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Don't Drink the Holy Water

Page 13

by Bailey Bradford

  Axel was sure of his answer, but he wanted time with the kids for them to get to know him before it was a done deal.

  West nodded, as if he knew what Axel was thinking.

  For that matter, maybe he did. Axel was fairly certain he was besotted with West, and the man couldn’t miss it.

  “The kids,” he said, just in case there was any doubt. He wouldn’t want to hurt West regardless.

  West nodded once. “And I want to date you before we tell Herve our answer.”

  That sounded like a perfect plan to Axel.

  Chapter Thirty

  Desperation really was a great inspiration. West had to let go of his insecurities and go for what he wanted—a lifetime shared with someone he was growing to love. If he were honest, that emotion was already there, a small, growing seed that was pushing at the heavy ground covering it.

  There was some symbolism he couldn’t miss. His fear and past were the things that would cause that burgeoning love to falter if he wasn’t careful. West would be very, very careful with Axel. The way he saw it, he could either keep letting his past control him, own him, or he could break free of that crap and really live.

  He was going with that last one.

  So he took the week he had and spent every moment he could with Axel, doing just what he’d vowed to do. Much to his surprise—and possibly to Axel’s—West had learned that he had quite a romantic side to him. He wasn’t quite the type to serenade his love outside the window, but he did like to whisper sweet words in Axel’s ears.

  Fortunately, Axel was pretty romantic himself, and he’d extended his stay in Portland. They still hadn’t decided what he’d do about his career, and West was afraid to press him on the subject. On the one hand, Axel was in his prime. On the other hand…West wouldn’t be able to survive without him for very long once they became mates, and traveling all over the world was impossible for him.

  That one wrench in his life’s plan kept him stymied and wrestling with guilt. It wasn’t like he was trying to trick Axel, though. Axel was aware of what becoming a mate to West would entail. While Axel seemed very willing, West worried he wasn’t thinking of what he’d lose.

  “Flowers? How charming.”

  West blinked then looked at the mixed bouquet he’d hand-picked. Red carnations were for love, yellow irises for passion, white calla lilies for beauty and magnificence, and gladiolas for honor and faithfulness. He’d had them all wrapped in an elegant blue and purple tissue paper with a pretty twine bow topping it all off.

  And now he was standing there holding the bouquet, lost in his own head space, while Herve watched him with one eyebrow quirking higher by the second.

  “Um.” Well, wasn’t he eloquent? West wanted to close his eyes but he forced himself to get over being embarrassed. “I selected each one specifically for Axel.” He was going to be proud of it too.

  Herve smiled. “As I said, how charming. He’ll be impressed. Is he any closer to his decision? Tomorrow I will require an answer.”

  West nodded. “I know. I…” He gulped but pressed on. “Can he really not have a little longer? He has a career—”

  Herve’s expression said it all.

  West nodded again. “I don’t want him to hate me because he has to give it up.”

  Herve sighed as if he were disappointed with him.

  West tried not to cringe.

  “West, stop looking like I’m about to kick you,” Herve said firmly. “Tell me why Axel can’t have a career if he’s your mate? Granted, he’d have to end it when the average athlete would, but until then, what’s to prevent him from competing nearby or perhaps even starting his own event here? He could also teach others to sandboard. I’m sure the coven would vote to invest in such a business. We do like to diversify our income.”

  West knew he was gawking at Herve, but really, he felt like a moron for not considering any of those options.

  “You can tell him about this discussion,” Herve prodded. “If you ever leave and meet up with him tonight.”

  “He’s coming over here,” West said distractedly, thinking about the possibilities just laid out to him. “Axel likes seeing the kids in the mornings. And evenings. He only went out to see Jukie and Yolanda. He should be back any minute now.”

  “Ah, his human friend with the drug issue,” Herve murmured. “Has he regained consciousness?”

