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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

Page 44

by Will Greenway

  “On three, two, one!” The elder drew back the weapon of the first ones, focused, and brought the Mon’istiaga’s edge shrieking down on the side of the sphere.

  Bannor had been expecting a big impact but the whole room shook with the power of the blow. Apparently, Loric had known exactly how sturdy that sphere was, even with the tremendous force the elder put behind it, Mon’istiaga only knocked out a small chunk.

  Loric leaped away as a burst of darkness erupted from the opening, causing the whole room to shudder and fluctuate. The cloud of lightlessness swirled around the sphere, energy arcing and crackling.

  Ziedra yelled a single indescribable word, something beyond sound but less than thought. It hit the air like a hammer ringing a gong. She clapped her hands.

  Octavia gestured and the case flashed.

  The air in the room roared to a howl as the cloud of darkness around Gaea’s communing sphere spiraled down toward the case with growing speed. Tongues of magic and heat flicked out into the lower bleachers with crashes that made the whole room quiver with their force.

  Threads of truly unfathomable depth and reach began to gather around the goddess; strands of reality so primal that they made Bannor’s eyes ache to look on them.

  A fountain of golden light fanned out from where the darkness touched Gaea’s waiting body. The case top melted and fragments of the cylinder itself sheared away into the maelstrom of titanic forces boring downward into the green-skinned form.

  Bannor glanced toward Marna, her daughter, and Octavia. The three of them stood on the steps, fists clenched and bodies twitching as each roll of thunder and flash of energy smote the room.

  “Lords,” Sarai breathed next to him. “That’s her life force?”

  “Creation incarnate,” someone murmured.

  With a last crack that died into silence, the light and darkness winked out.

  It felt to Bannor like his heart stopped along with the display. Smoke and vapor obscured the whole dais, so it was impossible to tell if Gaea’s body even held together under the massive onslaught of the all-mother’s life force.

  “Dark,” Marna muttered. “I—” The always articulate matriarch stumbled, apparently at a lack for words.

  Loric floated down to land on the steps next to Cassandra and Desiray. He rubbed at his arms. “Damn, I got a sun-tan right through my shields.” He sheathed Mon’istiaga with a clank and looked toward the dais. “Did it work?”

  “I can’t tell,” Cassandra breathed.

  Wren drew a breath and started down the steps.

  Ziedra followed close behind, hands laced and held to her lips.

  Bannor swallowed and started down, Sarai held onto his hand and followed. The platform was devoid of threads. It looked—dead. The thought made his stomach twist. He looked up to the sphere overhead. The massive outpouring of Gaea’s essence had pealed the globe open like the petals of a flower.

  Why couldn’t he detect that monstrously powerful life force? All that energy had just vanished like it never was.

  They reached the bottom step. Nothing remained of the Kriar transformation cylinder. Bannor felt the heat of the floor of the conference circle through his boots. The metal and crystal had been literally boiled away by the gigantic forces of the merging. A burned caustic smell hung in the air. Gaea’s body lay on its side in a melted crater of stone several paces across, long black hair lying across her torso and the floor like strands of shadow.

  Octavia who was behind them made an incoherent choking sound. No doubt, she, like the rest of them, had not anticipated anything nearly so violent.

  “How did her body even remain intact?” Cassandra wondered. “Damn, it’s hot.”

  Wren ventured into the still smoking crater, her aura flickering brighter as she dissipated the energy away from herself. “Mother?” She bent down and touched Gaea’s shoulder. “Mother?”

  The goddess didn’t move…

  * * *

  Glossary of Terms

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  Aesir—(also Aesirian) The name given to the Lords of Asgard. There are two clans in Gladshiem consisting of pantheon lords and their issue. There are the more well-known Aesir, and their often rival brothers the Vanir.

