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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

Page 28

by Layna Snow

  It just showed how much she needed this job. If she couldn’t rely on her family, she’d have to pay for everything herself, and it wasn’t like she made a lot of money doing this.

  “Oh, that sucks! What about the father. Did you tell him?” When Soph shook her head, the other girl looked down, as if remembering her pie. “Will you tell him?”

  Sophie let her take a bite before shaking her head again. It wasn’t really fair to unload this all on her, but she did ask. She just hoped that Emily would keep her promise.

  “I have no way to call him. And he wouldn’t want the baby anyways. He made it clear that it was only a fling. He even helped me get back here, as if he couldn’t wait to get rid of me.”

  So, she was mixing the boys together. It didn’t make it any less right. And just talking about it hurt. How could they not want her? After being so sweet and caring, how could they just want her gone like that?

  God, she missed them. Missed talking with Sin and cuddling with Thane. Every time something interesting happened, she wanted to share it with them. She wanted Thane’s opinion, or Adrian’s witty remarks. She missed them every breakfast, and when she was alone in bed.

  “Oh, don’t cry sweetie! It will be alright!” Emily cooed, and Soph realized she was crying. It seemed like such a normal state of being, that hopelessness. The wetness on her face. She was surprised that she had any more tears left.

  “Sorry.” She signed before wiping at her face. She was embarrassed. She was mortified. She was pregnant darn it!

  “Go wash up. I’ll tell Sheryl that you’re alright. I’ll cover your shift too if you want. I still remember how to wait on a table!” And although Sophie was sure that she could, she knew that she needed the tips more.

  “No, it’s alright. I’ll get over it a minute.” Pregnancy hormones were no joke.

  “I’m sure you will. In fact, I see something that might distract you! There are some weird scary guys outside, and it seems like they are on a collision path with Seth and Cay. Might be useful for a laugh when the cops get called in.”

  Scary guys?

  Oh, no no no! But secretly her mind was begging for it to be true.

  And as Soph turned to look through the plate glass window, she saw her dreams and her nightmares.

  Adrian and Thane. They found her. And they were angry.

  “Those aren’t bad guys. Those are the fathers of my baby.”

  “Wait! Fathers! Oh, I knew that I was missing something! Come on, this is gonna be good!” Emily said standing from the booth before pulling Sophie with her.

  No. It was going to be terrible!


  “-why do you want to see her?” The voice that floated across the street belonged to Cay. Sophie could see the look on his face and knew that this wasn’t going to end well. There was no way that Adrian would behave himself, and Cay always had a short fuse.

  Seth and Caleb had taken it upon themselves to look out for her since she’d been back. They always came by to check on her and ask her how she was. Soph knew that it was because they felt badly for how things went down. They blamed themselves for Sophie’s bullet wound. When they heard where she had been, they also blamed themselves for her trip to Hell.

  Besides, everything would have been fine if the Devil had followed through his end of their deal. But he hadn’t and now Annie was dead.

  Apparently about a month after Soph disappeared, Mel revealed their conversation to the boys, and they hadn’t been very happy.

  “We want to spank her ass red!” And, of course Sin would say that! She could hear the gloating even through the light traffic that passed between them on the street.

  Em stopped in her tracks, and Soph ran into her. This was so not good!

  “You’re going to what?” Cay cried and Soph managed to peek around Em to see the young man go at Sin. Which was a horrible idea!

  Luckily, Seth must have thought so too, because he grabbed Caleb and held him back.

  “Mind your own business, runt. This has nothing to do with you. Just point in her direction and you can go on your way to the tanning salon.” Sin taunted.

  “Says the man with the stylized hair cut! Wait, are you wearing guyliner? Dude!” Cay responded and Sophie rolled her eyes.

  As much as she wanted to break this up, she didn’t really want to see the guys again.

  Well…that wasn’t really true. Her feelings were complicated. She still hurt from what they did to her. She felt used and a little broken. She was worried about the baby and what life would bring, and she was sure that adding them to the mix would only increase the drama.

