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Once Upon A Kiss: Seventeen Romantic Faerie Tales

Page 43

by Alethea Kontis

  Louise cleared her throat. “Prince Atsu, very lovely to see you.” But despite wanting to woo the prince, Louise’s smile looked more like a grimace. And for all her bravado earlier, Isabel stood stooped, angling her body away from the prince and his silky smile.

  Hazel entered tentatively, hovering near the open door. “Good morning,” she said in a voice barely audible.

  Selena’s voice carried like a battle horn in comparison. “Very good, we are all here,” she called out as she entered the parlor in swift, confident strides. Her navy cloak billowed behind her, the edges rippling at her ankles. Fritz flitted into the parlor behind her.

  Selena walked straight up to the prince and announced, “I am to be your chaperone.”

  Isabel’s stomach backflipped. Having Selena as a chaperone was about as useful as being looked after by the madam of a brothel.

  Atsu’s eyes sparkled. “I didn’t realize Far North had become so liberal. You are unmarried, yourself, Miss Selena.”

  “I am engaged,” Selena answered with a ready smile. She wiggled her fingers as though flashing an invisible engagement band. “Plus, I have Fritz.”

  Atsu caught Selena’s waving fingers and lifted them toward his lips. At first Isabel thought he meant to kiss her hand, but he rubbed his thumb back and forth across her fingers instead. Isabel didn’t understand how Selena could keep her composure or smile so naturally.

  Fritz folded his arms over his chest and watched Atsu’s thumb with slanted eyes, ready to bite down the offending digit from the look of it.

  “Your fiancé is an extremely lucky man to have won the hand of one of Lord Ivers’s fair daughters. I hope I, too, shall soon count myself as lucky.”

  Selena pulled her hand free and flicked Atsu in the chest. “Then perhaps I shall soon call you brother.”

  Atsu beamed.

  Isabel cringed inside. The man didn’t even try to hide his intentions. She and her sisters were treated with about as much consideration as side dishes at a dinner table for their esteemed guest to decide upon. If they were in Estival, Atsu would probably sample them all first before deciding.

  “Let’s proceed to the gardens, shall we?” Selena said in a singsong voice. “I do love breathing in the fresh air.” She led the way out of the parlor. Atsu waited until each of the sisters had vacated the room before following.

  A wide set of glass doors at the back of the manor led to a stone terrace with steps leading down to the gardens. Atsu joined Selena as she descended. Isabel tried to pick up what they were saying, but their words did not float back. Stone statues of nymphs poised slyly along the walkway watched them with cold gray eyes as they swished past. The ceramic pots along the stairs were empty of life, waiting until spring for flowers, ferns, and caladiums.

  The crisp air filled the openings of Isabel’s cloak and stung her eyes and ears. She clutched her cloak against her neck.

  They circled the empty fountain to the beginning of the narrowed garden path. Their group would have to split into twos.

  Atsu swung around at the path’s entrance. “Allow me to escort one of you fair ladies through the garden.”

  Isabel looked at the ground. Hazel shifted from one foot to another. Louise took a step forward as Atsu cried, “Isabel!” with gusto.

  She gave a slight jump. Her mouth opened in protest, but no sound came forth. She felt herself shrink down as Atsu walked toward her. He stopped a foot in front of her and grinned. When he offered her his arm she stared at it in horror.

  Selena nudged Isabel. “Go on, you goose. Take the prince’s arm. Louise, Hazel, you two lead the way. The prince and Izzy will go after you and I’ll follow behind.”

  Louise’s forehead wrinkled, but she had no other choice but to lead the way. As her stepsister turned, Isabel surrendered her hand to Atsu, praying to the north winds that the toad prince would not caress her fingers as he’d done with Selena.

  “Come along, Hazel,” Louise said, dragging their youngest stepsister forward.

  Hazel, who’d been gawking, blinked rapidly then hurried to fall into line beside Louise. The girl had trouble keeping up. She was a whole head shorter than Louise and practically had to jog to keep pace.

