Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2 Page 5

by Layna Snow

  Soph gasped, holding onto the table to hold herself there, to keep her hands where they were. To ground herself in the sensations that flowed through her like lava.

  But that shot of fear only fueled the fire. It also helped that he was back, kneeling between her legs and touching the flesh that he revealed. “Oh look. You’re ready to fuck. Good.” He said, petting her drenched folds. She gave a soundless groan lifting her hips towards his fingers.

  And then he switched his fingers for his tongue, lapping at her. The onslaught was merciless. He flicked his tongue across her clit, sharpening her need and pushing her towards the pinnacle of her release.

  The ramp up was large, sharp. It was bigger than she had ever felt and she knew the orgasm would be intense.

  Soph opened her eyes, wanting to see him. Looking down her body, she met his eyes and almost exploded right there.

  She would, but she just couldn’t. She needed something more to send her over. But he wasn’t giving it to her. He was just keeping her on the edge with the light caresses.

  And before he could do anything else, a sliding noise jolted her out of her pleasure filled haze.

  Sophie jerked her gaze from the guy’s unconcerned face towards the so-called door.

  Standing there, back to them, was the large muscle-bound, blood covered, God-dude.

  He easily slid the rock in place, like it was made of plastic, and turned slowly, gracefully.

  Oh gosh!

  He was just watching as the other guy continued to lick her! His eyes taking in the scene.

  That jolted her back to full awareness.

  Soph gasped and pushed at the smaller man’s head, trying to ignore how his silky hair slid around her fingers.

  She wanted to tell him to stop, but he didn’t seem to want to.

  Oh no! What would she do if he just continued!

  Finally he seemed to get her message across and he leaned back a little, but kept his hands on her hips, holding her down.

  She wanted to cover up, but she couldn’t do anything but put her hands over herself.

  She felt exposed, worried, panicked.

  What would this man do? Was he going to hurt them? Was he going to yell?

  And when the embarrassment hit, it hit hard.

  The guy between her legs just laughed, turning his head towards the dark skinned man. “Look, I found a lost puppy and she followed me home. Can we keep her?” he asked, his voice light and flippant.

  The large man watched her, his dark eyes burning over her body, moving slowly as his face remained impassive.

  Finally, he nodded. Just nodded and moved towards the wall of weapons.

  Oh, eff. Had he just agreed to keep her?

  No, no! Soph couldn’t sit here any longer, and finally pushed through her shock to move.

  She moved from the table, scrambling to the couch and pulling her long, black t-shirt down over her knees. She had almost given herself to a Demon.

  How could she have been so stupid!


  Oh gosh! This was getting out of hand!

  Sophie eyed the two men as she huddled on the couch.

  It was soft, comfortable, but she couldn’t think of that now. The only thing playing through her head was how much of an idiot she was.

  She wasn’t here for a romantic weekend with a sexy male. She wasn’t even the type of girl who did that!

  No, she was here so that she could save her sister. She didn’t have time to mess around. Not while her sister was in a hospital dying.


  She couldn’t even think about how horrible she would feel if it turned out that her selfishness had been the reason that Annie… NO!

  She wouldn’t even think about it! It wouldn’t happen. Soph would make sure of it.

  But first, she had to communicate with these men. Hopefully they could help her, or point her in the right direction.

  He was doing a lot of pointing already.

  Soph tried to pull the material of her shirt further down her legs. For once, she was glad for her lack of style. She was happy that she wore such a big t-shirt that she could cover her bended legs.

  Looking up from her shirt, she noticed that the smaller man—darn! She wished she knew what to call him—had moved closer to her.

  Impossibly close.

  He was mere inches from her now, and his eyes were dark and hungry as they focused on her. They did all kinds of crazy things to her, like some kind of mind control. If only she had the time.

  If only I knew for sure if he was Human.

  “Better clean up, man. I’m sure you’ll want some of this.” He said, not even bothering to look at the other guy.

