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Cable: a Steel Paragons MC novel

Page 20

by Hart, Eve R.

  “Tonight?” he asked as I set the plate down in front of him. Or I thought he was asking this time. I wasn’t sure.

  “Tonight would work. I can be ready by seven.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll pick you up,” he said with a smile then dug into his food.

  I left him to eat deciding that I needed a moment to do the excited girly thing out of sight.

  “He’s taking me on a date, I think,” I said to Lavinia once I found her in the back.

  “You think?! Either he is or he isn’t. How do you think?”

  “Well, he said he wanted to take me out. Then he said tonight. So, I would guess that he means take me out on a date and not take me out hitman style.”

  She let out a loud laugh.

  “I would hope not. Oh my, God!” She squealed with excitement and I couldn’t blame her, I was doing the same thing on the inside. “Well, if you’re not home when I get home, I won’t wait up.” She tossed me a wink and I playfully swatted at her.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to think about it. I want that to happen naturally, you know. But…” I paused and took a moment to think about it. “I think I could be ready.”

  “Could be or are?” she asked and she had that best friend tone like she wanted me to be sure.

  “Well, I don’t think he’d push me into something I wasn’t ready for. I think that helps a lot. Guess we’ll have to see when the time comes.” I gave a little shrug because I didn’t have all the answers right now. “I don’t feel like I would do anything I’m not ready for. Wow, maybe I’ve grown.”

  “Awww,” she said all mushy-like as she threw her arms around me. “I’m so happy for you.”

  I hugged her back and smiled.

  There were a lot of things I realized at that moment.

  I hadn’t been lying. I felt like I’d grown and changed. I wasn’t as spineless as I used to be. And with each passing day, I felt like I was getting stronger. Not just physically. I felt like I was coming into the me I only ever hoped I could be. The girl inside me that never got the chance to grow and blossom.

  Take joy in the small things in life.

  Greet each new day with a smile.

  Take life head-on.

  Don’t look back.

  Be the greatest version of me.

  I added that last line in my head and smiled to the universe.



  I stopped by the tattoo shop after I left the diner.

  To say that I was a little nervous about taking Claire out on a date would have been on point. I knew we’d have a good time and I felt like I didn’t have to pull out all the stops in order to impress her. Not that I wouldn’t have. I would have done anything for her. I knew that and there was no sense in trying to deny it.

  No, I wasn’t out to impress her. I didn’t want to put some altered version of me out there and put on a mask. I wanted to show her a good time while she was comfortable enough around me to feel relaxed because I wanted to see the real her. And the last thing I wanted was for her to feel like she had to wear a mask too.

  “Hey. What’s going on, brother?” Brand asked as soon as I stepped foot in the shop.

  “Not much. How are things?”

  “Little slow today. I think Sketch is back there in his booth taking a nap in his chair.” He let out a laugh.

  “Well, I’m about to go wake him up,” I said with a slightly evil grin.

  “Go for it.” He let out another laugh and shook his head.

  Waking up Sketch was something that was never hard. I’d learned real quickly that he was a light sleeper and he could pass out anywhere. Which I guess I got given his past.

  “Rise and shine, asshole,” I called out right before I reached his door.

  He cracked an eye open and looked at me.

  “Heard your big ass stomping across the place. I’m fuckin’ up.”

  “Got a minute?” I asked and sat my ass on his rolling stool.

  “If I say no, you gonna go the fuck away?”

  “Nope,” I said with a laugh. “Need your help, brother. Takin’ Claire out on a date tonight. Give me some ideas.”

  That got his attention. He sat up straight and put on his serious, big brother face.

  “You better mean it.”

  “Oh, I mean it. I’m not playing around with Claire. She’s mine, just need her to see that she feels it too.”

  He eyed me for a long second.

  With a nod, he relaxed.

  “Good. She deserves someone good in her life.”

  “Plan on being it.”

  “She’s fuckin’ obsessed with pizza.” He shook his head and a little laugh escaped my lips. I had gotten the feeling she really liked it. “Swear that’s all she eats now. So anything but pizza, please. Show her that there is other shit out there.”

  “Like what?” I asked feeling a little lost. No pizza wasn’t a big help. That left… everything else. Yeah, that was no damn help.

  “Think simple, man.”

  “Like steak and potatoes?” I wished he’d stop speaking in riddles.

  “No,” he said with a sad shake of his head. “Like creamer for your coffee, simple.”

  And that was when I got it.

  With Sketch, it was about the little luxuries in life. The things that most of us took for granted. But to him, they were the greatest treasures to look forward to every day.

  “So like burgers and fries,” I said because there was so much you could do to a burger. So many different things you could put on a burger. “Or tacos.”

  “Exactly,” he said like he was glad I’d finally got it.

  “Thanks, brother,” I said and hopped up off the stool.

  “Yo,” he called out right before I walked out of his room. I turned and gave him my full attention. “Flowers and shit.”

  With a laugh, I gave him an understanding jerk of my chin.