  Yes, the guys made her feel loved but they also had made her feel like poop. She couldn’t just run to them and welcome them back into her life. If that was even what they wanted.

  Which brought up another issue! What if they were here for something else! Could she stand to be rejected again?

  No, she didn’t think so.

  So, she was happy to just sit here and listen to the argument, and would have hid if Emily had let her. But no, that girl had to drag her out in the middle of town!

  “Really Caleb. Do you have to antagonize all the people we meet? First Axel and now these guys? You’re going to get yourself killed. And our girl wouldn’t like that.” Seth butted in.

  Mel would have been furious if Cay was hurt again. She’d put herself in danger for her husbands and she was no match for Sin and Thane.

  “What girl are you talking about? You’re not talking about Phie are you?” Sin stressed, and Soph could see him tense. From behind it was difficult to see his expression but she knew that tone of voice. It only came out when he was blood-boiling mad!

  “And what if I was?” Cay said arrogantly, tipping his head in a cocky manner.

  Sophie felt her whole body tense in anticipation. Sin wouldn’t stand for that. He wouldn’t let that go, and Caleb was no match for him.

  But it wasn’t Sin who moved. Thane was the one who lunged for the smaller man, taking him by the neck and lifting him like a doll. “Not Sophia!” his voice ground out, like gravel over ice.

  It would have been impressive in any other situation. The play of muscles in Thane’s arms. It was an extreme amount of strength. But, the look of shock and fear on Cay’s face, along with the choking sounds he was making made Soph feel sick.

  Coward. She should have stopped it before.

  Now Seth was involved, trying to calm the enormous mountain of a man down. But it wasn’t working too well.

  Emily’s hand slackened as she gasped, and finally Sophie was able to get free. Instead of hiding, like she wanted to do, Sophie rushed forward, moving through a gap in traffic.

  A big gap actually, since everyone stopped and rolled down their windows to watch. Okay, so it was only a few cars, but it was enough to make Soph feel scrutinized and judged. Even if they weren’t looking at her, surely they were making generalizations.

  But she didn’t make it there first. That honor belonged to Mel.

  “LET GO OF MY HUSBAND!” she yelled, her cute little body striding towards the men. Her red hair streamed behind her, like the wings of an avenging Angel.

  It must have been enough to catch Thane’s attention, because he looked in her direction before releasing Caleb.

  Cay immediately fell to the ground, clutching his bruised throat.

  Soph stopped, standing far enough away to still see them, but with the cars blocking her way, she felt a little safer. If she didn’t have to get involved, she wouldn’t. She’d just wait until it all blew over.

  Yeah. That was best.

  “Yours?” Thane asked.

  “Yes, of course mine! I have amazing taste and I only pick the best. I remember you! I saw you get exiled! Oooh! More Fallen! Did you come here to see me too?” Melody asked, visibly excited.

  Seth moved forward, ignoring his whining friend behind him in order to stand beside his wife. It was a nice gesture but he’d be no match for either man.
/>   “Oh, Red! I remember seeing you. So you Fell too, huh? Was it for lust?” Adrian said, stepping forward. Soph could just imagine him moving his eyebrows. Gosh, he was such a flirt!

  “No,” Melody denied, puffing her chest up like a preening bird. “For Pride, although I don’t know why! There isn’t a more humble person ever made! They obviously got something wrong. Or were worried that I was too perfect! That’s my current theory!” Oh yes, she was totally humble!

  Soph rolled her eyes. She liked the girl but she was darn full of herself at times.

  “Cool, cool. Now, maybe you could be more helpful than your ‘husbands’ have been.” Adrian said. Had he shuddered when he said ‘husbands’?

  Surely good old Sin wouldn’t ever get married! No, that would be horrible! It just reminded Sophie why she left in the first place. Yes, she wanted to be there for her sister, but she was also protecting herself. The guys weren’t ready for commitment and she could only settle for that.