  What was he talking about?

  Surely he didn’t think that she was still into this. And was he expecting his friend to join in?

  Oh sugar. That was an overwhelming thought.

  Soph shook her head, needing him to understand. She needed answers, to talk, not to be seduced!

  No matter how turned on she was, she would not let her body rule. Not when it was this important.

  But he wasn’t paying attention to her movements, instead he leaned even closer, so that his body hovered over hers, his face close enough for her to smell his fresh breath.

  His hands trailed down her body, leaving tingles in their wake. Her shiver didn’t seem to faze him. In fact it made him hotter, if his eyes were any indication.

  But she continued to shake her head, needing him to understand.

  “Come on, let’s get this off you so we can play,” he said, in a cajoling manner. And gosh, did she ever want to play. But in the back of her mind was the little voice telling her that she couldn’t. For so many reasons, she just couldn’t.

  She continued the only denial that she could give, even mouthed the word ‘no’ but he wasn’t looking there. He was focused on her throat. Could he see her pulse?

  “Fine, if you want to make a game of it, we can do this your way. I can rip the shirt off you. Wouldn’t that be arousing?” And darn, he was right! Just the idea of him wanting her so much that he tore her clothes off was so hot. It made her need ramp up another notch, and caused the voice of reason to fade just a little more.

  A growl sounded behind him, and Soph looked up to see the God-guy glaring.

  He wasn’t focused on her, but on the back of the other man’s head. And boy, was she ever happy his anger wasn’t directed at her!

  With his body covered in blood and weapons, he looked like a nightmare.

  “Where should I start? It’d be best in the front, yes? But that might be too cliché. Hmm. I could rip the sides, that way I could unwrap you like a present. That would make sense since you’d be the best damn present I’ve ever gotten.” The smaller man’s voice rumbled into her neck as he nuzzled.

  His breath, heat and stubble felt good against her skin.

  She could feel his need, and it did funny things to her insides. She wanted to open her legs, and feel his body pressing against hers again. She really didn’t care who was watching. She just wanted what he was offering.

  There was nothing in her head except need. The ache in her body drowned out all else until she was shaking with pent up passion. She didn’t even know how her hands came to be touching him, pulling his hair closer, as if to urge him on. She didn’t notice when she stopped holding down her shirt, or what she started kissing his cheek.

  “Oh, yeah, you smell fantastic. I-“ but his words were cut off by a whooshing noise, and then a thunk.

  She almost didn’t notice. She almost didn’t care, not with his mouth on her neck, his teeth nibbling on the flesh there.

  But it was just a little too loud to ignore, so Soph opened her eyes to see the hilt of a knife sticking out of the cushion beside her

  Soph just stared at it for a moment, which was really all she could do.

  It was so close.

  Fear pushed through her again. The back and forth from fear to pleasure giving her emotional

  She didn’t know if he had noticed, but she wasn’t willing to wait. Her passion cooled and was replaced by panic as she pressed against him, trying to get him off her. Someone had aimed a knife at them. They could have been killed. And she had been too lusty to even notice!

  Pendejo. She was such a fool. Self-preservation instincts my butt!

  Finally, the man realized her struggles weren’t for show and moved back with a sigh. His eyes landed on the knife.

  She expected fear or anger but he just chuckled.

  As if it was funny! That had been so close to their heads!

  “She didn’t say no,” he said as if in answer to a complaint, and looked over his shoulder at the angry giant behind them.

  He stood with his legs apart, his hands fisted at his side and a look of annoyance across his face.

  “Calm down, Thane. No need to go postal. I get it, I get it. I swear.” The wolf said, and turned back to her with a leering smile. “You’d think I’d killed his sister. Shit, he can be overdramatic sometimes. But you were all good, weren’t you punkin?”

  Was she? Sure, she was participating. She had been as into it as he had. But she hadn’t wanted to be. And now, with reason returning, she knew that it was something she shouldn’t have done. And she needed to make sure it didn’t happen again.

