Love, Dr. Milas, 40, 41, 171–72
Loyola University Law School, 205
LSD hallucinogen, 23
LSU Medical School, 113–14
Lubaloo, Camp. See Boy Scouts of America: Camp Lubaloo
Lynch, Congressman John R., 203–04
Lynch Street (Jackson, Miss.), 7
lynching and racial murders, Mississippi, 6, 8, 50, 77–78, 95, 131, 133, 163
Lyons, Matt, 175
Mabry, Moms, 23
Mabus, Governor Ray, 196
Magee, Mrs. Altease Fairley, 136
Magee, Charlie, 5
Magee (medical student at Howard Univ.), 31
Magrone, Richard, 59
mail tampering and harassment, 59
Malone, Vivian, 130
Maples, Judge Luther W., 138
March on Washington (1963), 162
Mardian, Robert, 185
marijuana, 23
Marius (medical student at Howard Univ.), 31
Martin, Brother Earl, Sr., 15
Martin, Jack, 149, 175
Martin, Mrs. Rosa, 171
Martinolich, Dr. A. K., 40
Marx, Karl, 23
Mason, Reverend Abraham, 20
Mason, Alean Jackson, 8
Mason, Aria Monette, 205
“Mason Bill,” repressive legislation, 80
Mason, Effie Trotter, 12
Mason, Elnora, xvi
Mason family genealogy, 8–12
the new generation, 205–06
Mason, Geneva, 22
Mason, Gilbert R., Jr., xvii, 13, 31, 44, 46, 88, 143, 145–47, 155, 158, 174, 205
Mason, Gilbert R., Sr.: assassination attempt on, 59–60
assaults on, 68–69, 155–56
desegregation of schools, evaluation of, 164, 165, 166–67
firebombing of automobile, 89, 136
firebombing of office, 75–76
Mason, Harrison, 10, 166
Mason, Hiram, 205
Mason, Lois, 10, 12, 22
Mason, Natalie Lorraine Hamlar, xv, 11, 23, 26, 28–29, 36, 44, 46, 53–54, 62, 70–71, 82, 89–90, 99, 133, 137, 143, 145, 155, 158, 160, 171, 175, 195
Mason, Omar, 205
Mason, Rozelia. See Stamps, Rozelia Mason
Mason, Ruby, 22
Mason, Stance, 22–23
Mason, Thurston, 21
Mason, Reverend Walter Harrison, 9, 10, 20
Mason, Willie Arthur, 205
Mason, Willie Atwood, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17–18, 33
Mason, Willie Louis, xvi, 5, 11, 48, 75, 130
Masonic Lodges, 7, 45, 46, 48, 61, 84, 93, 118, 134
Masonite Corporation, 186
Mason’s Barbershop (Jackson, Miss.), 9
Massey, Mrs. Aslena, 136
mayor-council form of government, 199
MCAT, 26
McCloone, Father Philip, 171–72, 174
McDaniel, Wilmer B., 62, 70, 74, 98
McDanie’s Funeral Home, 77, 119
McDavid, David, 86, 107
McDonnell, Herbert, 52, 62, 67, 72, 75, 82, 86, 98
McDonnell, Howard Andre, 78, 170
McDowell, Cleve, 198
McGovern, George, 195
McGowan, James, Sr., 69
Mcllheney, Reverend Famous, 110–11
McKinly, James E, 149
McMillen, P. V., 94
Meadows, Mayor R. B. “Billy,” 58, 62–63
Medicaid, 201
Medicaid Commission, 196
Medical Committee for Civil Rights, 46, 107
medical practice, under segregation, 35–48
Meharry Medical College, 25–26, 29, 36, 50
Mendal, Dr. (Crownsville State Hospital), 31
Mennonite Mission (Gulfport, Miss.), 111, 172
Merchandise Mart (Chicago, Ill), 21
Meridith, James, 130–31, 151
Michael Reese Hospital (Chicago, Ill), 23, 32
Michel Junior High School (Biloxi, Miss.), 155, 158
Midcalf, Judge Robin Alfred, xii, xvii, 198, 206
Middleton, Barbara, 203
Miller, Dr. (Yazoo City physician), 17
Milton, John, 113
Minor, Bill (columnist), 192
Mississippi Advisory Council to the Cabinet Committee on Education, 186
Mississippi Coast Coliseum Commission, 200
Mississippi Colored State Fairgrounds, 4
Mississippi Conference of the NAACP, x, 15, 85, 111, 117, 133–34, 162, 169, 186, 198, 203
Mississippi Constitution of 1890, 116, 203
Mississippi Democratic Party, xi, 159–60, 163–65, 187, 190–91, 192–96
Mississippi Department of Archives and History, xv, 203–04
Mississippi Hall of Fame, African Americans in, 204