  She deserved love.

  “Go for it!” Mel said, smiling at the men before her. Charm came easy to Melody. Everything came easily to the Fallen Angel in front of her. But Sophie didn’t hate her for it.

  It just made Soph feel a little more awkward than she usually felt. Heck, she hoped that they could be close friends.

  “Alrighty then! We need to find Sophie.” Sin said, sounding exasperated even from where Soph stood a few feet away and between two idling cars.

  Melody laughed, the sound joyous, happy and full of magic. Sophie envied that sound.

  “Well, if you’ve been looking, you must not have tried hard! She’s right there! You are really bad at this seek and hide game!” the little woman said, pointing her finger right in Sophie’s direction.

  Well, darn! So much for hiding!

  Both men turned sharply, and Sin’s eyes narrowed even while Thane’s widened with heat. At least one of them was happy to see her!

  “You were standing there all along? I am going to paddle your ass so hard, hot-stuff.” Sin said, taking a step towards her.

  All of a sudden Emily stepped up beside Soph, taking her arm.

  It was nice to know that someone would stand up for her if she needed it!

  “Nuh, uh! You’re not going to hurt her!” Emily said, glaring at the dark figures before them.

  Sophie didn’t want to, but couldn’t help but drink Sin in. He wore black jeans with a black t-shirt that said “I’m here, what are your other two wishes.” His hair was the same as it had been, and Caleb was right. He was wearing a little bit of eyeliner.

  It made his dark eyes pop, and gave him a sultry dangerous edge. Not that he didn’t have one before. He was yummy. Scrumptious. And she wanted to go to him and ask to be held.

  Already she could feel her eyes start to water, a sob catching in her throat. It had been so hard without them. Now that they were here, it was harder. She wanted them so much, loved them so much, but she knew that she couldn’t have them.

  “We wouldn’t do anything she wouldn’t like.” Sin continued, putting his hand on his hip arrogantly. And he had a right to feel that way. She had liked everything they had done to her, with her.

  She yearned for it again, but she had to stay strong.

  It took all of her not to look over at Thane. He was the one that she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist. Just the glimpse of him earlier was too much. He looked so warm, so open. She could see the emotion in his eyes and knew that if he crooked his finger, she’d be a goner.

  And then she’d never be able to leave them again.

  “What are you implying?” Seth asked, coming around to stand with Sophie, beside the closet car. Presumably Mel was with Cay, but she wasn’t going to look. That would mean taking her eyes off of Adrian.

  Sin laughed, the sound sarcastic and decadent. “I’m implying that we had some really nasty kinky sex and she liked it.” Oh boy, did she ever! But having it stated in the middle of the town was embarrassing!

  Soph could feel her cheeks heating. What would everyone think of her? That she was easy and kinky? They would never look at her the same. Surely she’d be cut off from her family once they heard! They had the internet, surely they’d see these recordings!

  “You ass!” Emily yelled, pulling Sophie backwards, to the other side of the street. And she knew that it was to get her away from the guys.

  “No, her ass actually. It’s quite beautiful, isn’t it Death? And it’s going to stay exactly where it is. Enough running Phie. We need to talk to you and we won’t leave until you hear us. We can do it here, on this road. Or we can have a nice private chat. You choose, baby-cakes. We’re not letting you get away this time.”

  Shoot! He sounded serious.

  Sophie knew Adrian. Sure, she didn’t know his whole life story. She didn’t know his favorite foods, or where he’d like to go on vacation. But she did know him. She knew how he acted when he was scared, and how he protected what he thought was his.

  She knew how he liked to have sex, and what he liked in a woman. They were the same things she knew about Thane, and she loved them all.

  They wouldn’t hurt her on purpose, not for anything other than sex-play. But she was worried that they’d hurt her reputation, her life, her heart.

  But she needed to suck it up because if they weren’t going to leave until she talked to them, then she would be rational and hear them out. Anything to get them off the street.

  Then she’d explain herself and they’d respect her feelings. At least Thane would.

