Mississippi Advisory Committee, 185–87
Cairo, Ill., racial violence in, 3
Camille. See Hurricane Camille
Camp Landon Mennonite Mission, 111
Camp Shelby, U.S. Army segregation, 7
Carmichael, Gill, 182, 186
Carmichael, Stokely, 165
Carney, Le’ Roy, 68
Carr, Andrew, 191
Carr, Oscar, 191
Carrier, Linda, xvi
Carter, Hodding, III, 195
Carter, President Jimmy, 188, 195–96
Carter, Robert, 114, 124, 126, 129, 134, 147, 148
Carthage, Miss., school desegregation in, 154
Case Western Reserve, 31
CBS News, 194
Census Bureau, U.S., 28, 30
Central High School (Jackson, Miss.), 4
Central Junior High (Biloxi, Miss.), 158
Chamber of Commerce, 37, 44
Champion Hill, battle of, 12
Chaney, James, 163
Chicago Bears, 22
Chicago Defender, 91
Chicago, Ill.: antiwar demonstrations (1968), 194
Mason extended family in, xi, 3, 9, 12, 17–18, 19–23
Chickasaw Tribe in Mississippi, 203
Child Development Group of Mississippi, 171
Choctaw Tribe in Mississippi, 203
Christian, Dr. C. B., 17
Church of God in Biloxi, Miss., 132
Citizens’ Council (white), 73, 91, 92, 95, 186, 189
Citizens Participation Organization, 200
civil disobedience, 1, 80–81, 130, 134–37, 166
essay by Henry David Thoreau, 25
repressive legislation, 80–81. See also freedom riders; sit-in demonstrations; wade-ins
Civil Rights Act: of 1957, 120
of 1964, 114, 123, 139, 159, 160, 161, 164, 168
Civil Rights Commission (U.S.), Mississippi Advisory Committee, 158, 188–90
Civil Rights Division, U.S. Justice Dept See Justice Department (U.S.)
Civil War, 10, 11, 12, 203
Claver, Peter, Order of the Blessed Martyr, 45
Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Miss.), 70, 75, 77
Clark, State Representative Robert, 181
Clark, Sidney, 46
Classical Club, 23
Clinton, President Bill, 188
Clippinger, Dr. D. L., 40
Coast Counties Medical Society, 39, 40, 41
Cobb, Dr. W. Montague, 30, 33, 106
Cochran, Mr. (state Elks Lodge leader), 61
COFO (Council of Federated Organizations), 116, 120, 159, 162, 163
Cole, Ed, 196
Coleman, Alicia, xvi, 44
Coleman, Emile, 44
Coleman, J. P.: as Governor of Mississippi, 58
as Federal Appeals Judge, 139, 170
College Allstars, 22
College Hill Baptist Church (Jackson, Miss.), 14
Collins, Clyde, 81
Collins, Frank, 173
Colored Annex. See Baptist Hospital; Biloxi Hospital: Colored Annex
Columbia University Law School, 16
Comisky Park (Chicago, Ill.), 20
Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Term.), 127
commission form of city government, 115
Community Action Agency. See Harrison County Community Action Agency
Congressional Democratic Caucus, 192
Conner, Dr. Douglas, 182, 186
Constitution. See Mississippi Constitution of 1890; U.S. Constitution
Cook, Robert, 120
Cook, Tom, 107–08
Cooke, Paul, 134
Cooper, Melvin, xvii
Cooper, Owen, 186
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 162, 165
Corley, Calvin, 56
Cotton, Ella, 74
cotton farming, 12
Council of Negro Women, 173
Courts of Calanthe, 45
Cox, Federal Judge Harold, 139
Craft, Yolanda Marie Juzang, 205
Crawford, James, 160–61
Crawford, June, 160
Crawford, Reverend Mrs., 15
Creel, J. A. “Tony,” 122, 135
Crowell, James, xvi
Crown Can Company, 20–21
Crownsville State Hospital (Maryland), 31
Cupit, Danny, 196
Curet, Madge, 157
Daily Herald (Biloxi, Miss.), 57, 81, 107–08
civil rights coverage, 127, 200
Dairy Fresh Milk Company, 83
Daly, Mayor Richard, 194
Daniels, “Rip,” xvii
Daughters of Isis, 45
Davis, Charles, 59, 160, 161, 175
Davis, Myrtle, 59, 74, 160, 175
Davis, Reverend Thomas, 111, 149
D.C. General Hospital. See Gallinger Hospital