Mississippi Highway Patrol, 72–73, 78, 135
Mississippi Medical and Surgical Association, 39, 106, 196–97, 204
Mississippi Medical Library, 100
Mississippi National Guard, 157
Mississippi Oil and Gas Board, 186
Mississippi Republican Party, 182
Mississippi School Boards Association, 187
Mississippi State Board of Health and Medical Licensure, 196–97
Board of Medical Licensure (ca. 1980), 197
Mississippi State Legislature, repressive response to Biloxi wade-ins, 80
Mississippi State Medical Association, 39–41, 196–97
Mississippi State Medical Licensing Exam, 37
Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission. See Sovereignty Commission, Mississippi State
Mississippi State Supreme Court, 129, 139, 153, 197
Mississippi, University of, 130–31, 151, 198
Mitchell, A. E., 160
Mitchell, Clarence, 71, 84
Mitchell, Attorney-General John, 185–86
Mize, Federal District Judge Sidney, 126–31, 135, 139, 152–54
Modern Drug Store, Inc., xvi, 44, 99
Moffett, Doyle, 174
Moffett, Tommy, 199
Montgomery, Detective Leslie, 136
Moore, Earl Napoleon, 59
Morning Star Baptist Church (Gulfport, Miss.), 110
Morse, State Senator Stanford, 57–58, 99–100
Moses, Bob, 162
Motley, Constance Baker, 151, 153, 205
Mullins, G. E., 99
Mulvaney (medical student at Howard Univ.), 31
municipal elections (1961) (Biloxi, Miss.), 115, 120–23
murders, racial. See lynching and racial murders, Mississippi
Muse, Clarence, 23
Muskie, U.S. Senator Edmund, 180
Muslims. See Black Muslims
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), x, 28, 33, 46–47, 53, 55, 71, 79, 84, 98, 102, 103, 106, 107, 109, 114, 117, 119, 124, 126–27, 129, 132, 134, 137, 143, 147, 151, 152, 153, 156, 162, 163, 176, 194, 200
Medical Committee for Civil Rights, 46
Youth Branch activities, 113, 159, 161. See also Biloxi Branch; Gulfport Branch; Jackson Branch; Mississippi Conference of the NAACP
Nabrit, Dr. James, III, 33, 54, 60
Nance, Bishop Robert, 132, 137
National Archives, 27
National Association of Colored Women, 28
National Medical Association, 39, 46
Native Americans, 203
Naval Construction Battalion Base, 176
Neshoba County, Miss., 163
New Bethel Baptist Church (Biloxi, Miss.) 61, 71, 73, 74, 85, 111, 119, 162
Newcomb, Les, 200
news coverage: bias, 127
fairness, 189, 200
Newton (medical student at Howard Univ.), 31
Nichols, Mrs. Fannie, 110, 144, 147
Nichols High School (Biloxi, Miss.), 65, 144–45, 147
PTA, 110
Tigers, 46, 143
Nine-man Committee (beach study), 85
Nixon, Mrs. Pat, 187
Nixon, Pre
sident Richard M., 185, 186, 194
Nixon Street Apartments (Biloxi, Miss.), 59, 73
North Gulfport Civic Association, 120
Novak, Robert (columnist), 192
Nunley, Clifton, 59, 149
Obadali, Imari, 166
Oberlin College, 28
Odom, Mrs. Ola Mae, 80
OEO (Office of Economic Opportunity), 169–71, 173
Office of Emergency Preparedness, 176
O’Keefe, Mayor Jerry, 198–99
O’Keefe, Dr. John B., 75
Old Capitol Museum (Jackson, Miss.), 203
Ole Miss riot (1962), 130, 151, 157
Open Housing Act (of 1968), 168
Operation Bootstrap, 173
Operation Surf (i960 wade-in), 61, 63
Orange Hill Baptist Church (Hinds County, Miss.), 11
Orange Hill School (Hinds County, Miss.), 8
Order of the Blessed Martyr Peter Claver, 45
Order of the Odd Fellows, 45
Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church and School (Biloxi, Miss.), 171
Owen, Adam Atwood Mason, xvii, 205
Owen, Ms. Beverly J., xvi
Owen, David, 205
Page, Lyle, 138
Page, Dr. Matthew, 191, 193, 197
Panama Canal Treaties, 188
Parchman State Penitentiary, 170
Parker, Andrew, 75
Parker, Charlie “Bird,” 23
