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Cable: a Steel Paragons MC novel

Page 26

by Hart, Eve R.

  All I cared about was that she was going to be mine forever.


  It was hot as fuck and I was standing there wearing too many layers to ever feel comfortable in. But that was okay, because this was an important day.

  I looked over at my mom and gave her a wink. I hadn’t seen her look this happy in a while.

  “Better not fuck this up,” Sketch said low as he leaned into me.

  “Don’t plan on it,” I told him back. “Gonna give her everything she ever wants to make her happy.”

  And as I stood there surrounded by too much shit to even remember, I hoped I’d done right by that.

  Planning a wedding was fucking hard. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, all I knew was that I wanted it to be perfect for her. I had to call the girls in to help me and thank fuck Laurel knew just what to do.

  Yeah, I planned this thing.

  Claire told me that she didn’t know what she wanted and said she’d be just fine with going to the courthouse. Fine. And while she might have been just fine with that, I wasn’t. Because she deserved so much more. So I set out to give her the wedding of her dreams, even if she didn’t know this was what it looked like.

  That included me putting on a tux complete with a green vest. The same green that I’d painted her toenails that first time. Yep, I’d attempted to do it again since then and I was slowly getting better.

  “Babies and shit,” Sketch said and I chuckled under my breath.

  “Yeah, babies and shit. Whatever she wants Sketch, as long as it makes her smile.”

  The air went silent around me and I looked down the makeshift aisle to meet the most beautiful steel colored doe eyes I’d ever seen.

  Fuck yeah, I’d do anything to make this woman smile. Hell, I’d give her the sun if she asked for it.

  There were tears in her eyes and she looked like she was hyperventilating to the point that she was about to pass out. Yeah, that seemed about right.

  I took my eyes off of her long enough to shake Iron’s hand and return his chin jerk.

  He placed a light kiss on Claire’s cheek and then stepped away, leaving her in my hands, so to speak.

  Papa Iron.

  I kept the chuckle to myself.

  Then the world fell away.

  “Hi, beautiful,” I said softly as I took her hands in mine and tried to get her to calm down.

  “Hi, my sexy cowboy,” she whispered sounding a little strained.

  “I’m going to marry you,” I told her with a little smirk.

  She huffed out a laugh and I felt her relax as she smiled at me.

  “Please,” she said to me, sounding like the strong but needy woman that I loved.

  And so I did.

  I married her.

  And vowed to spend the rest of my life making sure the smile never slipped from her face.

  The End

  Valentine's Day Bonus

  One Night at the Gilded Rose


  What the fuck am I doing?

  Pretty sure I asked myself that question a million fuckin’ times on the way over here.

  Maybe I hadn’t really been thinking when I hopped up off that barstool and told Cable I was going to check things out alone.

  In the back of my damn mind, I might have had some idea of how crazy this woman was driving me but I wasn’t ready to admit it.

  Not even as I parked my bike right in front of the Gilded Rose, dismounted like a man who knew what the fuck was going on, and strode my ass over to the front door.

  Not even as I looked up to where I assumed the hidden camera was because the light fixture was the only place that made sense in my mind.

  And not even as I flashed a half smile that might have been a little too smooth and cocky.

  I expected her men to come rushing out any second now. I was surprised when I heard a whirring sound followed by a loud clink and I didn’t hesitate to reach for the door.

  I’d only been here two times now. Once when Lake’s girl, Bridget, somehow found herself caught up in something and once when, well, Bridget found herself caught up in something else. That last one had been earlier today.

  So why the fuck was I back here so soon?

  I could try all damn day to play it off like I didn’t know the woman and didn’t trust her, but in the back of my mind, I knew that wasn’t the real reason I was here now. Petra was something I couldn’t even begin to describe. Sure, I didn’t know a fuckin’ thing about her other than she owned the Gilded Rose, took care of her girls, and was cold as fuckin’ frozen ice. Yeah, you fuckin’ heard me. All that said, I was pretty good at reading people. And while Petra sent off the coldest vibes I’d ever received, I knew she wasn’t a bad person.

  That still didn’t explain a damn thing right now.

  So, again.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  I didn’t need directions on where to find her, I knew my way to the fourth floor well enough by now.

  The fact that she’d just let me in with no hassle told me she trusted me at least a little bit, despite what she’d said earlier. I had no clue what to do about that. But hell, I was here, so might as well figure something out.

  I got off the elevator and my feet pounded down the long hall like a man on a mission.

  Why the fuck was this hall so long? And how come there weren’t any other doors around? I didn’t know the layout of this place but I was starting to get real curious about what was on the other side of that long wall.

  I pushed my way into her office not even bothering to knock.

  At this point I was so riled up on the inside because I didn’t have a good legitimate reason why I was even here.

  “Is there something you want?” she asked in an icy tone not even bothering to stand up behind her desk.

  “Yeah,” I said smoothly as I walked over and planted my ass in one of the chairs across from her. “Want to know why the fuck things keep comin’ back to you.”

  Even as it left my mouth it didn’t sound like a good excuse to why I’d be here.

