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Captured by Two Alphas [The Alpha Legend 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Tara Rose

  She was used to the males in her life having the final say-so, and as a female, she had a distinct role in her family, and in her village. The idea that it would extend to the bedroom had been one she’d been warned of by Topaz, but Saffron hadn’t imagined she’d enjoy it. She had always pictured sex with her mate, or mates, as something she’d have to endure, and maybe enjoy once in a while. Never had she pictured this. This was sexy beyond words, and so arousing that her pussy literally ached for them to fill it.

  She felt Nevada move off the bed, but couldn’t glance around to see what he was doing or where he’d gone. She was too busy trying to keep her lips closed as Landon made soft, satisfied noises in the back of his throat while he rubbed his pre-cum on her nipples and her lips.

  “Please, Landon. I want to taste you.” She felt bold just saying it.

  “Not until I say so.” He smiled, but she could see the struggle on his face. To realize she was able to elicit that emotion in him made her feel powerful and desirable.

  Nevada moved back onto the bed, and she heard him put on a condom. He moved behind her, and one hand caressed her pussy again, this time from the front. She spread her legs apart so that he could reach her easier, and then she heard soft liquid sounds. A warm, wet finger teased the opening to her asshole, and she tensed, glancing over her shoulder.

  “Don’t be afraid, Saffron. I have oil on my finger. Just try to relax.”


  “Saffron, look at me.” She turned her attention back toward Landon, who gently brushed a finger along her face. “Just look into my eyes.” She did, and he moved his hand down to her clit and began to massage it. She relaxed instantly and began to moan again.

  When Nevada inched his finger into her ass, it stung for a second, but then once that sensation subsided, Saffron cried out in surprise at the level of arousal coursing through her body.

  “Are you okay? Does it feel good?”

  “Yes.” She was very surprised. “It feels wonderful.”

  Landon kept up his caresses on her clit as Nevada slipped his dick into her pussy from behind. He thrust in and out, and then did the same with his finger in her anus, until Saffron was moaning constantly again. This was incredible. Both holes filled at once felt so peaceful, and complete, and she didn’t know what else. She couldn’t pin a label on it. She could only enjoy it.

  Landon moved up to her mouth again, and this time she simply took his dick inside without him telling her to open it. Nevada moved his other hand to her clit, and when the orgasm crashed over Saffron, she fought hard not to bite down on Landon’s cock.

  The men continued to fuck her in the pussy and mouth at the same time, and Nevada’s finger fucked her asshole as well, until she was sore in all three holes. She didn’t even care. This was the ultimate surrender, and she never wanted it to end.

  They pulled out, and Landon kissed her rough and deep before moving behind her. She heard him put on a condom, and then watched as Nevada knelt in front her mouth and pulled his off. She smiled up into his eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Saffron…we’re the ones who should be thanking you.”

  Landon slid his dick into her pussy from behind, while Nevada filled her mouth with his cock. When Landon began to tease her anus with his finger, this time she relaxed, and was soon rewarded with the decadent sensation of having all three holes filled once again. She never would have believed such bliss was possible, and she certainly hadn’t imagined the men she finally gave her body to would treat her with such patience, tenderness, or respect.

  Nevada came first inside her mouth, and Saffron tried to swallow every tasty drop of his cum. When Landon came, she swore she could feel his contractions. He took off his condom and molded his body behind hers, holding her in his strong arms. Nevada removed her cuffs, and she wrapped her arms around him. Just before she drifted off to sleep, she thought she heard birdsong outside but refused to acknowledge it.

  She didn’t want the dawn to come. The dawn meant she’d have to make a decision that included leaving these two. Whereas that plan had seemed the clear and only solution mere hours ago, now she couldn’t imagine it. She had no idea what they were going to do. She only knew she didn’t want to think about it right now. She only wanted to hold them for a while longer and pretend that she could belong to them forever.