Debro, Joseph, 3
Declaration of Independence, 15
Dedeaux, Sheriff Curtis, 67, 75, 86, 124
Delta Sigma Theta, 46
Deposit Guaranty National Bank, 186
desegregation: beach court cases, 124–30, 138–40
of Biloxi Chamber of Commerce, 44
Biloxi Hospital, 42
Biloxi police, 123
DeSoto National Forest, 107
medical societies, 41
public accommodations, 32–33, 123, 156, 160–62
reprisals, threats, 82, 142, 148–49, 152–53, 156–58, 188–89
Democratic (Party) National Conventions, and concerns, 118–19, 120, 159, 163, 165, 181, 188, 190–94, 195–96. See also Mississippi Democratic Party; Harrison County Democratic Committee
Derian, Ms. Pat, 195
Dickey, Reverend A. A., 59, 80, 83, 160, 162, 163
Dickey, Councilman Eric, 206
Dickey, Marvin 59, 69, 79, 92
Dillard, Professor, 25
direct action, 130. See also civil disobedience
Division of Comprehensive Health, Mason appointment to board, 196
Dixiecrats, 30
dogtrot house, 12
Dole, U.S. Senator Bob, 180
Dooky Chase Restaurant (New Orleans, La.), 162
Dorsey, Thomas A., 20
Douglass, Frederick, 13, 27, 32
Du Bois, Dr. W. E. B., 27, 166
Ducksworth, Lonnie, 161
Dukate, William, 122, 135
Duke, Mrs. Dorothy, 173
Dunn, Dr. Felix, 36, 46–47, 54, 56, 57–59, 60, 62, 63, 67, 71, 73, 75, 8i, 85, 94, 99, 101–02, 104, 107, 108–09, 117, 134, 162, 169, 173, 180–81
Dunn, Mrs. Sarah, 62
Eagle Scouts, 3, 93. See also Boy Scouts of America
Eagle Scout pin, 24
Easily, Reverend M. C, 86
Easterley, Dr. Clay, 39, 58, 113
Eastland, U.S. Senator James O., 125
Eckstine, Billy, 23
economic boycotts. See boycotts
Economic Opportunities Act, 169
Eddy, Nelson, 27
Edelman, Marian Wright, 153
Edgewater Mall (Biloxi, Miss.), 199
Edmonds, Joe, 160
Education Reform Act of 1982 (Miss.), 198
Edwards, Sam, 59, 149, 161
Egland, Mrs. Katherine, xvii
Eisenhower, President Dwight, 86, 120
El,” the (Chicago, Ill), 19
Elder, Pete, 121
elections, Biloxi (1961), 115, 120–25, 129
Eleventh Louisiana Colored Infantry, 10
Eliza, mother of Jenny Brown Trotter, 10
Elks Lodge, 45, 46, 61, 84, 121
Ellington, Duke, 23
Ellis, Professor T. B., 13, 14, 24
Elmo, T. C, 14
Elzy, Blanche V., xvi, 88, 91, 175
Elzy, John, 59, 88, 149
Emergency School Assistance Program, 187
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 25
Epicureans, 23
Esters, Dr. John Robert, 158
Esters, Councilman Michael, 199
Esters, Rehof
us, 86, 149
Evans, Mary Williams Jackson, 11
Evers, Charles, 109, 141, 191, 193, 198
Evers, Darrel, 154
Evers, James, 154
Evers, Medgar W., 1, 7, 49, 59, 71, 85–86, 92, 102, 107, 114, 115, 130, 132–35
school desegregation, willingness to risk life for, 147–48, 152, 154
induction into Mississippi Hall of Fame, 204
Evers, Mrs. Myrlie, 154
Evers, Rena, 154
Fallo, Dominic, 121
Farish Street District (Jackson, Miss.), 2, 9
Farmer, James, x, 162
FBI, 68, 135
federal registrars (voting rights), 164
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 181
Ferdinand, Reverend John, 74, 85, 172
Fielder, Gilmore, 68 71, 76
Fifth Amendment, 126
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (U.S.), 130, 139, 154, 170
Finch, Governor Cliff, 196–97, 200
first aid, 7
First Amendment, 58
First Missionary Baptist Church (Biloxi, Miss.), 46, 53, 62, 77, 107, 171
First Missionary Baptist Church (Handsboro, Miss.), 111
Fisk University, 25
Fitzgerald, Ella, 23
Five Points area (Jackson, Miss.), 6
Fletcher, Ms. Burnell Burney, 69, 160
Flipper, Ms. Cassandra, 153
Flood of 1927, Mississippi, 8, 12
Flowers plantation, 142
Floyd, Dr. Charles, 40
Floyd, Otha Lee, 52
Ford, Emma Lou, 38
