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Fortune's Perfect Valentine

Page 14

by Stella Bagwell

Bending his head, he whispered against her ear, “Finally. I have you alone—exactly where I want you.”

  Goose bumps raced over her skin as his teeth nibbled at her earlobe. “We were just together. On your desk. Or have you forgotten?”

  His low, sexy chuckle fanned the side of her face. “I won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.”

  He began to bunch the lower part of her dress in his hands, and her breath caught in her throat as the fabric slowly inched upward until it was gathered around her waist. Then one hand slipped between her thighs, and his finger stroked the aching flesh covered by the silky fabric of her panties.

  “Wes. Oh, I didn’t know I could want you this much! Not—so soon! We were just together in your office.”

  Her voice was so thick with desire it sounded strange to her own ears, but Wes didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy stroking her, teasing her to the point of torturous pleasure.

  “You’re going to feel a whole lot more, my sweet Viv. I’m going to make sure of that. This time is going to be slow and special. So—very—special.”

  With each syllable, he moved her backward, until her legs were pressed against the side of the bed. Once there, he wasted no time in pulling her dress over her head. Then, slowly and purposely, he removed her undergarments.

  As he placed the bundle of clothing into a chair near the foot of the bed, it dawned on Vivian that she’d never been so completely naked in front of any man before. A month ago, the idea that she’d be standing without a stitch of clothing in the middle of Wes’s bedroom would have been nothing more than a far-fetched fantasy. A laughable one, at that. And yet tonight, she was amazed at how right and natural it felt for his gaze to devour the sight of her.

  Standing in front of her, he weighed her breasts in his palms, then skimmed his hands downward over the curve of her hips. “I didn’t expect you to be this gorgeous, Viv. All those years—I never dreamed your skin would be so soft—your lips would taste so good. So good.”

  As though saying the words intensified his thirst, he bent his head and captured her mouth with his.

  Vivian emitted a helpless groan as every bone in her body melted. Each muscle quivered weakly as she succumbed to the wild magic his kiss was wielding over her.

  Longing to experience his bare skin, she tugged the tails of his shirt from the waistband of his trousers and thrust her hands beneath the finely woven cotton. The fiery heat of his flesh seared her fingers as she traced the tips over his flat stomach and up and down the faint bumps of his ribs.

  The more her hands roamed over his torso, the more she could feel him leaning into her, deepening the kiss until the need for air was causing her head to spin at an even dizzier rate.

  Finally, his lips gave hers a reprieve, and as she gulped in long breaths, her fingers went to work on the buttons of his shirt.

  “I think it’s time I make this fair play and get you out of your clothing, too,” she whispered.


  Wes stood motionless as Vivian slowly undressed him. Starting with his shirt and tie, she traveled on to his belt, trousers and finally his shoes. Once she’d tossed the black wingtips over to join her discarded high heels, she straightened and reached for the band on his navy-blue boxers. By then his insides were already simmering and his arousal achingly apparent.

  With her hand outside the thin fabric, she touched him there, moving her fingertips against his hard shaft in a caress that sent agonizing pleasure rifling through his loins.

  “Viv!” he choked out her name. “This is—more than I can take!”

  Brushing her hands aside, he quickly removed the last piece of clothing. Then, with his hands at her waist, he lifted her onto the high four-poster and followed after her.

  As soon he stretched out next to her, she rolled toward him and curled her arm around his waist. He immediately shifted onto his side so that they were lying face to face and his free hand could access the curve of her hip.

  “This isn’t right,” she murmured as she planted a series of kisses across his chest.

  Wes dug his fingers into her hair and, with his nose nuzzling her forehead, combed them through the long strands. She smelled like sunshine, flowers and woman. His woman.

  “What isn’t right? Being in my bed? We can go to a guest room if that would make you feel more comfortable.”

  The soft chuckle she emitted caused her warm breath to skitter across his skin, and Wes decided it was as seductive as the touch of her fingers.