  * * * *

  Nevada woke to his cell phone chirping, but he had no idea where the fuck it was. He barely knew his own name this morning. He slipped out of bed as carefully as possible. It was daylight, but judging by the amount of light in the room, still not too early. Saffron and Landon were wrapped in each other’s arms, sound asleep. As he searched his backpack for the phone, all he really wanted to do was wake them up and suggest they take a bath with Saffron.

  A shower would be nice, but he couldn’t very well take her to his house. Or could he? What difference did it make where they were if her uncle or the Rosens found them? What the hell were they going to do with her? Every erotic moment from the night before came rushing back, and his dick sprang to attention. He was totally and completely fucked, in every way possible, and instead of causing fear to rush through his body, that realization brought a smile to his face.

  If she wasn’t his mate, it hardly mattered now. There was no turning back. He’d never find another woman who had stolen his very soul within a few short hours. Not possible. And if the looks Landon had given her all night were any indication, he felt the same way.

  He finally found the phone. The chirping had been a text message from his grandfather, asking him what his plans were for Saffron. Hell if he knew. He texted his grandfather back and told him he wasn’t sure yet, but that all three of them were going to sit down this morning and figure something out. After he sent it, he went into the bathroom and tried to wash up as best he could with cold water and Saffron’s bar of soap, hoping she wouldn’t mind if he used it. He stunk to high heaven, but part of the scent was Saffron, and he almost didn’t want to wash it off.

  But he was rank. He went into the kitchen and put some water on to boil, then wondered what they were going to do about breakfast. He had no idea what she usually ate. Did she drink coffee? He didn’t, but Landon did, by the gallons. Where were they going to get some? He’d be a grouchy-assed bear all day without it. One of them would need to go into town, which probably wasn’t safe, despite the fantasies of doing so that they’d discussed last night.

  They couldn’t keep this up for very long. Landon had a job, and Nevada hadn’t told his mother or grandfather how he felt about the leopard. How could he? But he’d have to eventually, no matter what plan they came up with. “Fuck.” He looked at his reflection in the metal pot, wondering how the hell this was supposed to work. What had he done? But despite the doubt and trepidation trying to force its way into his thoughts right now, he knew with absolute certainty that he’d never have any regrets. Not even one.

  As he carried the pot of warm water into the bathroom, Landon was finally waking up. “I’m going to wash up. And then I’ll go into town if you want and find you some coffee. Do you think Saffron drinks it?”

  “No clue. Want me to wake her up and ask her?”

  Nevada placed the pot on the chair in the bathroom and then watched her sleeping form. She must be exhausted. Not only physically, but mentally as well. She’d left behind her home yesterday morning, and in the space of twenty-four hours, had been thoroughly fucked by two cougars who were keeping her prisoner in a cabin, near a town she didn’t know, and among people who weren’t her own kind. If he were in her place right now, he’d sleep just to avoid having to think about it.

  “What are we going to do with her?” asked Landon, mirroring Nevada’s earlier thoughts.

  “Damned if I know.”

  He crawled out of bed and began to search for his clothes. “It’s safer if I go into town. I’m going to stop by my place and pick up a few more things, too. Might even take a quick shower, if you don’t mind I stay g
one that long. And by going into town, I can listen to the gossip and make sure no one strange showed up last night, asking about Saffron.

  “That’s a good idea, actually. Thanks, dude.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He cut his glance toward Saffron for a quick second before he left, and Nevada knew he’d been right. Landon felt the same way about her. They were both in big fucking trouble here.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Saffron woke up and glanced around, not sure where she was at first. It was daylight, and she didn’t want it to be. She wanted to return to her dream where she, Nevada, and Landon had been making love by candlelight. Every spot on her body hurt, and she didn’t even care. If they were both in bed with her right now she’d do anything they wanted. They were like a drug she’d taken and become addicted to the first time. She had to have them, and there was no replacement for either man.