Parker, Mrs. James M., 136, 138
party realignment southern politics, 196
Pascagoula, Miss, police, 1960 jail murder, 78
Pass Christian, Miss., Yacht Club, 41
Patterson, Joe, 125, 130, 153
Patton, W. C, 117–18
Pavlov, Dr. Peter, 150
Pearl River, and racial murders, 6
Perkins Elementary School (Biloxi, Miss.), 144, 146
Pettus, John, 46, 171
Phi Beta Kappa, 24
Phillips, Rubel, 40
Philmont Scout Ranch (New Mexico), 94
Pilgrim Baptist Church (Chicago, Ill.), 20
Pilgrim Gospel Chorus, 20
Pine Burr Council. See Boy Scouts of America: Pine Burr Council
Plato, 23
Pohlhaus, J. Francis, 151
Poinsett, Alex, 91
poll tax, 37, 116, 123, 169
Pollard, James, Sr., 36
Postal Service, U.S., 30
mail tampering, 91–92
Potter, Reverend E. H., 111
Powell, Albert, 13
Powers, Dr. George, 173, 189
preceptorships, medical specialties, 39
Price, Gerald, 90
Price, Professor, 14
Prince George County, Va., schools, 151
prohibition laws, 1960s in Mississippi, 81
PTA, 46, 47, 143, 145, 146, 150, 187
Public Works, U.S, Senate Committee on, 180–81
Puckett, Hudson, 81
Puerto Rican nationalist, assassination attempt, 29
Quave, Billie Ray, 108
Quave, Mayor Laz, 53, 66–67, 79, 86–87, 115, 121, 123, 124, 130, 150, 199
racism: healing scars of, 202–05
psychology of, 78, 87, 95–96, 109–10, 202
Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 22
Rafferty, Thomas, 172
Ragusin, Anthony, 37, 79
Rainey, Ethel, 65
Ramsey, Clara, 134
Rankin, Delores, 158
Ratliff, Christia B., 5
Reagan, President Ronald, 201
Red Cross, 1969 Hurricane Camille relief short comings, 176–81
Reese, Majorie, 175, 181
refugees, Nazi holocaust, 29, 31
Regal Theater (Chicago, Ill.), 23
Regier, Reverend Harold, 111, 172
Regulars. See Mississippi Democratic Party
religious faith: and civil rights struggle, 87, 110–11, 149
and Mason family, 8–9, 12, 15
Republican National Committee, 11
Republican Party, 40, 163, 182, 188, 194
re-segregation of schools, 187
Retail Credit Bureau (Jackson, Miss.), 100
Retta, Dr., 189
Rhodeman, Clare, 48, 144
Rhodeman, Thomas, 48
Rice Fields, Pass Christian beach area, 52
Richardson, Elliot, 187
Riggins Alley (Jackson, Miss.), 2, 184, 201
riots: 1960 Biloxi, 68–76, 91
1962 Ole Miss, 130, 151, 157
Ritter’s Grocery (Jackson, Miss.), 5–6
Roberts Rules of Order, 14
Robeson, Paul, 16, 22
Robin and the Seven Hoods (film), 161
Robinson’s Kindergarten, 11
Roger Smith Hotel (Washington, D.C.), 28
Rosado, Christopher, 54, 137, 149
Rosicrucians, 22
Russell, Leo, xvii
Rust College, 13
Rutgers University, 16
Ruth, the Household of, 45
Ryan, Joseph M. F., 126
Saenger Theater (Biloxi, Miss.), 161
Sally Harris Clinic (Jackson, Miss.), 17
Sally Reynolds Elementary School (Jackson, Miss.), 4, 16
Salvation Army, 176
Sandridge, Hastings, 10
Saraland Manor, 108
Saucier, Mrs. Cornelia, xvi
Saucier, Murray, 52–53
Savoy Ballroom (Chicago, Ill.), 23
SBA (Small Business Administration), 177–78, 180
school desegregation: Carthage-Leake County, Miss., 143, 148, 154
Chicago, Ill., 21
Gulfport, Miss., 152
Jackson, Miss., 143, 148, 154
Prince George County, Va., 151
University of Alabama, 130–31
University of Mississippi, 130, 147, 153, 198. See also Biloxi Public Schools; Cabinet Committee on Education
Schultz, George, 187
Schwann, Judge Jules, Sr., 62, 66
Schwerner, Michael, 163
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 162
Seal, Leo, 182
seawall tax, 54
Security (health insurance), 45
segregation laws and practices (pre-1965): army, 7
beaches, 49–56, 63
Boy Scouts, 3, 92–94
courts, 37