Fortner, Robert, 171, 175
Fourteenth Amendment, 49, 126, 146, 150, 152
Fourth St. Drug Store (Clarksdale, Miss.), 99
Fox, Reverend, 111
Franklin, John Hope, 33
Frazier, E. Franklin, 33
Fredericks, State Representative Frances, 206
Freedmen’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.), 31
Freedom Democratic Party, Mississippi, 159–60, 163–65, 191
freedom of choice (desegregation), 148, 159
freedom riders, 7, 130
freedom summer (1964), 120, 159, 162–64
French colonial settlement, in Mississippi, 203
Frost, Robert, 189
“Full Gospel” Baptist Churches, 12, 20
Gallagher, Reverend Roger, 111, 135, 138
Gallinger Hospital (D.C. General), 31
Gallote, Lawson, 200–01
Galloway, Mayor Bobby, 193
Galloway, Mr. Dorothy, 69
Garvey, Marcus, 27, 44
Garveyism, 81
Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s, 13, 146
Gill Avenue, Biloxi 1963 wade-in site, 135
Gillam, James, 61
Gilmore, Mrs. (LPN), 36
Goldwater, Barry, 164, 170, 192
Goodman, Andrew, 163
Gorenflo Elementary (Biloxi, Miss.), 157
Goudy community (Jackson, Miss.), 12
Governor’s Emergency Council (Hurricane Camille), 181–82, 185, 200
Governor’s mansion, 201
Grant, General Ulysses S., 12
Graves, Dr. J. A., 150
Great Migration (African American), 9
Green, Mrs. P. I, 171
Green, P. I., 46, 56
Green, R. H., “Colored Annex” Baptist Hospital, 4
Greene, Percy, 98, 99, 106–07
Greensboro, N.C. (1959 sit-ins), ix
Grimes, S. E., 42–43
Gruich, Dr. Charles, xvii
Gruich, Dr. Frank, xvii, 39, 40, 82
Gudan, Uz, 3
Guice, Mayor Daniel, 121–25, 131–32, 135–37, 151, 198–99
Guice, Mrs. Lee Dicks, 125, 128–29
Guice, W. L., 125
Gulf Coast Community Action Agency. See Harrison County Community Action Agency
Gulf Coast Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association, 39, 47
Gulfport Branch of the NAACP, 46, 50, 51, 55, 99, 103, 180–81
Gulfside Methodist Assembly, 162
Guyot, Lawrence, 162
Hale, Nathan, 15
Hall, Dr. A. M., 17
Hall, Carsie, 153
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 159, 163, 164, 165, 195
Hamlar, Natalie Lorraine. See Mason, Natalie Lorraine Hamlar
Hardin, Dr. K. Albert, 29
Hardy, Professor, 14
Harris, James, 93
Harris, Reverend Oscar “Orange,” 111, 149
Harrison County Civic Action Committee, 56, 58, 67, 84, 103, 110, 117
Harrison County Community Action Agency, xvi, 108, 171–74, 182
Harrison County Credit Bureau, 100
Harrison County Democratic Committee, xi, xvi, 120, 190–91
Harrison County Health Department, 107
Harrison County, Miss., 49
Board of Supervisors, 56, 57, 60, 109, 125, 128, 171
Harrison County Sheriff’s Department, 69, 72
Harvard University, 26
Harvey, Constance Slaughter, 153
hate crimes. See lynching and racial murders, Mississippi
Hays, Curtis, 44, 206
Head Start, 30, 170–73, 204
Height, Dr. Dorothy, 173
Henley, William Ernest, 207
Henritzy court case, 55
Henry, Aaron, x, 1, 59, 61, 99, 117, 142, 159, 162, 164, 169, 191–92, 194–95
Henry, Patrick, 15
HEW (U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare), 187
Hewes, Gaston, 138
Hewes, Judge William G., 128
Hicks, James L, ix
Hill, Dr. Carl, 25
Hill, W. O., 133
Hilliard, Elbert, xv
Hilton Hotel (Biloxi, Miss.), 200
Hinds County, Miss., 8
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization), 45
Holiday, Billie, 22
Holleman, Boyce, 132, 138, 191, 195
Hollis, Dr. D. L, 150
Hollis, Louis, 92
Holmes, Virginia Lewis, xvi
Holocaust See refugees, Nazi holocaust
Holy Ghost High School (Jackson, Miss.), 4
Homer Phillips Hospital (St Louis, Mo.), 31, 35, 38
Hood, James, 131
Hood, Warren, 186
Hopkins, Pearl N. Bradford, xvi