  Would it have been this way if she’d mated with the Rosen brothers? Saffron hugged her knees as a shudder ran through her. No. She didn’t believe that. She’d first met them when she was much younger, and hadn’t liked them on sight. Their eyes were cold, not soft and full of passion like Nevada’s eyes, or luminous and full of humor like Landon’s.

  Every time she’d had the ill fortune to have to talk to Marc or Jake at various group functions, or when they came to visit with Gregory, their father, they stared at her with unbridled lust But there was never any warmth in their gaze.

  They barely included her in conversations, but had no trouble ordering her to get them more beer or something to eat. She was used to that type of behavior from males, but they both seemed to take delight in it, and more than once she’d overheard them joking that she was in “training” to be their mate one day.

  Nevada and Landon treated her as an equal. They didn’t order her around like a servant or a sub-creature, simply because she was female. The Rosens had never treated her as though she actually had a brain in her head. They were cruel men, and she’d heard enough rumors in town of how Marc and Jake liked to go into the cities and seduce women, then shift in front of them so that they scared the shit out of them. They thought it was funny, but Saffron thought it was mean. Not to mention it exposed their kind to humans, which they’d all been taught to avoid doing as much as possible.

  If she’d stayed and done as her uncle and Gregory wanted her to, she wouldn’t have been the first woman that Marc or Jake had had sex with. That fact hadn’t seemed to bother her uncle or Gregory, but it had bothered Topaz. Whenever she’d brought up the subject to her uncle, he’d waved away her concerns as inconsequential, but Topaz would fume about it for hours afterward.

  Would Topaz have approved of Nevada and Landon? They hadn’t been virgins either, but then again, neither of them had told her stories of using women merely for sex. It sounded as though both had been in love, or at least had liked the women they’d made love to. That was vastly different from what Marc and Jake had been doing for years.

  Saffron couldn’t imagine living a life with Marc or Jake, bearing their children. In truth, she’d never been able to imagine it. When Topaz had still been alive, it had been easy to believe she could simply carry on as she always had, finding reasons to avoid the two. But once she’d died, Uncle Dennis had pushed for her to announce her choice to the village. And now, there was no possible way she could envision such a life for herself. Her place was with Nevada and Landon, for as long as she’d be given time with them. After that? She didn’t know. She couldn’t think about that right now.

  She shivered again and crawled out of bed, following the sound of running water in the bathroom. Nevada was naked, pouring water into the tub, just as she’d done last evening. She waited until he was done before tapping him on the shoulder because she didn’t want him accidentally burning himself with hot water.

  “Good morning.”

  He whirled around and smiled at her, his gaze roaming over her body. “Good morning yourself, beautiful.”

  “You didn’t hear me or sense me?”

  He chuckled. “No, I did not.” He held up his hands. “Don’t say it. I concede the point. It is possible to sneak up on a shifter.”

  She wanted to tease him about making such a fuss over her not hearing him sneak up on her when she’d been watching Landon, but didn’t, because she realized he wasn’t in the cabin. “Where’s Landon?”

  “He went into town to get us breakfast, and he has to pick up a few more things from his apartment.” He placed the pot on the floor and gestured toward the bathtub. “Care to join me?”

  “That sounds inviting, but I have to…um…” She glanced at the toilet.

  “Oh, of course.” He picked up the pot. “Take your time. We need more warm water anyway.”

  She chuckled at how embarrassed he was, but the fact that he gave her privacy instead of taunting her wasn’t lost on her. When she finished, she took the bandages off her neck, and just as she’d told Nevada they would be, the wounds were healed. The cut on her palm was gone, too.

  She tested the water in the bathtub. It was the right temperature, but if both of them were going to get in there, they would need more water in the tub, just as he’d said. When he returned, he poured the second pot of warm water into the tub, and then she ran cold water until both of them pronounced it perfect.

  Saffron climbed in with Nevada. “I used your soap earlier,” he said. “But the cold water just wasn’t doing it. I stink.”

