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Next World Series (Vol. 3): Families First [Second Wind]

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by Ewing, Lance K.








  Families First ~ Second Wind

  A Post-Apocalyptic

  Next-World Book Series

  Volume 3

  Copyright © 2020 by Lance K. Ewing

  The characters and events in this book are fictitious.

  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental

  and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved. The scanning, uploading and distribution

  of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  If you would like permission to use material from the book

  (other than for review purposes), please contact

  Thank you for your support of authors’ rights.

  ISBNs: 978-0-9996765-3-0 (Kindle)

  978-0-9996765-4-7 (trade paperback)

  First Kindle edition: January 2020

  First paperback edition: February 2020

  Printed in the United States of America


  To my wife, Hannah, our three awesome crazy boys, Hudson, Jax and Hendrix, and to my mom, Shareen, for her tireless editing.

  To the readers who took a chance on a new author without knowing if there would be a second volume.

  Thank you to all readers who left honest reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and Audible, making this continued series possible.



  Recap of Volumes One and Two

  In Volumes One and Two of Families First ~ Post-Apocalyptic Next-World Series, we were introduced to a cast of characters spanning multiple locations across the United States, all with diverse points of view and hardships to overcome.

  We learn that North Korea dropped an EMP in the center of the United States, knocking out power to all states, except Hawaii, and parts of Canada and Mexico. With no electricity, food or running water, and few working vehicles, the country is instantly reduced to the hardships of days long gone. It’s every family for themselves in this new and hostile world.

  Lance and Joy, along with their children, like-minded friends and neighbors, embark on their journey, headed to Saddle Ranch in the Colorado Rocky Mountains by way of Raton Pass, New Mexico.

  The first leg of the trek to Raton Pass would prove more difficult than they could ever imagine, plagued with injuries and losses along the way. Relying on faith, and loyal to the group, they soldier on and finally arrive at their destination.

  Vlad is transferred to a FEMA camp, and eventually to Trinidad, for surgery following a life-threatening injury.

  The sons of Lance and Joy each face hardships and potentially catastrophic situations.

  Former McKinney police officer, Mike, proves to be a hindrance to the group as well as an invaluable help when safety is on the line.

  Lonnie and Jake keep everything running as smoothly as possible.

  Joy, Nancy and Tina earn MVPs of the first leg of the trip.

  Mac, on Saddle Ranch, falls in love with a beautiful medical doctor, but the relationship is complicated from the very start.

  Crossover has begun between the communities of Saddle Ranch, led by John, and The West, led by Samuel.

  David and the Jenkins family in Raton, New Mexico, suffer a devastating loss after an accident involving mistaken identity.

  James and Janice, in Weston, Colorado, start their new family, taking in a young orphaned boy named Billy. With both James and Jason in new town government posts, they try to remain neutral as the Sheriff and Judge passively battle for control of the town.

  It is clear to all that Ronna is working with the US Military in some capacity.

  * * * *

  Dear Reader,

  If this is your first look at my Families First series, please consider reading Volumes One and Two first. This is a planned series of 5-7 volumes, depending of course on you, the reader. I am working hard on Volume Four.

  Thank you for purchasing and, most of all, for reading the first two books in the series. In this day of Internet publishing, I realize you have many other choices in this genre, and I am honored you would spend your money and time with me. As writers, we now, more than ever, are judged by our reviews online. If you enjoyed this book, please leave an honest review on Amazon.

  For those of you interested in this series, please consider keeping in touch by visiting my website at for upcoming books and projects, as well as weekly updates on what I am up to. I will not distribute your e-mail anywhere and will only contact you in reply to a question you may have or to let you know of an upcoming volume or series I am about to release.

  In return for your e-mail, I will forward you my Quick Guide e-book (free of charge and not available for sale) with more information on the characters of Families First, including their backstories, much of which you will not find in any of the volumes.

  Lance K. Ewing

  Reviews from Amazon


  5.0 out of 5 stars ~~~Outstanding continuation~~

  October 8, 2019

  This one is a five-star read for me. Am more familiar with the characters now. Individuals (as well as the group) encounter more problems, and new situations arise to keep the interest of the readers. Well done to the author for creating more intense situations.

