By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3) Page 15

by Katherine Hastings

  He turned to where the Dark Shark bobbed in the water. Her sails now full, she moved toward them.

  “They saw us, Viv! They’re coming!”

  “Thank God. I’m already exhausted,” she panted.

  “Let’s keep moving.”

  Simon started toward his ship but paused when he saw a grey fin slicing through the water at them.

  “Simon!” Vivian shrieked, her own eyes catching the movement. “Shark!”

  Simon pulled her close, wrapping a protective arm around her and clasping his dagger in the opposite hand. The shark moved straight toward them, the sizeable fin getting bigger with each foot it inched closer. Simon swallowed hard and steadied his hand.

  It veered just feet before them, sliding past and bumping along their sides. The length of it dragged out the process as the giant animal swam past. He held his breath until the tip of its tail passed by them.

  “Simon,” she whimpered.

  “Don’t worry, Viv. Sharks don’t attack people. It’s a myth,” he lied with a smile. Confidence boomed in his voice. “We smell and taste like shite to them. The old boy is just curious. Like a playful dog.”

  “They don’t bite?” Her voice trembled with fear.

  “Nah, not that I’ve ever heard. And I’ve spent a hell of a lot of time on the water. Just pretend he’s not there and by the looks of it we’ll be on my ship in no time.”

  The shark circled back, bumping them again as he passed by. By the size of it there was no doubt it was a Great White. Simon looked up at the ship closing in on them. He could only hope it would reach them in time.

  “Just keep treading, Viv. Everything will be fine.”

  He hoped she couldn’t detect the fear in his own voice. He had a long, well-earned hatred for sharks. Especially Great Whites.

  Another circle from the giant fish deepened the pound in his chest.

  Hurry up! Even though the ship made good speed now and was moments away, the agony awaiting its arrival tore at him as deep as the teeth of that shark could.

  “Captain!” he heard Sully’s voice carry across the water. “Shark!”

  Simon couldn’t contain his eye roll. “I can see that, Sully! Hurry up!” he shouted back.

  The ship slowed down, sliding up beside them. The shark turned and bolted away, diving beneath the surface and disappearing from sight.

  “Here!” Edgar’s voice pulled his head up as the ship slowed to a crawl. A rope flew over the railing and splashed in the water just out of his reach. Paddling forward, he grabbed the rope and reached out, pulling Vivian into his arms.

  Working quickly, he tied a knot and slid the rope around her waist.

  “Hold on tight,” he said, placing her hands on the rope. “Pull her up!”

  The men above heaved and Simon sighed with relief when she lifted out of the water. He made a quick glance for their visitor before pulling himself up the planks beside her while she rose. Climbing over the rail, he pulled her into his arms and together they spilled panting onto the deck.

  “Glad you could join us, Captain!” Sully smiled over them.

  “Thank God you saw us. I wasn’t sure if we could make the swim.”

  “Thank Viktor,” George said, swelling with pride while he held up his gifted monocular. “Saw the whole damn thing from the deck. Thought you two would float up riddled with bullet holes for a minute there.”

  “So did I.” Simon laughed. His breathless state turned it into a coughing fit.

  “Glad to see you again, Miss Vivian. You had us scared,” Sully said, crouching down and touching her shoulder.

  “Thank you, Sully. Thank all of you,” she said, looking at the gathering faces around them. “I would be dead if it weren’t for you all. Thank you.”

  “Anytime, Miss Vivian. Now, let’s get you two settled in and get the hell out of here before Cyrus closes the gap.”

  Simon climbed to his feet and extended a hand to Vivian. She took it, her touch sending a shock like lighting down his spine. He pulled her to her feet and led her through the parting crowd to his quarters.

  “George, sail us around the island away from Cyrus, but keep us close to it.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  “Come on, Vivian. Let’s figure out where this treasure is hidden,” he whispered, holding open the door to his quarters while she smiled and stepped inside.


