

  She laughed, “Wel,l it has its moments but when I feel overworked, I just think about what a great opportunity this is and I'm back to smiling again. It's not an easy job Mr. Stark but it gives me purpose. This is like a dream come true.”

  I smiled at her, satisfied with her answer, “That's good to hear. I'm certainly glad to help and I too have no complaints about you being here. Your work speaks for itself.”

  “Thank you, don't worry about me becoming stressed. I couldn’t be happier to be here and to learn from you.”

  “You look lovely by the way, Harper.” I couldn't help but give her another once over, but I tried to keep it subtle.

  “Thank you.”

  “Shall we get to work then?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  I found myself distracted by Harper all day. It probably didn’t help that I had fantasized about her in the shower that morning. I couldn’t help stealing glances at my sexy assistant as she worked about my office. There was a time that I glanced at her and I could swear that I saw hunger in her eyes. She had caught me staring at her and there was fire coming from her gaze. It caught me off guard to see that kind of look in her eyes. It came clear to me instantly that Harper wanted me, too. It wasn’t just me getting hot and bothered over her, she was thinking about me too. I was pretty good at reading when a woman liked me and I had seen that look before.

  Seeing that look in her eyes, I felt myself grow hard instantly. Down, boy!

  I took a deep breath, trying to will my erection to behave itself. I had to remember that she was still my employee and that my office was my place of business and not a sex club. I really needed to get a hold of myself. I didn’t have to think about Harper every second of the day, it was getting ridiculous. I had to ignore my desires, or I would have a mess on my hands. The desire was strong, however, and would not be easily ignored. I had been shut down so much since Emelia died that I had forgotten how good it felt to desire someone so much. I hadn’t felt that in so long that now that it was coming to me, it felt like an avalanche of emotions.

  It still hurt to think about Emelia after all that time. Every time that I thought of another woman, I felt guilty. Just thinking about what happened to Emelia sent me in a spiral of guilt and shame that threatened to send me into a depression. I didn’t always like to think about my deceased wife. I had loved Emelia, adored her as if she were a Queen and she really had been the one. I had never wanted another woman in my life, it had always been just her.

  I had managed to completely fuck that up, though, hadn’t I? I had the perfect woman in my hands and I had ruined it. I had such a romantic plan to take her out on the boat and have champagne and dinner together. I had taken us out when the weather was turning. I thought that it was going to be okay and it wasn’t. I had been so wrong. The sailboat had capsized and my lovely Emelia had drowned. It had been all my fault. I had killed her by taking her out on the sailboat that day. A wave of guilt flooded my body to the point where I threw up a little in my mouth. I had to quickly
sit down in the chair in front of my desk. I really tried not to think about Emelia when I was at the office because it could completely consume me. I didn’t want Harper to realize that I was upset. I didn’t need questions because I certainly did not want to have that conversation with her.

  The memories of Emelia on that boat, happy and then falling over…I couldn’t get to her. I couldn’t save her. I had lost her forever. Those memories poured cold water all over my libido and I took a deep breath and went back to the spreadsheets on my desk. I needed to get my mind back on work because that was how I was able to forget that I was responsible for the death of my wife. It was time for me to ignore the world again until thoughts of Emelia disappeared. I needed to get the dizzy feeling out of my head. I lost myself in those spreadsheets until a familiar voice broke through my consciousness.

  I looked up at the door in surprise to see Axel Mandrake standing there. I almost smiled at him. He was certainly every woman’s wet dream because he was a billionaire playboy. He didn’t dress the part of a successful man. He walked around in jeans and a leather jacket. He strolled right in my office as if he owned the place.

  “Surprise, surprise, Finn. I knew that I would find you here, holed up in your office.”

  I smiled. “Well, this is where I make the magic happen, Axel.”

  “Well, do you ever leave this place?”

  I laughed. I stood up and shook Axel’s hand. He was the man whom I was desperately trying to do business with, but I always played my hands cool. “So, what is it that I can do for you, Axel? What brings you to my office?”

  Axel was about to answer but then he caught sight of Harper and it literally stopped him in his tracks. A slow smile crossed his face and I almost put my head in my hands. I didn’t like the smile that came over Axel’s face. He was clearly intrigued by Harper and I didn’t like it one bit. Just the sight of that smile made me want to wipe it right off his face. I didn’t want Axel anywhere near Harper. He made a beeline for her desk and she looked up at him and smiled.

  “Hi there, my dear, you are a beauty. I’m Axel, and who might you be?”

  I could see her blush as she stood up from her desk and shook his hand. “I’m Harper, Mr Stark’s assistant.”

  Axel was shining a ridiculous grin at her, completely besotted with her. She was smiling back at him and it annoyed me to no end. The thought of Axel and Harper together made me just a little crazy.

  “Axel, quit distracting my assistant, she has a lot of work to do. If you are here for any reason other than to ink a deal with me for the real estate that I have been after for a year, then you can take your bright smile elsewhere, because we have work to do.” I said it all with a smile on my face. We were still businessmen after all and there was still a chance that we might be working together one day.

  Axel laughed. “C’mon Finn, you’re just no fun anymore.” He cast a glance at Harper and winked. God, the guy was completely irritating. But women loved him and he always got his way with them. I grit my teeth as I watched them exchange glances. Harper had a curious look on her face as she was trying to figure out who the mysterious character in my office was. I was just about to tell Axel to fuck off when Axel turned to me and tossed a fancy envelop on my desk. Confused, I picked it up and opened it. I pulled out a card that was just as fancy and stared at it.