  She cocked her head to the side ever so slightly and narrowed her eyes at me. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to figure out an answer or if she saw right through me.

  “And I want to know why you keep finding yourself at my door.” Her brow went up as she pinned me with those icy blue orbs. For some strange reason, I got the sense she was just playing along.

  “I need to keep my club safe and to do that, I need to keep my eyes on everythin’. Can’t have you out here causin’ trouble if it’s going to come bite me in the ass.”

  “I didn’t invite any of this in. I think you are well aware of that fact,” she said not even a little bit ruffled by my tone. “Your club seems to keep finding trouble and somehow I keep getting pulled into it.”

  “We gotta find some level of trust here, Petra,” I said as I sat up a little straighter.

  She slowly rose, her eyes pinning me the entire time.

  “Trust isn’t given, it’s earned.”

  Couldn’t disagree with her there.

  On her high as hell heels, she walked around the desk until she was standing slightly in front me. My head cocked to the side as my eyes slid up to meet hers. I had no clue what was going on, but I could admit that I was ready for whatever it was.

  Or I thought I was.

  “So, how do we go about that then?” I asked.

  “You could start by telling me why you are really here right now,” she said with that brow raised again like she was telling me she had my fuckin’ number.

  Only problem was, I didn’t really have an answer for that. But the longer she stood there with her hands wrapped around the proverbial rains, tugging like she was trying to get control, the tighter my pants felt.

  There was a slight smirk that flicked up the left corner of her perfect lips.

  Oh, hell.

  I was in trouble and I fuckin’ knew it the second I looked down at that sexy mouth.
r />   She knew it too because I still hadn’t been able to form words to push out of my mouth.

  I wouldn’t ever deny that Petra had a hot body. Yeah, the first time I’d walked into this office my dick took notice of that right away. And for some damn reason, I couldn’t get the woman out of my head.

  But was it really a good idea?

  Sure, I had an answer for that. But the moment she stepped closer to me causing my neck to crane back just so I could keep her eyes, I knew that there was nothing I could tell myself to get me to walk out of this room.

  “Up,” she said in a no-nonsense tone and I’d be damned if my legs didn’t do as she commanded right away.

  The fuck?!

  “Do you trust me, Mr. President?” she asked and I wasn’t sure whether I should be scared or excited.

  “Can’t answer that right now,” I told her, afraid to take my eyes off of her.

  “Would you kneel before me?”

  It didn’t sound like a question. It didn’t even sound like a request. There was something in her tone that made my body twitch to do so right away. But I held firm because I wasn’t ready to give in just yet. I wasn’t ready to show her my cards. I wasn’t ready to let her have the upper hand.

  I stayed silent, choosing to give her my most neutral expression I could hold at the moment.

  “This isn’t how you show me trust, Mr. President. This isn’t how you get me to let you in.”

  But did I really want that?

  Petra terrified me a little. While I could tell that I made her the tiniest bit shaky, that was all I could get a read on from her. She could probably gut me before I even realized she was holding a knife. And for some reason, I would see it coming but I wouldn’t expect it at the same time.

  I needed to get the fuck out of here while I still had my balls.

  She walked around and stood behind me. My jaw clenched and I closed my eyes trying to sense what she had planned.

  “Why did you come here tonight?” she rasped into my ear.

  I couldn’t tell if I loved or hated the fact that in heels she was as tall as me. I wanted to say it turned me on more because my cock was hard as steel and throbbing behind my zipper. But I also wasn’t sure what to do with it.

  “I don’t have an answer for that,” I finally said breaking my silence.

  “I have learned many things over the years,” she said and I felt her hand come to rest on my back between my shoulder blades. “I can read men so easily. And you are no exception.”

  I didn’t like the sound of it. Or maybe I did a little too much.

  Then her hand was lightly pushing into me and for some fucking reason, my body was folding forward on her command. The cool wooden top of her desk caused a shiver to hit my body as it met my chest. It was all I could do to hide my reaction.

  Suddenly, I didn’t think it mattered how cool I played it.

  Because Petra could read me like an open book.

  Hell, she could even read the shit I was unaware of between the lines.

  Even through my thick leather cut, I felt her sharp nail trace down my spine.

  “Must be so hard, Mr. President.” She paused and I felt her finger toy with the top of my pants. “To be so strong for everyone else. To carry all that weight.”

  She should know.

  I had a feeling that Petra and I were a lot alike. Maybe more so than I wanted to admit.

  “To be on top all the time,” she said and the huskiness in her voice dripped with something almost terrifying.

  Her nails skimmed the flesh of my lower back as she began to tug my pants down.

  Oh, hell.

  What had I gotten myself into?

  But it wasn’t like I was exactly standing up and walking away.

  My pants slipped down my body, pooling around my boots. I was frozen, but also felt some weird sense of control.

  I couldn’t explain it.

  I didn’t think I should even try.

  With my ass exposed, I remained perfectly still. My chest heaved as I waited for what was to come next.

  “Trust,” she said a little more softly than before.


  My body jolted as I felt the sting on my ass. As I gritted my teeth, my body locked in place.

