Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant Page 53

by Will Greenway

  Rakaar had in his service a trained battle-nurse named Senalloy whom Corim subsequently frees. Senalloy is the blood sister of another Baronian woman named Luthice.

  See Also: Falor, Talorin {Tal}, shaladen, Targalle, Beia {Regaura} (Queen)

  stone — Measure of weight. For those concerned with Terran equivalents, a stone is equal to 20 pounds or just hair over 9 kilograms.

  — T —

  T’Evagduran, Janai (2nd Princess) — Janai is Kalindinai’s second daughter and around 500 cycles old. Of the Queen’s three daughters, Janai is actually the most rebellious, however, unlike her younger sibling she is much better at hiding it. Janai has a reputation as a schemer and a hedonist, but is well liked in Malanian court despite this. The princess is well traveled and has significant holdings outside of Malan. She owns countryside keeps and apartments in Ivaneth, Corwin, and Coormeer. She also has holdings in Canth and Pedon. She is rumored to have a controlling interest of one of the Nomarian trade guilds. Both of Janai’s husbands have died under suspicious circumstances. In both cases, the marriages had been arranged by her father. Her first husband died in one of the Realm wars. However, he died well inside territory controlled by Malan. A much decorated warrior, though the bodies of enemies were found around him. One court physician maintains the wound responsible for his slaying was actually an arrow shot. Evidence of this was never formally brought to the Malanian court however. Her second husband was slain in a magical duel. Strangely, both duelists were killed in the fight along with their seconds. The incident was considered a “freak accident of magical amplification”. The fireblast that hit the combatants was far in excess of what either Elf could generate. The families of the four slain men maintain that Janai had a hand in their death. This was never brought to court because it was well known that Janai possessed no talents in magic.

  Janai and Sarai constantly fence with each other verbally and socially, and though they openly display hostility toward one another, they are quick to rally in defense of one another. Janai has great deal of respect for her older sister Ryelle, to whom she gives more deference to than even her mother at times. Some sources speculate that the eldest sister Ryelle knows something about Janai that keeps the younger sister step and fetch…

  Janai is a natural with the bow, and takes top honors in any tournament she enters. She has beaten her father on two occasions who is renowned through the realms for his skill. Because her father takes losing badly, she has never again entered a tournament in which he was competing.

  Janai is a schemer and a hedonist. She has significant magical talents which she keeps secret due to certain obligations imposed on Malanian citizens who are mages. Janai has no children.

  After events in ‘Neath Odin’s Eye, Daena Sheento becomes Janai’s One, much to the chagrin of the King and Queen. Same sex One’s are not unknown, but regarded with some bemusement. Officially, Daena is Janai’s ward prodigal.

  See Also: T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen), T’Evagduran, Ryelle (1st Princess), T’Evagduran, Sarai (3rd Princess)

  T’Evagduran, Jhaann (King) — King T’Evagduran ascended to the throne of Malan 1116 summers ago at the age of 972, and has had a fairly peaceful rule throughout. Malan has fought many skirmishes, but the conflicts were short lived due to the military and magical might commanded by house T’Evagduran. Jhaann is reputed to be the best archer in all of Sharikaar. Only his daughter Janai can contend against him, and she does not participate in warfare. He has moderate magical skills and is capable of enchanting minor magic items. Jhaann married Kalindinai in his 115th summer of rule. He and his wife have been married for 999 summers. They have had three daughters.

  See Also: Sharikaar, T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen)

  T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen) — Queen Kalindinai became the bride of Malan 999 summers ago at the age of 1153. She is a well respected and regarded queen who travels extensively within the borders of Malan conducting affairs of state. Kalindinai is what as known as a wilder mage, possessing extraordinarily strong magical and mental abilities. Her skills are only equivalent to an arch-magi but the power of her magic is significantly greater. It is the Queen’s participation in some of Malan’s border skirmishes that have caused the conflicts to end so quickly. The Matradomma is a devastating warmage and capable of destroying entire legions. Because of her intimidating reputation, Kalindinai often conducts negotiations on behalf of Malan. Kalindinai has three daughters.