general, ix-x, 5, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27–28, 32, 37, 80–81
hospitals and medical practice, 4, 35–48
hotels and restaurants, 29, 37
movies, 23
political, 37, 40
public transit, 7, 20, 32, 37
schools and colleges, 4, 13, 25, 30, 124, 141–47
state fairs and parks, 4, 7, 56
USO, 37
Sekul, Judge John, 66, 138
Sekul, Dr. W. L., 39
Selective Service System, 100
Selma-to-Montgomery March, 164
Semski, Lawrence, 121
Senate Commitee on Public Works (U.S.), 180–81
separatism. See black separatism
Seymour, Bernard, 123
Seymour, Mrs. Ossie, 86
Shakespeare, William, 13
sharecropper contract, 10
Shelby, Eleanor, 80
Shirley, Mrs. (biologist), 14
Shoreham Hotel (Washington, D.C.), 29
Shorts, General Bryan (U.S. Air Force), 190
Shriver, Sargeant, 170
Sigma Pi Phi, 46
Silver Beaver Award. See Boy Scouts of America: Silver Beaver Award
Simmons, Reverend T. C., 15
Singleton case school desegregation, 159
sit-in demonstrations, ix, 81, 130, 138
Sizor, Mrs. Annette Seldon, xvi
Sizor, Gilda Yvette, 205
Skrmetti, Paul, 121
Smith, Bettye Parker, 8
Smith, Mrs. Hazel Brannon, 189
Smith, Mrs. Melvina Davis, xvi, 177
Smith, O. F., 14
ith, R. L. T., Jr., 59, 134, 191
Smith, Reverend R. L. T., Sr., 15, 59, 134
Smith, Robert “Bob,” 41, 204
Smithsonian Institute, 27
SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee), 116, 120, 162–65
solid South, end of, 163
Soria City, 1959 mass meeting, 56
South Mississippi Regional Manning Commission, 200
Southern Voter Institute, 117
Sovereignty Commission, Mississippi State, xiii, 9, 36, 44, 57, 62–63, 69, 70, 71, 72–73, 81, 83–84, 86, 90, 92, 95, 96–9*, 99, 101, 102–05, 106–08, 101, 111, 119, 120, 147, 189
collusion with press, 106–08
lies, distortions in files, 96–98, 102–05
Spiers, Mrs. (nurse, Biloxi Hospital), 70
Spong, William (U.S. Senator), 181
Sportsman’s Club (Biloxi, Miss.), 46
Spring Hill College, 122
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington, D.C.), 31–32
St James Missionary Baptist Church (Jackson, Miss.), 9, 14–15
St John AME Church (Biloxi, Miss.), 111
St Louis Univeristy, 26, 32
St Paul’s United Methodist Church (Biloxi, Miss.), 93, 111
St. Vincent de Paul Society, 45
Stallworth, Bill, 206
Stamps, Carolyn, 130, 205
Stamps, Rozelia Mason, 11, 19, 130
Standard Life Insurance Co., 186
STAR (Systematic Training and Rehabilitation Act), 171–72
Steen, Mrs. (widow of the Reverend), 5
Steen, Reverend, 5
Stennis, VS. Senator John, 30, 125
Stevens, Gus, 161
“street insurance,” 45
Stringer, M. W. Grand Masonic Temple, 134. See also Masonic Lodges
Strong, Bud, 77–78, 79, 121
Strong, Ms. Coreen, 77
Sun ’n’ Sand restaurant (Biloxi, Miss.), 160–61
Supreme Court See Mississippi Supreme Court; U.S. Supreme Court
Switzer, C. T., Sr., 150
Taborian Hospital (Mound Bayou, Miss.), 35
Tanner, Mrs. Vashti, 84, 121
Taquino, Dr. Maurice, 156
Tate, Dr. J. O., 47–48, 132, 137, 171, 173
Tate, Nolan, 134
Taylor, Mr. Asarian, 75
telephone harassment, 89
Tennessean, the (year book), 24
Tennessee State University, 13, 17, 23–26, 30, 70
Tennessee Valley Authority, 24
Terrell, Mary Church, 28
Thames, Kenneth, 70
Thames, Marzine, 70
Thigpen, Mrs. Mary, xvii
Thomas, Alfred, 59
Thomas, Bob, 72, 90, 107
Thompson, Tommy, 120
Tiak, Camp. See Boy Scouts of America: Camp Tiak
Tichell, Florian, 123
Till, Emmett, 50
Titanic the, 8, 12
Tolbert, Mr. (Boy Scout executive), 94
Top Flight Amusement Company, 81
Tougaloo College, 17, 130, 189
Townes, Professor, 25
TP and W (take pain and walk), 200
Beaches, Blood, and Ballots Page 32