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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

Page 11

by Nicola Diaz

  “I’m stepping out for a drink. I want you to sit on this chair until I get back. Take off your shirt and then just sit still.” Bruce approached me with a straight-backed chair. He set it on the ground and I held out my hands so that he could take the cuffs off. He left the room and then I looked at the chair, uncertain s to how I could possibly sit on anything after being burned in my as so badly.

  I stood next to it, imagining that I could sit, but unable to actually do it. I kicked it once with my foot as anger welled up inside me again. Then I pulled the leather top of the ensemble over my head and tossed it onto the floor. My bare breasts felt cold in the dark, cold room. I moved over a few inches from the chair and saw a full-length mirror. I stood in front of it, admiring my firm ass and my full, round breasts. I had nice nipples, and they had always driven men wild.

  I paused for a second, realizing that Bruce was most likely going to burn my nipples like he had burned my ass. It angered me to think that I could end up with a scar, and that men in my future might have to see my blemished skin. I had another look in the direction of the camera, and this time since I wasn’t hand-cuffed, I gave it the finger. As soon as I did, Bruce entered the room.

  “Didn’t I tell you to sit on that chair?” His face reddened and his eyes widened. “You are really just out to test my limits, aren’t you?” Bruce out his hands on the back of the chair and I eased onto it, hoping that the pain wouldn’t make me shriek. As soon as I put all of my weight on it, the pain ripped through my body and I moaned. Bruce put his hand over my mouth. “I really hate whiners.” He kept it there until he was convinced that I was quiet, and then he slowly backed away.

  I looked down at the floor as a tear rolled out of my eye. The burns on my ass where creating such a fierce source of discomfort that I found it hard to concentrate on anything else. Yet before I could concentrate any more of my attention on the pain, Bruce was standing in front of me with the candle again. I knew what was next. He leaned in close to me and then held the flame first in front of my left nipple, and then in front of the right. The heat increased and then I felt the flame hit my skin.

  “That’s what I like. Some solid burning right on those pretty pink nipples.” Bruce laughed and then stood back, admiring his work. I looked away, and decided that I would beat him at his game. If I could will the strength to find this enjoyable, then he couldn’t really have a hold on me. I told myself that I was strong, and that every time Bruce touched me it was in honor of my seductive charms and my incredible beauty. It was a tough exercise in mental will-power, but I really had nothing to lose.

  At this point both my nipples and my asshole were in tremendous pain. The burning sensation ran through the entire core of my body, but I remained silent. I looked ahead and then surprised myself with forcing out a wry smile. I even turned my head and faced the camera so that it could see my expression. I think it caught Bruce a bit off-guard, but only for a second. He was already geared up for his next bout of torture.

  He left the room again and came back a few minutes later with a piece of rope. I didn’t like the looks of it- frayed and gnarled with small pieces sticking out around the circumference. I looked at Bruce as he gave me one of his mysterious smiles, and then I looked up at the camera again. I could see the red blinking light, indicating that the film was rolling. At this point, I was getting use to being filmed for this wealthy man of Victorian England.

  I recalled a late night television show that Bruce had once been interviewed on. The reporters wanted to know what it felt like to be so rich, and Bruce had sat back with a smirk. “It’s the greatest feeling in the world.” He had been much younger then, but still had the same proud countenance and the same confident swagger. I could only imagine what he planned on doing with the hours of video once he was through with me. I sat and waited for him to approach me with the rope, and then shied away when he wrapped it gently around my neck.

  “Don’t worry.” He smiled, curiously. “I won’t hurt you that bad. If I did, then you wouldn’t be around for me to torture anymore.” He laughed and then tightened the rope so that it hung like a noose. I felt my heart race and I wanted to know what his next move would be. But as I was growing accustomed to now, I simply hung my head down and submissively waited. “I want you to play with yourself and when you feel me tighten the rope, I want you to make yourself climax.” He eyed me with a curious grin. “Make sure you get yourself good and wet.”

  He tightened the rope and I reached for my pussy. It actually felt good to feel my skin, to explore a part of my body that hadn’t yet been tortured to the point of pain. I closed my eyes and let my hands dance around, then slid one finger into my hole. I looked up at the camera, watching the red blinking light, inserting my finger and sighing with a modicum of pleasure. Suddenly Bruce tightened the rope. I could feel my breath getting cut off and it sent me into a panic, but I brought my mind back to Bruce’s orders, and rapidly masturbated until I could feel an orgasm welling up inside me.

  “Harder, Chloe. Rub your pussy harder.” Bruce yanked on the rope again and I gasped. For a moment it felt like there was no air, and I thought that I would fall over. Who would find me if I were choked inside this immense, secluded mansion? I could tell that Bruce’s cock was heard because he pressed up against me as I brought myself to climax. Finally, he let go of the prickling rope, and I fell with weakness to the floor. Bruce gave me a poke with his shoe.