  West almost asked why Herve would care, but the fact was, Herve did care because Axel was likely going to be joining the coven. And Herve wasn’t a heartless asshole.

  “No. It’s not looking good, either,” West replied. “The longer he’s out, the less likely the chances are of him ever coming out of the coma, the doctor said.”

  Herve tutted and gently patted West’s shoulder. “Well, but miracles do happen.” Then he winked and left West standing in the hall, holding the flowers.

  West shook his head, more to get himself into the present instead of letting his mind wander. He had a big night planned for Axel. West touched the left pocket of his pressed black slacks. He should have been nervous, but he wasn’t. The guilt at having to ask Axel to give up his career had been assuaged a great deal.

  Now it was time for him to ramp up the courting to a whole new level. He had the promise of Axel’s career continuing, the gorgeous bouquet, and a question he intended to ask Axel, very soon.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  After thinking everything over thoroughly, Axel asked West to meet him at their bench instead of going to West’s apartment. It seemed romantic and perfect for the occasion. Even so, Axel was aware that he was taking a big step, an irreversible one.

  Was he really going to give up everything for West? Axel felt like he should be panicking over the immediate yes that popped into his head. What did he really have to give up, anyway?

  Well, his career, but that would come to an end in a few years. Sandboarding was a young man’s sport, and while Axel loved it, he was realistic.

  If he didn’t injure himself, he had another five to seven years of competing in him, and there was a damned good chance the last half of those years wouldn’t see him winning often, if at all.

  Five to seven years of a sport he loved, versus a lifetime without the man he loved? Axel had never considered himself anywhere near being a genius, but he didn’t have to be to know what the right choice was.

  He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.

  Axel made sure his shirt was neatly tucked in. He fidgeted with the belt buckle, feeling awkward in the dress clothes he’d put on. He hardly ever bothered to wear anything other than jeans or shorts. Part of the reason he’d slipped away on his own for a few hours today was to buy something nicer.

  Now he kind of felt like an idiot. “Stop it,” Axel scolded himself, glaring at his reflection. Huh. He looked way studly when he did that. Axel tried on a few more expressions then laughed at himself. He ran his hands over his cheeks and chin, down his neck, checking to make sure he hadn’t missed any stubble. Damn it, he wanted to look sexy for West.

  Axel finally stopped primping and tucked his wallet in his back pocket before leaving the room. He strode to the elevator and was downstairs in a matter of about a minute. The lobby was a little crowded and Axel was aware that he received a few appreciative looks. They were a little boost to his ego, but in the end, the only person’s approval he wanted was West’s.

  Outside, the night air carried the hint of a chill. If the temperature dropped a few more degrees, Axel would start shivering. He contemplated going back up for his jacket but a check of his watch throttled the idea. West was due to arrive at any time.

  Axel walked to the bench and took a seat. He grimaced when his butt landed on the cold cement. “Damn.” There were just some parts you didn’t want getting cold.

  Of course he warmed up through and through when he spotted West. The streetlights didn’t dim his attractiveness at all, didn’t cast shadows under his eyes and make West look haggard like they tended to do everyone else.
  Axel was close to drooling while he watched West’s lean body, the movement of his hips, the slight swing of his arms. Axel wasn’t anywhere near to being chilled now.

  West locked gazes with him. The electrical current of attraction throbbed between them, connecting Axel and West with invisible bonds. Axel’s throat went dry as need swelled within him.

  It registered that West was also wearing slacks and a nice button-up shirt. He held a bouquet of pink and white flowers in one hand. The evening was important to him, too, and Axel wondered if West felt the same need to impress as he did. Probably so. They were very attuned to each other.

  If Axel had been harboring any doubts about his decision, they’d have been smashed to smithereens then. There wasn’t a single cell in his body that thought he was making the wrong choice.

  He stood as West drew near. Axel’s heart couldn’t beat any faster or he’d pass out. This moment was huge, bigger than his first competition, bigger than his first win. He needed West, wanted him, wouldn’t risk losing him, ever.

