Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant Page 52

by Will Greenway

  It was shortly after these events that the elder elite Aleesha Cloudwalker, who had recently come back on the scene due to the efforts of Cassandra and Dorian, got wind of Bronawyn’s recent hijinx. For whatever reason, the elder elite took exception to the Silissian woman and decided to make an end of her. Only the intervention of Eclipse prevented Bronawyn from meeting an untimely “conversion” to the light.

  The rivalry between Aleesha and Bronawyn continues. The elder elite is waiting for Eclipse to get tired of protecting Bronawyn, and then she shall finally have her way…


  For those time conscious individuals, the aforementioned details concerning Eclipse come after the events in both Savant’s Blood and in Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot In Time. They have already taken place by the time of the events in Reality’s Plaything.


  See Also: cyber-unit, Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Felspar, Loric, Felspar Clan, Felspar, Caldorian, Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri, Kirikos, Dame, kriar, kriar ranks, Mercedes, Shargris, Eclipse, Shadowstalker, Nevarr, shaladen, tarkath

  Shadowstalker, Nevarr — Younger brother of Bronawyn Shadowstalker, and only surviving male member of the Shadowstalker royal family. Nevarr, returned to Silissia to validate the Ariok coup. He married the Sabella Ariok as a gesture to bind the Shadowstalker and Ariok families, and restore the Shadowstalker stewardship of the Kingdom of Drakmourn.

  See Also: Shadowstalker, Bronawyn

  shaladen — A weapon made of the spirit metal shael dal. The most notable Shaladens are those wielded by the ki’succorund surrogates of the eternals. See eternals.

  The shaladens of the eternals are a physical manifestation of that particular eternal’s spirit that has been combined into alloy of ishtite, adamantine, and krill. The resulting material is for most practical purposes indestructible. See krill.

  All of the shaladens have a ‘vorpul’ quality edge. When a user is “bound” to any of the blades the following abilities are conferred to the wielder: ·

  Physical enhancement: All wielders are endowed with varying degrees of enhanced strength and resistance to physical injury. The smallest such enhancement (provided by the shaladen Cataract) confers strength sufficient to lift 30 stone overhead without straining. The body is toughened to the point that the user’s bare skin is as resistant to injury as if they were wearing chain mail. Most of the blades confer a limited form of “environment adaptation” that allows operation in hostile environments including airless space for a short periods of time. ·

  Unlimited telepathy: this ability allows mental communication across any normal-space distance, and in many cases across trans-dimensional distances as well. This communication can take place regardless of whether the target creature has any telepathic ability. ·

  Cross-culture idiomatic language translation: The shaladen confers the ability to synchronize with a particular creature to speak and understand in their mother tongue. The spoken language is as non-biased and idiomatically correct as is possible when translating the wielder’s thoughts to words in the target language. ·

  Point-to-point summoning: A wielder can “summon” another wielder via plane-shifting provided the other wielder is willing and not resisting the transfer. The “summonee” must be conscious and able to grant permission for the summoning to work. The “call” of the blades is very powerful and can occur across dimensional barriers and through all but a few kinds of magical and technological defenses. ·

  Temporal autonomy: After binding with an eternal shaladen, the wielder is thereafter completely immune to the effects of time. They do not age, and chronological shifts and attacks are ineffective. The shaladen acts as an anomaly compensator allowing the wielder to function in back-time without causing downstream event disruption. The shaladen’s most unique power is its ability to confer pan-temporal uniqueness. The wielder cannot meet his “alternate” parallel time-lines. ·

  Undetectability: As a function of its anomaly compensation, under normal circumstances the wielder of the shaladen is completely undetectable. The user’s presence is not registered by electronic or magical devices. There have been some agencies which developed items specifically for the detection and tracking of the Shael Dal, but in most of the cases the eternals soon confiscated the devices.

  shapeshifting — Literally, the altering of a creatures physical form. In the case of more sophisticated magic, this can also mean assuming special abilities, and in the most extreme cases taking on a new aura, memories and even personality.

