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Highland Fires

Page 19

by Donna Grant

  Lugus gritted his teeth and pushed himself onto his knees. The pressure that held him down like a great weight pushed harder. But Lugus refused to give up. With Ahryn’s shining mystical blue eyes in his mind’s eye, he pushed himself up with a roar.

  The weight didn’t lesson, but it was enough that he was on his feet. He pushed aside the fear of the darkness and concentrated on Ahryn’s beautiful face. If she was his beckon on Earth and the Fae realm, she would continue to guide him in the pit of darkness.

  Lugus continued to put one foot in front of the other, periodically calling out to Theron. When the weight became too unbearable, Lugus braced his hands against his knees and tried to take in huge gulps of air. He feared if he sat or fell to the ground that he would never rise again.

  “Ahryn,” he whispered. “I don’t want to fail.”


  His heart nearly stopped when he heard her voice. He raised up and opened his eyes, straining into the darkness.


  In the distance off to the right he heard his name again. Without hesitation, he followed her voice, praying it led him to Theron.

  “Don’t stop, Ahryn. Don’t stop.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Ahryn sat in the middle of her bed with her legs crossed and tucked up beneath her. She had asked Tane to tell her what the Realm of Shadows was like and after hearing of the awful darkness and eerie silence, she knew she had to help Lugus somehow.

  She didn’t know if it would work and having never tried it herself, she wasn’t sure she knew how to do it properly. But she was going to try.

  Several years ago she had come upon an ancient text in her grandfather’s library that spoke of Fae reaching out to others on different realms. It had stayed with her, and now she knew why.

  She closed her eyes and cleared her mind of everything--save Lugus. Using all of her limited powers, she concentrated on Lugus. After several attempts she was about to give up with a shiver down her spine alerted her that she might have found him.

  Desolation, emptiness and fear surrounded her, and she called out his name.

  The emotions weakened, and she inhaled a deep breath. She had found him, now she had to find Theron and lead Lugus to him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Lugus followed the voice for what seemed like an eternity. He didn’t know if he had finally gone mad or if Ahryn was somehow helping him.

  Either way, he had no other options.

  Suddenly the voice was gone, leaving him alone in the shadows once more. The anguish nearly drowned him.

  “Ahryn, please,” he begged, needing to hear her voice.

  He took a step to the left, listening. Nothing. He took a step to the right and listened. Yet only emptiness reached his ears. He took a step forward and entangled his feet in something and fell flat on his face.

  With a groan, Lugus turned onto his back. His face blazed with agony and his skull felt as though hundreds of tiny little men hammered away inside. He moved to sit up when his hand touched flesh.

  His breath lodged in his throat as he reached forward and touched the fabric of a Fae.

  “Theron,” he whispered and searched for his brother’s face.

  He rolled Theron onto his back and found his breath shallow and his heartbeat slow.

  “I’ll return you home, brother,” he said as he reached for the water.

  Using one hand near Theron’s lips and the other holding the water, Lugus slowly poured a little into his brother’s mouth.

  “Theron? Theron, wake up,” he demanded as he patted his brother’s face.

  Using his hands as guides, he found Theron’s shoulders and shook. But no amount of shaking woke his brother.

  Lugus sat back on his heels as he realized his plan to stay in the Realm of Shadows as his own form of punishment was now out of his hands. If Theron couldn’t wake up, he couldn’t walk into the portal himself. He would have to be carried.

  By Lugus.

  Lugus’ heart leapt at the idea of seeing and holding Ahryn again. He had no doubt that she would understand why he had gone without telling her. But what concerned him was that he knew it would be near impossible to leave her, and leave her he must. Regardless of what she said, he mustn’t stay.

  With a deep sigh, Lugus bent down and pulled Theron onto his shoulder. After he adjusted Theron, Lugus touched his tattoo of the horse to summon the portal.