  “Whether we’re in this bed or one down the hall—it doesn’t matter. What isn’t right is the way you’re making me want you. I feel like a jezebel.”

  “Mmm. You feel like an angel to me.”

  “You better take a look at my back,” she whispered. “You won’t find any wings there.”

  “Maybe not, honey, but you can still fly me up to heaven.”

  Tilting her head back, she looked at him, and Wes was suddenly struck by the tenderness he spotted in the hazel depths of her eyes. He’d not expected that from her. But then, he’d not expected all this fire and passion, either. Wes realized he was just beginning to peel back the multiple layers of Vivian Blair, and so far everything he’d uncovered was a new delight.

  “You’re delirious,” she mouthed against his lips.

  “Yeah. And it’s about time you cured me.”

  He kissed her until she was moaning deep in her throat and her hands were digging into his shoulders. Then, rolling onto his back, he pulled her on top of him.

  With no hesitation, she positioned her knees on either side of his waist and slowly lowered herself over his hard arousal. Inch by inch, her soft flesh consumed him, and the pleasure surrounding him was so great it was practically unbearable.

  Unable to wait, he grabbed her bottom and jerked her downward. She growled with desire and then, tossing her hair back from her face, she bent and placed her mouth on his. Instantly, Wes thrust his tongue past her lips at the same time he arched his hips and drove himself deep inside her.

  Vivian began to move furiously against him, and in a matter of seconds, Wes ceased to think. All he could do was hang on to her and wait for the fiery desire to consume him.

  He had no idea if minutes or hours had passed when he felt her velvety bands tighten around him and heard her choked cries of relief. He wanted the ecstasy to continue. To go on and on. But her climax was all it took to nudge him over the edge. And before he could stop it, he was falling into a dreamy abyss.

  He was still trying to gather his senses when she lifted her face from his shoulder and glanced around, as though she’d just realized where she was. Wes wasn’t surprised by her reaction. He was just now recognizing the walls of his own bedroom.

  “Oh. Sorry,” she said. “I must be squashing you.”

  He anchored an arm across her back to prevent her from climbing off him. “You don’t need to go anywhere,” he said huskily. “I like you right here. Like this.”

  A gentle smile curved her lips. Then, with a sigh that was almost too poignant for him to bear, she lowered her head and pressed a kiss to his damp cheek.

  Wes tucked her head in the crook of his shoulder, then stroked a hand over her hair. He’d never felt so satiated, so complete, in his life. And the realization was completely terrifying.

  He’d not only broken his rule never to bring a woman home with him, but also put her in his own bed. And even worse, he wanted to keep her there.

  “You know, I don’t think we’ve eaten,” she said after a moment.

  “I hadn’t noticed.” His hand traced gentle circles upon her back. “But if you’re hungry, I’ll have something delivered.”

  That was enough to have her scooting off him and sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. “Are you kidding? Surely you have something in the refrigerator to snack on!”

  “Probably. I just wanted to treat you with a nice dinner.”

  A frown pulled her brows together. “For services rendered, I suppose.”
r />   She started to slip off the bed, but before that happened, Wes managed to catch her and tug her back to his side.

  “Why would you say such an awful thing?” he asked.

  Her gaze drifted to a shadowy spot on the far side of the room and, as Wes took in her solemn profile, he felt an odd pain shoot through the middle of his chest.

  What the hell is wrong with you, Wes? Having sex with a woman shouldn’t be making you all soppy and soft-hearted. You’ve never really cared what your bed partners thought about Wes Robinson, the man. It shouldn’t matter to you now.

  No. But damn it, it did matter to him, Wes thought grimly.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” She looked at him, her expression rueful. “But you and me—there’s a huge chasm between us and—”

  “I’m not going to allow you to continue with that sort of nonsense. I told you earlier that my wealth, home or lifestyle has nothing to do with us. And you’re not just insulting me with such a comment. You’re also demeaning yourself.”