  Shargris, Eclipse — Tarkath of the Kriar Shrike Legion Elite, twelve time decorated hero of the Jyril conflicts, and various war causes. Eclipse was a career military warrior with extreme patriotic dedication to his people. He and his close companion Quasar Diliaysus were two of the best warriors the Kriar corps ever saw. On many occasions these two resilient warriors were the last Kriar standing in several unfortunate encounters.

  See Also: kriar, kriar ranks, tarkath

  Sharikaar — The largest continental landmass on Titaan. The major continents of Titaan in order of size are Sharikaar, Fraestar, Canth, Pedon, and Silissia.

  sharonsheen — The shaladen focus for Protectorate Prime Commander Koass Vinax. Koass’ wife Megan wields the reality altering powers of Sharonsheen.

  See Also: shaladen

  Sheento, Daena — An orphaned teenage savant whom Bannor meets in order for her to bind with her beta half, the Aesir pantheon lord Hella. Daena is a Da’Jhamack Nola, a savant of attractions. Daena joins with Hella, and the two merge into what is thought to be a reincarnation of a first one. Daena’s natural abilities equal and in some cases surpass that of a pantheon lord. She has virtually limitless astral strength, and amazing powers of recovery. Daena’s biggest limitation is her age and inexperience. Having the powers of a goddess and knowing how to use them are different things. Though she is learning quickly, it will be some time before she ever realizes a significant portion of her full potential.

  Daena now lives as the protégé of Princess Janai T’Evagduran of Malan, who is educating and gentrifying the young girl turned first one. The youngster has already learned to alter her shape at will, and can now transport herself across vast distances through psionic teleportation. The Malanian princess’ real intentions for Daena are an ongoing issue for concern.

  shields — (generic) For a force-field (c.f.) protecting an area.

  sil’matra — Translated literally this term means ‘bright mother’ or ‘star mother’. It is typically used as a respectful form of address for a woman who is older or of higher station. In the novel Gaea’s Legacy, Cassandra uses this form when speaking to Queen Kalindinai (rather than her given title “Matradomma”). Ordinarily, this would be considered disrespectful, but in that particular situation the Queen wanted a favor from Cassandra that she couldn’t get elsewhere. By using the lesser title, Cassandra was testing to see how badly Kalindinai wanted the particular favor. If Kalindinai let it pass without comment, it showed that it was important enough she wouldn’t risk rebuffing Cassandra’s deliberate misuse of title.

  See Also: Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri, Matradomma, titles/honorifics, T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen)

  Silissia — Large island continent in the southern hemi-sphere of Titaan. Silissia is renowned for the evil creatures which have bred and grown in its territories. Most notable are the enclaves of evil dragons that have extensive cavern networks on the borders of the Silissian desert.

  silissian — Someone from Silissia. see Silissia.

  Skyedoom, Ziedra — Ziedra Skyedoom is an expatriate noblewoman of the eastern Silissian kingdom of Drakmourn. Daughter of General Zhentar Skyedoom, and Beldwin Skyedoom. At a young age, Ziedra was sent away from her home to seek refuge in the Sharikaarian city of Corwin. There Ziedra joined up with a band of gypsies for shelter and refuge. She later met and befriended Wren Kergatha another orphaned young girl. Wren joined the Brethren guild and with her guild earnings supported herself and Zied
ra for many seasons. In the interim Ziedra began learning to dance, and over a span of seasons grew famous and prosperous on her own. She took up with royalty and she and Wren gradually grew apart. Ziedra’s prosperity was not to last, she dallied with the wrong man and was forced to escape Corwin with city guard on her heels. Again destitute, the young woman wandered from kingdom to kingdom doing odd jobs and staying ahead of the princess’ agents. She finally ended up in the port city of Ivaneth where she again met up with an older wiser Wren Kergatha who again took her under her wing.

  It shortly after this reunion that Ziedra’s destiny was to truly crystalize. Through Wren’s recent acquaintances she met Bronawyn Shadowstalker, one of the only surviving family members of the uprising that killed her father. She also discovered her father’s relationship to family Frielos, discovering she was actually the niece of Caladar Skyedoom the paramour of Aarlen Frielos. The revelations were not to end there. Wren Kergatha also discovered that Ziedra was a savant, an Ishtar Nola, a savant of magic.