  “What’s the hurry?” Selena called from the back.

  “I don’t want the prince to catch cold,” Louise called back. “Remember, he’s not accustomed to such harsh conditions.”

  “Very thoughtful of you, Miss Ivers,” Atsu said between pinched lips.

  “Yes, Louise puts a lot of thought into all her actions,” Selena piped in from the back, sounding amused.

  “You need not worry about me,” Atsu said. “Being beside your sister warms me inside and out.”

  “Isn’t that sweet?” Selena sang out.

  Sickening is more what Isabel had in mind.

  Louise whipped around, another forced smile upon her lips. “I should love to visit Estival,” she said. “I’ve lived in Far North my entire life. I imagine the lowlands are very beautiful.”

  Atsu grinned. “It is a land without equal.”

  “As is Far North,” Selena quipped.

  “One gets tired of the same scenery,” Louise continued, flicking her wrist at the frozen vines creeping along the path.

  “But my dear, you’ve always loved the snow,” Selena said.

  Making another attempt, Louise pulled her attention away from Selena and aimed a more convincing smile at the prince. “Do you enjoy music, Prince Atsu?”

  “Hmm?” Atsu turned his head slowly away from Isabel. “I have my own personal harpist.”

  “A beautiful instrument. I love music.”

  “Yes, I find the harp possesses a hypnotic tone. It can be quite useful for letting go of inhibitions.” Atsu studied Isabel’s face as he spoke, causing her to flush as though with fever. “Are you cold, Isabel? Your face is turning red,” he said in a playful tone that made her skin crawl.

  When Isabel made no answer, Selena said, “My, how titillating. What do you think, Fritz?”

  Fritz smirked. “I shall never listen to harp music the same way again.”

  “Nor I,” Selena said.

  Their words fell on deaf ears. Atsu put his arm around Isabel and hugged her to his side. “Come closer, my love. I shall keep you warm.”

  Louise balled her right hand into a fist and took a step toward Atsu but was stopped from landing him a blow when Fritz shot forward and poked her in the eye.

  “Ouch!” she bellowed, fingers uncurling to cover her eye.

  Hazel hurried to her side. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine,” Louise grumbled as she lowered her hand and blinked rapidly.

  Fritz flew up in front of her face. “I do apologize,” he said, placing a hand over his heart. “I meant to check the path ahead for ice so that I might warn you.”

  Before Louise could make a retort, Selena spoke up from the back. “Fritz, that is very thoughtful of you, but you must be more careful next time. You nearly took out Louise’s eye.”

  “Very sorry,” Fritz said, doing little to hide his mischievous grin.

  “Excuse me,” Selena said, pushing past Isabel and Prince Atsu. She placed her hand delicately on Louise’s arm and peered into her eye. Her lips drew back and she sucked in air before saying, “I’m afraid it’s turned red. You should have Rayden look at that straightaway.”

  “Being that I’m half blind, I could use a hand,” Louise grumbled. “Isabel, would you mind guiding me inside?”

  Isabel’s eyes lit up with relief one moment, her lashes lowered the next as she glanced at Atsu uncertainly. The prince had not released his hold over her. She wished she had the courage to stomp on his foot, but she knew too well how her stepfather handled insubordination.

  As she wavered, Louise snapped at her. “Izzy!”

  Isabel’s head shot up, a vicious wound forming over her delicate heart. It was the first time Louise had ever snapped at her. Even though Isabel knew she was trying to rescue her from the prin
ce, it stung to be addressed in the same tones Lady Ivers, Paulina, Selena, and Darcey used on her regularly.

  Louise cleared her throat. “I could really use your help, dear.”

  “We shall all go back inside,” Atsu announced. “As Miss Ivers pointed out earlier, it is rather cold out here.” He looked at Louise pointedly, all while keeping hold of Isabel as though she were already his property.

  Chapter 3

  That night, while the rest of the household slept, Isabel had the manor to herself. The gallery was empty and dark, save for the moonlight seeping in from windows at the end of the hallway, spilling light onto the tapestry rugs. Isabel had always preferred nightfall, when her stepfamily retired to their rooms and the servants settled in for the evening.