  It took several tries before he was actually able to find the tattoo on his forearm as he spoke the words. The whoosh as the portal opened and light poured in around him was a welcome relief. Even knowing he was about to experience blinding pain, he welcomed the light and sound.

  His only thought as he stepped through the portal was Ahryn.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ahryn’s head jerked off her grandfather’s shoulder as the loud whoosh surrounded them as the portal opened. Out of the corner of her she saw Rufina, Aimery and Tane gather near her as they waited for who would step through the doorway.

  They didn’t have long to wait.

  Lugus came tumbling out of the doorway, holding Theron on his shoulders. She watched as Tane and Aimery tried to catch both Lugus and Theron. Aimery was able to catch hold of Theron as Lugus hit the floor with a bone-jarring thud.

  She rushed to his side, tears of joy blinding her vision. Her hands touched his face and saw his eyes closed and tight lines of pain around his mouth.

  “Lugus?” she asked as she leaned close. She raised her gaze to see everyone surrounding Theron. Lugus had risked his life for their king, the least they could do was see if he was injured.

  “Someone help,” she yelled.

  Tane quickly rose to his feet and moved to Lugus’ other side. He ran his hands down his legs and arms as if looking for something. Ahryn didn’t know what to make of it, but when Tane’s expression grew grim, she knew it wasn’t good.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  Copper eyes rose to hers. “He has a broken leg, and I think his ribs might be bruised or even fractured.”

  “Then someone needs to fix him,” she said as anger began to boil within her. She turned her head and watched as Theron was carried out of the chamber, Rufina and Aimery rushing behind him.

  Ahryn brushed aside tears that wouldn’t cease as she turned back to Tane. “Fix him,” she demanded.

  Tane glanced away. “His injuries aren’t severe, Ahryn. He can wait. I must see to your king.”

  “Nay,” she said and grabbed hold of Tane’s arm. “Theron has many who will see to him. I need you. Lugus needs you.”

  For a tense moment, she was afraid she would be left alone with Lugus, then Tane gave a quick nod.

  “All right. I will help you,” he said. “First, we need to get him to his chamber.”

  “I’ll see to that,” Aimery said as he strode up. He looked at Ahryn. “We didn’t forget about him.”

  She wasn’t going to argue the point, not when they were helping now. It took several of the guards to lift Lugus and when he moaned as they shifted him, Ahryn winced, wishing she could take away his pain.

  “Ahryn,” her grandfather said from beside her.

  She tried to give him a smile. “He’s returned. I must see to him.”

  “I’ll see to your parents,” her grandfather said as he turned and left the throne room.

  Ahryn rushed after Lugus, anxious to be near him. When they reached his room, she held open the door and hurried to his bedside as the guards lowered him.

  “I see a bruise on his face,” Aimery said as he came to stand beside Ahryn.

  Tane nodded. “A bruise, fractured ribs and a broken leg that I’ve noted so far.”

  “Anything more serious?” Aimery questioned.

  “I won’t know until after I see to him.”

  Aimery looked down at Lugus before he said, “Tend to Lugus. If we need you, I will send for you.”

  Ahryn waited until Aimery left before she reached for Lugus’ hand. “He looks to be in pain.”
br />   “That’s because he is. You, having only been immortal, don’t know the depths of pain that mortal men can reach.”

  She swallowed and gently moved aside a lock of blonde hair that fell over his forehead. “Can you stop the pain?”

  Tane nodded and turned to speak to the guards. Ahryn didn’t care what he asked for as long as it helped Lugus. She couldn’t believe Lugus had returned, but she wouldn’t question her fortune. The fact that he was alive and she was holding him was enough.

  “Lugus,” she whispered just before she placed a soft kiss on his lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Lugus felt the gentle caress on his cheek and turned towards it. As he began to wake, pain crept its gnarled fingers along his body.

  He tried to take a deep breath and paid dearly with a vicious slice of pain that wracked him.

  “Be still,” someone whispered in his ear.

  He knew that voice. Ahryn. Slowly, he opened his eyes to find her smiling down at him.