  He was just too addictive to resist.

  Soph reluctantly shook her head.

  Yes, she wanted him, but she couldn’t do anything. She had too much responsibility. She had too much she had to think about.

  But the man just smiled, and raised his hand to her cheek.

  Just that touch was enough to spike up the heat. The rough fingers sliding along her skin. She’d rub against him, but she was sure that’d convince him that she was interested. “I can change that. Just give me five more minutes and you’d be more than ready to continue.” He said, confidence lacing his every word. She had no doubt about his abilities, but she needed to keep her head clear and that meant that she needed to be a few feet away from him at all times. “And I can start with this knife. Thanks, Thane. No need to rip when I can cut this tent away.”

  Surely that didn’t mean… Sophie’s eyes widened. He was going to cut her shirt with the knife? Then she’d be open, exposed and without anything to wear.

  And of course, the idea of a knife that close to her skin should frighten her, but it caused a new flood of moisture to her crotch.

  Oh dear.

  “Adrian.” A deep—so effing deep—voice intoned, the sound rusty, like it had been dragged through broken glass before reaching her ears. The sound was so unexpected, so gravely, that she found herself shivering as it scraped across her nerve endings.

  That voice was like a caress across her skin, and it affected her like no other voice ever had. And it came from the one called Thane.

  She looked up, surprised and turned on, a lethal combination. And she couldn’t help but stare as the man took a few steps forward. The motion was smooth, no movement wasted. He didn’t saunter, as the wolf had. No, this man just approached with determination.

  “Fine, fine.” The man called Adrian said, sitting back and giving her some much needed space.

  She needed more, however she felt like she could breathe again, which wasn’t all that comfortable with her racing heart and knees pressing into her chest.

  “Lack of no doesn’t equal yes,” the man said, his voice mockingly deep as if quoting something the other man had said.

  Soph looked up to the bloody Thane. She wouldn’t have thought that he would be the voice of morality. With the way he killed, she just thought that he would take whatever he wanted.

  Maybe he would be the one to help her.

  “So, which is it, hot-stuff? I, apparently, need a verbal yes to continue. So, do we get naked or what?” Soph shook her head. Even if the movement was reluctant, she still did it, and she was proud of herself for it. “Well, if a non-verbal yes doesn’t count, I’m not taking a non-verbal no either.”

  That shouldn’t surprise Sophie, and it didn’t.

  But that was all he would get from her. Because it was all she had to give. She shook her head again, sadly, and lifted her hand to her neck. She had to make him see that she couldn’t speak. Maybe then he would back off enough for her to think. Maybe then he’d find her some paper to write on.

  A realization occurred to her. Maybe they knew sign language!

  At least she could try. Soph quickly did the sign for mute, moving an open hand away from her ear and then touching the tips of her thumb and pointer finger together, while keeping the rest open.

  The man in front of her looked confused, and so she did the sign again before putting her hand to her throat and shaking her head.

  For a minute, she didn’t think that he was going to get it.

  What is this, charades?

  And finally, it seemed to dawn on him. “Was that…? Oh, shit! You can’t talk? So that’s what that scar is from! Fucking hell. Can you at least hear?” he asked, as if he was ashamed of himself.

  Well, he should be, trying to talk someone into bed!

  Sophie nodded at his question.

  Adrian sighed. “That’s good then. But still. This sucks monkey balls. I like to hear a girl call out my name in bed. I guess you could sign it, but I don’t know sign language. And I’d rather have you tied up anyways. Maybe you could mouth it, when you’re not mouthing something else, I mean.”

  Thane made a snorting sound, and Sophie wondered what he was objecting to.

  “Hey! You like to hear a woman scream as much as I do, and you like tying her up even more. So don’t you start.” The wolf said, before the behemoth made another noise. “Yeah well, we’ll think of something.” He said, before adjusting his eyes back to her. “You can’t make any noise?”