  She meandered in and out of the deserted parlors, sitting rooms, and library. She felt like a ghost wandering the silent halls of Northwood. At night she moved with a grace that failed her during the daylight hours. Darkness had never frightened her. She was safe in the dark. It was during the day that her stepfamily watched her with cool contempt. She’d long suspected that Lord Ivers kept her around as punishment—forced to grow up with the man who had murdered her mother. Forced to be called his daughter.

  Ambrose Ivers would never be her father. She’d never despised a man more. Unfortunately, she had never feared one more either.

  But at night, Isabel was free. Like a specter, she did not fear her fate or death. It was as though she were outside herself. Come morning, she’d be blurry-eyed and accident prone, half asleep the rest of the day until she awakened for her brief blissful hours of twilight freedom.

  She cut her wanderings short that night. If she were to navigate the prince’s advances, she’d need her wits about her. She’d done a dreadful job of it thus far.

  She drifted reluctantly upstairs and heaved a sigh before entering her room. She closed her door gently, mind still wandering with such preoccupation that she didn’t notice the prince leaning against her bed frame until he spoke.


  The firelight winked across his tan face. He slouched with languid poise, regarding her with the fondest smile.

  She gasped. Her head jerked back and her mouth gaped open. “What are you doing in my bedchamber?” she demanded.

  The prince had picked a bad time to ambush her. She flew over to her dresser and grabbed the brass candlestick holder. Isabel lifted it. Atsu chuckled with delight and took a step toward her.

  “Do not fear me, Isabel. Your virtue is safe until we wed.”

  “My stepfather has promised me to you then?” she asked bitterly. Lord Ivers couldn’t have planned a better fate for the daughter of Eliza Harrington. How long had he anticipated a moment such as this? To marry Isabel off to the foulest creature on the continent? She’d often wondered why he hadn’t condemned her to death, but it all made sense now. The chopping block would have been too quick. Marrying her to the depraved prince was a life sentence.

  “Lord Ivers has done no such thing, merely given me his blessings,” Atsu said. “I want to ask your permission.” The prince sank to his knees in front of Isabel. His head beckoned from below to be bashed in, but in the madness of the moment she lowered the candleholder.

  Isabel’s heart beat erratically. “Please don’t,” she whispered.

  Atsu stared up with adoring eyes. “It was always you, Isabel. It had to be you.” He stood up and clasped her free hand in his. His gaze was invasive, yet Isabel could not look away. “You are a descendent of King Bollander. You are not an Ivers, Isabel. You are from royal blood. You were meant to be with me. I will make you a princess.” Atsu released her hand and took a step back. His face darkened. “I have observed you since my arrival, Isabel. I’ve seen the way your family overlooks you. You were not meant to be neglected, my winter flower. You should be worshipped.” He stepped toward her, sending another jolt of alarm through her body. “I will make sure you never go unnoticed again. I shall see to your needs day and night. In Estival you shall flower under the heat of the sun and my devotion.”

  Isabel’s throat went dry. She nearly dropped the brass candleholder.

  Atsu studied her face intently. He made no movement, seemed almost to hold his breath. It wasn’t desire Isabel saw reflected in his gaze. It looked more like hope, as though the prince feared she would turn him down. What then? Would he really respect her wishes? Leave her alone?

  What other options did she have?

  Last month Captain Bailer had asked after her. The captain of the guard was recently widowed with five children. He wondered if Isabel had any suitors or if Lord Ivers had anyone in mind. She knew because her stepfather had dangled this news in front of her maliciously. The hateful man loved nothing better than to watch her squirm like a herring caught inside a gull’s beak.

  Becoming Mrs. Bailer would mean becoming a nanny. Worst of all, far from escaping her stepfather, she’d be forced to hear of him daily.

  No, there were worse fates than the toad prince. He, at least, seemed to care about her feelings. What other man would? Certainly none in Far North. That didn’t mean she wished to leave the only home she’d ever known.