  She rested her head on the pillow next to his, their faces only inches apart.

  “This is all new for me, Wes. I’ve never been like this with a man like you.”

  “And I’ve never been like this with any woman. Especially one like you. But I think we’ll figure it all out. In fact, I’m more than eager to see how we fit together. And if tonight is any indication, I’ll go out on a limb and predict the fit will be perfect.”

  She groaned. “Please, Wes, don’t say that word. Right now I don’t want to think about My Perfect Match. It seems rather superfluous now.”

  He tossed a corner of the bedclothes over their naked bodies, then pulled her close against him. “Yes. But it’s our work. And we don’t want the whole thing to implode. That’s why we have to be cautious about being seen together in public.”

  After a stretch of silence, she said, “You’re right. So I suppose I should take a taxi home tonight. That way, if the media are lurking around, expecting you to meet an app date, they won’t see you taking me home.”

  He buried his face in the side of her silky hair. “You can take a taxi to work in the morning. Tonight you’re staying here with me.”

  She reared her head back enough to look at him. “All night?”

  “All night.”

  “But Wes—”

  He prevented the rest of her protest by pressing his lips to hers. “No arguments. Or I won’t let you raid my refrigerator,” he teased.

  Her lips smiled against his. “And what if I tell you I like breakfast in bed?”

  “Then we’ll have breakfast right here. Together.”


  Shortly before lunch the next day, Vivian was busy at her desk when a delivery boy showed up at the entrance of her cubicle with two dozen red roses arranged in a crystal vase.

  Even though she’d spent an incredible night with Wes, and even though he’d come through with his promise of giving her breakfast in bed, she’d not expected flowers from him. And before she’d opened the small card stuck within the greenery, she’d expected to find the sender to be an app date, one whom she’d gone out with after the dating site had become available for public purchase.

  But she’d guessed wrong, and now each time she glanced away from her work to the gorgeous bouquet, her heart did a little flip.

  “Wow! Wow! When did you get those?”

  Vivian turned away from her computer to see Justine hurrying over to the roses. No doubt her friend would be stunned if she knew Wes had actually sent the bouquet.

  “A few minutes ago. Beautiful, aren’t they?”

  “I’ll say. These aren’t your cheap run-of-the-mill grocery store roses. So who’s the romantic guy? One of your app dates?”

  Avoiding Justine’s gaze, Vivian looked down at some scribbled notes lying in front of her. “Uh—I guess you could call him that.”

  Being her usual nosy self, Justine plucked up the small card and read aloud, “To my perfect Valentine, W.” She looked slyly over to Vivian. “W? Come on, what’s his name?”

  She snatched at the first thing that came to her mind. “Wayne. He—er, works in computers. Like us.”

  Losing interest now, Justine shoved the card back among the rose stems. “Oh. How boring. I thought you might have gotten hooked up with a doctor or lawyer or some professional like that.”

  “Justine, the app is all about putting two compatible people together.” Oh, God, she felt like a complete fraud. But she’d promised Wes to keep their relationship under wraps. And considering the truth would likely hurt both of them, she didn’t have much choice but to follow his wishes.

  “So you think this guy is The One? He’s completely compatible with you?”

  She nearly barked with laughter. Other than working in the field of computer technology, she and Wes had nothing in common. Unless you counted red-hot sex, she thought. And all she had to do was look at her parents’ failed marriage to see that sex, no matter how glorious, was hardly the glue to hold two people together. So what did she think she was doing? Leaping headfirst into heartbreak?

  You’re being a woman, Vivian. A woman who wants to be held and kissed and loved.

  Mentally blocking out the voice in her head, she said, “I don’t know, Justine. I’m going to need some time to figure out exactly where he fits into my life.”

  Justine thoughtfully touched a finger to one of the rosebuds. “Hmm, well, one thing is obvious. The man has class and money.”

  Vivian glanced sharply at her. “What makes you say that?”

  Justine gestured to the bouquet. “Not just any man could afford these.”