  See Also: Matradomma, titles/honorifics

  T’Evagduran, Ryelle (1st Princess) — Ryelle is Kalindinai’s first daughter, born one summer after she was married to the King. Ryelle is 998 summers old. Ryelle is the steady daughter, who has always gotten along with both her parents. She is good at keeping her sisters under control when necessary, and get her sisters out of trouble when their stubbornness causes problems. Ryelle has never married though she has had several serious relationships that each time were thought would end in marriage. Her younger sister Janai maintains that she scares potential husbands away with talk of duty and loyalty to the affairs of the realm.

  See Also: T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen)

  T’Evagduran, Sarai (3rd Princess) — Sarai is Kalindinai’s youngest daughter and is 473 summers old. Sarai idolizes her father and was the only daughter to join the Malanian military. Disguising her identity, she entered the ranks as a common recruit and earned her way to high Praelor of the hippogriff elite before it was discovered she was in fact the crown princess. Because of this, she is well regarded and respected amongst the officers and regulars of the Malanian forces. Sarai is skilled in the sword and bow, and served in three cavalry campaigns. She has some minor skills in magic. Sarai is the most independent of the daughters, and very direct in her manner. It is this directness that causes her to clash with her father who feels a need to reign in his willful daughter. Shortly after her enforced engagement to Duke Myrgul Tradeholme, Sarai slipped out of Malan. She later found Bannor Starfist in borderlands and fell in love with him. They later decided to get engaged.

  See Also: Myrgul, Duke, T’Evagduran, Kalindinai (Queen)

  talonlancer — A Elven legion specializing in spear and griffonback riding.

  tan’acho — The highest level of awareness and affinity with the forces of the cosmos. The Garmtur Shak’Nola can reach this affinity. Bannor briefly experiences Tan’Acho without knowing it while fighting Hethanon in a lakeside clearing.

  tao — The spirit force of savants. The tao is a far stronger essence than that of a typical mortal, able to retain consciousness and identity for extended periods of time outside of a physical shell. The tao can all retain and capture the essence of mortal life-forces and keep them intact within its matrix, incorporating that pseudo-life into the host entity.

  Targalle, Beia {Regaura} (Queen) —Summary

  Queen of the Jhandris’Kul clan of Myrmigynes that reside in the great tree Duran’Gravar. Beia is a survivor of the arcturan death spectacles, victor of 611 bouts, 7 losses and 12 draws. She wears the shadowbolt tattoo and in an acknowledged 12th circle grand master of the Jac Daw and Dan Sadad fighting styles. She is a renowned archer and hunter as well. See has a younger sister named Ess. Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri is her adopted ‘clan sister’.


  Beia has a long and sordid past. Raised in the arenas she new nothing but gladiatorial combat until the age of 26 when she escaped the arena’s with the assistance T’Gor D’Shar. T’Gor had been drafted in the arenas as an outside competitor, lured there by promises of great weapons, fabulous wealth, and the best fight training available in the realms. Most of this being true if one could manage to win seven combats in a row—which draftees rarely did.

  Beia served as an arena “ringer” or blockmaster an impossible opponent set up to defeat draftees so that they would be forced to continue their gladiatorial contracts. As a lifer, a pit fighter born in the arena, freedom could only be achieved by going one hundred battles undefeated. As Meridian Arcturan�
��s star fighter, Beia suffered exactly one defeat every hundred battles through various tricks rigged by the evil mage.

  One of the conditions of defeating an opponent in the arenas is that the warrior may opt to take 2 of that person’s belongings, or take that person into servitude. Part of Meridian’s twisted arena schemes is that his riggers were often able to defeat their opponents without slaying them outright. These hapless people would be carted off the field hanging by a thread where revival magicks would be used to restore them to health. Each revival cost the contractee seven battles. So, in defeat not only did they still need to fight seven more battles, they owed seven more. As a result draftees rarely could rarely overcome the deficit of owed fights to earn their way out.