  “Get up, Chloe. There’s no resting inside this mansion. You are officially the slave to the wealthiest man in all of Victorian England, and you will have to submit to my every command.” He stood back and surveyed my weakened state, then turned around and started out of the room. “I’ll at least get you a little water.” He smirked and then left. I eyed the camera once more, wondering what it would fell like to watch myself on the film one day. I sat up and rubbed my arms. They were cold from the drop in temperature, and night lingered on outside the window.

  When Bruce entered the room, he handed me a mug of water. It was so refreshing that I wanted to jump up and down. Instead, I simply sipped on it slowly and then handed it back without saying a word. Bruce sat down on a velvet chaise and eyed me with curiosity. “You know, if you hadn’t been such a dishonest bitch, you wouldn’t be in this situation. You have to learn the hard way, I guess.” He shook his head and then got up and unzipped his pants. “I’m going to pound that asshole of yours.” He pulled out his cock and I gasped.

  I had never had anal penetration of any sort. The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine, and I wondered if there was anything at all I might be able to do to convince Bruce otherwise. As soon as I saw him stroking his cock, I knew that there was no escaping. He knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. “I want you to bend over and hang onto this table.” Bruce motioned toward a small, marble end-table that sat on the other side of the room. I walked gingerly to its side, and then bent over.

  Bruce flicked a match and then lit another candle. I could hear the sound of the crackling flame and I anticipated what would come next. He approached me and placed a hand on my ass. The he started to rub it, massaging my flesh until the skin was soft and malleable. He leaned in and directed the flame at my ass again, and I cried out because the slightest amount of heat was unbearable on that part of my body.

  He continued to let the flame linger, and I shook my head, ready to scream out because the sensation was simply too much. The burning radiated throughout my entire body and I could only hope that he would ease up soon. I once again smelled my skin burning, and it made me feel ill. I could do nothing to get out of this situation, and it reminded me of just how powerless I had become under Bruce’s commands. After what felt like an eternity, he finally eased up and told me to stand on the other side of the room.

  “I want you to look at the camera and tell it how remorseful you are for stealing my idea.” Bruce motioned toward the ceiling and I stared blankly at the screen, with its red, blinking lights. He placed his hands on his
hips and then waited as I stood quietly, the intrinsic feeling of defeat permeating my essence. I looked up and cleared my throat, then tried to speak. It was exhausting just coming up with something relevant to say.

  “I am deeply regretful for stealing Bruce’s idea. I couldn’t imagine ever doing something so dishonest again. My punishment is already severe, and I would like to never experience something like this again.” I turned back and looked at Bruce for approval. He nodded his head and then told me to sit down before he got my ass ready for penetration. I shuddered at the thought of him ripping inside me. Yet there was no way to escape.

  He came up behind me and then put his hand around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. Then he shoved his cock between my ass cheeks. I held my breath, anticipating the insertion into my anal area. Yet nothing could have prepared me for the magnitude of pain that followed. He pushed inside me with one hard thrust, and I cried out from the agonizing pain. It felt like something was tearing into my skin, ripping into my body.

  I covered my mouth with my hand because I knew he didn’t want to hear me complain. He continued to penetrate me and I bit down on my hand, trying to distract myself from the searing heat that I could feel generating through my anal area. The burns were so tender that it took all of my might not to cry out or scream. Every movement felt like my skin was being torn, and I closed my eyes, trying to wish it all away.

  When Bruce finally stopped moving inside my ass, I thought that it might be numb. There was so much pain that I think my body tried to subconsciously protect itself by minimizing the sensations that I could feel. I was exhausted and it was hard to maintain my balance. I leaned forward and then started to fall, but Bruce yanked me upright. “Don’t go tipping over just yet.” He chuckled and then positioned me so that I was facing the doorway.

  I ran my hands over my breast and then cried out because my nipples were so raw. I had never felt anything as tiring as being inside this wicked torture chamber. I had a brief thought about my future. What would happen if Bruce told the sheriff that I hadn’t complied? What if they decided that I need to stay at Bruce’s mansion for an extended period of time? I thought about all of the video camera footage. Surely, it would prove to everyone just how subservient I had been during my stay.

  “I’m giving you a fifteen minute break. You can lie down and close your eyes for awhile. When I get back, I’ll want you to get changed into something else.” He raised his eyebrows with a look of mischievous delight. I couldn’t understand how he expected me to be able to withstand too much more. My body simply felt as if it would never be able to recover from the vicious torture that it had endured. I was thankful at his mention of respite, though, and I tried to look appreciative.

  “Thank-you, Bruce. I could use just a few moments of inactivity.” I looked at him with a pleading urgency in my eyes. He was standing against the doorway, his arms up above his head, resting on the wooden beam that separated the door from the ceiling. He had slid his pants back up, and I hoped that he was feeling satisfied enough to leave me alone for awhile. He walked away and I lied down on the floor, unfazed by the thought of lying on the cold, unwelcome tile.

  It felt good to be off my feet, and I tried to imagine being back outside, away from this mansion and back inside the comfort of my own home. I thought for a second about the fact that I had stolen Bruce’s business idea, and that I actually had the impression that I would be able tot pull it off, that I could enjoy my own success based off his idea. I felt so foolish now. All of England was sure to know about this transgression now, and I knew that I would never be looked at in the same light by any of the townspeople, and maybe even my acquaintances.