  “Believe me, Justine, I actually wish he couldn’t.”

  Frowning with disbelief, Justine asked, “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing,” Vivian answered before changing the subject completely. “Is it time for lunch?”

  “I’m on my way. Want to come along?”

  “No, thanks. I’m going to eat with George in the break room.”

  Justine turned to leave, then paused to glance back at Vivian. “Are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself today.”

  Because she wasn’t herself, Vivian thought. And after the night she’d just spent with Wes, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be the same again.

  Was she falling in love with the man? No! She might be infatuated. But she’d never allow herself to love a man who had nothing in common with her except sweaty bedsheets.

  “I’m fine, Justine. Just a little tired. I stayed out later than usual last night.”

  Glancing at the roses, Justine smiled cleverly. “I see what you mean.”

  With a cheerful wave, her coworker departed, and Vivian let out a long sigh of relief. If this was what living with deception was like, she wasn’t sure how long she could keep up the pretense.


  After holding several meetings throughout the morning, Wes finally had the chance to get to work at his desk, only to be interrupted by the in-house phone.

  As soon as he lifted the receiver to his ear, Adelle said, “Ben is on line three. He says it’s important he talk with you.”

  “Thank you, Adelle. I’ll take it.” He punched the button on the phone. “Hey, Ben, doesn’t a man have more to do on his honeymoon than call his brother? Don’t tell me you’re already getting bored with Ella and those Caribbean beaches.”

  Ben’s low chuckle told Wes what he thought of that assumption. “This place is dreamy, and so is Ella. I’m not sure I ever want to come home. But for now, Ella’s at the hair salon. I’m using the time to catch up on some calls. You’re first on the list.”

  Wes pulled off his glasses and tossed them onto the desktop. “I guess I should feel flattered. If I was on my honeymoon, I don’t think I’d be calling you. Or anyone, for that matter.”

  There was a pause before Ben said in a surprised tone, “Why, Wes, you sound like you know what it’s like to be madly in love.”

  Lust. Love. Was there really
that much difference? he wondered. His father could definitely give him the lowdown on lust, but the man clearly flunked out in the love department. And his mother? If what she felt for her husband had caused her to endure thirty-five years of hell and humiliation, then Wes wanted no part of it.

  “I have a good imagination,” Wes told him.

  “Yeah. That’s why you’re so innovative. You can see things I never could.”

  Receiving the compliment from his twin was nice, but Wes knew it didn’t come without a price. “You must be buttering me up for something. Let me have it.”

  Ben chuckled again. “Actually, I’m calling to ask a favor. Since Ella and I won’t be home for several more days, I want you to a hold a family meeting for me.”

  Closing his eyes, Wes pinched the bridge of his nose. Facing his siblings with more Fortune news was not anything he relished.

  “Is that really necessary?”

  “Very. I think I might have located Jacqueline Fortune—our grandmother.”

  Grandmother! “Hell, Ben, you’ve not yet determined Dad is actually a Fortune!”

  “Wes, do I have to show you a roadmap? Surely you can see that all the signs point in that direction. And finding Jacqueline will definitely help solve the mystery.”

  “And how many more of our father’s offspring are you going to discover along the way?”

  “There’s no way I can predict. But if they’re out there, we need to know about them, don’t you think? And they should know about us. As far as I’m concerned, blood kin should be aware of each other.”

  No matter what the cost or who it hurts, Wes thought grimly. Biting back a heavy sigh, he said, “And just where do you think this Jacqueline might be located?”

  “I’d rather not go into that just yet. Not until I make a few more contacts, but I expect to do that soon. Tell everyone I’ll be calling in the next few days with an update.”

  “All right. I’ll call the meeting, but I don’t expect any of our siblings to appreciate showing up for this news. You can’t give me more?”

  “Not yet. Soon.”

  Wes swiped an impatient hand over his face. “Well, I should tell you that I had a visitor a few days ago. Sterling Foster came to my office.”


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