  T’Gor D’Shar fought for three years in the arenas, learning the Dan Sadad from various blockmasters. He deliberately forfeited optional matches to maintain his contract but not dig himself into a hole where he could not win his way out.

  When he felt he had learned everything of value, he began his push to win his way clear of the arena. Unfortunately, T’Gor had become rather popular and had a reputation for winning all the big fights. When it looked like T’Gor would get himself free. Meridian arranged to have him fight Beia.

  The fight was vicious and Beia was more than challenged by this powerful draftee. However, her greater experience and wild animal power (plus a little rigging by Meridian) ensured that she defeated him. This being her six hundredth battle, Beia resented that Meridian had robbed her of a fair fight. She chose to take T’Gor’s service rather than deprive him of his magic items.

  It was during this service time that T’Gor and Beia got to know one another. Both of them were mutually angry at Meridian’s rigs, T’Gor for being duped, and Beia for being robbed of an honorable challenge against a worthy opponent. It was during this time that T’Gor convinced Beia to try to leave the arenas. Years of conditioning and abuse had made her believe that it was not possible to overcome Meridian.

  T’Gor believed different. His plan was to request a special challenge rematch and have Beia throw the fight. He would “kill” her and collect the body as his spoils. Of course, there was the little matter of winning six more fights. With Beia’s additional training and coaching, T’Gor won the six fights and made the special challenge against Beia.

  It was this “special challenge bout” that brought Beia to the attention of Aarlen Frielos. Unbeknownst to Beia and T’Gor, the fight had been rigged so BOTH warriors would end up in a three way match and get defeated. This was known to the spectators but not the two warriors. It was Aarlen who made the gave the gift of Tariegron, the great battle blade to Beia right before the fight. The odds ranged from fifty to one to over a hundred-to-one against the two fighters surviving.

  The battle was horrendous, invisible block masters, monsters and a host of trickery was turned against them. However, Meridian had not counted on Tariegron’s vorpul edge nor the determination of the two. When the dust had settled they had defeated four Rhinotaurs, a half dozen hidden block masters, and several other fighters. Gasping for breath, facing Meridian’s box the two of them looked up at him defiantly. While Beia stood their glaring at the evil mage, T’Gor stepped back and slammed Beia across the back of the head, knocking her unconscious and “defeating” her for the seventh time. T’Gor claimed her “body” as the spoils. Emotions from this titanic struggle were so high and audience involvement so great that Meridian was forced to release T’Gor who in turn pulled Beia from the arena.

  After a brief stint with freedom and recovery, Beia and T’Gor would return to the arena to help others escape the rigged battles including Beia’s younger sister Ess.

  On the outside Beia would go through a long recovery and acclimation process. She became “attached” to Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri after serving as bodyguard for her in a few adventures. The gold mage and her friend Dorian would eventually soften the hard exterior of this cold fighting machine and bring out her real emotions and feminine nature.

  She would go on to make friends with Talorin Falor, and become the widely regarded teacher of pit fighting techniques. Tal would eventually persuade Beia in backing a campaign to destroy all of Meridian’s arenas.

  Years later she would meet and grow close to Aarlen Frielos.

  See Also: Falor, Talorin {Tal}, Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri

  tarkath — Combat and engineer grade rank in the Kriar military equal to a rear admiral. See also Kriar Ranks.

  See Also: kriar, kriar ranks

  Tarrantil, Bertram — Active member of the Shael Dal wielding the honorary Shaladen weapon Golnir. Bertram is the high Justicar of Ukko, the highest ranking law upholding religious figure on the continent of Sharikar. Bertram is married to Desiray Illkaren Felspar for particular political reasons too complicated to enumerate here. Desiray is also married to Loric Felspar and Brin Ishtarvariku. Bertram has six birth children from a previous marriage to Thamara Narrimar. Recently Bertram married Val’siden D’Tarin (the daughter of Lord Algernon D’Tarin). Bertram has close to thirty adopted sons and daughters.