  West stopped in front of him. “Axel,” he murmured. He held up the bouquet. “For you.”

  “Thank you.” Axel took them, sniffed, and smiled. “They smell wonderful. But, I need both hands, so…” He set the flowers on the bench.

  West reached for him, resting one hand on Axel’s hip, the other gripping his nape.

  Axel went willingly forward, pressing his front to West’s as West kissed him.

  Hunger, lust, love, hope—it all tangled into a hot, bright river flowing through Axel. He held on to West and moaned as his mouth was plundered. Axel’s dick grew erect in a matter of seconds and he rocked his hips against West’s. The answering thick bulge he felt made him tremble with desire.

  Then West gentled the kiss, his lips caressing instead of pressing, his tongue sweet instead of demanding. Axel tried to get closer, wanted to crawl right into the man and stay with him forever.

  West sucked on his bottom lip and rubbed the hand on Axel’s hip in small circles.

  The tenderness West was displaying moved Axel in a way nothing else ever had. He wasn’t just a fuck, a meal, or a convenience. West loved him, all the way down to his soul.

  Axel felt as close to crying as he ever had. He willed the tears back. He’d never understood what tears of joy were until that moment.

  Then West startled him by stepping away and nudging Axel back a step.

  “What—” Axel began, only to lose the ability to speak when West dropped down to one knee. He held a pretty silver velvet box in one hand.

  Axel swayed. He’d expected—not this.

  “Axel Majors,” West began, his voice clear and firm as he looked up at Axel. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?” West opened the box and displayed the thick gold band.

  Axel had expected to be asked about his decision, to be accepted as a mate. But this? This he hadn’t even contemplated.

  And he’d never known how much he wanted it until that moment.

  But his voice squeaked and he had to clear his throat. Axel licked his lips and tried again. “Yes. Yes, I will.”

  All around them, clapping and shouts rang out. Axel hadn’t been aware of an audience, and even though he couldn’t miss the fact that they had one now, they were only there in a peripheral manner to him.

  Because everything was West—the brilliant smile, the shining eyes, the smooth glide to both feet as he reached for Axel once again.

  And the sweet, powerful kiss they shared standing beside their bench.


  “No, you do it like this,” Sadie said rather loudly to Cleo.

  West beamed as his sisters, walking side by side down the aisle, scattered rose petals all over. They were wearing matching pink dresses, and Vera had styled their hair in fancy buns decorated with pink and white flowers. They were breathtaking, and West was so full of joy he felt like it must be shining out of every pore.

  He looked at Axel, standing beside him. There was an abundance of love in the gaze they shared. West took Axel’s hand and turned with him to watch as the girls made their way up the aisle, followed by Case and Joseph.

  The boys carried the rings and smirked as they waved at people, as if they were in a parade rather than a wedding. Axel’s snicker was almost silent.

  West couldn’t possibly have been any happier than he was in that moment. He had his love, his family, and his coven with him. Granted, that last one might have once terrified him or pissed him off, but now it added a layer of security to his life.

  There were even some vamps and people there from his first coven. Claude and Abernathy, Augustine and Tony, just to name a few of them.

  And of course, Augustine gave a wolf-whistle that made everyone’s ears ring.

  Claude shushed him. Augustine winked then gave West and Axel two thumbs up.

  Herve cleared his throat.

  West and Axel faced him. They’d gone for traditional with their vows—to a point. The obeying part wasn’t going to work for either of them.

  “We are gathered here this evening…” Herve began, his voice strong and clear.

  No, no obeying. But the rest? To love, honor and cherish? “Yes,” West said when it was his time to speak. “I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, Axel Majors, for eternity.”

  Axel’s eyes welled and he made his vows. In another minute, they were wed.

  When West kissed his husband, the shouts that rang out from the guests were likely heard throughout Portland. West cupped Axel’s nape and framed his jaw with his other hand.

