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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

Page 9

by Layna Snow

  There really wasn’t a choice. She needed them to aide her. But she didn’t want to make it on her own.

  Could you get my penny? She asked Adrian, gesturing to the stand. He eyed it wearily.

  “I was wondering what that was there for.” He said, “No one’s paid me for sex in a long time. And certainly not a penny! I’m more of a hundred dollar man!” Luckily, he didn’t notice her scoff as he picked up the coin and brought it back. “Now what’s this for, hot-stuff?”

  She didn’t bother telling him, because if her input doesn’t matter, than neither did his! Instead, she held the coin tight. Heads stay, tails go.

  She wasn’t sure what she was wishing for. She wanted to stay, to get help, but three weeks were too long. And she just couldn’t leave either, because that didn’t make much sense. She couldn’t just sit here though, she had to throw it and hope that Annie’s soul was guiding it. It had gotten her this far, hopefully it would tell her the correct way to go.

  Sophie tossed it in the air, and watched as the light shined off the edges of the small copper coin. But before she could catch it, Adrian snatched it out of the air.

  No! Panicked, she watched him open his hand. He couldn’t disrupt the magic of the flip! But if she did it again, it might not work. Maybe it had to be the first.

  “What’s this for anyways? Why do you need that to make a decision?”

  She couldn’t answer, so she just moved towards him, fighting against the band that was Thane’s arm. When Thane growled, Adrian rolled his eyes. “Fine.. it is…. heads. Now, what’s your decision?”

  I agree.

  “Not good enough, sweetness. We need it out in full. I don’t want you crying foul when you don’t get your way. We will train you, but you have to agree to this first.” Glaring, she opened a new document on the tablet and wrote it out.

  I, Sophia May Torres, agree to stay at Thanatos and Adrian’s cave for three week starting today the 5th. In return they agree to help me at the end of the duration.

  And then she signed it, which was difficult to figure out! They, in turn, signed the document. And when that was done, she turned to Adrian, ready to demand that he put on pants.

  But he was smiling. “Now that’s out of the way. Let’s work on training. We don’t have too much time left. We want to be able to play, too.”

  It took a moment for his words to process.

  Play? What was he talking about? And what the heck did he mean by training?

  She did know a thing or two about sex. Besides, she had read enough books that she knew that things basically went the same way, all the time. Sure there were variations but wasn’t it all the same in the end? Maybe it’s different with more than one person? Didn’t think to ask Mel that, did you? Yeah, like she’d ignore their privacy like that!

  Play? I don’t need to be trained. I’m not a virgin. What do you mean when you say that I don’t know how you like it? She typed, on the original document.

  Adrian laughed and reached out to tug lightly on a piece of her hair.

  “You want to know why Thane stopped when you tried to hurry him? And why he retreated completely?”

  Oh, she had forgotten about that. And the thought left her frustrated. Wasn’t it because she hadn’t signed this darn document.

  But curiosity was coursing through her. As Adrian likely guessed. Sneaky Devil.

  At her nod, he smirked. The look sinister, hot, and naughty.

  She knew that she should have ignored him, but she couldn’t. She wanted to know. How weird could they be? Besides, she hadn’t agreed to do anything with them yet. Only to stay with them.

  “Well, we’re very kinky, honey. We like to play differently than most people.”

  Sure they did. They obviously liked to share. That idea made her heart race. Two men who liked her body? Worshiping her? The idea had never even entered her fantasies before!

  “We are kinky, baby. We like control. You see, we’re Doms. We like to chain women up, spank them, and do all sorts of great things to them. And you’re a sub, submissive. And you like to be controlled in bed by us. You will do whatever we say, when we say it. And in return you will get the best sex ever. Are you interested, hot-stuff? ‘Cause we most definitely are!”


  Somewhere else, back in Cold Wood, a woman paced.

  She couldn’t stand it anymore. She couldn’t sleep, had trouble eating, couldn’t even run. Everything was coming apart and there was nothing she could do about it.