  Through circumstances, Ziedra was forced to develop skills quickly simply to survive the events that her relationship with Wren got her involved in. Ziedra learned sword fighting and ended up as an magical apprentice of Aarlen Frielos.

  As an Ishtar Nola, Ziedra is a natural mage, able to learn spells simply by touching the caster during the incantation. She has an eidetic memory that allows her to memorize movements and vocal sounds with the briefest exposure. Her ability to couple memorization and the coordination of her body makes Ziedra an incredible student of any coordination reliant skill. This ability is sophisticated enough that she can build skills virtually as fast as she is exposed to the nuances. The Ishtar Nola also allows the reading of magical auras. Ziedra can read not only the properties of magic, but can discern details about the caster who created the enchantments. As a living avatar of magic Ziedra is extremely resistant to harmful magicks, and totally impervious to all forms of magical charms, paralyzation, control and domination. She can manipulate magical energies much the same way the Kel’Varan Nola manipulates forces. This control combined with her personification of magic allows Ziedra to use a magic item that would otherwise work only for a specific person. The exact limits of this last skill are unknown, but it is believed that her nature as ‘magick’s mistress’ causes all magical items to see her as their ‘true creator‘. The pantheon lord Isis possesses a similar capability and some surmise she is the tao-beta to the Ishtar Nola.

  See Also: Shadowstalker, Bronawyn, tao

  Skyweir — Master devote of the martial arts, and legendary hand-to-hand combat expert. Skyweir is a second generation member of the Band of the Crescent moon. This sturdy monk’s steel-hard hands have lent support to many a quest. For much of his career he was the companion of, and worked with, the monk Giquokor who was another master of the open-hand. Together, the first to negotiate, and often the first into any combat. Their bravery and honor were well regarded by all the members of the Band.

  Snowfire — Name of the intelligent shape changing weapon utilized by Beia Targallae. Snowfire is far more than just a weapon but a living autonomous being. This became even more prevalent after he was promoted to honorary shaladen status and Zarr Benwarr of the eternals granted him the powers of eternity. When not actively in the shape of a weapon or a piece of jewelry on Beia’s person, Snowfire prefers the shape of a small dragon. He is a especially fond of gems. He consumes cheap jewels for energy and hoards precious stones whenever he can.

  Though he is Beia’s weapon, in many ways Snowfire thinks of her as a posession. This was probably intentional on Aarlen’s part when she made the weapon, as he jealously guards Beia from any who would do her harm. Snowfire is strongly masculine, a fact which at times rubs Beia the wrong way.

  As a shaladen imbued with a portion of Stellaraac’s (and hence eternal Foross’ power), Snowfire is a master of shape altering powers, both in his own form and Beia’s. Additionally, he can control other materials and creatures as well by absorbing them. Doing forced shape absorption of unwilling intelligent creatures is a frowned upon practice however…

  See Also: dragon, shaladen, Targalle, Beia {Regaura} (Queen)

  Solaris, Marna (Counsel) (Vatraena) — Marna Solaris is the spiritual mother of the Kriar race, and the oldest living Kriar in existence. While the persona of the Vaetrana dates back to before the launching of homeworld, she is only in spirit that same person. Untold millions of cycles old, the Prime Mother of the Kriar has been through renewal thousands of times. While she is (in spirit) the eldest Kriar, she is, in many ways, the youngest because she has forgotten so much of her past in antiquity.

  Marna is the undisputed mistress of the Kriar warp science, and the most skilled time diver on Fabrista homeworld. She is rivaled only by military commander Tarkath Quasar Diliaysus, who uses extensive matrix enhancements to increase her powers. In addition to her time diving capabilities, Marna is able to perform n-space folding by pure force of will. This talent is the ability to cause the atomic and sub-atomic structure of matter to twist upon itself and occupy higher order dimensions. This process can be likened to taking a two dimensional object and folding it so it occupies three dimensions. Marna can take three dimensional matter and “fold” it so that it occupies four and even higher order spaces.

