His E-Mail Order Wife
Page 16
On that thought, Lilly turned her gaze on Tobias sitting across from her at the table, looking as debonair as he had the day they’d met. He answered her smile with one of his own. No words passed between them, only a timeless love that had existed for five decades.
After blowing Tobias a kiss, Lilly glanced at Drew and Kristina once again, Amanda held securely between them as they waltzed around the floor. Such a wonderful family, indeed. And perhaps soon there would be more children born to the couple to complete their life together, so that they, too, would hold dear to each other, to what they had found together.
One knew in this instance that that would be the case.
Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Kristi Gold for her contribution to the DYNASTIES: THE CONNELLYS series.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6870-2
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*Marrying an M.D.
*Marrying an M.D.
*Marrying an M.D.