  It had been like this all her life. Other people got all the attention. Especially the twins. The teachers loved them, the community loved them, and what had been left for her? Huh? Nothing!

  She couldn’t seem to do anything right in comparison. And now, she could see the contempt in the eyes of everyone around her. They knew that she went to clubs. They knew that she drank. They also knew about the disastrous breakup not too long ago.

  People claimed that she would date anyone with money, and although that did factor into her decision, there was more to it. But no one would believe that someone like her would care.

  They always compared her to the twins. They didn’t date. They didn’t get in trouble.

  Growing up with them had been so difficult. Made her feel like nothing in comparison.

  Finally, some years ago, she thought that she was getting closer to Annie. The athletic twin wanted to break out of her nice ways. She wanted to go to parties, wanted to date. She wanted to be seen as a normal person, not the good girl she was thought of.

  Finally things were going to change! But then the accident happened. Although the woman took some of the blame onto herself, after all she had been at the party, whether anyone knew it or not, but it didn’t matter now. Annie was basically dead. All that was left was her body.

  Annie would have hated it, and a little part of the woman celebrated the fact that one of the twins was suffering.

  A part that she hated.

  What kind of person thought that way?

  The problem was that people were still talking about her!

  They’d often ask her if she knew of anything new with Annie. If she had gone to see her. They asked how Sophie was taking things.

  And of course, Sophie, the attention seeking person that she was, milked it.

  She had to be so nice, so understanding. She was still good, volunteering around the community. But, she also let everyone dote on her.

  Sophie had always needed the attention. Needed the validation. She always made sure that she was seen as responsible and helpful.

  Where did that leave room for anyone else?

  At least Seth, Cay, Tim and Nate hadn’t been interested. No, he hadn’t been interested in dating that mute girl. But he was wasn’t here anymore, and wouldn’t be coming back. She had made a mistake and now he was gone.

  Sophie also left. Just up and disappeared.

  And the problem was still there. It still lingered, along with Annie’s dying body.

  If the woman helped Annie go, it was only a good thing. No one wanted to be a vegetable all their lives!

  And it would be one less problem for the woman.



  It came down to this. Phie would need to make a decision and either way was good for Sin. Of course it would be better if she agreed to their terms, but disappointment was acceptable too.

  That would seem weird to most people, Sin was sure, but he didn’t give a crap.

  All he wanted was to fill up that empty part inside of him. It could be filled with any emotion, but some were better than others.

  The harder emotions were usually what sustained him. Anger, pain, those types of things. But, ecstasy was the best. He’d do almost anything to get that. And right now, Phie held the power to grant it or not.

  Of course, that was Thane’s doing. Mr. Moral needed an agreement. He wanted to stick to the ‘real’ BDSM lifestyle. That meant that they needed to focus on the wellbeing of their sub first�
�� including mental health.

  Sin didn’t care enough about that crap. Hell, even if he felt guilty, it was still an emotion, it would still take up space inside him, making him feel.

  He had spent so long without feeling, he now craved it. It was his drug and influenced every decision he made. And so why would he take the time to worry about following rules?

  He’d do just as well to seduce her now.

  He wasn’t going to take someone who didn’t want him. He wasn’t that fucked up, but he knew that Sophia was turned on by him. The way she was currently staring at his penis showed that.

  I will accept it for the first week. After that, we will re-evaluate. But I want a promise that I can object.

  Well, fuck. That wouldn’t do at all. He didn’t want her to say no to everything. But… wait a moment. She couldn’t ‘say’ no to anything. She couldn’t speak at all.

  Way to go, Sin, taking your depravity to a whole new level.

  Sin ignored that voice in his head, the one he labelled Adrian, his Angel name. He didn’t need that do-gooder part of his brain to ruin things for him. Not when he had her just where he needed.

