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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

Page 15

by Layna Snow

  Maybe he’d watch more cooking shows!

  As if that wasn’t enough pain, not enough gooey green stuff, he worked the knife farther towards the Demon’s middle, peeling off the skin as one would an orange. Only the juices didn’t smell as good. As he got down to the mother-shitter’s abdomen, he started in sideways, making a large rectangle. His plan? To work off a piece of skin as big as he could, and maybe use it as a blanket.

  After a bit, rectangle by rectangle, he removed the creature’s skin. When Sin thought that his efforts—as fun as it was—were wasted, the thing let out one last cry and clicked for death.

  “Surrender” It cried, its voice a shriek that made Sin’s ears want to bleed. “Will tell.”

  Adrian dropped the knife and wiped the blood from his hands. He wanted to continue, wanted to make this Demon hurt as badly as possible. Unfortunately they’d been at this for a half hour, and they needed to get to Phie.

  “Where is she?” He asked, turning his head to see Thane’s eyes focus intently. As relaxed as the huge dude looked, leaning back against the wall, Sin could see the massive muscles coiled tightly.

  “He has her.” The Plate Face said, his clicks so low that he had to lean close to hear them. And instantly the sounds infused him with dread. There could only be one He. Just the man that Sophie wanted to meet.

  And before Sin could take his anger—well that was too mild of a word—out of the crap-pan fucktard, Thane the benevolent took the Demon’s head in his huge paws and snapped his neck. The sound final, but doing nothing to help the feelings that rose up inside.

  It didn’t seem to help Thanatos either, if the scowl on his face was anything to go by.

  They both knew now.

  The worst information.

  The Devil had Sophie.

  They were all so screwed!


  The wind was killer, forcing Sasha’s hair to whip around her face. This was so the last thing she needed. But, alas, there was no point getting mad about it.

  The moan that sounded in the night pulled her gaze from the street to the man in front of her, or, all around her actually. He was large, cute and had the face of an Angel, all tanned and hot. It was sure no hardship kissing him.

  Moaning again, the guy moved his left hand from her hair, trailing it down to her ass, under her short skirt only to pull her against him. And his massive erection.

  Now that was something else she liked about him. He was hung super well.

  “How about we go back to my place?” he asked, moving his face away from her very sensitive neck, letting his slightly soured whiskey breath brush against her face. The fact that he was a little drunk wasn’t lost on her. It was one of the reasons she picked him up at a bar down the street, not even 10 minutes ago. Sasha smiled and leaned more of her weight against him, letting all her lush curves press against his hard body.

  She knew that he didn’t want to just make out in a dark alley in the middle of nowhere, but she had no plans on leaving just yet.

  “Nuh uh, baby. I can’t wait.” She said, her voice low, breathless, as she sent him a smoldering look that she hoped he could see in the dim light. It was super late, like midnight, but she wasn’t tired yet. Instead she was invigorated.

  And just as she wanted, the man reacted, holding her even closer to his body. His hands were warm, rough against her skin, which was awesomely delicious.

  “Oh, fuck yea.” He groaned, pressing his mouth to hers in a kiss that was slightly sloppy.

  She didn’t mind though, as she nipped, licked and explored his mouth, while he worked his hand around between their bodies. She could feel his knuckles against the cloth covering her crotch, and she knew that he was opening his fly. The thought excited her, making her wet and ready for him.

  It didn’t take long, although it was a little awkward, for him to roll on a condom and then spin them around so her back was against the rough bricks.

  He didn’t wait, just moved her undies aside and pressed into her. And boy was she ever right! He was long and thick and her insides were happy. She shivered around him, moaning into his kiss. It was awesome to feel filled up again. To feel the friction inside her, revving up all her nerve-endings.

  He was primed, ready to go and didn’t bother to go slow and easy. He just pounded into her. She could feel his energy, feel his exuberance and it made her quiver around him. She loved feeling wanted, even if it was by this strange man in this back alley.

  Before long she felt him go ridged against her, his whole body tensing while his face went tight with pleasure. Just seeing him like that was almost enough to push her over the edge. Almost.

  She wished that she felt the same satisfaction that she saw on his face. Wished that she had the same easy going night ahead of her that he had. However, it wasn’t meant to be.

  “That was fantastic!” He whispered, his body moving away from hers, letting her feet settle on the ground. She teetered on her heels for a moment, holding onto the man’s thick shoulders until she caught her balance. It didn’t help that the ground was filthy and she was stepping on who knows what! “So, now that we’ve both gotten off once, why don’t we go somewhere with a bed so we can continue this, a little slower this time?”

  Awee, the man was precious. He was so cute and she wasn’t going to tell him that she hadn’t had an orgasm. However, she was sure that given the opportunity, he could give her some. Too bad she didn’t have the time. He was a cool kid, and maybe she’d see him some other time.

  Probably not, but maybe! “Sorry, doll. I have to get back.”

  Back to what? She didn’t tell him. She had no plans to involve him anymore. It was great while it lasted but he wasn’t going to provide anymore cover for her, not now that he was sated. It was probably a good thing that it ended when it did, because just as she stepped away from him, there was a click in her ear, signalling the opening of a channel.