  And, I love the fact that this group and the individuals have faith in God, which never wavers... Just outstanding.

  I am also delighted to read that this author will continue this series... More action to come our way…

  Most highly recommended...and looking forward to the next one in this series.

  * * * *

  Looking Forward to Book 3!

  October 29, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  A wonderful 2nd in series by Mr. Ewing. The characters’ stories have evolved, and we are learning to like even the seemingly unlikable person in the group.

  The writing style is unique in that Mr. Ewing writes like he was actually telling the story to us live, which I’m really enjoying. It’s honest and pretty straightforward; there aren’t many unnecessary passages, and no flowery wording. It’s like having a looking glass into the characters’ lives.

  There are very few misspellings or incorrect word uses, so the book flows quickly without having to stop and try to decipher what the author is trying to say.

  I’m very much looking forward to book 3 in this series.

  * * * *

  Clean enjoyable fun read

  December 21, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  A nice change in the apocalyptic genre. Characters based on real people obviously are likable or hated, with some in between. A very interesting story that draws me in and down the road with all the characters. Highly recommended!

  * * * *

  Families First is a fresh approach to the EMP

  October 20, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Lance, this is an amazing first effort. Congratulations. Families First takes a rather unique approach to the EMP genre. It is the emphasis on keeping your own humanity despite the breakdown of society, working to keep family first.

  * * * *

  When will we see book three?

  5.0 out of 5 stars

  November 9, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  OK, I’m hooked
. Let’s get book 3…4…5 out for us to read… Can hardly wait. Thank you for the ride.

  * * * *

  Better than five stars

  November 18, 2019

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Awesome book. It is well thought out…and the characters in the book. I can’t wait for the next book. Keep up the awesome job!

  * * * * * * *

  Chapter One

  Raton Pass, New Mexico

  Beatrice helped to serve a communal breakfast this morning, outside at the guests’ camp.

  After cleanup, she pulled Mel aside and asked him for a favor. Telling him about the DVD her late husband had made for his son and grandson, Mel agreed to bring the TV to her house later in the morning.

  “Please have them here at 10 a.m.” she asked, as Mel headed back outside.

  The morning was bustling, with inventory being taken by Joy and Lucy, and the sounds of children playing in safety for the first time since leaving their homes in McKinney, Texas.

  Getting with Lonnie, Steve and Jake, we looked over the map of Colorado and alternate routes for the larger cities of Trinidad, Colorado Springs, and Denver.

  Having taken this route many times over the years, I had a good idea of the possible choke points on the map.

  Jim, tasked with attempting to get a radio connection with Saddle Ranch, went right to work, asking for no interruptions.

  He had kept a close ear on the crazy guy in Topeka, Kansas, who now was heading west with his ever-growing group of loyal followers.

  * * * *

  David entered his mother’s house, with Mark close behind. Mel had only told them that Beatrice had a surprise for them.

  Handing the DVD to David, she began.

  “Your father made this video only a couple of short months ago for you and Mark. I helped him create it, so I will leave you two alone to view it.”

  David held the disc out to his son, asking Mark if he was ready. “Not really, Dad, but if something happens to this TV, we may never have another chance to see it.”

  “I agree, son,” replied David, as Mark loaded the disc.

  Pressing “Play,” Dean’s image came into focus.

  “Is this on, Beatrice?” asked Dean at the beginning.

  “David, Mark… I’m making this video for you, and if you’re watching this I must surely be gone to the other side.

  “I’m sorry you will find out like this, but I have been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer and have decided to skip the chemo part.

  “After a second, and even third, opinion, I have come to accept my fate. They all tell me that I have a few months to live, at best.

  “I’ve sworn your mother to secrecy, David, as I didn’t want you to see me differently in my final days.

  “Don’t shed any tears for me, as I have lived a great life and have been truly blessed with you both and my beautiful wife of 43 years.

  “I want you both to take care of her in my absence, as she has cared for you all these years. Rest assured that I will be waiting patiently for you all on the other side.

  “Pray often, and live your lives to the fullest.

  “I love you, boys.”

  The short video ended, with a smile from Dean.

  David replayed the video several times, until he committed the short speech to memory.

  Mark smiled at his dad, saying, “I miss Grandpa.”