  Another smack and I wasn’t sure if it stung worse because I’d tensed my ass or if she’d hit me harder.

  The next smack rang out in the room almost piercing my ears.

  My cock was now hard and trapped against the unforgiving wood. I could feel the pre-cum leaking out like crazy and smearing all over my stomach.

  I wanted to jerk my hips, give my cock some kind of friction to relieve the painful throbbing but I didn’t dare move.

  Somehow, this was just as much for her as it was for me.

  A strange way to find trust in each other. This definitely wouldn’t work with anyone else.

  Another smack on the same fucking spot and I was a little miffed that she hadn’t even bothered to sooth the burning skin in between each one.

  I felt her shift behind me but I couldn’t see what she was doing. I knew better than to move my head.

  Holy fuck!

  Her tongue was smooth and almost cool against my hot skin as she licked a long line up and over my hot flesh.

  I could say with certainty that I’d never had my ass cheek licked before.

  Then again, I’d never been spanked before either.

  I couldn’t fuckin’ lie, I was about to blow my load as she did it again.

  “No,” she said sharply.

  My eyes flew open and I hadn’t even realized they’d been shut.

  “You don’t get to come before me,” she told me in a calm tone as her fingers gripped my long hair at the crown of my head.

  I knew she couldn’t move me if I didn’t want her to.

  But somehow, as she jerked back, my body lifted up and then fell back into the chair at her direction.

  I looked up at her, finding her chin jutted out and her eyes already on mine.

  With the smoothness of a panther, her leg came up to rest on the arm of the chair, causing her tight pencil skirt to ride up her legs and then bunch around her waist.

  As stealthily as I could, I inhaled her sweet scent as it filled the air around me. I didn’t have to touch her to know she was dripping wet. Saliva pooled around my tongue and I couldn’t wait another second to have my mouth on her.

  “Hands on your thighs. Make me come and maybe I’ll let you do the same.”

  With my fingers digging into my legs, I moved forward slowly, trying my hardest to hold her eyes as long as possible.

  The tip of my nose lightly grazed over the black lace fabric and I felt her shiver above me. I wondered how long I could draw this out for. I had a feeling that once I tasted this woman, there would be no going back.

  And as my tongue swiped out to slide her panties out of the way, I knew I was fuckin’ right about that.

  Her arousal hit my tongue and it was like the most erotic thing I’d ever tasted. Tangy and dark with the slightest hint of honey.

  I was only half aware of her little pants filling the air and her hand tightening in my hair as I ate her pussy like a man starved. My tongue circled her tight hole lapping up everything that had dripped out. My mouth covered her as I began to fuck her with my tongue. And as I tilted my head just right so that my nose brushed over her clit, I felt her begin to come undone for me.

  Her body shook, her legs quaking like they might give out. I knew she was close even though she wasn’t moaning like a porn star. In fact, she hardly made any noise other than the heavy pants that floated into the air. I wasn’t sure why it didn’t surprise me and oddly enough, I found it hot as hell.

  A long hum of approval seemed to get stuck in her throat as she came for me. Her cream filled my mouth and I didn’t hesitate to swallow it all down.

  “Lick me clean,” she ordered as I went to pull my mouth away.

  Without hesitation, I licked h
er until she yanked me away by my hair.

  As if the whole thing hadn’t just happened and she hadn’t come like a damn geyser, she pulled her leg away from the arm of the chair and set her foot back on the floor. Slowly, almost tortuously so, she grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it back into place, cutting off my view of that sweet cunt.

  I leaned back against the chair. With a brow raised at her, I let my hard cock stand proud in her direction as I spread my legs wide.

  “I don’t get on my knees for any man,” she said looking down at me.

  “You’ll do as I want, Pet,” I told her calmly. “Trust goes both ways.”

  Her eyes finally glanced down at my cock and if I wasn’t mistaken, they widened a little.

  I couldn’t help it, the corners of my lips tipped up in a semi-cocky smirk.

  The pink tip of her tongue peeked out, wetting her sexy bottom lip just a little.

  With an odd mix of fire and surrender swirling in her eyes, she lowered herself down to kneel in front of me.

  “Hands on my thighs, Pet. Make me come as good as I did you,” I told her trying my hardest to hold a calmness in my tone.

  I was seconds away from breaking. And in my head, I couldn’t see anything but bending her over her desk and fucking her until she was screaming my name and soaking my cock.

  But this wasn’t how this was going to play out, and I knew it.

  Her nails dug into the tops of my thighs as I felt her hot breath fan over my cock.

  Her eyes were on mine, unblinking, as she licked me from base to tip.

  A growl rumbled my chest as she opened her mouth and sucked me down.

  “Fuck,” I grunted out as she took me into her throat without hesitation.

  She held me there, even as her eyes began to water. She didn’t ease up as she pulled away. As she sucked in fresh air through her nose, her tongue swirled around my tip, hitting that spot just under the head. My dick throbbed and my balls were already tingling.

  She took me in deep again, retreating way too fucking slowly. She was teasing me, drawing this out and trying to hold onto some sense of control.


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