  After the adoption of Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri by house Techstar, it became a fashion among the Kriar nobility to start interacting with the humanity and skilled mages in particular. The ability of magic to overcome something Kriar science could not opened many eyes, and sparked intense interest in learning the secrets of magic. Also, humans being young and impressionable, made them excellent protégés. The Kriar being empaths, derive a great deal of satisfaction being around creatures who still experience excitement and passion. They can feel “vicariously” through their empathy, emotions and sensations that they themselves have become numb to due to hundreds of millennia of life.

  See Also: Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri, kriar, kriar ranks, tarkath

  spectrum — The distribution of energy arranged in order of wavelengths.

  Starbinder, Dulcere Val’Saedra — Daughter of Marna Solaris by her second husband Louvros. Dulcere is a well regarded Belkirin who commanded the star vessel Tiraka. While trying to defend her ship, Dulcere fought a hand-to-hand battle with the blue eternal named Garn. She was subsequently injured and forced to make planetfall, where a mishap with her damaged command-level power matrixes caused a cliff to collapse and bury her. The avalanche forced her into stasis, which over a long period of time allowed her to heal.

  Many millennia later she was uncovered by Meridian Arcturan and Rakaar Steelsheen who used magic to control her. They later bound her to a device and used her timediving powers to cause a massive time quake (isolinear diffraction). Dulcere eventually escapes control and joins forces with Corim Vale, Beia Tarallae, Cassin Kel’Ishtauri Felspar, and Annawen Kel’Ishtauri Felspar. Together the group manages to undo the damage caused by Meridian and restore time to normal.

  As a reward for her assisting the humans, the Jyril Vasar Sa’Gairin removes the curse from Dulcere’s body. The ancient Kriar is very confused when she begins to have feelings for Corim. Eventually, they do begin to grow closer. However, their relationship is made difficult by others who also have amorous intentions for Corim.

  See Also: Felspar, Annawen Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Cassin Kel’Ishtauri, kriar, kriar ranks, Targalle, Beia {Regaura} (Queen)

  Starfist, Bannor — Border guardian for the Barony of Tenax. He holds the rank of captain in the Baron’s ranger regulars. Bannor has the power of the Garmtur Shak’Nola (A savant of reality) which gives him control over the threads of probability, interaction, and creation. His senses allow him to perceive the forces, energies, and interactions of matter and energy through simple concentration. As part of his power he can recognize and memorize such patterns instantly in order to later manipulate them.

  Bannor’s control over the Garmtur is rather limited,
so it often acts in undesirable and sometimes self-destructive ways. Bannor is a skilled warrior with a several years of battle experience. He uses the Jac’Daw style of two-handed fighting which is specifically tailored for axe combat. Bannor is proficient in tracking, plant, and animal identification. As a scout, he is extremely familiar with the borderlands, and has become a proficient in cartography (map making). Bannor is twenty seven years old and engaged to Sarai T’Evagduran the 3rd princess of Malan.

  See Also: T’Evagduran, Sarai (3rd Princess)

  stasis — The cessation of relative time for an object or area. A stasis by definition arrests the decay of matter within its confines.

  Steelsheen, Rakaar — Powerful Baronian warmage forced to serve Meridian Arcturan in his attempt to destroy the Protectorate. Rakaar proved on many occasions to be both a skilled user of magic and a nearly unstoppable sword combatant. He defeated the extremely experienced Dakwhirter Ironfist in a pitched battle with a lucky con’gorot move. He later fought an undecided match against Beia Targallae who technically got the better of him through a surprise move. His most prolonged combat was with 16th ranked Talorin Falor where the battle was essentially a stalemate until a chance opening allowed Tal to cripple Rakaar and force him to retreat. Of the battles he fought, only the ancient belkiran warrior Dulcere Starbinder was his superior, and only then when she was at full strength.

  Rakaar is particularly significant for his possession of the Genemar, a weapon he stole from the Baronian hierarchy. This powerful device is being sought by a number of agencies, none of whom have yet located it. No-one yet knows much about the genemar, and whatever Rakaar knew of it was taken to his grave when Corim Erik Vale defeated him in battle with the shaladen Starwind. Rakaar did describe the item as ‘creation run amok’ but nothing else.


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