  “Backup requested! Shots fired!” She knew it was trouble, knew that it was urgent because she could hear the explosion of those gunshots in her ear. She could hear the cursing of the men, could hear the thunk of things falling over.

  Sasha cursed, adjusting her clothes quickly before crossing the street. She had stayed close so she could come in, so that she wouldn’t be noticed if seen. But she knew that her team was closer. She’d be the last one to the rendezvous point.

  And wouldn’t that be just like her? Getting there fashionably late?

  She stepped into the small alley between two supposedly condemned buildings, so small that it didn’t even hold a dumpster. Once out of sight, she turned to the men and women in combat gear. “What’s the scoop?” she demanded, eyeing the people who thought nothing of the danger they were about to face. Like her, they were warriors. Like her, they were part of the Hidden. And like her, they would give their lives for their fellow Hunters. They’d make sure that Connor’s team got out alive.

  “They are holding ground in the front, but they are taking heavy fire.” Marco said. He was a large light haired Vampire, and her right-hand man.

  “Benson, Angie, Sonja, you go in the back. Marco and I will go through the front.” She ordered, knowing right away that they would comply. They were to try to take down the enemy without killing them. It was the only way to gain information that they hadn’t gotten before. She just hoped that the baddies didn’t have those death-capsules in their mouths again. It really sucked when the enemy died before she wanted them to!

  They all nodded, not bothering to wait before slipping into the night. Marco passed her the quiver with her poison tipped arrows, along with her bow, both which she slung over her shoulder. “Okay, let’s do this!”

  They made their way to the front door, watching closely to make sure that they weren’t seen. She knew that people rarely came to this part of town. It was all abandoned due to a recent natural disaster. Floods, you gotta love ‘em. But you could never be too sure.

  Once they got to the front, they both flattened them
selves to the sides of the door and she gestured for Marco to open it. She was surprised to find it unlocked. He kept to one side while Sasha stayed to the other.

  She was cautious. You never knew what you’d find when called in for backup. Especially when the original team was investigating rogue Witches who were trying to make a blood sacrifice to call up a Demon.

  Sasha peered in, hoping to assess the situation. And all at once, she could see the problem. The room was large, dark and mostly empty. The tables were flipped to the side, most likely to shield the team from fire, not that they were even close to bulletproof! The door directly in front of them was open, and a shout rung out.

  Cover blown!

  Not that she thought, or even hoped, to go in undetected. They did have to take attention away from the guys going in back after all.

  She knew that the original team could leave, systematically if they wished to, but that wasn’t the objective of the mission. And if Sasha knew anything about the brilliant Connor, it was that he always finished what he started out doing. It was a trait she found adorable in him.

  Sasha notched an arrow in her mini-crossbow, before leaning forward once more. And once a bullet crashed into the doorframe beside her head—which only took a second—she focused on her target and let her arrow fly. The oomph was the only indicator that she had hit her mark, and immediately she drew back. “One down”

  “Yeah, if only it wasn’t so fucking dark. Can’t see the mothers.” The large Vampire said, loading a dart into his own weapon. She knew he hated the thing, but she commended him for using it anyways. At least she would when they were finished. ‘Bout time they got a raise!

  “Says the man with the freaky vamp eyes!” She taunted, sticking her tongue out at her friend.

  He just laughed in response before shooting into the darkened room.

  The click in her earpiece had her groaning. Why were they communicating now? There was always a no communication rule when engaging an enemy! She’d have to whoop some butts! “The inner door is barred. Can’t get through. No windows accessible. What are our orders?” Angie’s girlish voice rang through.

  Sasha wanted to roll her eyes but managed against it. “Stay and cover the exit, they might try to escape.”

  “We need in, Sasha!” Connor called from his spot behind the tables, as one of his teammates poked his cute little head out to shoot another person in the interior doorway.

  “Yeah, yeah. Working on it Hottie. Might have to let one of mine go in.” She said, working another arrow into position.

  “We are perfectly capable!” He called back, and this time Sasha did roll her eyes. Humans, were just so predictable. They always had to prove themselves.

  “I know that,” she hissed, hoping that her voice was low enough for the baddies not to hear. “But you’re not invincible. A shot will kill you, but not my team!”

  Shots continued to be exchanged before she heard his sigh. “You’re right.”

  At least the man was smart! A genius actually!

  “You remember what I’ve been working on?” she called out to them, hoping that they understood.

  “Alright.” And thank God he got it because she’d hate to have to hurt the big oaf. He might be Human, might be abnormally smart, but he was sweet and she wanted him around for a long time. He was… a good friend. And if that thought didn’t make her want to barf, she didn’t know what would!

  Maybe the little project would.

  “Cover me, I’m going in,” she told Marco dramatically, firing one last arrow into the space before dropping her bow. The huge vamp would take care of it for her. Of that she had no doubt. It was his creation after all.

  Quickly, she rolled into the room, keeping low and staying out of the light. She crouched automatically and raced to the wall beside the open door where it seemed the Witches were multiplying. How many damn bodies could fit in that little back room?