  See Also: D’Tarin, Algernon, Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Felspar, Loric, shaladen

  Techstar, Ivral — Ivral Techstar is the youngest of the Kriar at (only 156,000 years old). Like the rest of her people she was cursed with infertility and sense deprivation by the Jyril. Complex genetic locks prevented the Kriar from cloning or engineering away the reproductive and sensory disorder. To ensure race survival Kriar extended their lives until a normal reproductive and evolutionary cycle could begin again. In early 1078 N.I.S Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri Felspar cured the Kriar gene lock using the power of Eternity.

  Ivral Techstar had previously come in contact with Cassandra because she had been seeking the Kriar’s help in apprehending a rogue Kriar warrior (and political leader) named Daergon Surr. Also during that time Cassandra was still adjusting to the Kriar power matrixes that she had acquired during the quest against Hellzan. The stones had been “healing” her—the end result being a slow metamorphosis to Kriar physiology.

  Through Ivral, Cassandra learned about the Jyril curse. She eventually decided to assist the race in reclaiming their normal evolution. A year later she did succeed and became an instant hero amongst the Kriar people. The Kriar government however was wary of Cassandra, this (to them) virtual infant had overcome in a single year what they had spent a thousand millennia trying to defeat. It was decided that a guardian should be assigned to the mage. Ivral being the youngest Kriar, and already knowing Cassandra, was selected to be that liaison. It was decided that “adoption” was the best way to give Cassandra legal citizenship on Homeworld and further assist in the Kriar hierarchy in keeping track of this powerful mage.

  Though initially the adoption was a matter of convenience, Ivral eventually came to know and care for Cassandra. After many millennia of being unable to reproduce, the Kriar psyche is rather preoccupied with procreation and child- rearing. To someone a thousand millennia old, Cassandra is still a child. Ivral by stages became in function as well as name—Cassandra’s mother. Dame Techstar (Ivral’s birth mother), eventually became infatuated with her grand-child mostly because of Cassandra’s daughters (Cassin and Annawen) who were children (in human terms) and born Kriar.

  The Techstar family has profited enormously by Cassandra’s addition to their ranks, as the mage’s “star status” among Kriar is worth a great deal in favors, media deals, and other “celebrity status” benefits. This, of course, certainly hasn’t hurt Cassandra’s popularity among the members of her adoptive family.

  See Also: Felspar, Annawen Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Cassin Kel’Ishtauri, Kirikos, Dame, kriar

  telepathic — The ability to communicate via mental projection. The capabilities of telepaths ranges from simple impressions that can only be communicated across a room to creatures like the Eternals and pantheon lords that can physically control several creatures across interstellar distances.
  telepathy — The ability to project / communicate via mental energies. See telepathic.

  See Also: mindspeak

  teleport — The act of teleporting. See teleportation.

  teleportation — Magical teleportation was originally developed by Mandrimin (c.f.). The simple explanation is that it is a magical process which allows instantaneous transport between two locations. For the technical mage, teleportation involves two phases, the first being the extraction a simulcraic derivation of the source matter from chaotic space, then a fractal compression of the interpolated particulate helices is performed. The corresponding magical data is then compact enough to do matter / energy exchange with the target locale where the simulcra are reconstructed into their approximations. Note that the source and destination are no longer the same, but extremely accurate approximations created out of the templates located in mathematical space. [Complicated isn’t it? That’s why it takes special training to be a mage! ]

  temporal — Of or pertaining to Time.

  tenday — Like it sounds—ten days.

  Teritaani — A human-like elder race that live in the remote parts of the Ring Realms. Aarlen Frielos is a notable member of the Teritaani.

  Terranath, Damrosil — Damrosil is a 2nd generation member of the Band of the Crescent Moon. She has freebooted across many planets and participated in numerous adventures. Damrosil was a longtime companion of Tiernia Nirvanae and the two of them had numerous encounters with the Dream Merchants and their operatives. Damrosil and Tiernia grew apart in their later years as Tiernia settled down to build a bard school. Damrosil went on to fight in the Arcturan Death Spectacles and made the acquaintance of Beia Targallae.


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