  Now, that I did understand. Guessed I’d mastered the art of Sketch lingo.

  I showered and dressed in the nicest shirt and jeans that I owned. It wasn’t anything special but at least it was clean and wrinkle-free. I tossed on my cut because it felt weird to be in clothes and not have it on.

  Then I was off to get ‘flowers and shit’ and try my hardest not to fuck it up.

  Right at seven, I knocked on her door and waited, hoping she hadn’t changed her mind.

  Why did it feel like my palms were sweaty?

  “Oh, wow!” she said as soon as she opened the door and saw me. “Those are for me?”

  “Uh, yes.” I held them out to her a little unsure of how this should go down. “I didn’t have a clue what you might like, so I kind of just asked for one of everything.”

  Yeah, the old woman at the flower shop looked at me like I was crazy, but she made it work.

  “I also got you some chocolates and this stuffed bear thing,” I said and bit the inside of my cheek.

  Was I completely messing this up?

  I kind of felt like I was.

  And judging by the tears that were quickly filling her eyes, I definitely was.

  “Shit,” I said and my shoulders slumped. “I’m fuckin’ this up, aren’t I?”

  “No. Oh, God, no,” she rushed to say as she grabbed for all of the things I was holding. “This is just… well, perfect. And amazing. And so thoughtful. And… no one has ever gotten me flowers and chocolate and a ‘stuffed bear thing’ before.”

  Then she was throwing herself into my chest and wrapping her full arms around me as much as she could, most likely crushing all of those things against me. But I didn’t care because I loved Claire hugs. Maybe more than anything else in the world.

  I wrapped my arms around her and gave one good, firm squeeze.

  “You give the best hugs,” she mumbled against my chest.

  My head fell back as a sharp laugh forced its way out of my throat.

  “I was just thinking the same thing about you,” I rushed to expla
in so she didn’t think I was laughing at her. “Come on, go put these in water and let’s go eat.”

  “Okay,” she said brightly and skipped her way into the kitchen.

  A few minutes later she was back. After grabbing her keys out of a bowl right next to the door, we were off.

  “What is this place?” she asked as she stumbled off of my bike. I reached out and snagged her waist so she wouldn’t fall back on her ass. “I haven’t eaten here before. I don’t really get out much.”

  “This, beautiful, is the best tacos in the city,” I answered as I took her hand in mine and led the way. “They have everything from cheeseburger tacos to pulled pork ones.”

  “Really?” she asked sounding excited.


  After we were seated and our drink order was taken, I told her my favorites. Of course, the pulled pork ones were the best. That was what everyone came here for. She decided to go with one of those and wanted to try the seared tuna taco, too. She said she was curious about what an Asian spin on a taco would taste like.

  We ate and talked. It was easy being around her and I think she felt the same. She seemed like she was having a good time, so maybe I wasn’t messing this up too badly.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said after I paid and we headed back outside. “You were right, those tacos were amazing.”

  “Hope you’re not tired,” I said as I turned to face her next to my bike. “I have something else planned.”

  “More? Okay, yeah. Let’s go!” She bounced on her toes with excitement.

  After making sure her helmet was secure, I hopped on my bike and she didn’t hesitate to slide on right behind me.

  “Mini golf?” There was laughter in her tone as I flicked down my kickstand. “Oh, I hope you’re ready to lose.”

  “Well, yeah,” I answered with a shrug. “I’m not very good. Like at all.”

  “I don’t know if I believe that,” she said as she eyed me skeptically.

  “You’ll see,” I said with a chuckle and pulled her up to the counter to pay. “Ready?”


  I let her go first and she wasn’t kidding. She got the ball in with only two shots.

  I felt like a big, clumsy ogre as I hunched over trying to get the way-too-short club close enough so I could hit the ball. Her fit of laughter caught my attention and I looked up at her with a raised brow.

  “Maybe you should get on your knees. It might make it easier.”

  I playfully grunted and took a swing.

  The ball rolled and bounced and rolled some more. It kept rolling and bouncing until it was almost right back where it started.

  This was going to be a long game if I kept it up.

  Which, hey, I wouldn’t complain about because that meant more time with her.

  “You’re trying really hard not to laugh right now, aren’t you?” I asked not moving my eyes to look at her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said and the laughter escaped her mouth. “That was really bad.”

  “I told you,” I said playfully.

  “We’ll call it a warm-up shot. Try again.”

  I shot her a get real look.

  I got the ball in. Eventually. I lost count of how many times I hit that damn ball.

  The next hole wasn’t any better. Or the one after that.

  Think you get the idea.

  But she cracked up the entire time and that was all that mattered.

  “Okay,” I said checking the time as we stepped up to the next one. “So I suck so much that we won’t even be able to finish. They close in like ten minutes. Let’s make this last one count.”

  “Awwww,” she playfully whined then her bottom lip rolled out in the cutest little pout. “Alright. So to give you an advantage, I’ll do this one with my eyes closed.”

  “I’m so far behind I don’t think it will matter. But I want to see this, so go for it.”