  “I will be fine. Just go in. Tell Sheryl that I am sick and went home for the day.” She signed to Emily.

  It’s not like she could talk to them here. They didn’t know ASL! But she didn’t want to be alone with them either. It was too dangerous.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetie.” Emily said cryptically.

  “It sounds like they have a relationship already. Soph, did they hurt you? Are you afraid of them?” Seth asked. And she wasn’t. Not in that way.

  Shaking her head, Sophie started taking her arm from Em. The sooner this was done the better.

  “They just do not respect my opinion. I want more than they do, and they do not want to accept that.”

  “Shit man! If you can understand her hand-language, tell us what it she is saying! Thane, we need to learn this!” Adrian said, looking over to his friend.

  The look Seth gave her was questioning and Soph nodded. It didn’t matter if he told. They’d find it out anyways.

  “You don’t respect her or accept what she wants. By the way, I think you’re worse at this relationship stuff than I am, and I almost made a big mistake with Mel, so that says something.” Seth explained.

  “And how is what you want different from what we want?” Adrian asked, more angrily than before.

  “You just want a play thing. I want commitment.”

  This was such an odd conversation to have translated, and she’d rather not have it at all. And even as Seth told them her newest message, she could see Emily getting antsy beside her.

  “Why don’t we take this from the street to the bedroom. Hell, if those three want to come along, they can. But this skinny asshole needs to keep his mouth shut!” Sin rose one eyebrow at the group.

  “Oh, you must be tired after traveling! Good idea. Our bed isn’t big enough for all of us, though.” Melody said brightly, her eyes shining innocently.

  “Mel…” Seth warned.

  “But it sounds fun! Like a slumber party!” Mel answered back.

  “Something like that.” Sin’s chuckle was full of dark promise as he looked at Sophie.

  Was he trying to get back at her? Embarrassing her in front of the whole town?

  But no, Sin didn’t have any shame. He was just being himself.

  Caleb moved to his wife’s side and pulled her back. “That’s not what he means, kitten.” Cay then glared at Sin. “Could you be any more crude?”

  They were not going to all hop in
bed together. She wasn’t even going to let the men touch her until they talked. But she knew that she couldn’t just avoid them.

  Not when Adrian could make a mess of the town while unsupervised. Already her face was heating and Sophie wanted to sink into the ground.

  Where is my invisibility when I need it?

  Adrian stood straighter and smirked. “You’re right. I was being much too angelic. Melody, I was implying an orgy which means-”

  “Enough!” Emily yelled, uncharacteristically demanding. “Can’t you see that this is upsetting Sophie? She shouldn’t be stressed in her condition!”

  “What condition?” Seth, Cay, and Adrian all said at once.

  Suddenly all the hostility and ridiculousness were gone.

  They all looked at Sophie, questions and concerns in their eyes.

  She felt like she was on the spot and she hated it. Hated all the eyes on her. Hated that this would be revealed this way, at this time.

  Looking towards Emily, Soph pleaded with the girl to drop it, but Emily wasn’t looking at her. She was facing Seth. “Nothing really. She just has a condition, and it could make her vulnerable.” Sophie heard a car going by, obviously the people on the other side of the street got bored with the conversation. The fewer witnesses the better!

  Even as discrete as she was being, Soph could still see the light in Seth’s eyes. The man was always too smart of his own good. And unlike with Emily, she hadn’t expressed the need for secrecy.

  “You’re pregnant!” Seth asked, astonished. “Is it theirs?”

  Sophie swung back to the boys, terrified for their reaction. They were just as shocked as she expected. Adrian didn’t even seem to be aware he was talking as he said, astonished. “Um… it can’t be. Angels, even Fallen, can’t do that…”

  Well, someone better alert the media, because apparently it was possible!

  “They can’t? Oh. Then whose is it?” Seth asked, and everyone focused their attention on her.

  Soph couldn’t look away from Sin. So she saw when his shock turned to fury.


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