  Lying on the floor brought little relief. I was still experiencing painful sensations in both my anal area and on my breasts. My skin felt raw, beaten, and burned. I looked over at the camera again. Its blinking red lights reminded me that I was being tortured on a variety of levels, and that both my body and my mind would never be the same after this ordeal. Just when I thought that I might be able to drift off into a brief nap, Bruce entered the room and told me to get up off the floor.

  I braced my arms on the floor, trying to find the best position to rise without experiencing pain on any part of my body. It was of little use. As soon as I extended my leg to stand up, a shot of pain seared through the singed, burned part of my ass. I cried out and Bruce just stood and watched me, his hands on his hips, his eyes blank and unconcerned for my well-being. I felt a wave of animosity course through me, a streak of disdain for this wealthy man who wanted to see me tortured to the point of breaking. I finally got myself standing, and then eyed him with humiliated disgust.

  “Before I let you go rest for the evening, I want to see you suffer through one or two more scenarios.” Bruce approached me and then ran his hands over my nipples. As soon as he touched them I flinched. The pain was too much and I backed away, but he pulled me closer to his side. I could smell his thick cologne, and I was reminded of his cock inside my ass. He spun me around so that he could play with my ass some more, and this time he used a flame starter to heat it. I cried because it was too unbearable.

  As soon as my ass had been singed yet again, he turned me around in the other direction and held the flame-starter to my nipples. He let the flame dance as close to them as it could without actually touching them, but the heat was so strong that I still ended up burned. I wanted to punch him, wanted to kick him in the face and tell him to get off of my body, but at the same time I wanted to enjoy it. Maybe there was some twisted element of enjoyment that I could gather from the experience. I reminded myself of my earlier mantra- that I was strong and that I could endure whatever he threw my way.

  Bruce ran his hands over my body and then held them at my throat. He told me to try and breathe as normal while he cut off my breath, that this was another form of torture that I would be expected to go through as part of my duty in the mansion. I closed my eyes and breathed in. As soon as I did, he hands clasped on my throat, cutting off the airway. I wondered if he would choke me, if he would squeeze the life out of me with his large, thick hands. But as soon as he saw my face contorting and saw my body writing to fee itself, he released the tension and then laughed.

  I knew that if he just let me rest, even of only for a brief period of time that I would be able to make it through this experience. He turned me around and told me that he wanted to get inside my ass again. “You’re a criminal and a liar, but I want that ass again. I’ll make sure that you remember me even when you’re gone from my mansion.” He laughed and then yanked his pants down to his ankles. I looked at his large cock, already swollen with desire, and I lowered my head in anticipation.

  This time he forced me onto a tiny, wooden table. He told me to bend over and spread my legs and then he held a flame to my anal area again. He told me that he liked being able to see my body under the light, and then he blew out the flame. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up against his cock. Then he rammed it inside my hole without even a second’s warning. He let out a moan of desire, and I screamed because this time the pain was even more intense.

  Bruce continued to ride his dick inside me, smacking my ass as he received his undeniable pleasure. I lurched forward with every thrust inside, and hoped that he would come soon so that I could finally get some relief from the pain. As he jammed me full with his cock, I closed my eyes, feeling the thickness of his flesh push apart the walls of my ass. For a second, I felt a slight twinge of pleasure. Then another. It was starting to feel good, having Bruce inside my ass.

  I let out a moan, realizing that if I could only get past the pain, then pleasure awaited me on the other side. It was a mental task that I didn’t know I could accomplish, but the longer he plowed inside me, the more pleasure I started to experience. I ran a hand over my pussy and played with my clitoris. He continued to spread open my anal walls, filling me with his hardness. And then I let felt rising- the rippling sensation of my orgasm. It was a thick,
forceful wave that ran through my entire body and I shook with pleasure as it filled me with intense pleasure.

  Bruce slid outside of me after he let forth an explosive orgasm. He leaned back against the wall and then closed his eyes. I hoped that since he was now exhausted, that we would both be able to take a break from the intensity of the day. He sat quietly for a second and then got up. He left the room and I lied motionless, feeling the last currents of pleasure course through my body. For a second, I forgot about the sheer magnitude of the pain.

  When he came back into the room, he told me that he was going to call the sheriff and tell him that I was complying with his orders. I gushed with relief and thankfulness. The camera blinked from its secured placement on the wall and I stood up, feeling weary yet fulfilled. I had managed to succumb to Bruce’s demands, and I was finally going to be released. My mid whirled with thoughts of being home, of taking a shower and of getting a long rest.

  Bruce came back into the room and handed me a cup of hot tea. I looked at him and then took a deep breath. The relentless session of torture would soon be over. I knew that I still had to submit to him for the length of the contract, and that I wouldn’t be able to leave right away, but it was a relief to know that I would be able to leave at the end of my required stay. Bruce stood silently and then sat down on the edge of the bed. He eyed me with curiosity and then motioned for me to come toward him.


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