  “Please do not make me leave my home.” She wasn’t sure why she bothered with the feeble request.

  “My love, this is no longer your home. It has never been your home. Your family does not care what becomes of you, but I do. I care deeply.”

  Anger rocked over Isabel’s body. “Louise cares about me.”

  “The daughter of a tavern wench,” Atsu said with a wry smile. “She cannot help you, Isabel. Your only ally has even less power than you in this family.”

  Isabel’s eyes widened with excitement as an idea took hold. “Then let her come with me to Estival.”

  As Atsu had pointed out, Louise had no voice with the family or in Far North. Marrying Atsu would be slightly more bearable if she were able to take her closest friend with her. Louise could make a new beginning in Estival. And Isabel wouldn’t be cut off from everything and everyone she’d ever known.

  Atsu studied her face. His silence set her nerves on edge.

  “As much as it pains me to deny your every desire, I will want you all to myself for a time.”

  Anger sparked once more inside her. He spoke as though they were already betrothed.

  “I need to think on it,” Isabel said.

  A grin blossomed over Atsu’s lips. “Perhaps a kiss will convince you.”

  He leaned in with his entire body, holding Isabel captive in his hypnotic gaze.

  A traveling gypsy had once claimed that if a young woman wished for something hard enough and the stars aligned, the north winds might grant her wish.

  She had nothing to lose.

  Isabel closed her eyes and braced herself for Atsu’s kiss. As his lips touched hers, she silently beseeched the north winds to turn the prince into a toad. A toad could not take her away to Estival. A toad could not grasp her waist with deft fingers and work his mouth over hers in a manner both familiar and exotic.

  But as hard as she wished for salvation, Atsu remained a prince.

  * * *

  Author’s Note

  When creating Prince Atsu I envisioned Pepé Le Pew from Looney Tunes, ever intent on capturing his “belle femme.” These characters are from my upcoming new series, Far North Fairy Tales, a mashup of Pride and Prejudice meets Game of Thrones. The Once Upon A Kiss anthology presented a perfect opportunity to take a slice out of the story and put a twist on The Frog Prince fairy tale. In this case, Isabel wishes for the human prince to turn into a toad when they kiss so that she can be left in peace!

  About the Author

  Nikki Jefford is an adventure seeker, storyteller, and book lover. She is a third-generation Alaskan now living in the Pacific Northwest with her French husband and their Westie, Cosmo. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys nature, hiking, and motorcycling. Nikki is the author of the Spellbound Trilogy and Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter series.r />
  Characters in The Toad Prince are from her new Far North Fairy Tales series. To find out when the first book releases sign up for her newsletter here or on her website.

  Crafted With a Kiss - Shawntelle Madison

  Despite fighting in countless battles to bring peace to warring kingdoms, Pynnelope, a warrior maiden made of wood, knows no fear. Becoming human is all she desires until she discovers she can have so much more.

  Chapter 1


  * * *

  “Pynn, you should eat some breakfast before you kill people on the battlefield this morning,” my old squire, Grillo, grumbled while I cinched the straps on my gelding’s saddle.

  I eyed the steaming pot inside my tent. Overcooked oats churned near the rim. It didn’t look that appetizing.

  As he ladled another serving into a wooden bowl my eyebrows lowered. “When I told you I was hungry for the first time in my life, I was thinking more along the lines of honey cakes, strawberry crème, that kind of thing.”

  “Bah!” He made a rude noise and rubbed the bald spot on the back of his head. “You’re practically a wee babe. You can barely chew anything and you’re made of wood.”

  He did have a point there.

  My cunning squire opened his mouth with another retort, but I mounted my horse and bounded away before he could hobble over and offer me his bubbling concoction.

  The Unaro Kingdom’s army camp swarmed and writhed around me, getting into position for our final push today. If I could smile, I’d do so. My heart might not beat, but anticipation seeped through the tiny joints here and there in my body.

  I had two tasks today: prevent a war, and take the next step toward becoming human.


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