  “How do you feel?”

  He opened his mouth but thought better of speaking and gave her a small grunt instead.

  “Tane has been healing you all day. Does your leg hurt?”

  Lugus moved his right leg and felt no pain, but when he moved his left leg he felt a dull ache, as though a bone had been healed. He raised his eyes to Ahryn.

  “You’re leg was broke. It must have happened when you fell out of the gateway.”

  Lugus swallowed and felt a twinge on his right cheek. Dimly he remembered tripping over Theron and landing on his face, but he hadn’t thought he had hurt it that bad.

  “I see you’re awake,” Tane said as he stepped next to the bed. “How do you feel?”

  Lugus closed his eyes and wished he could go back to sleep. His throat felt like a ball of needles had lodged itself, he could barely take a breath without feeling pain, his face hurt and there was a dull but constant ache in his leg. The last thing he wanted to do was talk.

  “I suppose that means you’ve felt better,” Tane responded sarcastically.

  If Lugus had felt up to it, he might have rolled his eyes. Instead, he opened his eyes and found Tane studying him.

  “As I’m sure you already know, you have some injuries,” Tane explained. “You had a broken leg that I managed to heal as best I could. You will still have some pain there for a few weeks as the bone fully heals, but you will be able to walk on it by the end of the day.”

  Lugus gave him a silent nod of thanks.

  “Somehow your face became scraped. I applied an ointment to it a few hours ago which will deaden the pain and speed the healing. There will be no permanent scars. As for your last injury, your ribs are either bruised or fractured. I didn’t feel any broken though.”

  Lugus reached over and touched Tane’s arm in thanks. He hadn’t expected anyone to see to him and the fact that Tane had helped showed Lugus what kind of man the Draconian was.

  “You’re welcome,” Tane said. “Do you have any other injuries I don’t know about?”

  Lugus nodded and touched his throat.

  “Ah,” Tane replied and quickly turned his back to them as he busied himself at a table.

  Lugus felt Ahryn’s eyes on him, and for once since he’d awoken, he was glad he couldn’t speak. He knew she wanted answers, he could see it in her mystical blue eyes. But she held her tongue.

  “I’m glad you’re back,” she whispered as she kissed his uninjured cheek.

  He looped his fingers through hers and gave a gentle squeeze. Already he could feel his resolve slipping to leave and he had only just returned. Being near her made him think there just might be hope for him.

  Tane lowered a goblet in front of him. “Drink this,” he said.

  With Ahryn and Tane both helping him lift his head, Lugus was able to get all of the sweet tasting water down. Almost immediately the pain left his throat.

  “What did you do?” he asked.

  Tane simply smiled and shrugged his shoulder. “The Fae aren’t the only ones with special healing skills.”

  “Is Theron...?” Lugus couldn’t even bring himself to ask.

  Ahryn nodded. “Theron is being seen to.”

  “Has he woken?”

  Lugus watched as Ahryn raised her head to Tane. Tane sighed and went back to the table.

  “He will,” Lugus said. He knew the healing skills of the Fae. He might have returned Theron, but the Fae would bring back the man.

  “Let’s see to you now,” Tane said and lifted the sheet from Lugus’ torso. “This might hurt a little.”

  Lugus squeezed his eyes closed as Tane’s hands touched the injured ribs. Every breath that left his body was like a dagger in his lungs.

  “Easy,” Tane said softly.

  “He’s nearly done,” Ahryn whispered in his ear and splayed her fingers in his hair.

  Her fingers gently rubbed his scalp, helping to ease the anguish. Slowly, Lugus relaxed and as he did, he found it easier to breathe.

  “In a few days you will feel no pain in your ribs. There was just bruising and I healed them.”

  Lugus peeled open his eyes as sleep called to him. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Aye, you do.”

  Lugus wanted to ask what Tane meant, but his eyes wouldn’t open and sleep began to pull him under.

  “What did you do?” Ahryn asked as she looked at Lugus.