  SIMON CLOSED THE DOOR behind him, and Vivian watched the water run down his leather cloak and pool on the floor. Seeing the puddle he’d created, he pulled it from his shoulders, tossing it over the chair in the corner.

  “God, that thing is heavy as hell when it’s wet.”

  She groaned inwardly. Not again. Seeing him undress one more time might cause her to lose her resolve and launch across the room and into his arms.

  His cream shirt clung to his body, the wet see-through material doing nothing to hide every admirable muscle that bulged beneath it. Swiping his hands through his hair, he shook the water from his ears and sent droplets flying around the room, several splattering her in the face. She remained frozen even against their assault, her eyes locked on the flesh emerging when he pulled off his shirt.

  He caught her intense gaze and held it while he emerged from beneath the shirt. Pulling it over his head, he tossed it on top of his cloak without ever breaking their stare. His hand slid down the front of his pants. She sucked in a breath while she watched it disappear. It emerged moments later wrapped around the wet map.

  “I’ll let this dry before we take a look. I don’t want to risk a tear.”

  All she could do was nod. The map was the last thing on her mind right now... there were other treasures in this room that held her attention.

  He placed the map on the table and let it unroll naturally. “You must be uncomfortable as well?” he asked, a single eyebrow rising. “Wet leather... there is nothing worse.” His eyes raked over the black leather that clung to her every curve.

  Swallowing, she tried to force saliva back into her mouth so she could speak. “Yes, it’s terribly uncomfortable.”

  “Go ahead,” he said, eyeing her once more. “I’ll turn around. You can cover up with the sheets.”

  He held her eyes as long as he could while he made a slow turn around. Waiting for relief when eye contact broke, she didn’t find it when his broad shoulders and rippling back muscles came into view. The sight of his carved back only deepened the burn she felt pulsing through her body, each one ending between her legs.

  My God. He is spectacular. She had never seen his equal.

  “Go on, I won’t peek,” he teased, crossing his arms and staring at the wall. The muscles across his back and arms flexed with the movement. Another surge shot through her body and pulsed between her thighs.

  Vivian undid her laces one by one, peeling the wet leather from her body. Sliding off her boots and pants gave her a great rush of relief to be free of the wet constraints. Her thin white top went last, leaving her standing naked behind him.

  Pulling the white sheet from the bed, she wrapped it around herself, tugging it tightly around her shoulders. Her eyes remained fixed on the sinewy muscles that tapered down to his narrow waist and the round backside threatening to pop out of his wet leather pants.

  “Are you done?” he asked.

  Indulging in the view? No. “Yes, I’m done.”

  Turning around, a slow gaze panned her body. She shivered beneath the thin sheets, but not from the cold.

  “Your leg. I should have a look at it.” He gestured to the chair.

  Any will to resist him had long since left. She moved to the chair, pulling her sheet along with her. Sitting down, she watched him with intrigued eyes while he knelt in front of her. A gentle touch pulled the sheet from her toes and raised the thin material until her leg peeked out beneath it. His hand moved to her calf, cupping it, but careful not to touch the throbbing injury his undressed presence had all but made her forget about. Lifting her leg,
he slid his hands along her skin that burned in the wake of his fingers.

  “Nasty little bugger he was,” Simon said, examining the injury. “I don’t think you need stitches, though.”

  “Oh, good.” No other words would form. All she could think about were the hands on her leg and the desperate need she had to feel them up a little higher.

  “Did he get you anywhere else?” His gaze rose to meet hers.

  “I, I don’t know...” she stammered. The desire coursing through her caused her lips to part, her breathing quickening beneath his touch.

  Recognition reflected in his eyes. The same desire burned back at her.

  “Perhaps I should have a closer look,” he said, his words weighted with intention.

  She nodded, holding his gaze, begging him with her own.

  He let his gaze fall back to her exposed leg. Lifting it gently, he propped her foot atop his shoulder. Rough hands pushed more of the sheet away, exposing almost her whole leg. Cupping it with both hands, they slid along the length of it, each inch bringing him closer to touching where she wanted him most. She watched him with parted lips, heavy breaths passing through them.