  “Since I haven’t received your RSVP for my charity event tomorrow, I figured I would just stop by and give it to you myself.”

  “You know damn well that I haven’t been to an event in years,” I said, leaving “since Emelia died” unspoken. The guy was truly unbelievable and I could swear that he did stuff like that on purpose just to irritate me.

  Axel shrugged turning to Harper again. “Would you like to come to the event, Harper?”

  Harper had a look of surprise come over her face. “Well, I’ve never been to a charity event before.”

  “I would say that it is about time that you go to one then, my dear. I would be more than happy to send a car around to pick you up from work tomorrow.”

  I interrupted before Axel could get too far. “Don’t even think about it, Axel. You can find your own assistant. Stop trying to poach mine. If Harper is going to the event, I will take her myself. We wouldn’t want you to get any ideas about stealing her away from my company.”

  Axel laughed. “I wouldn’t dare do such a thing, Finn. Don’t forget to bring your checkbook, Finn. I will see you both tomorrow.” He waltzed out of my office without another word. He came in like a tornado and always left debris in his wake. I shook my head as I stared after him. I had to wonder how on earth he got by Bryce. She would have let him come to the office of course but she would have made sure she was there to whisk him away when he became too irritating for me. Why couldn’t the guy just sell me the property and then get out of my life. I knew that he liked to lord what little power he had over me. He wouldn’t sell the property to me until he was good and ready and not a moment sooner.

  It was then that I realized just what I had agreed to. I groaned loudly at the thought of going to another event, especially one that Axel was putting on.

  I turned to Harper. “Well, I guess we are going to a gala.” I rolled my eyes and returned to my work.



  I was absolutely ecstatic about the gala that Finn and I were attending that evening. I was bursting with excitement even though it didn’t seem like Finn wanted to go at all. I had never attended anything close to something as glamourous as a gala before and the thought about dressing up just put me in an amazing mood. I was also nervous however, for the same reasons. I had never been to anything like that before and I didn’t want to make a fool of myself in front of important people.

  Finn would be picking me up at any moment and I was sitting in a sparkly black gown, something that I had never been in before. I felt like a queen and it was the best feeling in the world. I couldn’t wait for him to come and get me. I was sure that it would be a night to remember. I just had to get rid of my nerves because I didn’t want to screw up in front of Finn.

  Carmen came into the room with a glass of wine. I took one generous sip from it. I was doing everything in my power to try to settle my nerves. Carmen started to flitter around me, adjusting my hair and makeup wherever she thought it needed some work. She was the one that lent me the fancy dress, I didn’t have anything like that in my closet because I never went anywhere that would require such a dress. It was one that she had worn to an event herself once upon a time. I had to admit though that the dress fit me rather nicely and it was just the kind of dress that could turn heads when you walked in a room. I did have larger breasts than Carmen and the dress seemed to showcase them perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and twirled around. I felt like a million bucks.

  “You certainly look nice,” Carmen stated matter of factly.

  “A part of me wants to chicken out. I’ve never been to anything like this before. What if I make a fool of myself?”

  “Don’t be silly. Why would that happen? This is your opportunity to do some serious networking. You don’t get many chances like this in life so you have to take them when they present themselves to you.”

  “Yes, I know you’re right.”

  “Plus, when it comes to this Axel guy, you could make some serious moves there that get you what you want.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said that Finn was interested in a piece of property that he had. You told me that it seemed like he really liked you. He invited you to this event after all. If you can convince Axel to sell Stark this property that he wants or even come on as a partner with Stark, then Stark will owe you big time. Stark will have his property and you will have lived up to your end of the bargain. It’s a win-win situation. Then the two of you can start working on your project.”

  “Wow, you’re a genius,” I said with a laugh. “You’re also completely right. It would give me the end to get what I want with Finn.�

  I knew that Carmen was right, but it wasn’t as easy as that. The thought of trying to manipulate a situation for my benefit made me even more nervous. I just needed to gather the courage to do what needed to be done. I could be charming when I really wanted to be and I was sure that Axel selling that property to Finn would be the best thing for everyone involved.

  My phone vibrated and it was a message from Finn stating that there was a car downstairs waiting for me.

  “Ok, wish me luck.”

  Carmen smiled. “You don’t even need it, girl. You look incredible.”

  I hugged her and made my way to the elevator. When I got down to the main floor, I saw that there was a limo outside and the sight of it made my heart beat fast. Even though there was a driver, it was Finn that came out of the car to open the door for me. He looked devilishly handsome in a tuxedo. I smiled when he opened the door for me as I slid inside. We were heading uptown to the gala and I was hoping that my nerves would not get the best of me.

  “You look very beautiful tonight, Harper, that dress is killer on you.”

  I blushed a deep shade of red. “Thank you, you look great yourself.” I felt completely warm all over and it was so nice to be complimented by someone like him. I was thrilled to be his date for the event, even though it wasn’t an official date.

  Finn began to give me some background information about the charity and the people that would be attending. I appreciated all the information; it would help me to not say something stupid when I was talking to the VIP crowd. I listened intently as he explained what normally happened at those events and what people it would be best to avoid. I was surprised when he mentioned Axel Mandrake in that group of people.

  “I’m sorry, isn’t Axel someone that you are trying to do business with? Why would you want me to avoid him?”

  “Axel is definitely someone that I want to do business with, but that’s business. Axel isn’t the kind of person you want to have as a friend, so to speak.”


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