  Tane sighed. “He needs to rest. To fully heal he needs to sleep and with everything going on, I knew he would struggle against it. I just made sure he couldn’t fight it.”

  Ahryn gazed at Lugus so peaceful in his sleep. She had wanted to be near him when he woke, and after long hours of him never stirring it brought tears to her eyes when he finally looked at her.

  “You need to rest yourself,” Tane said softly.

  “I won’t leave him.” She would never leave him.

  Tane came down on his haunches beside her chair and touched her shoulder. “Ahryn, you are as exhausted as Lugus. He is healing and once he wakes he will be nearly back to normal.”

  “Then what?” she asked and turned to look deep into his copper eyes. “What lies ahead for us, Tane? I know you see it.”

  Tane bowed his head and sighed deeply. “If it was that easy I would tell you, but it isn’t. Your grandfather waits for you even now, Ahryn. Go to him.”

  Ahryn didn’t wish to leave Lugus, but she knew with Tane in his chamber all would be well. She wouldn’t admit to anyone else but herself that she was afraid he would leave again. If she could only talk to him, let him know that no matter what he had done in the past, she would love him for eternity.

  “All right,” she said and released Lugus’ hand. “You will watch over him?”

  Tane nodded.

  With one last look at Lugus, she walked from the room and into her grandfather’s arms.

  ~ ~ ~

  Tane released his breath as Ahryn closed the door behind her. He sank onto the chair she had just vacated and looked to Lugus.

  “I don’t envy you the road ahead, my friend,” he said.

  Despite what he had originally thought, he had come to think of Lugus and Ahryn as friends. Lugus was a good man, and he didn’t know if their roles had been reversed if he could have controlled the power Lugus had once held.

  Power in the strongest of men had a way of turning their hearts black, yet it hadn’t touched Lugus. Instead, he had come out stronger than before.

  It was the reason Tane knew Lugus was just the man he needed.

  He rose and began to pack the herbs he had requested from the Fae. He was more than a bit surprised that Aimery hadn’t come to check on Lugus, since Lugus was the rightful king of the Fae no matter if he was mortal or not.

  Tane chuckled when he happened to get a glimpse of Aimery’s future, which would not be as orderly as the Fae commander wanted.

  “Oh, how the mighty do crumble at the feet of love,” Tane mumbled.

  Once the table was cleaned
, he turned to the balcony and looked out over the gleaming city. It was a beautiful city, but not even its beauty could dim his longing to return to Draconian. And return he must. A traitor had to be found before he wrought more damage.

  Tane glanced at Lugus. Already the cuts on his face were healing, leaving only pink skin that would soon fade as well. His gaze found the tattoos on Lugus’ arms.

  How had Lugus not known the significance of the special marks and how they would rule his life regardless of where he made his home?

  The gentle flap of wings startled him out of his thoughts, and as he turned to the opened balcony he spotted the small brown dragon just before it perched on the railing.

  Tane smiled and walked to the dragon. “What brings you here?” he asked.

  The small dragon cocked his oblong head to the side as he regarded Tane with copper eyes. He tucked his wings against him and laid his spiked tail over the railing. The dragon had two horns on his forehead that twisted outward and several tiny rows of spikes on his back.

  “Ah, you’re a pretty one,” Tane cooed.

  The dragon blinked and then held out his front paw. Without hesitation Tane reached out as the dragon dropped a gold coin in his hand. Tane looked at the coin to see two intertwining black dragons. It was from his brethren.

  When Tane raised his head to thank the dragon, he had already flown away.

  “Thank you, my friend,” he whispered into the wind before turning back to the coin

  He walked into Lugus’ room and closed the balcony doors. Only then did he grip the coin between two fingers and hold it before him.

  At once a bright light poured from the coin and a miniature figure became visible. Tane was startled to see Viggo before him. A gnawing fear began in the pit of Tane’s stomach. Only in the direst of circumstances would Viggo send out a message that might be intercepted.


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