  She got a fucking hole-in-one.

  With her damn eyes closed.

  I set down my club and threw my hands up.

  “I can’t even look a little bit cool after that,” I said with a laugh. “You win. I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one night.”

  “Oh, come on!”


  I picked up my club and reached for hers. Then I took her hand in mine and we walked back to the front.

  “I haven’t laughed that much in a really, really long time,” she said as we stood beside my bike.

  “How the hell are you so good?” I asked not even a little bit mad that she kicked my ass.

  “My parents,” she said with a happy smile but a hint of sadness in her eyes. “They were great. They brought me out here like once a month. It never got old even though it was basically the same thing over and over again.”

  I didn’t know anything about her life. I could only guess from her comment that she once had a great life and that for some fucking reason, it was ripped away from her.

  “Hugs,” I said because I could tell she needed it right then.

  “Please,” she replied as she fell into my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

  “I’m not ready for this night to end,” she whispered against my chest.

  There was something else there. Something she was hinting at but wasn’t saying. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Hell, I didn’t care if she just wanted to stay up all night talking. I’d take everything I could.

  I cleared my throat.

  “My place?” I realized how that sounded and I hoped to fuck she didn’t think I was just trying to get into her pants.

  “Yes,” she said as she pulled away from me and whipped the helmet off the handlebars.

  I hopped on right away because she looked like she was ready to go like right the fuck now.

  And I sure as shit wasn’t going to waste another second.



  On the ride back to his place my head was everywhere and nowhere all at once.

  I knew he didn’t expect anything from me. And yeah, that made it a little easier if I felt the need to back off.

  But right now, everything was hitting me times a million and making me come alive. Being plastered against his hard back with my arms around his back. The vibrations of the motorcycle. The wind whipping all around me. His warm and strong scent in my nose. Yeah, all of that. The combination was dizzying and intoxicating. Maddening, even. And just a little bit dangerous.

  There was no sense in lying to myself.

  This man was a new breath.

  That feeling when you hit rock bottom and the only way to look is up. When the only thing to reach for is light.

  Yeah, that light was Cable.

  This man was life.

  Plain and simple.

  And this wasn’t the old me searching for any little thing that I could latch onto in someone.

  No, this was the wiser and stronger me that didn’t need to run any longer.

  I didn’t want to escape. I wanted to stay.

  “Claire,” he said after I practically pushed him into his room the moment he turned over the lock.

  My back fell against the door, pushing it closed.

  Then I was reaching for him and grabbing at him with frantic hands.

  “I don’t need you to ask me if I’m sure,” I said and shook my head. “I don’t need you to ask if everything you want to do is okay.”

  “Then what do you need?” he asked, his gaze boring into mine with a fire that warmed me all over.

  “I need you to own me,” I said boldly.

  There was a growl that filled the room, so deep and so raw that I visibly shivered. Then his lips were on mine. His hands were on my ass. His body was pressed against mine.

  With strong arms, he lifted me up and I didn’t hesitate to wrap my legs around him. He was hard, all over. Strong. Masculine. Possessive.

  Words fled my brain as I moaned into his mouth.

  I was lost to this man.r />
  This was the moment I knew there would be no walking away. No taking it back. No running.

  And there was a place in my soul that suddenly felt settled. Like I’d just come home after climbing out of Hell. Like there was no other place meant for me to be.

  He pulled away from my lips suddenly and when he reached for my shirt, I didn’t even hesitate to raise my arms for him.

  Though I let him, I was still a little nervous and very self-conscious. There was a light on across the room. It cast a low, warm glow but I knew it was enough to see all the scars.

  “Say something,” I said. The fear was gripping my heart so tightly right now. I felt the tears waiting behind the curtain, ready to jump center stage at any second.

  He didn’t say a word.

  And as he carried me to the bed, I bit my lip to hide my pain.

  He took his time stripping me bare.

  He didn’t say a word.

  His eyes roamed every inch of my skin slowly.

  He didn’t say a word.

  He crawled up my body, kissing every single visible blemish as he made his way to meet my gaze.

  He didn’t say a word.

  He didn’t have to.

  Because his touches said it all.

  Not wanting to wait a second longer, I gripped the hem of his shirt. After sliding off his leather cut and tossing it onto the chair at his desk, he reached back and helped to release the offending fabric that separated us. Then my hands were ripping the buttons of his pants free. His body shifted against mine as he kicked out of his boots and then wiggled out of his pants.

  My legs parted for him and my toes slid down his thick, hard calves.

  He liked to be naked and was clearly going commando, so it shouldn’t have been a shock that he wasn’t wearing socks.

  He reached into the bedside table and pulled out a condom.

  I nodded to the unsaid question in his eyes. Then he was ripping open the wrapper and rolling it down his massive length in a second flat.

  His lips were on mine again. His kiss wasn’t soft. It wasn’t unsure. It wasn’t hesitant in any way.

  He kissed me like he knew just what I needed.

  He kissed me like I was his.


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