  When Sophie shook her head, he flopped against the cushions, as if giving up.

  And to be fair, she felt a little disappointed in his resignation.

  “At least your lack of moans earlier had nothing to do with my ability, because I know that I’m great in bed… or on table. Or, hell anywhere. I’ll just have to imagine that you’re screaming my name in your head, ‘cause of course, I know you would be.”

  His ego had no end it seemed!

  Sophie didn’t know this guy, she didn’t know his name--she only knew what the other man called him— and even though she was sure that he wasn’t exaggerating, he could at least be humble about it!

  Thane was probably great in bed too, but he wasn’t bragging.

  So, he had a lot of red bodily fluids on him right now, but he also had a quiet intensity that he would probably focus on a woman. And the wolf had said that Thane liked to tie a girl up.

  What would it be like to be at the mercy of these two men?

  Gosh darn it! She shouldn’t be having these thoughts! She just met them.

  Adrian seemed to understand that, because he snapped his fingers in realization and moved until he was sitting close again. “Motherfucker. I totally forgot to introduce myself! How can you sigh my name in delight—even if it’s only in your mind—if you don’t know it! Let me introduce myself. I’m Sin.” He said, his voice going low and seductive as he took her hand. But instead of shaking it, he simply kissed her wrist.

  Sophie was sure that he could feel her pulse speed up at the gesture. Sin? Geeze, really?

  Apparently Thane found fault in it too because he shook his head. Without even looking at him, Sin must have been attuned to his friend’s movements because he sighed. “Fine, the name’s Adrian Orsini. But the ladies call me Sin.”

  Sure they did! He did seem like sin incarnate but she’d rather not call him that.

  She didn’t sin normally and it was a little cheesy that he called himself that. As if that defined him. Or maybe it did…

  Sophie nodded. She’d mouth her name, but that wouldn’t help too much. Taking her hand from his, she looked up to the other guy.

  “You re
member Thanatos Owens, the big black fighting machine? The Greeks called him Death, I call him Thane, he calls himself nothing.” Adrian laughed.

  Sophie nodded, using her hand to show a writing motion.

  She’d rather write than keep playing this guessing game. She hadn’t had this much trouble communicating in a long time. She sure took her little community for granted!

  Thane seemed to understand for he nodded and moved towards the front door, hopefully to get her a paper and pen.

  “Thane.” Adrian warned, which didn’t seem to go over well with the big guy. He just turned and looked at Adrian’s back, as if daring him to continue.

  Sin laughed a little. “I have a tablet here, it’s closer and easier.”

  She reached out to take the electronic device that he had just picked up, but he pulled his hand away with a laugh. “I might want to keep you mute. It has some advantages.” Thane growled and Adrian rolled his eyes. “However, how will I know your name if I don’t give this to you? Besides, I have some questions that I want answered.”

  She quickly removed the tablet from his hand and pulled it towards herself, careful to keep the shirt pulled down to cover her legs.

  She located a writing document program and opened it. This would be more ecofriendly than all that paper. Maybe when she got out of here, she’d get herself a tablet. Maybe something that spoke what she wrote. She didn’t have the money before, but she’d find a way to make some. This would be more convenient.

  My name is Sophia. She wrote, keeping it simple. She had too much that she wanted to say, and if it came out all at once, she might confuse them.

  Heck, she’d probably confuse herself.

  “Sophia? Wow, real wholesome. Maybe I’ll call you Phie, sounds more sex-kittenish. Don’t you think, Thane?” Adrian asked, looking over his shoulder towards his friend. “Go wash up, buddy. You’re covered in more blood than the enemy.” Sophie doubted that.

  “So, what are you doing down here, little Phie? I hear Hell is a great vacation spot lately. You know, warm weather, pretty surroundings and the locals are welcoming. But, I’m sure you didn’t travel these tunnels because you were bored with your everyday life. Were you lost or did you travel to this dimension for fun?” Adrian asked.


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