  His eyes lifted to meet hers. Raw desire seethed behind them, like storms clouds colliding over the sea. “I see no other injury. Perhaps I should check your other leg?” His true intent flashed through his eyes.

  A slow nod tipped her head up and down.

  His hands abandoned her leg, leaving it propped on his muscular shoulder. They slid along her calf, lifting her other leg as well. The sheet fell between her legs, only the sheer material separating him from the heat she radiated, threatening to start it on fire. He moved his hands over her foot, sliding up her leg to the middle of her thigh.

  She moaned, the sound slipping out while she closed her eyes and let his touch ignite the embers of passion smoldering inside her.

  “Vivian,” he breathed, dropping her leg and rising to meet her. She opened her eyes to see him towering above her, his lips just inches from her own. His eyes no longer begged for her permission, they burned with intent and a knowing passion.

  “Simon,” she panted.

  He needed no other encouragement. Rough hands cupped her face, his lips colliding with her own. He kissed her with such force she moaned, unsure if it was from pleasure or pain. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him while she allowed his tongue to invade her. Matching his passion with her own, she pulled him down, inhaling the smell of saltwater still lingering on his skin.

  With her arms around his neck, he rose, pulling her up into his arms. Her toes dangled above the floor, his strong arms holding her tight against him. The assault on her mouth continued while his hands raked through her hair. A raw, powerful bond twisted and mingled between their breaths.

  “Vivian,” he moaned between kisses. When he pulled his lips away, a squeak of disapproval slipped out of her mouth. A whimper replaced it when his lips touched her neck and began peppering their way down her throat. His tongue traced the lines of her neck and slid up to the base of her ear. It sent a shiver rippling down her spine.

  Moving her hands to his chest, she slid them down his stomach. Reaching the clasp of his pants, her fingers worked to undo it.

  “No,” he said, pulling back. The firm words startled her to stop.

  “What?” she asked, stepping backward, pulling her sheet tightly closed.

  “I said, no. It isn’t about me right now, Vivian. This is about you. It’s your turn to have someone pleasure you.”

  “Oh,” she breathed. Before she could respond he stepped forward, sliding an arm around her back. She gasped while he tipped her backward, his hand catching her head while his lips crashed down on her. She submitted to his will, folding into his arms and giving up her control.

  The intimacy and vulnerability of the moment wasn’t lost on Vivian. For the first time in her life, she did something foreign while pressed against a man.

  She surrendered.

  Lifting her back to her feet, he backed her up toward the bed. Raw heat burned from his eyes while he moved his hands to her shoulders. They moved to the fabric, pushing it down inch by inch until only her hands clutched to her breasts held it up. With a gentle tug, he pulled it away and the sheet dropped to her feet. His eyes raked her naked body, his breath quickening as he took her in.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. Stepping forward, he cupped her chin in his hand, tipping her head up. A soft kiss pressed against her lips. There was more behind it than pure desire.

  She whimpered when his lips pulled away, but the longing was soon filled when they returned to her skin and moved with little kisses down to the soft flesh of her breasts. Large hands cupped her mounds and pushed them up into his waiting mouth. She moaned and let her head fall backward while his tongue twirled around her swollen nubs. Gentle nibbles pulled her flesh between his teeth causing squeals of pain and pleasure. Light flicks of his tongue soothed the welcomed pain and sent her head swirling.

  Without warning his hands and mouth disappeared. Vivian opened her eyes, raising her head to see him towering above her. His hands moved to her hips, pressing her back until she bumped the bed. A gentle shove sent her falling backward, her feet still pressed on the floor. Simon moved forward and dropped to his knees before her.

  He held her gaze while his large hands slid up between her thighs. This time, his fingers didn’t stop. A long finger slid inside her, and she clenched her eyes tight and dropped her head back into the bed. She could feel him moving inside her, sliding in and out with slow strokes. Biting her lip, she squeezed her eyes tighter.