Home, Lena, 132
Hoskins, Robert, 171
House Un-American Activities Committee, 16
Household of Ruth, 45
housing, low-income, 108, 173, 179–80
Howard Johnson restaurant (Biloxi, Miss.), 160
Howard Memorial Hospital (Biloxi, Miss.), 42, 155, 201
Howard, Dr. T. R. M., 50
Howard University, 17, 24, 26, 29, 30
ideals, 33–35, 38, 45
law school, 33, 54, 60, 153
medical school, 35, 106, 189
Hoze, Gloria, 52
Hoze, Jackie, 52
Hoze, James, 52
Hoze, Jimmie, 52
Hubert, M. M., 14
HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs), 173, 179–80
Hudson, Joseph, xvii
Hudson, Mrs. Winston, 1, 195
sister Dovie and niece Diane, 148, 154
Hughes, Langston, 205
Hughes, Professor, 25
Humphrey, Vice President Hubert, 194
Hunte, Reverend G. C, 134
Hurricane Camille (1969), 174–77
Hurricane (of 1947), 54
Hursey, Mayor Francis, 172
Independence (insurance company), 45
infant mortality, 41–42
Ingalls Shipbuilding, 190
Inglewood High School (Chicago, Ill.), 21
insurance, flood (Hurricane Camille), 179
health insurance, 45
integration. See desegregation
integration versus desegregation, terms, 141
Jackson Advocate, 76, 98, 106
br /> Jackson, Aunt Delia, 11
Jackson Branch of the NAACP, 15, 186
Jackson, Calvin Augustus, Sr., 11
Jackson Daily News, 14, 70, 105, 106, 107
Jackson, E. E., 175
Jackson, Malcomb “Papa,” 77
Jackson State College, 4, 13, 14
Jackson, Wharless, 131
James, Boyd, III, 206
Jenkins, Alphonse, 46
Jet magazine, 91
Jim Crow. See segregation laws and practices
Jim Hill Junior High (Jackson, Miss.), 4, 7
Jimerson, Clemon, 161
Johnson, Mrs. June, 163
Johnson, Lee Oscar, 161
Johnson, Sgt. Louis, 74
Johnson, President Lyndon, 160, 163, 164, 169, 170
Johnson, Dr. Mordecai, 33
Johnston, Erie, 98
Jordan, Congresswoman Barbara, 193
Jordan, Vernon, 117
Journal of the National Medical Association, 31
Julius Garfinkel Department Store (Washington, D.C.), 28
Justice Department (U.S.), Civil Rights Division, 86, 105, 116, 124, 129, 139, 151, 152, 157, 161
Juzang, Angela Rose, 205
Juzang, Ms. Rose, xvi
Kaufman, Reverend Orlo, 111, 172
Keesler Air Force Base, 37, 146, 150–51, 175, 190
base hospital, 70
Kelly, Dr. John, 177
Kennedy, U.S. Senator Edward, 188
Kennedy, Joe, 59, 89
Kennedy, President John F., 24, 120, 130–31, 139
Kickapoo, Camp. See Boy Scouts of America: Camp Kickapoo
King Edward Hotel (Jackson, Miss.), 37
King, Martin Luther, Jr., x, 113, 134, 164
Kitty Cat Café (Biloxi, Miss.), 74
Kochek, Mr. (Community Action Agency director), 173
Ku Klux Klan, 47, 57, 91, 92
assassination hit lists, threats, 49, 59, 63, 81, 133
cross burning, 57, 90
Kyle, Dr. W. P., 45, 50
Landon, Camp (Mennonite Mission, Gulfport, Miss.), 111
Lang, Mr. (funeral director), 172
Lanier High School (Jackson, Miss.), 13, 16, 100, 153, 186, 189
Boys Forum and SPECs Club at, 13
Lame, Fred, 185
law enforcement, Mississippi, 21
Lawrence, Dewey, Sr., 57–58
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 179
Le Fall, Dr. La Salle, 31
Lee, Reverend George, 50
Lee, Vene (officer), 62, 66
Library of Congress, 27
“Lift Every Voice” (anthem), 111
Lindsey, E. G. (circuit clerk), 118
Lindsey, Professor Ina Bell, 30
liquor tax, Mississippi state black market, 81
literacy test (for voters), 37, 116, 118, 169
Little Apple Café (Biloxi, Miss.), 74
Little Rock Baptist Church (Gulfport, Miss.), 110
Lomberger, Joe, 68, 71, 76
Longfellow House restaurant (Pascagoula, Miss.), 160
Loop, the (Chicago, Ill.), 21
Lott, Adell, 52
Louis, Joe, 3
Louisiana Teachers’ Association, 60
Beaches, Blood, and Ballots Page 31