  “Sure, hot-stuff. In BDSM there is a safe-word anyways. You say it, whatever you pick, and we will stop. But you only get to say it if you want to absolutely stop. But only say it if you object wholeheartedly, because once you tell us you hate something, we will not go near it again.”

  She nodded and pulled her eyes from him, her cheeks getting a little red. Did she finally realize that he knew she was drooling over him?

  Shit, honey. I knew you were interested from the moment I laid on you. Why do you think I rescued you?

  He wasn’t a nice man. He didn’t do things because he should. If it didn’t help him any, he wasn’t going to do it. That’d be dumb. He’d saved countless lives when he was an Angel. He did his bit, now he was going to live for himself.

  But, I can’t say anything.

  Oh, wasn’t that a shame. Nice sarcasm, Sin. The good voice said, causing him to smile. Why thank you, Adrian.

  “You won’t need it anyways.” He answered, standing up and stretching. He really didn’t need to, but it pleased him to see her eye him appreciatively.


  Okay, okay. Calm down, Dr. Innocent. As if Death could be innocent. Sin would have laughed, but that would have pissed Sophia off, and really if he was going to get booty, he couldn’t be making her mad.

  “Yeah, yeah. I figured you’d feel that way. Well, we’ll just do this a different way then. I’ll give her a walky-talky and she can push the button twice and it will make a noise loud enough for us to hear. Is that good for you, boss-man?”

  Thane must not have heard his sarcasm, for he just nodded, straight-faced. The man didn’t have a humorous bone in his gigantic body.

  But, the sooner they dealt with this little thing, the sooner they could start the fun stuff. So he didn’t linger in the living room, but got his things quickly and came back. He did take the time to pick up a few goodies from the play room. They’d get there eventually, but they needed her agreement first. Fucking Thane.

  Sin chuckled at his thought, and stopped inside the bedroom.

  Once again Thane was focused wholly on Phie. This time instead of smelling her hair, he was running his hands along her ribcage.

  His hands were so close to her temptingly large tits. Tits that Sin wanted to handle, himself. They’d be soft, large, and sensitive. He bet the nipples were hard already, and probably a blushed red. They’d only get redder as he sucked, licked and nibbled on them. And they’d look fantastic decorated with the clover clamps in the playroom.

  Shit! He should have thought to bring those too!

  “Are you good with this? It’s small so it shouldn’t be heavy, and it’s not set to any frequency that anyone could get. I blocked it, so no one will hear anything they shouldn’t.” he said, handing her the device. It was his creation, his baby, and seeing the appreciation on her face made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

  And he was man enough to accept that!

  When she nodded, a cascade of relief flowed through him. It was like a bright, sunlight day, warming just a little.

  “Great!” he said, and eyed Thane. Death had taken to the whole D/s thing like a fish to water. He loved control and enjoyed the control it gave him over himself, as well as over others. Sin knew that, but still he worried how he was going to react to this. If it was the other way around, Sin wouldn’t want to release the hot bundle in his arms.

  The big guy nodded, opening his arms so that Phie could get up. But she didn’t yet.

  Wait…hold on. I told you that I’d stay here, not that I’d have sex with you.

  Sin tilted his head to the side, trying to see what she was talking about. “Well, sure. But we are going to get around to that eventually. Why not just say yes now and get right to the pleasure. Hmm?”

  Why should I? Tell me why I should have sex with two men who I don’t know… who I’ve just met.

  Well, that was an easy answer. “Because you want to?” Seeing the annoyance twinkle through her eyes, Sin held up his hands in surrender. “Don’t go all sassy with me. I can tell. Hell, a blind person could tell. You’re eyes are devouring me right now, and I know by the way that you’re clenching your thighs together that you’re aching down there.”

  That doesn’t mean I’ll act on it. She glared at him across the bed, and Sin took a few steps towards her. He tried his most charming smile, the one that made most people drop their pants.