  She took the soap from his hands and moved closer, lathering his chest. “You stink like a man. I like it.”

  “You’re weird, leopard.”

  She laughed. What would her life have been like if Landon and Nevada had been the mates toward whom her uncle had pushed her? She’d probably be mated to them by now, and possibly pregnant. As she moved her hands lower over his abdomen and toward his dick, a thought occurred to her. She didn’t want to think about anything negative today, but now that it had taken root, it wouldn’t let her go.

  “What just changed?” he asked softly.

  “How do you do that? How do you sense my emotions like that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve always done it. My mother is the same way.”

  She put down the soap and leaned against the wall of the tub. “Promise you won’t read anything into this, okay?”

  “Okay. I promise.”

  “I was comparing you and Landon, and how different you both are from Marc and Jake. I was wishing I’d met you two, and that we were destined to be mates. And then I realized that we’re not the same species, and I wondered…” How could she say this?

  He took her hands, and the look he gave her was so tender and thoughtful that Saffron almost started to cry. “You were wondering how you’d have our children?”

  She nodded.

  “That’s a good question, and one I can’t answer. My mother would know. We may have to ask her, you know. Landon and I didn’t talk too much this morning before he left, but we do need to figure out what we’re all going to do, Saffron. We can’t simply stay here now.”

  “I know. But not yet. Right now I want to wash that nasty stink off you, cougar.”

  He laughed, and the sound was warm like summer rain. It sent tiny electric sparks all over her body. She picked up the soap and continued from where she’d left off, gently washing his dick and balls under the water, while she stared into his eyes. He was so beautiful.

  He lifted her as easily as if she weighed no more than the soap she held, and positioned her on his lap, straddling him. “So you can wash my back,” he said, winking.

  “Oh, okay. So that’s why.” She giggled as he pushed away from the tub so that she could reach behind him. His cock was hard, and it grazed her pussy lips as she washed his back and as much of his ass cheeks as she could reach.

  “I think it’s your turn to be washed now,” he said, taking the soap from her. He lathered her back and ass, and then he reached between them and massaged her nipp
les until she was moaning and rubbing her pussy against his dick under the water.

  “Saffron…” He placed the soap on the edge of the tub and kissed her, moving his tongue over hers in a way that had her dizzy with need in seconds. She crushed her breasts against his chest, wishing they didn’t have to bother with a condom and that she could simply lower her pussy over his dick right now.

  But his earlier words came back to her. If she became pregnant with a cougar’s baby, what would happen to the child? It wasn’t worth the risk. Topaz had spoken of herbs that a woman could take to prevent pregnancy, but Saffron didn’t know what they were. Would Mancie know?

  Nevada released the kiss as the sound of the front door opening reached their ears. Landon was back. “As much as I’d love to continue this,” said Nevada, “I’m sure we both could use some food. But later…” He nuzzled her neck and she giggled.

  They both stood, and Nevada handed her a towel. When Landon walked in, they were drying themselves off. He raised his eyebrows. “Not fair.”

  “We didn’t do anything. Well, that’s not true. We kissed. And she washed my dick. And my balls.”

  Saffron laughed at the look on Landon’s face. It was a cross between incredulity and humor. “All right. Whatever, dude. Saffron, you’ll just have to do the same to me later or I’ll feel left out.”

  “It’s a deal, Landon. Do I smell coffee?”

  He grinned. “Now I have her attention. Apparently you drink it? I wasn’t sure.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good. I’ve brought us a feast, my dear Saffron, including Doli’s famous coffee.”

  Saffron put on clean clothes, as did Nevada, and then the three sat down to eat. “Any word in town?” asked Nevada.

  Landon frowned, and Saffron’s pulse began to race. “No. Nothing. But I did see your grandfather, and he said it would be best if we all made a plan and quickly.”

  “I know. He sent me a text. He’s right. We need to do that.” Nevada sighed loudly. “I have to tell them both what happened. Is my mother in the tent this morning?”


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