  “I know,” replied David, hugging him tightly.

  “Thank you, Mom,” announced David, as they exited the TV room. “That is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

  “Son,” added David. “I have another matter to discuss with you. It’s about Tina and the girls.”

  * * * *

  David found Tina playing tag with the kids. He stood at a distance for five minutes, just watching her smiling and engaging every child.

  He had a flashback of his deceased wife playing with their son, Mark, in the backyard when he was only five years old.

  “Lord, if it is your will, I would be kind and faithful to this woman I see before me for the rest of my days,” he prayed aloud.

  * * * *

  Joy and I toured the property on one of the newly acquired Indian motorcycles, taking care to protect her ankle. For the first time since we left our home, I felt like we as a group were safe.

  We ran into David and Tina walking with Veronica and Suzie, exchanging hellos.

  “I haven’t seen Mike or Sheila since we arrived here,” called Joy over the humming of the motor.

  “I saw Mike get dinner for them both last night, but he brought it back to their vehicle and I haven’t seen them since,” David replied.

  “I’m not sure what’s going to happen with those two, but each of them brings something unique to our little group. I don’t know how they are going to react to Mike at Saddle Ranch, though,” I added.

  Reaching the camp, David pulled me aside.

  “Lance, Tina and I have been talking, and we think it would be best for her to stay here with our group when you all move on.”

  “I thought that might be coming,” I replied, smiling and patting him on the shoulder.

  “The girls also,” David added, “as they are her family now and soon to be mine.”

  “Mark is OK with it?” I asked.

  “He can’t wait to have two sisters to look out for,” replied David, with a big smile. “Oh…and I asked her to marry me.”

  “So, she is going to think about it for a long time, I guess,” I said, joking with my old friend.

  “Very funny. She apparently is not going to hold out, like Joy did the first few times you asked her!”

  “Ouch,” I said, both of us laughing.

  * * * *

  We watched Tina, making her rounds and talking with people, as Mark played tag with Suzie and Veronica.

  “I think Mark needs this new family just as much as I do,” stated David.

  “My friend,” I told him, “I am truly happy for you and your now-growing family. Your dad would be so proud.”

  “I know,” replied David. “I talk to him every day, and he left Mark and me a DVD filmed a couple of months ago. He was dying of pancreatic cancer but didn’t want us to know and treat him any different.”

  “That sounds just like the Dean I always knew and looked up to,” I replied.

  * * * *

  Tina spread the news to the rest of the ladies, showing off an engagement ring Beatrice had given David last year to hold on to if he should ever need it.

  The ring had been passed down for two generations but had gotten lost for several years and never made it on the hand of David’s first wife.

  David had asked Veronica and Suzie first about marrying their mom, to get their blessing, and David’s mom was thrilled with the news.

  Mark was able to get James VanFleet on the radio and let him know he could pick up his guns from Lance anytime.

  “Sounds good,” James told him. “We will be up for just a bit tomorrow morning, and tell your dad I have some other news about the area to discuss with him.”

  “Yes, sir,” Mark told him. ‘We will see you tomorrow then.”

  * * * * * * *

  Chapter Two

  Saddle Ranch ~ Loveland, Colorado

  Mac, finishing his meeting with John and Bill, was still not sure how to proceed regarding the Miller boys, who were now nearly stalking him.

  John advised that he review the perimeter security, suggesting that he and Bill inform Samuel about the new developments.

  Jimmy was tasked with gathering the men on security for a noon meeting by the woodshop, close to the western perimeter that had apparently been the breach site last night.

  With a steady and confident demeanor, Mac started the discussion. With most having heard about the spray paint on his house and the earlier incident at the Millers’ home, he wouldn’t have to start at the beginning.

  “OK, guys,” he started. “Apparently, news travels just as quickly now as i
t did in the old-world. So, you all know that Dr. Melton took his life, with myself and Jimmy here as witnesses.

  “Mrs. Miller, from up on the mountain, pointing to a ridge of pine trees two miles up Green Mountain, killed her husband and is trying to frame me for it. Thankfully, I was there with a few of my guys when we made the discovery. This fact will surely keep anyone from the Ranch or the West’s property from coming to any false conclusions.


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