  “Okay. True. But really. We both know that I’d say anything to get inside of you right now. Whatever answer I could give would be bullshit. You’re only asking to try to talk yourself into it, because you don’t want to accept that everything inside of you wants all of me inside of you.” Again, Phie glared. But she didn’t protest! “The truth is that you want this, you deserve this. You take care of everything, I can tell. You need a little pampering. A little break from all that. And we can give it to you.”

  He would take this terrible—amazing—burden on for her. I’m just that great of a guy!

  She took a moment. Too long for Sin. But Sophie finally nodded and wrote something on the tablet.

  Okay. Can you move back first?

  She wanted to escape touching him? Not going to happen. “Nope. Up you get, hot-stuff.”

  When she just sat there, as if trying to make a decision, Sin sighed. There was nothing to decide. “No, no. This is not what you want to fight over. You push that button and there will be no sex, no holding, and no kisses. If you have a problem with this, then maybe we should stop.” If she wouldn’t let him touch her, then there wasn’t much they could do. “She will never accept anything hard-core. Maybe she’s too vanilla for this.” Adrian said, his last statement to Thanatos.

  And just as he hoped, it spurred her into acting.

  His little Latina wasn’t as innocent as she liked people to believe. She had fire in her veins. Good. Sin liked a little sass. It made things interesting. And the little bit of attitude in Phie prompted her to get over her reservations, apparently, because she stood, which put her body flush against his until she moved away again.

  There’s a good girl! “Now, for the training to begin. We’ll start on presenting. We’ll want you to do this whenever you’re alone and we come in. Got it? Drop whatever you’re doing. That means you have to kneel.” Seeing her on her knees, looking up at him.

  He got hard just thinking about it.

  Well, he got harder. He never really deflated.

  He thought that she would balk right then, but she seemed to come to a decision.

  It was a glorious moment when Phie knelt to the ground. Fuck yeah! “Now, open your legs. No, more. If you were naked, and you’re going to do this naked, we need to be able to see that sweet pussy.” When she complied, he wanted to cheer.

  Fuck, he would have, if she was naked. But she wasn’t. This was for teaching... for now.

/>   “Good girl. Exactly like that. Put your hands behind your back, your hands palm out and on each other. Keep your back straight, but your head down.” There were different variations of the positions. Some people like the sub to have her hands on their knees, open. But he didn’t like that. Having her hands behind her back pushed her breasts out.

  And he liked her tits.

  He was definitely a boob man. So was Thane, which is why he approved of Sin’s decision.

  No answer from Thane was a good answer.

  That was enough innocent play for now. “Now do it naked.”

  Sophia’s head came up, her eyes wide and slightly scared. What did she have to be scared about? She agreed to do this. She wasn’t going to back out now.

  Not because of a little nudity. Surely! She had to have known they’d want to see, touch and taste all of her delicious body.

  “Are you pressing the button?” God, he hoped not!

  But he couldn’t force her to undress. He couldn’t stop her from pressing the button. That would be against the rules. Thane would shoot him in the face if he took that option away from her.

  After a few moments, she stood, but instead of taking off her clothes or pushing the button, she walked to the bed. What the fuck was she doing? She hadn’t given up. Or, had she?

  “Where are you going?” Okay, so he should have controlled the anger and disbelief in his voice.

  Phie turned her head to glare at him. And he wanted to laugh. Her anger was so hot and cute. It didn’t affect him like she must have thought that it would.

  Instead, it went right to his dick.

  He’d have to punish her for that, for sure. Maybe that’s what I’ll do.

  With determination, she picked up the tablet again.

  I had surgery recently, And was in that car accident. I have scars. They….aren’t pretty.

  Really, that’s all this is?

  Sin snorted. “As if we care about a few scars.” Hell, he had scarification on his chest. They were tattoos done by removing some skin. They had to be made by silver with silver shavings ground in to allow for them to scar, but, he liked them. Angels healed too quickly for most body modification, but they were allergic to silver. Enough of the stuff, and you could scar an Angel. And he didn’t mind pain.


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