  Alostar, Damay—Eldest of the Kel’Varans and reputed to be the most powerful. Damay fought many epic battles against Mandrimin (c.f.) the Ta’arthak Nola (savant of matter) in her time. About 6000 years ago she fell to Aarlen Frielos in a duel of magic, she was approximately 2900 summers old at the time. It is unknown exactly how or why, but Aarlen trapped Damay’s tao essence in an amulet of shael-dal metal. It is surmised that the amulet was an experiment to create a magical item fueled by the essence of a savant. Apparently, the item was never completed. In 1091 N.I.S., Wren Kergatha came into possession of the amulet. She later resurrected Damay by rejoining her tao with a suitable body.

  See Also: ascendant, Frielos, Aarlen, Kergatha, Liandra (Wren) Idun-daughter, magic

  Alpha—Alpha is the name given to the entity, which procreated life in the body of Gaea and is thus the progenitor of the elder races that diversified to become the various forms of life throughout Eternity. Many scholars speculate that Alpha and Gaea are merely metaphors for the burgeoning of life. Others cite differently quoting texts that indicate that both Alpha and Gaea were actual creatures that pre-dated all other forms of intelligent life. The Alphaforce is the spark said to be carried by savants. This spark is sometimes referred to as a ‘tao’.

  See Also: ascendant, Eternity

  alphas—Alphas (plural) is general reference to creatures that possess a ‘tao’ and have the potential to merge with their ‘beta’ match. All savants are considered ‘alphas’ while the pantheon lords are considered ‘betas’. It is theorized that each living alpha savant has a corresponding beta who is their reciprocal.

  See Also: ascendant, betas

  Arabella—Bard hailing from Corwin, renowned through Sharikaar. Many of the epics of the Ring Realms are translations written by this red-headed lady bard. The number of adaptations attributed to Arabella seem excessive considering her relatively young age (around 50). While most famous for her ability with instruments, song, and pen—Arabella has a notorious history. She was associated with some of the more nefarious thieves guilds in Sharikaar, and purportedly involved in many kinds of violent mayhem.

  Arabella was renowned for her temper, and was involved several known public duels that resulted in the death of her opponents. Certain sources cite that they find it unusual that in more than half of these fatalities, the slaying blow appeared to be inflicted from behind.

  A number of reliable witnesses claim that Arabella is currently no longer among the living. With a town full of onlookers, a red haired bard, purportedly Arabella, was accused, tried, and hung for murder in northern Ivaneth. The credence of this report is in doubt however, because new songs and written materials with Arabella’s distinctive flair have since appeared. Whether they are actually the work of Arabella, or simply the works of another bard publishing under her name is unknown.

  See Also: Corwin, Ivaneth, Tunespinner, Arabella

  archmage—A term to classify the highest order of magely skills. When a magic-user attains archmage status they are said to be “master” mages and can utilize all common schools of magick.

  See Also: magic

  Ariok, Dominique Kalan—Daughter of Gabriella Sarn Ariok and Sarok Ariok. Like her mother Dominique was turned to vampirism to survive in the Silissian campaign against the servants of Kali. Dominique was trained from birth to be a warrior specializing in the destruction of the minions of Kali. She is a renowned blademaster and with her extended lifespan, she turned to magic and became a loremage as well. Unlike her mother, Dominique was not a willing vampire, she was forced into it by her mother. Centuries later when this condition was removed, it remains a point of friction between them. (Ah, the drama of having an evil dragon-draining vampire for a mother!) As a result, Dominique was alw
ays closer to her father, who as one might imagine was no angel either if he took a vampire as his wife.

  Through a complicated series of events, Dominique attempted to free her mother after she had been captured by Dorian and Cassandra, and the evil purified from her. Not knowing what had been done to her mother, Dominique was quite surprised when her mother turned on her and assisted in her capture. Dominique too was turned from the darkness, and the vampirism that had been forced on her reversed. Many cycles later through a gradual campaign of persuasion, Dominique has slowly become friends with members of the Felspar clan. Though no-longer a vampire, she is still a ‘vamp’, and characterized by her smooth and lascivious dialogue, it goes without saying that she still likes whips and chains… but that’s another story.

  For a number of cycles, Dominique and Tal Falor were an “item” and both did a tour of duty in the Shael Dal where the lady began to like the role of the hero. She and Tal split up on friendly terms in 1087 N.I.S. Dominique’s exemplary contributions to the Protectorate were significant enough that she was asked to continue being a contributing member.