  She could hear them talking, hear their panic and their worry. She knew they saw her and although they kept shooting guns, they hadn’t yet turned to spells yet. Most likely trying to keep their energy for their big conjuring. Or had they already done that? It’d suck for a Demon to be free. Who knew if they could contain it or not!

  She pulled out a thin canister from her boot, happy that she had thought to bring it, and inched her way towards the door.

  She could have cheered, but that might draw fire. And might make some of the men stop to stare.

  All shooting stopped for a moment and so Sasha used her enhanced speed to her advantage and whipped the canister into the other room.

  As soon as it hit the ground, she heard the hiss of gasses being released. She heard the murmurs of “what the hell” and all sorts of other fun sentences before the terror started to set in. Now, the men and women rushed out of the room, their eyes burning, their throats closing, their bodies slowly weakening. It was a pretty sight.

  So romantic! You gotta love a gassing in the morning!

  Sasha made sure to cover her head with her shirt. So, it might have exposed her breasts to all that could see. But hopefully no one could. Connor’s team had a heads up, they should already be hiding their faces. These Witches, not so much.

  They didn’t get very far before they collapsed. She could hear their dead weight hit the ground, hit the walls, or whatever else that thumping meant. They would drop like flies and not wake up for a good long time.

  And the good thing is that with the right amount of time, the vapors self-destruct and turn completely harmless. It would only take a few more….

  “What the hell, Sasha!” Connor choked, causing her to lower her shirt to see him. He was standing in the middle of the room now. “Next time you bring that stuff remind us to bring masks. You should too! These men might have fainted at the sight of your chest!” He joked.

  Sasha laughed and shrugged. They wouldn’t have fainted, drooled, sure. But not fainted. They wouldn’t be able to see if they passed out!

  “Just get on with binding them. We have to clear the building.”

  Connor motioned to his men before coming over to her. “Thanks for the backup.” He said, his voice low and sincere.

  “Of course, hot-shot. Now what do you say we-“ but she couldn’t finish the sentence, because just as she turned towards the door to indicate it, a shout rang out.

  And simultaneously, a big hulking grey beast charged through what used to be a doorway, forcing his way through the plaster wall and right into them.

  It went down, holding them to the floor with its body weight as it dug its teeth into her arm.

  The pain was horrible, spreading like fire along her skin and up her shoulder.

  Something must have happened to Connor too because he shouted, his cry of agony heard even through the shots that were fired.

  This sucked! It effing sucked! But she couldn’t do anything to push the fucker off her. He was huge, all muscle and he continued gnawing on her like sick treat. She’d never been lapped at quite this way before. The last person who said they wanted to eat her up was talking about something totally different!

  And then Connor, wonderful, idiotic Connor, hit the beast in the head.

  Its large jaws opened, and it swung its animalistic head Connor’s way before thrusting its claws, which seemed more like knives, into the man’s chest.

  “NO!!” The piercing cry filled the room, sounding weird until she realized that it came from her.

  He was a man! A Human! And she knew a chest wound that terrible would kill him. There were too many mushy organs in the chest, too many critical arteries.

  Fury made her act, as only she could, twisting and yanking until she got her blade free of her boot, and thrusting it into the Demon’s chin.

  It howled, as it pulled away, but the thing was stuck, and already the lethal chemicals on that weapon were acting. Not to mention the many bullets that slammed into the Demon’s face.

  And then it collapsed on them again, this time going still, ho
lding them there like a cage as Connor’s body slowly cooled beside her.

  “Marco!” she yelled, needing the man to be there, to help.

  And he did, pulling the thing from them and rushing to her side. It was awesome of him, but she was all good. She’d regenerate. It was the Human she was worried about. His poor hot chest was ripped open like a piñata. “I’m good. Do something to help him!” she demanded, gesturing weakly to her side.

  “You mean..?” the Vampire asked, his figure blurry for some reason.

  “Yeah. Turn him.” She demanded, but her words were slurred, her body heavy. Fuck, was she even talking?

  The last thing she heard was his sigh and quiet, “alright, hopefully he won’t hate me tomorrow.”

  As long as Connor was alive tomorrow, she didn’t care if he hated them or not.


  Sophie woke with a gasp.

  She didn’t even know what was real anymore.

  She couldn’t really tell if she was breathing, if she was thinking, if she was seeing. It was like the last few hours of her life was some horrible movie playing in her mind, and she had no clue if it was real, or a dream, or something else.

  Were those tears streaking along her face? Was that feeling in her throat an ache from screaming, or from swallowing fire? She didn’t even know if she was still alive!

  She remembered standing behind Thane, as the world around her erupted into chaos. She could hear Sin’s taunts, his blades and his step-falls. And creatures screaming, things dropping. The whole time Thane stood in front of her, shielding her from the fighting.

  But it wasn’t enough. Because someone came at them, or so she assumed, and then Thane stepped forward. And then hands came from behind her, greenish long fingers curled around her arm, touching her, and filling her with….. something!

  It felt like panic, dread, and then things changed.

  A light came down, lifting her. And she was floating weightless. It was a weird concept, and she would have enjoyed it any other time, but she knew that she should be scared. She knew she should focus on something else.


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