  Sweet and tender, the kiss sealed their vows to each another.

  “That’s so gross,” Joseph muttered.

  “You’re gross!” Sadie’s voice was quite loud.

  West and Axel parted, both immediately seeking to prevent a squabble.

  “Nuh-uh, girls are gross,” Joseph said vehemently. “You all have cooties!”

  “You’ll all have a week without TV if you decide to continue arguing,” West informed them, trying very hard not to laugh.

  Sadie humphed, and Joseph gave him a belligerent look before huffing. “Boys are better. You think so too.”

  “I could just ground you,” West told him. “Sadie stopped.”

  “Because girls are smarter!” Sadie threw a rose petal at Joseph then ran down the aisle with Cleo, both girls giggling like mad.

  Joseph stuck his tongue out at them. “Come on, Case, we can run faster than them!”

  West and Axel spent a good ten minutes accepting congratulations, then they all moved into the reception hall.

  It was a good evening, filled with love and laughter, but by midnight, West was ready for the festivities to end.

  “We could sneak away,” Axel suggested, waggling his eyebrows. “That’d be rude, though.”

  “Or we could dance again.” West liked that option, too, and he really liked the way the suggestion pleased Axel.

  With the lights dimmed and the kids in bed, West and Axel didn’t have to do anything but enjoy each other as they moved on the dance floor with several other couples. “Take me into your loving arms,” West sang softly to Axel. “Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.”

  Axel pressed closer against him. West sighed contentedly. There had never been a more perfect moment in his life.

  The song ended, and Herve picked up the microphone. “We need to let the newlyweds have their night together. West, Axel, we shall continue to celebrate here while you two celebrate in private.”

  The salacious way Herve said that last bit had everyone laughing.

  West and Axel waved and blushed at the catcalls they received as they left the reception hall. It was a short trip up to the rooms they had for the night, and since the kids were being watched by some of the coven members, West didn’t have to worry about his private time with Axel being interrupted.

  The door had been decorated with banners and streamers. West laughed along with Axel, then they were fina
lly inside, alone, and West was done waiting.

  So was Axel, because he had West pushed against the door and was kissing the breath out of him a second after the door closed.

  West scrambled to get Axel’s jacket off. They had on entirely too many clothes. Tuxes looked nice and all, but they were damned complicated to get out of when all he could think about was how much he wanted Axel.

  Axel was just as desperate to get to him.

  West had to nudge him back a little before they both screamed in frustration. “You get yours off, I’ll get mine.”

  Axel nodded. “But—bedroom.” He grabbed West’s hand.

  West felt younger than he had in ages as he and Axel ran to the bedroom. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble in there. Electric candles lent a sensuous ambiance to the room, as did the rose petals scattered about.

  But nothing could compare to Axel as he began removing his clothes.

  West kicked off his shoes, staring at Axel. He took off his own clothing without tearing his gaze away from Axel’s fine form.

  Axel was naked first, and he slowly stroked his own cock while he watched West. “God, you’re fine,” Axel murmured. “So fucking fine.”

  “No, you.” Well, coherence wasn’t important. West couldn’t think past the need rising up inside him. It was stronger than he’d ever experienced before. Maybe because Axel was his in more than just the vamp way.

  And he was Axel’s.

  West’s fangs were already dropping when he shed the last piece of clothing. He held a hand out to Axel. “Make love with me.” He felt kind of corny saying it, but it was what he wanted, and he’d never be ashamed of wanting Axel.

  Axel stopped stroking himself and instead took West’s hand. “Gladly. I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

  West licked his lips, nervous and turned on. “Can we— Would you want to— I mean—” Boy, he was going to strangle on his own words!

  Axel’s eyes widened. “You want me to top?” he asked hoarsely.

  West bobbed his head. “Yes?” And tried again. “Yes. I do. If you want to.”


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