  It was through her involvement with the protectorate that Dominique came into contact with the Kriar high counsel Marna Solaris. She and the Kriar became fast friends in the wake of her recent separation from Tal. Later, she and the Kriar lady became lovers. They eventually married when Marna underwent renewal. (Kriar periodically change sexual identity—so Marna took on the identity of Marn—a male Kriar). Dominique has one child by Marna which she foathra’d when Marna was still female, a boy named Celaesh.

  Dominique has been teaching the Kriar matriarch magic, in return she has been learning Kriar warp-science and gate control. The woman’s already formidable mastery of magic intertwined with Kriar super-technology make her one of the most dangerous creatures in the Ring Realms.

  See Also: Ariok, Gabriella Sarn, dragon, Eternity, eternals, Ishtarvariku, Dorian Degaba, kriar, magic

  Ariok, Gabriella Sarn—The Dragon Queen of Silissia. This great elder’s true name (Drakka’Tah) is known only to a few. Gabriella was born sometime during the infancy of the Silissian old world, approximately 14,000 cycles ago. She was the sole survivor when the Kali cult over-ran her village and staked out her family. Swearing vengeance, she undertook a campaign against the followers of the death goddess that lasted close to five millennia.

  Early in her history, Gabriella turned to vampirism to get the strength and lifespan to continue her vendetta. Gabriella is known as the Dragon Queen because unlike typical vampires who feed on humans, her targets were typically dragons both for the amount of blood and their power. It is unknown how she gained the power to prey on dragons in such a fashion, but it surmised she gained this ability (curse?) from one of the three orbs of dragonkind.

  In her later years, Gabriella had the misfortune of crossing some of the Band of the Crescent Moon. After a number of clashes, the elder was eventually captured by the combined efforts of Dorian Degaba and Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri. With the power of grand magicks, Gabriella was turned from darkness to serve the light. Regardless of her new ‘outlook’, Gabriella is uneasy ally of House Felspar and the regime of Isis. After her ‘conversion’ Gabriella shared a close bond with Dorian, and two are fast allies. Dorian, along with her daughters Cassin and Annawen, serve as Gabriella’s magical apprentices.

  Gabriella has four living daughters: Dominique, Gabrin, Sabella, Sarokirin. Her only son, Sarok, died in a conflict against her. Before her capture and conversion, Gabriella acted occasionally as an agent for Aarlen Frielos. Gabriella plays a significant roll in the story of Savant’s Blood.

  See Also: dragon, Frielos, Aarlen, Isis, Ishtarvariku, Dorian Degaba

  arminwen—Elvish. Respectful way to address a princess when your caste and rank are inferior.

  See Also: elvish

  ascendant—Term coined by Bannor Starfist to describe savants who have access to their full immortal powers. “Ascending” can take place in one of three ways. The first (and intended) way is when a savant alpha joins with the pantheon lord who is their beta body. Daena Sheento joins with Hella to become the first ascendant in ‘Neath Odin’s Eye. As an ascendant she had the physical potential of a pantheon lord coupled with the mastery of a universal force.

  The second way ascendance can take place are when a savant uses their tao-form or astral-body to overlap a creature with immort characteristics. Wren Kergatha did this with both Desiray Illkaren Felspar and with her mother Euriel Kergatha. In the events of Gaea’s Legacy, several savants do this with bodies created expressly for this purpose by Marna Solaris.

  The third and last way a savant can ascend is by having their original physical body modified to take on immort characteristics. This happens to Bannor during the course of Gaea’s Legacy after his tao-inhabited body created by Marna is destroyed and his original body is heavily damaged.

  Ascendants gain power over time and with experience. Daena, though her body was technically inferior to those possessed by the created ascendants was more powerful because her tao was in complete synchronis with her body.

  See Also: Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Kergatha, Liandra (Wren) Idun-daughter

  avatar—A creature who has been bonded to another through avatarism (c.f.)