  His arms pressed against her inner thighs, forcing them open. She looked up to see him gazing between her legs while he slid a finger against the swollen bundle of nerves that screamed for his touch. She moaned when his fingers moved around it, the sensation causing her legs to tremble. Both hands worked together, sliding in and out, twirling around, moving as one while she moaned beneath him. Her heat built to boiling, her body threatening to explode.

  “Not yet,” he whispered, slowing his assault on her senses.

  Desperation for release tightened her stomach while she looked up to see him propped between her thighs. His fingers slid out from her depths, a frustrated moan pushing out from her swollen lips. A coy smile crossed his face while she writhed untouched before him. Holding her gaze, he leaned forward, a cool breath of air blowing across her burning heat. She cried out, pressing her legs open wider. Another breath teased her wet skin and sent her desires screaming.

  “Please, Simon!” she panted.

  His smile faded, passion burning in his eyes its replacement. She watched while he leaned forward, her body screaming for his touch. His fingers found their way back to her, sliding up the length of her and parting her open. His mouth hovered just above her, his eyes waiting for her to beg.

  “Simon,” she breathed.

  His tongue slipped out and touched her most sensitive spot. She screamed out, her hips bucking against him. His elbows pressed into her hips, holding her down. Each tantalizing twist of his tongue sent her writhing beneath him. His fingers released their hold of her while his tongue continued its assault. A single finger slid inside her, pressing deep on the spot that sent her dizzy with pleasure. Moving in rhythm with his tongue, they worked together until the heat built to where she was certain she would explode. She screamed as he brought her to her peak, her body shuddering as the waves rushed over it, his touch softening with each one.

  Lying below him, she could feel him rise above her. Peeling her eyes open, she saw him towering over her. She reached out a weary arm and called him down to her. His body descended on her, his lips finding their way back to her own.

  “Vivian,” he whispered between kisses. “I would do anything for you.”

  “Then take me, Simon.”

  Their eyes locked. Her hands reached for his pants, fumbling to get them open. Simon groaned when her fingers slid down below, brushing u
p against his manhood. Propping himself on an elbow, he pushed his pants down. His member sprang forth, the size of it causing her to gasp. Her small hand reached out and grasped it by the base. He moaned while she slid it up and down the length of him.

  “Vivian,” he sighed, her pace quickening. “I want you.”

  “Then take me, Simon.”

  His eyes snapped open and bore down into hers. When he moved his body, she let go of him and then felt him pressing against her entrance. With one thrust he entered her, their gasps melding into one. She held her breath while he filled her. A slow thrust pushed him deeper, her hips raising to meet him. Each thrust quickened his pace, their breathing growing faster to match. She dug her fingers into his muscular back, pulling him in as deep as he could go.

  “Simon!” she cried, her body tightening again. He moaned and pushed once more while she toppled over the edge of passion and rode the waves of ecstasy down with him. He collapsed beside her, sweat pouring off them both while they gasped for air.

  “I can’t say I’ve ever experienced anything like that,” he said between breaths. He turned his head, a playful smile pulled up on his lip.

  Suddenly she felt exposed lying there beside him. It wasn’t her lack of clothes, it was the raw emotions she felt for him she had allowed to seep through unchallenged. They terrified her and sent her scurrying back into her shell.

  “I won’t charge you for this one,” she said.

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare do that, Vivian,” he begged. He rolled over and touched her cheek. “I’m not letting you do that again. You are feeling what I’m feeling... I know you are. You’re not hiding behind your past again. I won’t let you.”

  She couldn’t stop herself. Fear once again took ahold of her tongue. “Simon, this was nice but—”

  His lips stopped her short of finishing. His tongue pressed into her mouth and forced the lie back inside. Softening to his touch, her arms reached out without her permission and wrapped around his neck. Each twist of his tongue broke down the words that threatened to ruin this one thing she wanted... the thing that scared her the most. His lips slowly pulled away.


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