  Baronian—A race of created warriors whose true origins remain unknown. They are humanoid in nature but appear to be the product of an extensive breeding and isolation program. Baronian warriors and mages are renowned for their physical endurance, pain tolerance, and mental faculties. In addition to simply being physically strong and durable, Baronians also possess the ability to metabolize raw energy which can be used to power spells or even heal wounds.

  Accounts of Baronian culture is that they are a slave race to a group of beings known only as the ‘masters’. Within the Baronian hierarchy, females are primarily considered chattel, with certain prominent members able to earn free status through outstanding service to the various war causes. What little is known about the Baronians was gleaned when a party of Protectorate warriors accompanied Vatraena Marna Solaris and her aides to the Kriar Homeworld of the Karanganoi. There they discovered a force of Baronians had over-run and enslaved the entire Kriar civilization. In return for information and cooperation, Tal Falor made an agreement with a group ten Baronian slave women to help them escape. Tal kept his word and these slaves were broken free. These females now work in the employ of Isis. Notably among this group is a female warmage named Luthice who is the blood sister of Senalloy who Corim Vale frees from Rakaar.

  See Also: Corresont, Senalloy Moirae, Eternity, energy, eternals, Isis, kriar, magic

  battleblade—Something of a misnomer, all swords are designed for use in combat. A battleblade is a weapon designed for PROLONGED use in battle. Typical swords have a lifespan of only a few serious combats before breaking (or the edge blunting). Only specially tempered metals have enough resilience to retain their edge and rigidity for any significant amount of actual abuse. This is historically what set Saracen steel and the folded designs of Japanese samurai swords apart. A battleblade is weapon that has these resilient qualities.

  See Also: battlesword

  battleform—A shape that can be assumed by certain high order immorts. Mass is accumulated from interdimensional storage, and the body of the immort becomes extremely dense (like metal). The immort becomes immune to most forms of normal weaponry and many bodily functions operate on different rules (the need to breathe, bleeding is greatly decreased). Battleform grants incredible physical strength, but the mass and insensitivity make it unweildy and useful only in a select number of situations.

  battlestaff—Used to describe a staff that has been fitted with heavy metal shods, often installing cudgel balls, blades, or spikes into the ends of the weapon to make it more effective in combat.

  battlesword—This is an alternate usage for battleblade. See battleblade.

  belkirin—Combat grade rank in the Kriar military equal to
a commander. See also Kriar Ranks.

  See Also: kriar

  Bertrand Kirnath Valharesh —See Valharesh, Bertrand Kirnath.

  betas—Betas (plural) usually refers to one of the pantheon lords. See Alphas.

  biophase—A form of energy that can be tapped by the proper magical rituals. This energy is often used to dispel fatigue and reinforce the body. Mages utilize it to boost the efficiency of their spells.

  Utilization of biophase has a strong euphoric effect that makes its use dangerous. Despite the hazards, biophase is one of the commonly manipulated powers in “carnal energies”.

  See Also: energy, magic

  boreshafts—A term used by the Kriar when discussing the places where openings were made (or bored) from realspace into subspace for purposes of placing an interspacial/interdimensional gate interface.

  See Also: kriar

  boresite—To the Kriar, this is a location where a gate is destined to be placed.

  See Also: kriar

  Brondheim—A mountain peak in Asgard used as point of reference before the great battle with the High Jury.


  Cassiopeia—A name used by Gaea to address Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri Felspar. It is assumed that this is Cassandra’s birth name as opposed to the name she goes by.

  chimera—A monster found in various parts of the realms. It is a composite winged creature with three heads, that of a goat, great cat, and serpent.

  Chrysandil—Quasar Lathaan Diliaysus’ trueborn first name. Gaea addresses her with this name instead of her alias Quasar. Gaea typically doesn’t use nicknames or aliases. For Quasar, this was particularly significant because it showed a relationship between her and Gaea that other Kriar do not share. Kriar being from outside of Eternity wouldn’t normally have any bond to Gaea but in Quasar’s case one did exist due to some events in Quasar’s past.


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